View Full Version : Low-ish Level Bard Spell that erases memory?

2012-07-18, 06:40 PM
I once heard that there was a bard spell that was of a far lower level then programed amnesia(which is a 9th) that can be used to make somebody forget something, such as being dominated by a dominate person spell. Does anybody know the name, spell level and sourcebook of this spell? If you could tell me I'd greatly appreciate it.

2012-07-18, 06:53 PM
I once heard that there was a bard spell that was of a far lower level then programed amnesia(which is a 9th) that can be used to make somebody forget something, such as being dominated by a dominate person spell. Does anybody know the name, spell level and sourcebook of this spell? If you could tell me I'd greatly appreciate it.

The only thing that comes to mind is modify memory. I don't remember what lvl it is but I'm pretty sure it's low. Creatively used it could fit your needs. Ambush->dominate->demand your victim accept a suggestion/ implanted suggestion-> command victim to act as though not dominated-> modify memory so that victim doesn't know about being dominated/ having an implanted suggestion. Modify memory only lets you modify the last 5 minutes, so you've got to be quick.

2012-07-18, 07:05 PM
Well, Modify Memory is 4th level. So now you have Name and Level

2012-07-18, 07:07 PM
You may have to settle for Bluff (to explain it away, or convince him not to bother. If that's not likely, say you have connections with the local police/mafia/gangs, and they can make life hell for him), Diplomacy (convince him not to bother), paying the guy off, or killing him. Changing memory is powerful magic.

UMD a scroll of Modify Memory. If you can't make a UMD check, you can try a one-charge wand if your DM allows that.

2012-07-18, 08:03 PM
Well, Modify Memory is 4th level. So now you have Name and Level

wow. 4th, really? Not too big a deal. A scroll is only 1,000gp and a dc 11 cl check.

2012-07-18, 08:18 PM
You could of course use the Commoner's Modify Memory: Alcohol. Lots and lots of alcohol :smallbiggrin:.

2012-07-18, 08:25 PM
Modify Memory doesn't say it changes the last 5 minutes. You can change any memory of the subjects. Or implant or remove any memory. As long as its only 5 minutes long.

2012-07-18, 08:57 PM
You could of course use the Commoner's Modify Memory: Alcohol. Lots and lots of alcohol :smallbiggrin:.

This is my favorite solution so far.

2013-01-26, 04:46 AM
Well, Modify Memory is 4th level. So now you have Name and Level

Do i learn his entire past when i did cast modify memory?

dose he notice me while sculpting his mind ?

dose he notice me if he win the savingthrow?

2013-01-26, 04:56 AM
Do you? (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/modifyMemory.htm)

You can also do it as a Psion/Wilder. 4th level of course.
EDIT: Telepath, Derp!