View Full Version : Nondetection

2012-07-18, 08:33 PM
The warded creature or object becomes difficult to detect by divination spells such as clairaudience/clairvoyance, locate object, and detect spells.

How am I supposed to read this part? The text mentions three completely different divinations: one with a sensor, one that tells the path to something, and one with a range of vision. Does Nondetection foil all these three categories of spells, including Find the Path, True Seeing, Scry? And most importantly, is this OK?

2012-07-18, 08:41 PM
*whisper* It foils the one's that are third level or lower *whisper*

2012-07-19, 05:08 AM
Yes it can foil virtually any divination spell - however there's a caster level check involved... Also at 50gp/cast it's not cheap to keep using.

2012-07-19, 06:52 AM
Pretty decent if you get it as a class feature, though. I try to always get five levels into Unseen Seer for my rogue/caster builds for the 15+cha level nondetection... Even though Mind Blank probably does this and better.

2012-07-19, 07:27 AM
Does Nondetection foil all these three categories of spells, including Find the Path, True Seeing, Scry? And most importantly, is this OK?

No, Yes, and Yes.

Find the Path indicates the direct route to an area or location, not a person or an object. Nondetection only works on creatures or objects. There is no cross-over between their effects.

True Seeing is definitely a divination. Of course, if you're visible having a Nondetection on you will not stop the person with True Seeing seeing you, but it would, potentially*, stop them seeing the fact you're Polymorphed, for example.

Nondetection specifically mentions protecting against Crystal Balls, which are merely a Scry spell in item form.

*The key word here, and it applies to all of the above spells, is 'potentially'. Nondetection is not perfect, unlike Mindblank. Any divination has a chance to succeed. For similar level casters that chance is between 25% and 50% (depending on the target of the Nondetection), for each and every diviniation spell cast.

2012-07-19, 08:59 AM
You could always bypass it with psionics or other workarounds, and for some divinations by simply targeting a creature's home or mount or an associate, instead of them specifically, or using Gather Information or Survival to find someone.

But I think that the intended effect of Nondetection is to make you non-detectable. So unless you're using it all of the time and specifically provoking others to try and find you (committing crimes or specifically working against someone in a way that they would notice), I would just leave a creature under the protection of Nondetection un-detected.

2012-07-19, 01:24 PM
Well its just a caster level check, so the diviner could keep spamming their spells.