View Full Version : Masters Crew: Sliver

2012-07-19, 11:58 AM
This is the individual IC thread for Sliver.

2012-07-19, 01:06 PM
*Roams the thread*

Yeah, this is my place.

*Marks territory, dog style*

2012-07-23, 12:02 PM
Thomas eyes flashed open as he woke up. He looked around and saw the clock. 10:28 am. He rubbed his eyes and groaned as he shifted and felt the liquor in his stomach turn. He sat up and pushed the drunken girl laying on him off and onto the other side of the couch. He looked around and saw the trail of destruction left by the night before. Bottles and drugs laid out over the tables and floor where in huge volumes.

A smack to the face and a long rise from his place and he was on the move. He went to next room and found a coffee maker already turned on. He looked around the room and saw John standing at the far end.

He gave a low laugh through his teeth "Look who it is, I thought you would have been out running around with those guys from last night. Starting to make me think you'd rather be with them" he said as he looked behind him at the many young women laid out across the scene. "What were you guys doing all night?" he stumbled as he reached up for a coffee cup.

2012-07-23, 12:27 PM
John smoked silently, waiting for Thomas to finish his coffee. He breathed out, trying to make rings of smoke, not quite succeeding. He tapped the cig, letting the ash fall into the floor.

"Nothing serious." He finally said. "A few Cougar shops were empty, wired 'em. Won't be long before the guys swoop in and take them down, just a few nights of evidence gathering." He waves his hand dismissively.

"Don't worry, I always rather hang out with them." John said with a straight face. He wasn't joking, he wasn't hiding it. He loved the money, the gigs were what sporting his lifestyle. But it wasn't his dream job, being a cop, on the other hand, was.

"I see you had a busy night as well." John notes, taking in the sight behind Thomas.

I hope I make the right assumptions here... :smalltongue:

2012-07-23, 12:50 PM
Thomas looked behind him and smiled with a cup of coffee up to his mouth "Just a little get together" he readjusted his pants slightly "I guess I got lucky" he laughs in pain as his headache kick in with its full fury.

"You should really take a night off some time" he sipped the last bits of his coffee and then looked at John with a raised eyebrow "You might get lucky some time as well" He started a slow unbalanced walk over to where John was. Thomas stopped next to the sink and turned on the facet to wash off his face. He splashed his face twice and then breathed out heavily "come on" he pulled his keys out of his pocket and tossed them to John "Its waffle time and your driving" he grinned slightly but suddenly his eyes shot open. "wait, hold on!" he ran over to the first room and started to hunt around for a minute. A few moments later he came back to the front door stuffing a small bag of drugs into his pocket "almost left my blow. Come on now, my car is right up the street there to the left" He walked over to the car and climbed in.

This is all so I can get a feel for your character, nothing to major. Just want to know how your character sees himself in everything. This guy is just a friend of your, how good is up to you. He is a small time criminal, part of the gang you work for but with absolutely no power and he like you more than them

2012-07-23, 01:06 PM
John waved Thomas' suggestion. "I already told you it's not my style, man." He said. He followed behind Thomas down the street. But as Thomas turned to his car, John stopped him. "Nah dude, let's take my ride. Cops won't stop us that way. Can park anywhere dude."

As they entered John's trusty Carlton Lotus, black metallic paint, not even a single scratch, John started up the engine. "So let's head out. Where to? Any good idea."

2012-07-23, 01:16 PM
"There is a little mom and pop place on 5th street, best french toast I've ever had. Lets head up there" He sank into the pristine seats and looked out the front window as the car started driving off. "So I talked with James, he wants to bring me in on more stuff... A lot more stuff. I guess they have a big deal in the works and they are going to need a bunch of guys. You know whats going on man, they won't tell me much"

2012-07-23, 01:38 PM
Jonathan sighed as he pulled to a stop at a traffic light before a stop. "Look man, I don't think I should go into too much detail yet. You wanna be in on bigger deals, I get it, but you should take smaller steps, don't get into the deep end of the drug pool, you barely know how to swim Tom."

They were a few blocks away from TOAST. "You'll know where it goes down later, but you really want people to really know who you are, take more initiative. Try to organize some vests and guns, get a few people together... You could set up a good backup, if things go south you could really pull us through." He slowed down and parked near the shop.

2012-07-23, 02:05 PM
"Yeah, your right" Thomas wiped his face "I don't know man, they keep putting me on little nickel and dime gigs and then suddenly this comes along, I just had to bite" He pulled himself from the car and started into the shop.

"Hey Candice" he said as he waved at the fat woman behind the counter. She waved and pointed him over to a table and started pouring his usual cup of coffee. The restaurant was mostly filled with elderly people all slowly working through their meals. Thomas sat down at the table and looked around at the room and the parking lot trying to find any threats. After he saw nothing his shoulders sank and he relaxed in the seat.

"You know your a machine right" he looked up at John "I don't know how you do it. Every day you are on point, never to far ahead or to far behind." Candice walked over to the table and set down his coffee. "What can I get you men?" she asked with a big plump smile. "I think we need a minute hun" Thomas smiled at her as she walked over to another table.

Thomas pulled the coffee into his hands more for the distraction than the coffee. "Yeah, a machine man" he looked into the coffee as he turned it in his hands "What do you get out of this John? A guy like you could have anything you wanted"

2012-07-23, 02:49 PM
"What do you mean more time? French toast, you promised me they had it great!" He said and glanced backwards after the woman passed.

"Bah, you are exaggerating. I get by... You know, a little faith really helps one keep going. I have my own boundaries, otherwise, you know... It's easier and faster to get ahead. But there is a grander scheme, far grander than you and me, and we are just playing our roles in it. But I shouldn't babble on... It's foolish to be preachy in a breakfast diner..." John scratched his head.

"I really can't get anything I want." He said after they ordered toast and more coffee. "I'm owned, don't you get it? I do anything the guys don't like, they hand my ass to the cops on a silver platter. The trick is to get the best out of a sucky situation."

2012-07-23, 03:49 PM
Thomas shrugs "You say that but your a legend man. You took out those fools on Easter boulevard using the cops man. Just like that man, gone" Thomas pushed his coffee to the side as his waffles were slide in front of him. "To these guys your an amazing weapon man, like some kind of nuke bro. Why don't you push these guys off their perch. I mean Bruce is cool but he is just a soldier like me" Thomas leans over his meal "You could be the boss man, that would solve all those problems. Don't you want that power? I would love to be the boss" he said as he stuffed waffle into his mouth.

2012-07-23, 04:02 PM
John shakes his head as he takes a bite of his toast. "No man, being in charge? I'd hate that. Not only I'd have no idea what to do with myself, but being constantly watched? The focus of everybody? A huge target on my back... No way man. I have it good, I'm hardly anyone's target and with tons of protection."

He took a sip of his coffee. "Nah, I'm not the director of that play. What about you? Why do you want to be the boss so much? Do you just want the power for power's sake, or do you actually have plans?"

2012-07-23, 04:35 PM
Thomas chuckled as he listened "Well, I just think that the guys who do the work should get the cash. I'm tired of paying for my bosses hand jobs and sports cars" Thomas looked at his phone as a small vibration is heard. He looked at his phone for a second and then pushed his way out of the booth. "Get up bro, we have to go. Vince is drunk again" Thomas threw a healthy roll of cash on the table and apologized to Candice as they moved out of the building. "We need to get over to The Brick House, its right up the street"

2012-07-24, 11:42 AM
John rolled his eyes as they left the diner. "Sure, let's walk then." He says. "Any detail?" He simply asked.

2012-07-24, 01:12 PM
"You know my brother, not even noon and he is already toasted" They ran towards the bar. As they got close the sound of a huge fight and yelling was heard from outside. "God he really got the place going this time" as he opened the door and stepped inside he was cracked in the face with a bottle" He slammed to the ground as blood poured down his face.

A fight has been started between two gangs inside and unless you stop it combat is about to start

2012-07-24, 02:18 PM
John cursed under his breath. Thomas was hit just as he entered, so he had to be careful. He wished he did take the car. It wasn't that much of a distance away, but things could escalate quickly... If he could just activate the sirens and scare off the men, or at least give them a common fake enemy. But he wouldn't actually call the police, that would be a bit harmful before the big plan...

First of all, he quickly dragged Thomas aside, ripped his sleeve and bandaged his head.

Quick patch up only, not sure how important to roll... Unlikely, since I'm not doing a lot here, but just in case. Dex+Medicine


[roll1] (extra in case 10)

Heh, one success, so I didn't strangle him with his own sleeve? :smalltongue:

Although my extra rolls were quite better.

As he finished, he pulled out his gun from his hidden pocket in the jacket before kicking the door, pointing it at anyone standing besides it that might threaten him.

2012-07-25, 09:14 PM
As John entered he became aware just how out of hand the situation was. Several large men where slumped over tables bruises already forming on their faces. It looked as if 6 very stocky men were fighting 5 bikers around the room. Bottles and chair legs where in hand as the men swung at each other, knocking each other about the head. John winced as he saw Vince punched in the mouth and fell flat on the ground next to the bar. As John witnessed this one of the many people standing around the room jumped towards John and began to wrestle for the gun.

2012-07-25, 10:46 PM
John cursed for being caught off guard, but he had enough of this. He pushed at the gun, instead of pulling it, and spun around as he gained minor distance between him and the man that he just gave his gun to, drawing his primary pistol in the process and pointing it right away, keeping it closer to himself, his other hand slightly reached forward.

"Hand it over, or I'll take it from your corpse." He says coldly.

Manipulation+Intimidate+Gun (Yes, I'm assuming a heavy pistol is worth as much as it can deal :smalltongue:)


Extras for 10s [roll1]

.... F**K

So... Ummm... Initiative? :smalltongue:

2012-07-25, 10:52 PM
I'm... An idiot. :smallredface:



Yes, that's slightly better. :smallamused:

2012-07-26, 04:40 PM
The man looked shocked at scared beyond his wits. He cowered and curled away as if to protect himself from the strike of the weapon "Oh god please don't hurt me!" he complied with the order and tossed the weapon however as he was curled up it flew at an awkward angle, not landing at Johns feet but several feet away. The threat had been eliminated but the commotion had attracted attention as the brawlers one after the other gained sight of the weapon. Several ran towards the back but the bikers stood firm, bruised but not nearly beaten they looked resolved to meet the new threat head on.
"Who are you?!" a portly 1%er said loudly as he and two other bikers stepped forward. They moved towards John spitting the blood from their mouths. The other two remained in combat farther away, possibly oblivious. They stopped several feet away each starring directly at John, blood dripping from their beards.

The guy who went for your gun was just some concerned citizen. Fights are one thing but guns are a big escalation and he tried to stop it but he is no threat. 4 men from one faction just cleared out. There are now three bikers with you and two fights, 1 on 1 each behind them.
Please let me roll for you from now on as I don't believe you are subtracting the targets resolve as it is a contested action. The same is for combat with dodge and cover. From now on state in the dialogue what your character does (just like you have been doing) and then state in the spoiler what stats you think the roll uses along with the target and your dice pool for the stats you are listing (just like you have been doing). I will then subract any penalties like defense and cover etc. and then show roll results on a spoiler at the top of the next post.
For your own notes unless someone is special their default stats are four across the board. 2 for each skill and attribute and four health and willpower.

2012-07-26, 04:46 PM
And no initiative, the ball is in your court. You will find that I detest initiative as most encounters are ambushed or spontaneous actions that don't quiet lend themselves to the group roll. However if you maneuver into it we will have a draw style show down which will use initiative :smallsmile: Your doing great man, keep it up. I love the energy and your character is being played very well.

2012-07-26, 05:01 PM
"Not your f**king business!" Jonathan says as he takes a few slow steps towards where his other gun rests, keeping his eyes and aim on the bikers. "I suggest you break this up and screw off, or I'll make sure your brains are splattered all over the wall!"

So again a similar Manipulation+Intimidation+tools=8.

And thanks, always feels good to hear :smalltongue: I'm enjoying it too.

2012-07-26, 05:44 PM
-2 for targets highest resolve, -2 for three targets, pool 4 output 1: 7, 1, 9, 9 two successes

The bikers became aware very quickly that John was not playing around. They saw the eyes of a predator and they dared not tempt him. The main one gave a smaller forced laugh "Alright Rambo, no need to be stupid man. We were just leaving anyway" he walked slowly backwards grinning with a bloody smile as they stepped away. They pushed the last fights apart and walked out together through the back. The room was silent for a few seconds as people looked around at the carnage. But suddenly a heavy cough was heard as Vince slowly started to rise from the floor. His stomach hung below his shirt and he could barely stand let alone recover from the fight with speed. "UNO mas, cervasa por favor" the heavily Caucasian man said in a slump. He slipped and landed in a seating position on the stage, laughing at his own idiocy. He looked around and spotted John standing with a gun in hand. "hey John, hey!" he then became aware of the moaning bodies and broken tables. "Oh John, what did you do John?"

2012-07-27, 12:20 AM
"I was cleaning your damn mess." John says as he puts the gun away, picks up his secondary pistol and hides it as well while walking quickly outside to help Thomas up and inside.

"I know it's not going to happen, but I'll say it anyway. I hope that you see now what drinking so much, so early, does not just to you, but to your damn brother. Do you realize how lucky we got out of this, that I didn't have to fire a single shot?"

2012-07-27, 02:41 PM
Vince looked very remorsfully at Tom as he was dragged inside. He looked slowly around the room, and then frowned heavily. "Your right John, we got really lucky, and that could have ended really bad. You never know what moment will be your last" Vince stumbled over to the bar and picked up a bottle of whiskey that was resting on its side. He looked at it in disgust. "Well, come on over John. We will toast your victory" he said as he pushed the bottle to his lips and drank heavily from the bottle. He choked on the bottle and with one solid movement he fell straight back and crashed onto the ground.
The crowd saw this and then started to clear out. The show was over and the place was trashed, time to go to the next one. Tom was starting to come together just long enough to see Vince fall. He didn't flinch or gasp or anything, a testiment to how many times he had been witness to that stunt. "Let's drag him out of here" Tom said. He rose slowly and started to gather his brother into his hold. "Hey what about this place!!" the bartender yelled. Tom pulled up his shirt slightly to reveal a large caliber pistol in his waist band. "Really!?" He said very plainly. Tom was so ready to go. The bartender shut up and slumped against destroyed drink display looking very defeated.
The two pulled Vince out of the bar and started to awkwardly carry him down the street. "We should have brought the car" Tom grunted as he tried to grab onto his brothers girth. The men filled the car and started to drive off as uniformed officers started to arrive at the scene.

The day ends with not to much else happening. What do you do in the morning. Can be anything.

2012-07-27, 03:04 PM
The TV was on, but the sound was turned down, barely audible. John took a sip out of his favorite mug, full of black coffee. Setting it down, he broke a couple of eggs over the hot pan. "Yes mom, I'm eating well." He said to his cell phone, resting on the kitchen counter, set on speaker. "Don't worry, I hardly drink anything stronger than coffee..." It's not that he hated alcohol, it was just that he had to be constantly on guard, not wanting to say anything at the wrong place, at the wrong time...

"Yes, I'm praying every day... No, I didn't have time to go to church last week, I'll try next time... I'm sure he doesn't care where I prey that much... Yeah, yeah, I'll come visit you soon enough. Tell dad I said hi, love you." A quick couple of beeps informed John that after his mother said goodbye, she hung up.

The fried eggs were ready. He slid them into a plate, grabbed the mug of coffee and slid into the living room. The early news show had just finished a story about the brawl yesterday. "Really now, don't they have more important things to cover?" John mumbled to himself as he ate his breakfast.


John sad down on the bench in the entrance to the police station, just besides the receptionist's desk. He unfolded the morning newspaper, casually flipping through for anything interesting, keeping his ears open to anything more... Interesting, happening around.

He wondered if the wiring of the Cougar gang had brought up anything interesting so far... John waited to bust them up, gather some 'sugar' as evidence to sell off. That was one of the easiest ways for John to get any kinds of drugs. Tons gets confiscated, hardly any solid account of any of it actually staying where it should be, and the few files that are still around, way too easy to temper with.

Sometimes it made Jonathan sad how easy it was to work the system. It wasn't one of these times.

2012-07-27, 09:33 PM
A man walked by John, hitting him on the knee with a small stack of papers. As John looked up, half annoyed he recognized a familiar face. As the man walked off he waved the stack of papers in a "Come with" motion. John scanned around him real quick and then started off after him. As he caught up the man greeted him with a big smile "Hey John, good to see you again. This place is really starting to get boring" The man turned off into an office as he talked, directing John to come with him. He went to the desk in the office and picked up a fairly thick stack of papers. "I got those calls you were looking for, I guess someone is getting bored over there because these guys won't stop talking about taking outsome guy named..." He pulled the papers from John and then shuffled through them wildly, finding what he wanted he pushed the papers back in Johns hand "Mouse" And next time you ask me a "Big Favor" make sure its a challenge, now you owe me a pair of Yankee's tickets for watching after some low class thugs. Well, in there you have their planned movements for the next week or so. Parties, dating, dental appointments; its all there and I will keep more coming in" He looked up from his glasses knowingly "I assume you won't be needing for long John" he said as their eyes locked "Just give me a heads up when things go down and anything you need to disappear will be taken care of"

This guys name is Carter, he is a technician at the unit and is cool with you but mainly is doing it because you bribed him. Not as solid of a contact as Tom but still cool with you

2012-07-28, 09:25 AM
John leafed through the report before speaking up. "Yeah, yeah. Thanks, that's great. Of course, I'll be sure to call you up. Here, lunch is on me." John said as he went through his pocket, finding twenty bucks and throwing them on the table.

John took the reports and went out of the office. He found his way to his desk, looked around for a moment before dropping the stack on the table and sitting down.

He skimmed through the stack of papers, looking for locations he recognized, opportunities to strike, anything that he could use against them... Then he stopped for a moment, logged into his user on the computer and looked for that Mouse, hoping to find his file.

2012-07-28, 09:58 AM
The computer screen loaded and a wirey hair mug shot appeared on the screen. Tattoos on his face and neck were just a compliment to the meth riddled teeth he showed off as he smiled real big at the camera. Caucasion male, 65 inches, 155 pounds, brown eyes, purple hair read the profile. He looked like a peice of work but his records were less impressive. Burglary, resisting arrest, public intoxication, drug possession with intent to distribute, all the charges looked petty compared to the stuff John had seen before. But he suddenly noticed that all the charges had been dropped or were pending trial. He had been arrested but nothing seems to have stuck. No address, only a contact number for his parents. Currently wanted for questioning in a recent hold up at a local gas station.
John looked confused, this guy was just street trash but not at all a cougar shot caller. He couldn't see anything that would show a relation between the two. He did get the name of the lead investigator in the robbery case though, Lt Anderson down in gang response. John hardly knew him but they worked the same groups so he could gather some information or fly solo and hit the parents place.

2012-07-28, 10:11 AM
John pushed the keyboard away and rubbed his temple, thinking for a moment about his next action. He took the relevant page, the rest putting in one of the desk drawers and locking it. He folded the paper twice and slid it neatly into his jacket pocket before standing up. Damn Cougars.

This Mouse dude was someone with inside connections. Who knows what that man knows, and if he knows something about John, he could spill it all if he was caught, trying to arrange a deal with the DA. John knew that not all crooks were afraid to snitch, and he had no idea how powerful Mouse's protection was to guarantee his lack of cooperation with the cops. Perhaps it's better to help the Cougars take him out...

Jonathan went down to the gang response department, looking for Anderson.

2012-07-28, 10:43 AM
Anderson stood in the main meeting room, his group was breifing their commander on the recent movements of groups in the area, routine stuff. "And we believe the brawl at Brickhouse the other night was the start of a new gang war between the Jericho boys and a new gang led by this man" the officer held up a scetch that looked almost like John but was so horribly off and cartoonish that all likeness was lost "We believe that this man is the Leader and our intelligence says he is making moves to take down all the rival gangs in the south side" What a load of horse crap. Anderson was in the rear eating a box of pastries. He was a fat tub of a man, huge really and as John entered he couldn't help but notice Anderson had the box proped up on top of his stomach. Anderson gave John a little wave then stepped out to talk with him. Pulling the door shut behind him they stood in the hallway "Hey Reeds, what's up? You here looking for The Brickhouse Boss as well?"

2012-07-28, 10:51 AM
"Nah man. From my field work I heard he was probably some nutcase. Heard it's a wonder he survived, probably going to get killed off quickly." John waved it off. The idea that someone suspected John to be starting his own gang was ridiculous.

"No, I heard you were looking for a guy called Mouse. His name came up in a case I'm working on and I was wondering if you have some info you could share about him."

2012-07-28, 11:16 AM
"Oh yeah, Mouse. That guy is a pain in my butt..." he paused to weeze heavily. "I've aressted him three times now and his slick lawyer father keeps getting him out" Anderson sighed looking defeated, "He is just some low life punk with no respect for anyone, nothing we can't handle. If we could ever get him, that is something he does get right, he can run. Units keep spotting him around town and he just bolts off" Anderson weazed heavily again. "Sorry I can't be of more help John but we are pretty busy trying to keep everyone safe from this guy" Anderson pointed to the group still talking about the Brickhouse case. "Big case you know."

2012-07-28, 11:21 AM
John scratched his neck. "Ah, actually, no, I don't know. I haven't heard he caused any casualties or anything that is supposed to make him a big fish. Do you have any info on the case that I might have missed?"

2012-07-28, 11:39 AM
"Well our sources say this was just his first move. Supposedly he has big plans for the city. Capon kinda big" He weazed heavily "Just watch your back for this guy Reeds, he's crazy"

I'm playing around with you man, nothing will come of this. He is just an idiot

2012-07-28, 11:49 AM
Heh, don't worry. John himself is messing with him a bit... Even if they had a better image and recognized him, he wouldn't be scared of the police.

"I'm sure he is." John replies and gives Anderson a pat on the shoulder. "Well, if you hear anything about Mouse, let me know. What do you know about his father, by the way? You never had any solid evidence against Mouse?"

John still found the deal fishy. A lawyer still can't fight off facts, unless he can discredit all evidence found, or Mouse had a perfect method that leaves none, which John doubted, something had to be there...

Perhaps, if he could get something on Mouse, he could use that slick lawyer dad in the future. Never know when a super lawman at your side might come in handy...

2012-07-28, 04:27 PM
"No, we had decent evidence but the trial would come around and his father would do a number on us", he huffed at the memory of their defeat. "He could talk witnesses into discrediting their whole testimony. And mouse always put on at least some disguse during his crimes so video was brought into question as it could have been anybody. The kid has never been convicted so he can own a gun legally and the few rounds he shot were too damaged to recover accurate ballistics match" Anderson weazed heavily. "But everything was through due process, just got out matched when it all went down. I don't know if I would keep bailing that kid out but sure enough every time mouse comes in his father is close behind"

2012-08-02, 10:02 AM
John shrugged. "Well, I'm sure Mouse's luck will run out sooner or later." As John turned, he remembered something. "How about Mouse himself? Do you know some of his favorite hanging spots or something? Any surveillance or wiring that you are doing to get evidence?" John assumed Anderson failed to get a court order to do any of that, but wanted to make sure before doing anything rash.

2012-08-02, 01:40 PM
Anderson had started to waddle back towards the room but he turned around as John asked the question. "Well, we keep seeing him down on North Allen road. That's thick into the cougar's territory, a long time ally of mouse, so whenever we give chase someone around there gives him shelter. We have some shaky intel that Mouse visits Patriot's, a local strip club down the street a few blocks from Allen, but that could be wrong as we haven't been able to confirm that" Anderson trailed off into mumbling as he thought very hard. "Personally I wouldn't worry about mouse, poor kid couldn't be a threat even if he tried. And without his dad he would probably be dead right now... I don't know, good luck Reeds" Anderson went back to his meeting leaving John to ponder his next move.

2012-08-02, 01:52 PM
"Thanks" John mumbled insincerely and walked off back to his desk. As he approached his desk, John couldn't keep but wonder why would the cougars want to protect Mouse from the cops while they themselves plan on taking him out. Unless Carter's info wasn't good, which was unlikely. Did Mouse become too much of a hassle?

Well, John needed to get in on the action. He unlocked his drawer and grabbed the files before heading out to his car. As he entered, he checked inside, then around him, of anything suspicious. It was never worth the time spent, yet since his parents were kidnapped by the people he now works with, he could not stop the habit of checking he had his privacy.

When he was satisfied, John pulled out his phone. "Hey Thomas, you busy? Arrange a few guys, I want to make a visit to some wild felines and their prey."

He knew who to call later to make a few modifications to certain wiring records...

2012-08-02, 02:47 PM
Thomas met John outside a restraunt not to far from the unit. The car pulled to a stop and some familiar faces moved out of the car. There was Rich, a small time thug who made his living as a boxer but got a rush from breaking and entering with a little extortion on the side. He was a huge guy with thick arms and chest but his face had become crushed and pug like from a long carreer in the ring. Randal, a slick club rat with a great ability to talk and mingle with just about anyone hopped out the front. He was a young guy with a devil white smile, mainly using fraud and blackmail to live fat without much work at all. And then stepped out Kat, a sexy young thing with the fastest hands around... as a pickpocket she never needed a man but used her fine looks to get really close to all manner of bigfish targets. John knew all these people both from their criminal records and Tom's parties. Most of them had a fine relationship with John save Rich who was still hung up on the idea that John was a cop regardless of how many criminal activities they witness John commit. All of them, including John belonged to the same boss and came in contact pretty often.
Thomas stepped out of the car smiling, his face still black from the fight before. "Hey John, where's the party?"

2012-08-02, 03:07 PM
"We might be castrating a few Cougars today." Said John with a smile before checking up the crew Thomas brought with him. It wasn't exactly what he expected, but it might be even better, John thought with a small smile.

"Hey there Randal, know anything juicy about the Cougars we can use? How about a guy called Mouse? Heard about him?"

"You too, Kat. Hung around anyone that might have spilled something about these guys?"

After getting the information, John laid out the basics. "So I got some info that the Cougars want to take down Mouse, and he thinks they have his back. He's a nobody mostly, but the interesting part is his father. If we play our cards right, he'll owe us big time, and we'll have a powerful lawyer on our side. Considering what a small fish Mouse is and how many times he should have been caught, I'd say it could really come in handy."

2012-08-02, 04:09 PM
Randal gave a large smile, "Hey John, you looking to go after that crazy crew? Well the cougars mostly run their part of town. They have a lot of low ranking soldiers on the streets dealing dope and grabbing valuables so they have a pretty big influence in the area. The kids in the street aren't bad though. It's their crazy ass leaders you need to watch out for. Big D alone took out three other rivals in his area. They are crazy and violent so watch where you step John." He pulled out a cigarette from his jacket and placed it in his lips as he hunted for a lighter. "Yeah I know Mouse, haven't seen that kid in months. Don't tell me we are after him John, he's the low end of the food chain."
Kat trotted up to John for a hug, "Hey Johnny, what are we going after those hood rats for, if got a senator just asking to be worked over." She gave a cute grin and then started to think "Well, I know those cougars are always throwing parties down on North Allen in the Prairie house blocks. We can get in close with that but that is a lot of cats Johnny." She thought for a second about mouse, "I don't think I know mouse Johnny. Is he in with the cougars?" Kat hung almost off of John as they talked, she did this with everyone though. Perhaps as a habit of her trade or maybe she loved the attention that was drawn to her as she pushed herself against men.
Thomas and Rich listened in as John talked about the cougars. "Well where is Mouse John, and is he the target or are the cougars the target?" Thomas asked. Rich just stood silently listening in with a frown on his face. This look almost never changed for Rich until you got him drunk in which case his look is always that of uncontrolable rage.

2012-08-02, 04:22 PM
John placed a hand over Kat's hip almost absentmindedly as they talked. "We are going to a strip club!" He declared and motioned everybody into the car.

As they sat, he took shotgun, with Thomas driving. "We aren't going after Mouse, but it seems we are going to bail his sorry rat ass. I'm not crazy, and the Brickhouse Gang isn't a thing guys. We aren't going taking out the Cougars just yet, but we'll save the guy and have his ass owing us big time." He turned. "So guys, are you all armed?"

As they drove towards the Patriot, John glanced at Thomas. "Now there Tom, mind your entries better, alright? Getting taken out by a bottle once is one thing, but if it happens again, you'll be paying for our drinks for a month."

2012-08-02, 05:37 PM
As John asked about weapons the entire car erupted into a concert of metal clicking and sliding as each of them took handguns from their persons and proceeded to check their weapons are in service. Randal pulled out a sleak 45 caliber 1911 with pearl handle and a silver finish, mostly just for the look more than anything. Rich pulled a 38 revolver, silver with black handle a solid weapon it had a dirty harry look that Rich treasured. Thomas pulled out a 9mm glock with extended magazine, a good weapon but nothing to special. Kat however pulled out a 50 caliber desert eagle with a hello kitty finish. The car looked over at hers, then back at their puny weapons feeling smaller in all the ways that count. "Where do you put that thing Kat?" Thomas asked. "Want me to show you?" She said as she slowly moved her legs apart with her hands. But she suddenly stopped and went into a slight giggling fit as she say the look of desire in everyone face.

Thomas grinned as John talked. "I'm not looking to become anyones trophy man"

The car drove for a good while, finally pulling up at Patriots. The bar was a parody of patriotism with red white and blue all over the place. Girls stood in the doorway with small american flag bras and panties as. "I got this" Said Randal as they stepped out of the car and head for the door. He palmed the bouncer a few bills and smiled and hugged the girls like they were old friends. They were escorted in like kings. The place was pretty decent, good looking girls working pretty hard. Drinks draining quickly with a steady music pounding away. It was silly however, as the place was drenched in american memorabillia. Strippers with WW2 GI helmets and ammo belts barely holding onto their tight hips. The theme was prevolent through out the club.

The club was all one main room with a long stage on the left, smaller private stages to the right, and a bar stretched along the back with old weapons and pictures of old generals long past.

2012-08-03, 11:21 AM
John hates strip clubs. It wasn't enough for women to throw away their self respect and dignity to bounce their breasts and spin on a pole for strangers, but it was a place for them to sell their chastity to a man with some cash. He avoided turning back towards Kat.

Constantly aware of the way she acts, how she earns her living. It wasn't easy for John, so his mind adapted. He ignored those aspects of her, forfeiting any attempt at reasoning that it's something else. He didn't delude himself, he just ignored the issues.

"Alright guys, let's go find Mouse." He said and motioned for them to spread about the club. He scouted the smaller stages for Mouse, then looking for the back rooms where the pricier, private shows were going on. Usually there was a guard standing at the entrance, and John doubted it would be different there.

John wants to talk to Mouse in private. If Mouse is at the private stages, he'll offer to "pay" for a private dance at the back rooms for them to talk. If none of the team finds him in here, he'll assume Mouse is already in one of the rooms and he'll go there to check it out. Either way, the girl they are going with to the back room is Kat, disguised as a new girl at the club. Free, more private, and John will have the extra backup at hand.

2012-08-03, 02:01 PM
John walked over to the smaller stages. The first stage didn't offer many chances as only two older men sat around watching a young blonde shake her ass at them. Mouse was certainly not there as both the men looked far to old. The second stage was more packed, a group of men sat around the stage, giving as much attention to one of the viewers as they where the stripper. Must have been a celebration of sorts as the girl crawled across the stage to pull a dollar from the birthday boy's or whoevers mouth with her own. Mouse may have been in the crowd but it was highly unlikely. Even with the room being dark John could still see that these guys where built stockier than Mouse. The third stage though had a few men at it, same as the first but one caught Johns eyes. His hair was much shorter and natural color, but this man was also covered in tattoos like mouse. It wasn't a positive match but it was his best chance in the room so far.

You can go for a invest plus intel check to identify the tattoos, you can just talk to the guy, or you can move to another area. If you want to check just start a little insert about you checking this guy out. If you do check I will also screen this roll, so I will not show your roll results. Only tell you if John believes its him or not.

2012-08-03, 02:57 PM
Looking around for a bit, John decided to go for it. It's not like he could light up his flashlight at the man.

Sliding into an empty spot next to maybe-Mouse, John spoke up. "You know, I'm intrigued. What do your tats mean, Mouse?"

2012-08-03, 03:18 PM
The man heard these words and started to turn very slowly towards John. Breaking the young girls gaze the man looked John in the eyes. Suddenly both got the same feeling of confusion as they thought "Who the **** is this?"

John was frustrated that this was not his man but his frustration slowly turned to anger as he heard a commotion not to far from him. A man at the bar next to the stage where John was at had made a bolt for the door. He jumped up and ran across tables kicking drinks into the crowds. Rich came out of the darkness like a charging rhino towards him. But as he jumped towards him the man hit the ground and rolled straight past Rich.

The man slammed into the strippers in the doorway then ran straight into the streets with all of Johns crew chasing after him.

Sorry man, Anderson told you he was a runner :smalltongue:

2012-08-04, 09:13 AM
"C**p!" John cursed under his breath, "See you later, Fish." He said to Tattoo-Face as he dashed outside after his gang.

He exited the bar not far behind his crew, but he would not get to Mouse that way. With the gang on his tail, he had some time to spend without the fear of losing the prey, but not much... Too bad he can't just shoot his legs out.

John took a sprint towards their car and started it up. As the gang would chase him on foot, John's plan was to catch up in the car and drive by Mouse, opening the door to slam into the man if needed.

2012-08-04, 11:22 AM
John peeled out of the parking lot after mouse. The club had been park of a long line of stores along a single road leading into town one way and into the Prairie house blocks. Mouse had dashed off towards town so his usual escape had been cut off. As John pulled past them on the main road he saw that the path they were running on was next to a long parking lot. He wouldn't be able to pull next to Mouse until they left the lot. He could act now by driving his car into the path of Mouse but if Mouse escaped he would block the path for the rest of the team.

Either way John knew he had to do something soon. The police presence and traffic would all increase the further into town they went.

2012-08-04, 11:53 AM
If only I could just run him over, John continues to think about how easy it would be to just take him out, but no. They were trying to save the guy...

John accelerated the car, driving past Mouse before hitting the breaks, hard, and spinning the wheel. Trying to block off the best route of escape for Mouse. Either Mouse will hesitate, which will allow the team to catch him, or he'll turn somewhere which with some teamwork will allow them to catch him in a trap from both sides. Or perhaps a third option would arise.

Dexterity+Drive+Handling+Willpower is a pool of 10 dice. Should it succeed, John leaps out of the car which now blocks off Mouse and point his secondary gun at him.

2012-08-04, 05:25 PM
Drive check, roll is 2, 1, 8, 7, 4, 1, 8, 4, 2, 5. Two successes. Sweet move bro but I'm going to run you around more than that :smalltongue:

John drove to the end of the parking lot and twisted the car into position. As he stepped out of the car he smoothly pulled his pistol and raised his pistol straight at Mouse. He coldly stared down the sights at his mark meeting Mouse's tired gaze. Frustrated Mouse looked around desperately for a way out. As he spotted a chain link fence and with a running start run up the side of the next building to clear the fence.

Athletics check, roll is 9, 7, 5, 4, 7, 7, 3 with one success. The fence is between two of the buildings in the same line as the club

Mouse jumped over the fence, barely clearing the wire. As he landed he stumbled to the ground but then pushed himself up and ran down the alley. Randal and Thomas climbed over the fence with much less grace but Rich had trouble getting his large frame over the obstacle. Kat didn't even try, opting to try the doors of the shops on either side of the fence but it was far to late for them to be open.

2012-08-05, 11:37 AM
"Dammit Mouse! Why do you make it so hard for me to want to save you?!" John called in annoyance as he sat back into the car and pressed on it.

If the alley Mouse escapes into is wide enough and there isn't anything too solid that can't be knocked away John drives the car straight into the fence, pressing hard on the horn for his allies to move aside and not get run over. Yeah, he'll hit Mouse, but softly. He'll even sound the horn before that so Mouse can jump and roll over the car and into the floor instead of horrible death.

Otherwise, he'll just drive around, looking for Mouse and his pals to not lose them.

2012-08-05, 02:50 PM
John twists the car back around and lined up his car with the fence. He pulled his seat belt tight and prepared to charge. But as he looked up he became aware of the large dumpster in the alley. With a far bit of cursing he moved the car to the other side of the building looking for the exit. As he turned around he slowed down fairly confused. He couldn't see any sign of the alley. He drove a loop around the shops but he couldn't see anything. 'It must be enclosed' he thought to himself. He pulled back around to the gate scaling it with ease after Rich finally struggled over. Kat stayed outside to stand watch of the escape.

As John and Rich hit the ground they moved down the alley. Back doors to all the shops were present but each was locked up with large padlocks. One of the doors had been smashed open, bent on the bottom enough for someone to slip through. Rich looked at the space with a sigh. "Get in there John, I'll be right behind you" As John slipped through he entered a store room like area. All the lights were off but through the windows shown a bright moon light that shilloutted the storage racks and boxes all around. It was dead silent as he stepped silently through the room. Suddenly a crashing sound slammed into the door making John jump in his shoes. Then another hit. It appeared Rich was trying to break open the door fully open.

'Alright' John thought as he moved away from the pounding of the door 'Where is that Rat'

2012-08-06, 02:45 AM
"Hey, Mouse!" John called out. "You are driving yourself into a corner for no reason! We aren't the bad guys... Well, we are the bad guys, but not the bad guys that want you hurt! We have some info that we wanted to share with you, stuff that could save your life."

He slipped around the shop trying to find Mouse while keeping on his toes. He did not want to get surprised around here. Close combat was not his deal.

Wits+Composition+Willpower is pool of 9 to find Mouse.

2012-08-06, 08:40 AM
Wits and Comp extended roll, target is eight successes, rolls 7, 1, 8, 8, 5, 3, 5, 5, 10, ten again rolls 3. Three successes, 5 more rolls left.

John crouches as he walks around the area. 'Anthony sent you, didn't he?!' A voice echoed from farther inside. John turned towards the noise and started to track Mouse. As he stepped forward he spotted a figure acting in the same crouched hunting manner as him. John looked hard at him and recognized Thomas' thick leather jacket. SLAM! The entry door bent and cracked as Rich continued his assualt.

I'd like a little dialogue between you guys during the search so I am making it an extended roll. Use persuasion to try to bring him out, if you have a low pool Tom has 4 as of right now.

2012-08-06, 09:43 AM
"Dude, I have no idea who you are talking about. I came looking to help you! There are people after you, I'm not one of them!"

As he talked, John pulled his flashlight out and handed it to Thomas before taking a different route looking for mouse.