View Full Version : Training Dungeon

2012-07-19, 05:38 PM
So about 6 months ago my wife decided that she wanted to try Roleplaying. We tried 3 adventures but they didn't go to well. She struggles with imaging what is happening and knowing what to do with the RP parts. We were also playing light on the rules. She still wants to give it a go so I have decided that the best idea is to have a training dungeon. I have dungeon tiles and am going to print off some counters. That should help with some of the imagination issues.

So room 1 is going to be a simple battle with a single goblin. She is playing an elven ranger. I could use some assistance on coming up with other rooms. The idea is to slowly introduce rules and practice some of the RP elements.

2012-07-19, 06:17 PM
What level is she and what does does her build look like? The more information about her character, the easier it is to make obstacles that would be appropriate for her character; we need to know what tools she has in order to know what kind of problems she can solve. If she has an animal companion, for instance, you could probably figure out something for her to solve using that.

2012-07-19, 06:49 PM
Run the gauntlet of the commonly used combat rules: tripping, charge, delay, AoO, and flanking for sure. I would stay away from grapple though, for now.

Also, try to introduce some idea of tactile movement (and not just tumble). Set up obvious actions to take, like fighting in a door way to prevent flanking, or using cover against ranged attacks. This should encourage a proactive approach to combat.

2012-07-19, 06:54 PM
Why stay away from grappling?, it seems as useful as the others to understand

2012-07-19, 07:00 PM
Because grappling can be a headache and a half even for experienced players, and is one of the lesser used methods of combat by most.

Fouredged Sword
2012-07-19, 08:31 PM
Ok, start at level 3.

Have her character be a fighter 1, cleric 1, warblade 1. This gives her cool stuff without being overwhelming. It will teach her about powers and melee at the same time. Skills should go into the social skills for ease of roleplaying.

There is the rest of the party. A rogue who needs a flanking buddy and a druid who scouts and heals.

Kobolds ran off with the town mayors daughter and then attacked the town, and someone needs to save her. Cue semi-epic level 3 adventure of raiding a small kobold cave (don't go too crazy on the traps). Use a battle map and make the kobolds clever but not to bright once combat starts.

And she isn't there!

And the Kobold leader explains that his son was abducted by humans! The attack was retaliation! Time for diplomacy!

But the twist! The fair maiden and the kobold ran off to get married and live the life of excitement as adventurers! Now you have to track them down. But you get the players sidetracked into the real plot for the game.

After the big adventure and many levels, while sitting in an inn, a lady paladin of freedom in heavy plate walks in with a short kobold sorcerer in purple robes close behind. See if anyone remembers the first plot enough to catch on!

2012-07-19, 08:36 PM
What level is she and what does does her build look like?

She is a basic level 1 ranger. No special build or optimization, no animal companion. I didn't even know about optimization until I joined a few months ago.

2012-07-19, 08:40 PM
If you want, you can have another Player help you. Take control of a monster or another character in the dungeon to play against her. Make sure that that player knows not to go balls to the wall. Use most of the rules you can think of to use. Throw some other things in the dungeon that will make her use skills such as survival to track.

2012-07-19, 09:30 PM
Because grappling can be a headache and a half even for experienced players, and is one of the lesser used methods of combat by most.

This. Wait until she's hooked before you start with things like that. List-based summoning and shapeshifting can wait too.