View Full Version : Druidic Light Cavalry?

2012-07-21, 03:06 PM
This idea just popped into my head: In a "standard" (no homebrew, everything else) D&D world, would you form low level Druids into light cavalry skirmish/horse archer/raider units in times of war? They get a loyal steed (animal companion), spells and cannot be tracked. They have proficiency with some ranged and melee weapons, and light armour. Also, TN Druids would be immune to alignment based attacks. Would it work? Have I re-invented the wheel? Just wondering if this is something interesting to anyone.

2012-07-21, 03:12 PM
I don't think I can help you, but I just wanted to point out this is the awesomest awesome idea ever awesome

2012-07-21, 03:18 PM
This idea just popped into my head: In a "standard" (no homebrew, everything else) D&D world, would you form low level Druids into light cavalry skirmish/horse archer/raider units in times of war? They get a loyal steed (animal companion), spells and cannot be tracked. They have proficiency with some ranged and melee weapons, and light armour. Also, TN Druids would be immune to alignment based attacks. Would it work? Have I re-invented the wheel? Just wondering if this is something interesting to anyone.

Well, given their affinity for nature, you might have some trouble organizing a large group of them together to fight for a singular cause. I would assume they would be especially resistant to the idea of a chain of command.

I would also assume that trackless step would not help a large group of horses from passing unnoticed.

You are probably better off just giving bows and horses to a group of fighters/rangers/whatever-else.

Fouredged Sword
2012-07-21, 03:19 PM
ten or so of them roll up and one casts entangle. They then shoot you full of arrows while you fight your way out of the vines. As soon as you get out they turn and run.

2012-07-21, 03:20 PM
This idea just popped into my head: In a "standard" (no homebrew, everything else) D&D world, would you form low level Druids into light cavalry skirmish/horse archer/raider units in times of war? They get a loyal steed (animal companion), spells and cannot be tracked. They have proficiency with some ranged and melee weapons, and light armour. Also, TN Druids would be immune to alignment based attacks. Would it work? Have I re-invented the wheel? Just wondering if this is something interesting to anyone.
The big problem being motivating them, and making sure all of them have a ridable animal companion.

But it is feasible, at least.

Oh, and Druids get medium armor, and shields as well, but the metal restriction gets rid of most of the useful armors unless you're talking dragonhide or some such.

And, of course:
Elven Druids get longbows.

ten or so of them roll up and one casts entangle. They then shoot you full of arrows while you fight your way out of the vines. As soon as you get out they turn and run.
No... the NEXT one in line casts Entangle via his readied action as soon as you fight your way out of the vines.

2012-07-21, 03:25 PM
I can imagine Druids harrying you throughout the forest while riding massive elks. I don't know if I would use them as an actual cavalry unit though. Hit and run skirmishers focusing on demoralizing through magic, definitely.

Valenar elves and Talenta halflings form Eberron though, they really like to do actual units of cavalry with Rangers.

2012-07-21, 07:40 PM
It's a great idea, but it would only really work if you have a huge amount of low level druids at your disposal. Unless you did, it would be better to put one or two druids in a light cavalry unit of scouts or rangers, where they could be awesome druids and also help with healing out of combat.
After all, it doesn't take 10 druids to cast entangle once or twice. A single druid could do that while his ranger and scout friends pelt the enemy to an arrowy death.

A group of druids would make a great special ops team though, because of trackless step.

2012-07-21, 07:48 PM
Druids turned into bears riding bears shooting bears at you?
Ive always seen druids as loners by nature, and unlikely to get caught up in any sort of conflict unless nature is threatened. And even then I've never thought of there being that many druids in one area, so its likely they would work as commanders for any sort of force.

2012-07-21, 09:24 PM
Depends on the nation and its policies I'd say.

-In a heavy industrialized nation druids would be rare and probably not appear in the army
-The less industrialized the more druids in the area and the more druids willing to join the army to protect there groves.

This could mean a higher level druid teaches children or specially designated people of the army to become druids who learn under there master who guards his groove and forest.
These younger druids are put to teams.

Lower Leveled ones are put to work with Calvary Archer, as said entangle then your pelted with arrows. At higher levels the rangers would have there own animal companions.

Now with the entire platoon composed of Druids a few rules I'd follow.
No more then 7to a unit, they all must have the ability to wildshape(to escape) so there normal tactic would be ride in on horse's, elk's, or moose.
Entangle followed by arrows. The entire unit has been buffed beforehand by 2of the group.
The Wildshape is to go into melee if things go bad or if the group member loses his/her mount and needs to run. It would be recruitment for each member to have Natural Spell.
Apply some fun and they can take down a supply line and drag the supplies off without a way to track it to retrieve the supplies.

2012-07-21, 09:33 PM
I don't thin k they would have a problem with a chain of command. As I have always though they were always organized into circles with a clear leader.

Fouredged Sword
2012-07-22, 09:01 AM
Even 2 or 3 druids in a group with 4-6 rangers or fighters with wild cohort would do just fine as a unit of light carvery.

Even 3 or 4 druids would be a chronic pain in your supply line as they can't be tracked, and they can do enough damage to destroy a wagon at range and run while everyone is still entangled.

Piggy Knowles
2012-07-22, 08:12 PM
I've messed around with groups of mounted druids as a DM, although I used them more as a scouting party/hit-and-run raiders than your typical cavalry.

That being said... what about muckdweller druids riding eagles for an aerial cavalry?