View Full Version : UMD + nightsticks..

2012-07-21, 09:55 PM
This question goes for those that don't have any kind of TU like a rogue or duskblade, etc., but can make use of UMD. Can a PC use the 'emulate class feature' aspect of UMD on nightsticks ( would normally add 4 turn/rebuke attempts per day ) to gain TU attempts ( that shouldn't have gotten in the first place ) for burning for devotion feats. Like a rogue using UMD on nightsticks to 'simulate' having TU to use nightsticks to 'expend daily uses' for additional shots at Travel devotion.

2012-07-21, 10:10 PM
Yes, with a DC 21 check to Emulate a Class Feature of a 1st-level Cleric you can activate the item to gain 4 more turn undead uses per day.

It's a perfectly reasonable application of Use Magic Device. It's not the skill that's the problem; it's the item itself.

2012-07-21, 10:39 PM
Emulating a class feature via UMD specifically calls out that it doesn't allow you to use the class feature of another class, it only allows you to activate the item as though you did. So you could emulate being a cleric to gain additional uses of Turn Undead, but you wouldn't be able to actually *use* those turn undead uses at all, because your emulation doesn't give you the class feature necessary to do so.

2012-07-21, 10:51 PM
Hm. Seems a little iffy to me. The nightstick only gives them the extra attempts, it has no claim of giving them any ability to activate those attempts. So, while someone could UMD a nightstick, and they would get extra turn undead attempts, the nightstick in no way provides a manner of expending those attempts, which is what you'd want to do.

It would probably allow someone with a turn-powered feat to expend the attempts in order to use the feat, though. They wouldn't be able to actually turn undead, but the feat provides a way to expend the attempts. So, someone with a Domain feat could use that to allow them more uses/day of their feat. Not sure there are any other feats that expend turn attempts without actually requiring the ability to turn, but if there are any, it suggests you can use those too. So, someone with Travel Devotion could UMD a nightstick and get two extra uses/day out of it, for instance.

2012-07-21, 10:56 PM
So you could emulate being a cleric to gain additional uses of Turn Undead, but you wouldn't be able to actually *use* those turn undead uses at all, because your emulation doesn't give you the class feature necessary to do so.
That's right. You still can't turn undead at all, but you can emulate having the ability for the purpose of expending a couple of uses for Travel Devotion.

2012-07-22, 05:55 AM
Which is probably among the more sane uses for nightsticks.

2012-07-22, 06:26 AM
Huh, I'm going to have to remember this trick in the future.