View Full Version : To Tame the Stolen Land [Kingmaker]

2012-07-22, 02:58 PM
OOC Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=13597996#post13597996)


After the initial preparations for the journey were completed, a motley group of adventurers set out to carry The Law into a region that was in dire need of it.

The Stag Lord had laid claim to the Stolen Land, slowly but surely expanding his reach, harrassing any civilized folk south of Rostland while gathering an army of outlaws to do his bidding.
Monsters, fey and some particularly unstable folk lived here, and though the group sent by the swordlords was well-prepared, some might question their chance of success; for many had tried, and many had failed to tame the Greenbelt, and the very expedition proved this principle by targeting the current would-be-ruler of the region and seeking to end his banditry.

The only law that held force here was that might makes right - the subtle nuances of diplomacy and courtly intrigue were lost on weathered trappers and wild beasts alike.
The adventurers were carrying a charter that held weight in the civilized world. However, they were embarking into a region that had stubbornly resisted all attempts to tame it so far, a region where the charter would be worth as little or as much as the strength backing it up.

After a few day's travel, you finally spot your first goal on this journey:

Oleg's Trading Post, the landmark defined in your charter as starting point of your operations.

2012-07-22, 03:42 PM
Eldar MedvyedEldar Medvyed, a young nobleman counting but eighteen years to his name. With a youthful appearance to match, a fair and smooth skin, it is difficult to see the resemblance with his parents, as his white hair and light green, almost glowing, eyes are not heard of in his family tree. This detail, however, may not be known to all his travelling companions. Another detail, one that can not have gone unnoticed to them, is the silver halo shimmering above his head whenever he is awake. His explanation is that it is his angelic heritage manifesting.

Walking diligently over the path they have taken, Eldar has not complained, though it is obvious that he is not used to such exercise. While he is certainly fit enough, his noble lifestyle has spared him from actually walking days on end to reach a destination and during the journey, anybody who paid attention would have noticed Eldar's inexperience with an outdoor lifestyle.

Wearing a signet ring on his ring finger with the symbol of Medvyed, it fits well with his white and green courtier's outfit and assorted jewellery he wore when the group was first introduced to one another. Currently he is wearing a much simpler outfit more suited to travel, with the outfit and jewellery tucked in the sturdy backpack on his back. Simple shoes, but with sturdy soles, loose breeches and an equally loose shirt with long sleeves, all white as can be and of a high-quality fabric, allowing for high mobility, make up his current outfit alongside the waterskin and pouch on his belt. Notable to some may be the complete lack of crafted weapons.

During the journey, Eldar has been a bit distant. When talked to he is friendly, an easy talker and a happy conversationalist, but something seems to hold him back from initiating conversations by himself. A lot of the time, he seems to have a serious look on his face, one caused by thoughts of the responsibility he has taken by joining this group and taking up the mission. As they travelled, he has been looking over his companions, studying them at times, though politely looking away if this gets overly noticeable, wondering what kind of people he has found himself with.

When they finally spot their destination, Eldar speaks up: "Oleg's Trading Post. Who knows what destiny has in store for us there. Let's find out, I say."

2012-07-22, 04:31 PM
A picture, 'cuz everyone else is doing it.If Filiu thought anything of walking side by side with a copper dragon in half-elf form, a magical chef, a scarred priest of a warrior goddess, someone who may or may not be an honest to gods angel and someone actually named "Mordecai", she gave no hint of it. The slim and short halfling - that is, slim and short even for a halfling, as a human would think it - wore sensible clothing, deep green in color, and carried a backpack packed carefully. At first glance she seems unarmed, but closer inspection reveals enough needles to choke a porcupine. She's a very pretty halfling, though humans may have trouble getting past her just-over two and a half feet tall frame in order to see it. Her overall physical qualities prove that there are a number of shades of brown and they don't have to be boring. Cinnamon skin, hazel eyes and deep, russet brown hair cropped short. Her fingers are long for her frame, long and seemingly delicate, but she is otherwise more or less a normal halfling, by appearance.

Some of you may have noted over the long travel that while she talks with much frequency, it's difficult to pin down what exactly she does, and in fact you probably know not very much about her at all. Still, she'll readily grant a sympathetic ear to all that request one, though like most people she only has two, so first come first serve, hah. She seems fairly experienced, and is seemingly the oldest in the group, not counting the dragon, who's a dragon, and Mordecai, who's hard to place, age wise. She's also the first out of bed each day, and always seems to be fiddling with something.

She flashes a quick grin at pretty-boy Eldar, before responding. "I dunno about destiny, but I'd be happy with a bed, a washroom, a good meal or two or three," here she holds up her wandermeal, a halfling-made dried cake invented for travel, and knocks it with her fist. It looks about as appetizing as dried plaster, and sounds like it too. "Or four. And maybe a better idea on which direction we should wander in first."

2012-07-22, 07:18 PM
Roughly what Aere looks like as a half-elf.

Lord Noleski Surtova, Regent of the Dragonscale Throne. It was a joke. Some human lord, propping up his title with the scales of a dragon. And yet, here he was, once Ilxedri, now propping himself up with the mere name and seal of such a man! To call that progress stuck in the back of his throat.

Aere pulls himself from his reveries as the trading post comes into view. He'd been over the same line of thought so many times, there was surely a track worn in his mind where it ran. Nothing ever came of it. The half-elf's face smooths over as he calms himself, muttering under his breath, "Yeah, well… destiny's dare pondus idonea fumo." Anguiculus bristles briefly at the Draconic curse, but settles back to its comfortable position on Aere's shoulder.

Like most half-elves, Aere stood out, but not enough to attract attention in a fair-sized crowd. He was a little taller than most humans with unusual red eyes. He'd grown his black hair out long enough to cover his ears- not because they were pointed, but because they were ears. His attire was chosen to avoid attention. A brown cloak covered practical clothes for a journey, mostly in greys and browns.

He glances over at the halfling. "As for myself, I'll be happy enough once we're out where Anguiculus can hunt again. Which he does a fine job of," he adds, scratching the miniature dragon under its chin and eliciting a churring noise. Not that the others cared as much for fresh, raw game. "Still, direction would be welcome."

<Oh, don't stop now…> Anguis says mentally, a little sulkily, as Aere lets his hand drop to his side.

Aere shakes his head briefly before addressing the others. "Well, your collective discretion as to my… condition would be appreciated, as much for your own benefit as mine. Far better that we begin our work unknown. Keep our charters from having faces or any information attached to them as long as we can manage." Travelling with a group like this, it was inevitable that they'd find out his secret before long, and he'd opted to reveal his nature sooner rather than later as a show of trust and good faith. Glancing at Eldar's rather conspicuous halo, he sighs, adding, "That thing doesn't just… turn off, does it?"

2012-07-22, 09:23 PM

The sun shines down upon Mordecai's steel-grey hair, his dark viridian eyes staring forth towards his destination. He is still young, but his face carries the deep lines and stern brow of a much older man. He wears robes that are a mixture of leather and simple cloth, grey as his hair and brightened only by the brightness of the white lawman's tie he wears around his neck. The cover of his backpack is stained with black dust and his boots descend onto the ground with a steady rhythm. He carries no weapon, only the plain brown materials satchel he bears which marks him as a spellcaster.

A new land. Chaos, and with a writ to mould it as we see fit. An uncharacteristic smile is written across his otherwise stern face as Mordecai strides along the path, back straight as a ramrod, contemplating the trading post ahead and the land beyond it. Finally, a chance to extend my father's work. Breaking from his reverie, he looks around to survey his compatriots. From small seeds, great trees grow... and we will need that strength.

Closing his eyes momentarily, he looks inside his mind for the tiny spark of grey light that glows so darkly when he calls upon it. "And perhaps they can help me find out from whence you come, little spark..." he mutters quietly. Casting a glance at the red-eyed half-elf as he speaks, he sizes him up carefully. He claims to be a dragon... if that is false, he is mad, if it is true, then he is likely to still be a force for chaos. Someone to watch.

Addressing him directly, he replies "I will keep your secret, Sir Dragon. If I may I would ask in return some time to discuss your knowledge of the god who cursed you, Nethys. The gods are... a matter of some interest to me."

2012-07-23, 03:27 PM
As the adventurers approach the wooden fort while talking amongst themselves, some relieved to find shelter after the exertions of travel, some indifferent and on guard, a gruff man eyes them warily.

Wearing practical clothes made from tanned leather, he carries a simple hammer in his belt, while a bucket with various minor tools is resting next to his feet.
Apparently, he interrupted his work to meet the arriving group; his body language tense, his jaw set in silence as he waited at the gate.


2012-07-23, 03:57 PM
Looking over the halfling as she gave a response, Eldar responded to her quick grin with a friendly smile. "I concur, that sounds wonderful." The smirk he showed when she went even over three meals to mention a fourth meal betrays that he would not go to such lengths in eating, amused by her love of food.

But a proper meal set at a normal table, with the knowledge a comfortable bed was awaiting in the evening was surely a good thought. While the travel had been but a few days, his experience with a bedroll taught him that it could not beat a bed by far. And while trail rations could provide them with enough energy to keep going, that did not mean they were especially tasty. They seemed better than the wandermeal Filui had been knocking on, however.
When Eldar had taken a moment to pray to Abadar during their travels, revealing his possession of a wooden symbol to the god currently tucked in his backpack, he thanked the deity for the safe travels they had experienced so far. Though after the prayer, his mind had dwindled off to the luxuries offered by civilization over a life of travelling outdoors.

Eldar's gaze wanders off towards Aere Hebetor, a man who he knows not quite what to make of. A dragon cursed to be a half-elf and the only shape he can now take resembling anything draconic is that of a colour that does not match his original one. Wondering for a moment what could break such a curse, whether it was anything like the curses in legends, able to be broken by true love or heroics, this thought flew away from him again as he considered the words he heard Aere speak. Not capable of understand the language, Eldar wondered if they were words of the draconic language, a language of which he had heard and even glanced at its importance in society, with it being an especially popular language amongst those gifted in the arcane. With curiosity he asked: "Ah, may I ask if those are draconic words you just spoke, Aere Hebetor?"

Ofcourse, it was then more than polite to answer his questions as well. "As for your request for discretion regarding your state, I will respect it. I can understand the need." While metallic dragons were considered good, the powerful evil spread by their chromatic brethren overshadowed even that reputation amongst the commoners at times, and people would not take too kindly to the type of dragon Aere Hebedar claims to look like when he does try to strain against the efforts of the curse. Yet having to see this, one does not need to know that the sight of a black dragon is not taken upon kindly.

"However, I do not see a need to be even more discrete. Our mission is no secret, and I do not really get why we do not want our charters to have information or faces attached to them." Holding honesty in high regard, Eldar saw little reason to try and retain that level of discreteness. "I believe my halo vanishes whenever I sleep." He finally ends, answering the last question, though following it up with: "Why do you ask?" While Eldar had a suspicion it had to do with this desire to go more unnoticed, there was no harm in confirming such.

In the mean time, Eldar had cast a glance towards the other person who had responded to Aere: Mordecai Shrykeson. A serious looking man, and with in interest to the gods. The subject he raised was a good one, as the work of the gods had quite the impact on the lives of people. Who knows, perhaps more knowledge might lead to more insight on the nature of the curse as well.

While they were talking, they were advancing towards the fort in the distance, with said distance becoming smaller and smaller each time until the features of the man at the gate become more distinctly visible. Wondering for a moment if this is Oleg, considering their destination is Oleg's Trading Post, Eldar does not immediately ask this as such would be considered impolite. Instead, he introduces himself, offering a friendly smile as they come within range for social banter. "Greetings and a fair day to you, I am Eldar Medvyed. I see you have taken the time to meet up with us, a kind gesture." Offering a friendly stance and an open attitude, Eldar tries to show he is forthcoming, hoping to ease any cause from them related to the tense attitude radiating from the gruff man. Allowing the others to make their introductions as well, Eldar looks down at the tools, curious as to what profession or craft they relate to.

2012-07-23, 08:49 PM
Aere shrugs at Mordecai's inquiries. "Perhaps we can speak of it some time in private. It is not a topic I am fond of, for… obvious reasons," he says, gesturing down at his frail form. Of course, the more he talked about it, the more he'd have to make up, but he was a competent liar with a memory well-suited to the task. "Do call me Aere, though… as you can see, I am a very poor showing for a dragon at the moment."

The half-elf chuckled at Eldar. "Indeed they were, although not words you should repeat in company that would understand them. Copper dragons have never been known for keeping civil tongues in our heads. I believe in Common, they would be rendered as 'fit only to give weight to smoke', or in Celestial, 'ilhrethi amansuri sulel'al', although those both sound quite tame." Copper dragons were, as a whole, inclined towards joviality and trickery, but all in good sport. When it came to more serious matters, one could generally count on them to to uphold order, justice, and the slow roasting of anybody who didn't agree with them. At first, he'd riled at the thought of pretending to be one, thinking it would mean nothing but capering. But in all honesty, a copper dragon in his position would be every bit as angry and miserable as he was, no more able to rain destruction down on the "deserving" than he was able to rain it down on villages that didn't pay tribute.

"With respect to your second question, it's simply a practical consideration. We could just as easily go in waving our charters about, and perhaps no harm would come of it. But we have been tasked with routing out bandits, brigands, thieves, thugs, crooks, criminals, and other sundry undesirables. The fact that everyone else who has attempted this has perished in the attempt whispers 'caution' in my ear, and I think you would do well to heed it yourself. Few people out here can wear a halo as well as you, after all, which is why it will attract a great deal of attention. If you can hide it, I should think it for the best." The thought of knocking the would-be celestial out crosses his mind, but dragging Eldar's body around would attract as much attention as the halo. And that would be wrong.

As they approach the trading post, Aere hisses, Cela te!" to the pseudodragon, who climbs down into his master's sack and hides himself as instructed. Aere is forced to suppress a wince as Eldar cheerfully introduces himself to the man guarding the gate. Ab Tiama, but that kid was naive! Still, it was for the best that he was with them. Celestials and clerics devoted to them would never trust a word out of a black dragon's mouth, even if they knew it to be true, but if Eldar, celestial emergent, vouched for that dragon with a halo above his pure white hair, they would take it on faith. After considering this, Aere brings himself to smile, stating, "Aere, sir."

2012-07-23, 10:18 PM
Arine had been quiet for much of the journey, wrapped deep within her own thought processes. The thought of dark Chelixian Hunters in the night, devils and their vicious human masters tracking her down even through these unspoiled lands, and dragging her kicking and screaming all the way back to her accursed homeland. Still, as they approached the wooden fort, she felt bad for essentially ignoring her new companions for most of the journey, responding with mostly inarticulate shrugs or nods to most of their questions. Still… she hoped she could change that, for it was her opinion that if her comrades had no need of her- then they would sell her out at the first opportunity.

“I am Arine” she said softly giving the man a smile “We are travelers from Brevoy looking for a place to stay as we travel into the Stolen Lands”
She glances over to her comrades and smiles, probably the first truly friendly gesture she has given them the entire journey. She says nothing more, but plans to allow the man to speak, to say his piece.

(My posts will get longer as I have more time)

2012-07-23, 11:49 PM
Filiu murmurs her assent as they approach, fading into the background and keenly observing how the others acted. In fact she looks over everything; gathering as much information as she could about the gruff man and the gruffer fort.

2012-07-24, 03:31 AM
The man nods at Eldar's introduction. He is just about to speak, as a woman hurries towards the group, wearing a simple, washed-out linen dress, a blue kerchief on her head and a slightly stained apron.


"Come on in! You must be the help sent from Restov! Come in before the food's getting cold, I was just finished with the preparations..."

With great enthusiasm and a warm smile she ushers the group through the gate, before she hesitates briefly, adding:

"I forgot - I'm Svetlana Leveton, Oleg's wife. Welcome to our humble home."

The burly man standing before the gate steps aside, affirming his wife's invitation with a grunt, before turning briskly and heading for a house to the right with a ladder still leading against the wall, intent on continuing his work. From a brief glance, it appears that he was fixing the roof before meeting the future guests...

Between the house being repaired and a slightly greater house is a fireplace with two great wooden tables already set for a meal, with several big bowls full of a hearty stew awaiting the hungry adventurers, alongside various baskets with bread, jugs of clear water and an assortment of mugs and cups.

Filiu's keen eyes immediately spot a small barrel positioned at the wall of the northern(larger) house, already prepared with a metal faucet, which appears to hold some sort of alcoholic beverage.

Before the food can completely distract the halfling, she notes four damaged catapults, one on each watchtower of the fort, the stables to the left and what appears to be a storage room just in front of them, barred with a heavy lock.

http://img151.imageshack.us/img151/6344/test4w.th.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/151/test4w.jpg/)

2012-07-24, 05:04 AM
Bowing deeply from the waist, the grey-haired man states "Mordecai Shrykeson at your service, my lady" with a charming smile. He looks around the small fort. "You have a formidable home, ma'am. Thank you for letting us stay within its safety for the night." Mordecai turns his head and surveys the group with a slight smile. "You must be a very generous woman indeed to so willingly host such a... curious group as we."

2012-07-24, 04:43 PM
As Aere explained the meaning behind the words he had used to comment on Eldar's earlier statement regarding destiny, with it came an annoyed look on Edar's face. The words had not been especially kind to the concept of destiny. Though a few moment's later, the expression faded from Eldar's face. It seemed befitting that the dragon turned into a half-elf, capable only of turning into a black draconic being, would say something like that, as destiny had not treated him too well. But who knows, it could be a means for Aere to grow in life, though it seemed unlikely he saw it that way.

Listening to the words concerning caution from Aere, Eldar gave a nod from understanding. "I hadn't thought of it that way yet." It was true that considering the history of these lands, this was a dangerous undertaking. And caution was a wise thing to uphold, though Eldar was not entirely sure to what extent this went in regards to discretion.
"I can't say I have tried to hide it before." Nor would he try to now, so close to their destination. And he lacked the desire to try an attempt at a later time. "While I understand your concern, it is not something I wish to hide either. It is too much a part of me." Eldar explained before they met up with the gruff man at the outpost.


Giving a nod towards the man as he returns to his work, Eldar turns back to woman that had approached the group, Svetlana Leveton. "Greetings madame. Indeed we are and thank you for your welcome." He says with a kind expression on his face and a bow with his head. Looking thankful at the mention of food, he looks onward towards the set table before looking back at her. "A heart warming hospitality, you have my gratitude." With that said, he looks at both Svetlana and the man, showing that his gratitude extends to the both of them. "My name is Eldar Medvyed." He says, repeating his name once as she was not present when he mentioned his name to the man and Mordecai introduces himself as well.

Before he makes his way towards the food, he glances at Mordecai. Suppressing a frown, he wonders what leads to him mentioning them as a curious group. For he did not seem to mean that they, as group, were filled with curiosity. With three humans, two males and one female, a male half-ef and a female halfling besides Eldar himself, he had seen far more curious groups when he had made a journey through the various cities in the country, though admittedly none with an individual blessed with a halo above their head. However, he swiftly enough left that thought alone, as the smell from the stew managed to lure Eldar closer.

2012-07-25, 01:10 AM
A grin on her face, Filiu says, "That DOES look delicious!"

She pops out of the back with a few hasty steps towards the food, before visibly slowing herself down. She continues speaking, sneaking glances at the stew. "So do you get a lot of trouble around here, then?"

2012-07-26, 10:25 PM
Aere shrugs at Eldar's persistance. Personally, he felt that it was likely to result in a knife as a part of him as well eventually, but no use in pressing the point.


Once they're settled inside, Aere accepts the stew gratefully. It was a decent compromise between meat and the assortment of distasteful plant life his new body needed to stay healthy, and certainly preferable explaining to a host why you were so keen on getting the liver.

"Thank you, Mrs. Leveton. We appreciate the hospitality." Manners cost nothing, and he'd discovered that it was occasionally possible to get something more tangible in return. An excellent trade in his opinion.

2012-07-27, 12:42 PM
A brief silence settled across the table as the adventurers busied themselves with the food. Visibly calming at this scene, Svetlana began to explain, a bit hesitant at first, about the recent history of Oleg's post.

"It is somewhat quiet out here, with only a few customers here and there, but we do make enough for a living. Until the bandits came, threatened to burn down the fort unless we give them all our profits and more... they took what they wanted, and we were powerless to stop them."

She grimaces briefly, as if recalling some particularly bad memories.
Steadying herself, she continued:

"Three times they have visited us, the first time three months ago. They're about a dozen outlaws, and have always shown up on the first day of the month to collect their toll from us; Restov has been slow to reply to our request for aid.
But now you're finally here! I was afraid that the Arm of the Law was too short to protect us, but my fears were unfounded."

The sound of Oleg working - rythmic strikes of his hammer, and the occasional clattering of wooden planks - was heard in the background of the meal, while the cracking firewood provided a warm glow in the cool evening.

2012-07-27, 02:18 PM
Sitting down at the table opposite to Aere, Eldar looks at the stew with a smile. Bound to taste better than the trail rations, he waited before starting and whispered: "Thanks be for this meal and the nourishment it brings. I am grateful to come upon civilisation once more, Abadar, and may you bless us during our stay here."

Eating the stew neatly with a spoon, Eldar was sitting straight while taking manners into account. Listening to Svetlana, to hear the history that had befallen the outpost changed his expression, one of sympathy with both her and Oleg. Letting her finish taking, Eldar spoke up. "That is grave to hear, Mrs Leveton." Eldar shook his head, letting out a sigh at the behaviour of such thugs. "Such shameful behaviour, it pains me to hear that you had to be the target of their actions. And to think it will not be long they come again."

Looking at the others for a moment, Eldar then stood up, leaving his half-finished stew for a moment to speak up, facing Svetlana at first. "Mrs Leveton.." And then speaking louder, as he looked towards Oleg for a moment. "..and Mr Leveton, while I am here, you can count on me to aid you in your plight." Standing straight and confident, he had only addressed his own, as he knew that he should not speak for others.

2012-07-27, 04:46 PM
Technically, Filiu was far too large, bipedal and cinnamon to be a piranha. Probably. However, she does a fine impression of one as she sits down to eat the stew. She files away the conversation to think about later; right now is food-savaging time. She does look up briefly when Svetlana says "short", but after realizing she was not referring to Filiu, she went back to committing stew-icide.

Aron Times
2012-07-27, 09:43 PM
"Banditry is punishable by death, isn't it? Such creatures, er... individuals, are a blight upon the land and would not have a place in civilized society. I suppose a group of well-armed warriors could slay at least a third of this group, perhaps half, and conscript the survivors on pain of death. We'd have more people to work with, more taste testers for my creations, but not so many new recruits as to strain our supplies." The sorcerer spoke the preceding in a serious tone, though it's not clear which parts of his spiel, if any, are actually serious.

2012-07-28, 07:05 PM
Aere eats his stew, doing his best not to get annoyed (or at least visibly so) with the chef. The way he went on about such trivial matters as "taste testers" was grating at the best of times. It wasn't as if throwing a few spices on something made any difference as to what you were eating, which more or less boiled down to "meat", "necessary vegetation", and "extraneous vegetation" in his opinion. Besides, why come out here to cook? Leaving the possibilities that the man was an idiot or had something to hide. But not hide well…

Rather than worry about their culinary companion any further, he turns his attention to their hostess. "As a matter of more practical consideration, can you tell us anything else about the bandits? You mentioned that there were about a dozen and that they show up at the start of the month, but tactics, any indication of a leader, et cetera would all be useful if we're to extend the law's reach effectively. A rabble of a dozen firebrands with nothing but torches is a far cry from a six armored brigands protecting as many archers, after all," he stated calmly. "In the meantime, perhaps we can be of some more immediate assistance in preparing the defenses?" He did not particularly relish the prospect of facing a dozen bandits at once in this weakened state (before it would have only meant an easy meal), but it came part and parcel with joining the group.

2012-07-30, 01:21 AM
Mordecai stops eating to allow a look of malice to momentarily pass over his face like a shadow. "Bandits... this should not exist in this land. Fear of the law's gaze should dissuade them. I should very much like to teach them fear of the law we will bring." He pauses for a moment and a small smile comes to his mouth as the sorcerer speaks of conscripts. "Conscripts would be most... useful. And effective, also."

2012-07-30, 12:03 PM
Eldar looked at Aron Times after he had spoken and then his glance went over to Mordecai upon his reaction. His confident expression had markedly changed, with Eldar now looking more sour. Aere's reaction had seemed normal, or indeed, smart, to him, getting more information about all this was wise. But to hear somebody speak of the bandits in such a.. Eldar found it hard to describe the way Aron had put it. Down-cast manner? To speak of them as creatures, and then almost casually speaking of how a third to a half could be slain, with the rest being forced into servitude to.. sample food. And then follow it up, worry more about their supplies than the lives of those people. Gulping a bit, Eldar wondered what he had gotten himself into.

At the start of the journey he had fully realised that he would likely end up in combat over the course of this campaign, where the enemy might meet its end on the battlefield. And indeed, so could he or one of his companions. He hoped the latter would not happen, but to ignore that possibility was just folly. Still, he considered bandits persons, people one could speak with. To turn to the option of killing at the first chance and use that as intimidation for the rest was not how he imagined things to go. After all, he came from an environment where talking and politics were the main means to convince others. There were duels, but the only hint of fighting was the threat of war. Which was far worse than a fight with bandits and one of the reasons why he was here. If they could set up a power base here, they might be able to prevent Brevoy from falling into civil war.

Turning back to the matter at hand, Eldar first sat down again. "Unrepentant banditry, Mister Times. That is punishable by death." He corrected him. While he wanted to say more than that, Eldar knew not how to bring his feelings to proper words at the moment. Instead, he waited politely for Svetlana's answer to Aere, while returning to eating his stew.

2012-07-30, 02:23 PM
The hammering stops. Meanwhile, the hostess seems to be taken aback at the question about the bandit's operational methods; it seems to strike a chord about her that either triggers badly repressed memories or otherwise sensitive matter she doesn't want to talk about.


"The bandits are armed with Bows and short blades, mostly. Their leader is the Stag Lord, or so they claim, but they follow a vicious woman using hatchets. As far as tactics go...eh, I've seen superior numbers, threats, and fire. They aren't soldiers, but certainly not afraid to fight dirty."

Oleg had returned swiftly from the nearby roof, and was now surprisingly talkative, though his voice was somewhat bitter.

"My post was formerly fit to house twenty soldiers, but the catapults are broken and we have no real defenses aside the wooden palisade, the towers and the gate. You could try to stage an ambush here, attacking them while they are busy loading my goods on their horses, or repel them while staying in the safety of the fort.

They have been growing confident over time; last month, only six bandits showed up to collect their 'tax', led by a hooded man with a great love of words; wether they're threats or crude comments, he rarely keeps quiet.

I am willing to aid you in your preparations, but I'm no fighter - I figured that was your sort of expertise, if Restov sent you to establish order in this lawless land.

Whatever you do - you'll need to hurry, because they're due tomorrow morning, if the last times are anything to judge their behaviour."

After sizing up the group sitting on his table, he clears his throat and remarks:

"Do whatever you want with the bandits, though. I figure the sight of their dead comrades might scare the others away, if nothing else, so they know not to mess with us any longer."


OOC: Feel free to use this map to plan your encounter with the bandits.

Aron Times
2012-07-30, 04:35 PM
Aron Times finishes eating, wiping his mouth with the provided napkin (if any) and then his hands and fingers to get then to some level of clean. "On a more serious note, though, might I suggest that we wait until the bandits come back to collect their tax before taking any action against them? We might be able to talk them into turning legit, so to speak, in exchange for amnesty for their crimes. Anyone skilled enough to run an operation like this would be very useful for helping maintain law and order in such a lawless place." Aron takes a sip of his drink and lets out an "ahem" to clear his throat before continuing. "This should give us enough time to study our new headquarters so we can fortify it in case we have to fight them, and I think we will most likely have to. Still, it can't hurt to try and reason with them first."

"So, when are they due to come back?"

2012-07-30, 04:48 PM
Filiu pipes up. "Tomorrow morning. He did just say so! Anyway, if it's all the same to you I'll be in hiding, waiting for negotiations to deteriorate. If we're going to fight them anyway I want every advantage I can get. Speaking of, mind if we take a look at those catapults? Specifically, the one with the easiest shot at the front of the gates?" This last was directed at Oleg, and said while she slipped back to the ground.

2012-07-30, 06:27 PM
Mordecai shakes his head at Filiu's words. "It would take at least one and likely more of us to fire the catapult, and given that we will likely be facing six or less enemies it would be more advantageous to have every man on the battlefield."

"Extraordinarily fortunately for us, they have a talker. If he is in any position of authority, then we WILL have a chance to try to recruit some of these bandits to our cause as he begins a dialogue with us."

2012-07-30, 10:32 PM
Aere dips his head respectfully to Oleg. "Thank you- that is immensely useful. It would be unwise to assume that there will be six or fewer of them. There may well be, but if word has spread ahead of us, we may be facing the entire compliment. If our first recourse is diplomacy, we sacrifice any element of surprise. I've had dealings with their kind, and I know well enough how to lie to them, bully them, and reason with them, insofar as they'll permit themselves see reason. I do not profess any strong optimism that we can win the group over altogether- they may feel themselves still in control and would likely turn on us shortly. To recruit some of them is impossible. Any defectors would be killed on the spot by the others, and knowing this, would not defect. Dealing with the individual survivors- most of them, I should think- will be far more practical. If we are not going to surprise them, however, there is little reason not to offer terms of surrender first," Aere states matter-of-factly.

"With respect to our defenses, how feasible would it be to repair a single catapult today, Oleg? And how many would it take to man it for a single shot, maybe two? I confess that I have little experience with them." Well, on the operating end, that was. He had plenty of experience on the receiving end. "Eldar and I will likely make up the brunt of the assault, if there are no objections. From what Mordecai has said of his own skills, he seems well-suited to sow confusion amongst them. Filiu will keep herself in reserve until opportunity presents itself. Times, do you have any talent for illusion? Oleg's suggestion of a few bodies may not require the genuine article, and would certainly lend a useful visual aid in preliminary discussion. If, however, the judgment of the Swordlords of Restov is so fled that they sent you along in a purely culinary capacity, I expect you to be preparing cauldrons of boiling water- oil if it can be had in enough quantity without the ruination of our hosts. Speaking of whom…" he adds, returning to Oleg and his wife. "We will do our humble best to aid you in repelling the bandits. For my part, I ask that you do not let word of us out, nor any details once word outs itself. That, and it would be best if you did not open fire on any dragons during my stay, nor alarm yourselves overmuch about them." There was a bit of a smile about his features as he finished.

2012-07-31, 04:31 AM
Oleg raised his brow briefly at the mention of dragons, but shrugged it off.
"Repairing a catapult today? Nah, that'll take about a week, and a good crew of people who know what they're doing. Operating one of these takes two persons, and I'm not very familiar with siege engines myself."

While Svetlana busies herself clearing the table as the men(and the halfling ninja) are discussing military matters, the gruff trader gives the charter-bearers a short tour through his post, showing them the various locations and details pertaining to defense.

30 Minutes later, Filiu(and everyone else) is convinced that the catapults are indeed not in any useful condition, knows how to open, close and bar the gate quickly, and has access to some basic supplies the Levetons are willing to provide as aid.

The guest house is opened for the adventurers, with Filiu and Arine allowed inside the Leveton's home for the night, as the evening progresses and the fire dies down...

Tomorrow would bring about a new month, and a new challenge for the group invested with the authority to relieve the lawless lands from their unruly state.

Basic supplies provided:
2 iron cauldrons
40 lbs of firewood
60 arrows(medium sized)
2 Shortbows(medium sized)
50ft of hemp rope

Furthermore, the Levetons can sell the following:
2 potions of CLW -50gp each
1 Potion of Shield of Faith +2 -50gp

Current attitude of the Levetons(affects prices, information, etc):

Other information:
To open/close the gate quickly, you need a strength check and an action:
Move action: DC 20
Standard action: DC 15
Full-round action: DC 10

The catapults are broken (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/conditions#TOC-Broken) light catapults (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/siege-engines) with 20/80 HP each.

2012-07-31, 05:48 AM
Thankful to see Oleg contribute, Eldar nodded as Oleg remarked the time pressure they would face. What then followed surprised Eldar as he heard different words from Aron Times now, which seemed a lot more mild than those spoken before. Confused, he listened to what the others had to say as well, finishing up his soup as he waited until a time he felt he could add something of his own to say. Which was before they started the tour.

"I agree with Mister Hebetor, I do not think we can win over the entire group with talking. But, we might try something else.." As Eldar was speaking, his thoughts started to take a leap. Directed at Aere, he continues. "As you say, if they feel themselves in control, they have little reason to give in. But we can try to get them in a situation where they do not feel in control." As thoughts bubbled up, Eldar continued to make connections. Giving a glance to Oleg, he continues. "As Mister Leveton said, we could try an ambush here at the time they are loading. If say, they have to get supplies from the stable or the guest house, we could surprise them by locking up or barring those places, as well as the outer gate, then try to talk to those who remain in outside in the fort, asking them to surrender." Turning to the group to see what they thought about the plan that had just formed in his head.

"While I would have liked to do it even more diplomatically, if we manage to get the group to leave, it would be likely that they would just return with a bigger group. As mentioned before, winning them over as a full fledged group is unlikely to pay off, as I doubt we pose enough of a threat to them for them to cave in." While Eldar would have liked that, he did want to stay realistic, and on that subject.. "If.. it does come to fighting.. does anybody know anything about first aid? I do not, anyway."

Aron Times
2012-07-31, 11:00 PM
"I can make fake sights and sounds, like so," replied Aron, demonstrating his abilities. He points at the gate and a soft sound of boots marching on the ground fills the air, followed by armed troops marching into position to block the entrance, spears at the ready.

OOC: Aron casts Ghost Sound followed by Silent Image.

The magical chef then lets the illusion unravel by simply lowering his hand. The fake soldiers shimmer and warp and quickly fade from sight, like fog being burned away by the sun.

"I also have a handy Sleep spell which can be mistaken for a death spell," he continued explaining. "Especially if I yell, 'DIE,' right before casting it." He smiles, a bit proud of his abilities. "And that's it, though. The rest of my spells help my cooking."

A few minutes later, Aron's eyes light up (figuratively) as he comes up with a Good Idea™. "Who else are the bandits extorting from?" A small, decaying fortification can't possibly provide enough protection money to sustain a large group of bandits, thought Aron, so they must have other sources of income. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend, and I'm hoping we can work together with these friends."

2012-08-01, 02:03 AM
"Who else are the bandits extorting from?"

"Frankly, I don't know. Maybe they hunt and forage like everyone else around these parts, maybe they conduct organized raids on villages near the border of Brevoy... whatever they do, they didn't tell me their plans and specifics about their operations. I suppose you'll have to ask them about it yourself."

Oleg shrugged, unapologetically. He wasn't trying to be unfriendly per se, he just didn't seem to waste any more thought on a topic he couldn't divine by himself; for now, the trader seems to be content at the extent of his aid proffered to the new defenders of his post, and expects them to come up with a workable strategy for dealing with the bandits themselves.

Aron Times
2012-08-02, 10:03 PM
"I'm going to leave the negotiations to you," said Aron to the group. He had no doubt that talking would fail, and he would be more effective raining down spells and bolts on the bandits from the safety of the walls. "I suggest that my fellow ranged combatants join me on the walls tomorrow to provide support for our own melee warriors below."

"We need to take out every single one of them that comes tomorrow. With nobody to report back to their leader, the bandits may think that the tax collectors deserted and may send another group here to investigate, possibly larger and more heavily armed. We slowly whittle down their numbers until they are willing to negotiate. Sound like a plan to you, gentlemen?"

2012-08-02, 10:22 PM
Filiu grins. "I'm none to gentle and I'm not much of a man, but sounds like a plan to me. You know, we could use those cauldrons to pour some scalding water on them. I've seen it before, and it wasn't pretty."

2012-08-03, 03:58 AM
Eldar looked at Aere and Mordecai who remained silent so far. Looking back at Aron and Filiu, he noted that neither had responded to his suggestion or his question. "Mister Hebetor suggested the same, Miss Filiu. It's a good suggestion."

Looking at Aron, Eldar gave a nod as answer to the question he had asked. "While I am quite sure that we can take other, perhaps more immediate steps, if things go well tomorrow, it is important that nobody goes back to report. As for ranged combatants on the walls, that sounds fine by me. That means that those remaining on the ground floor will either need to defend the ladder up the walls, or you could pull the ladder up beforehand." Something then occured to him. "Hm, considering we only have a ladder to get up the wall, pouring a cauldron of scalding water over them from there will be tricky to say the least. And it isn't exactly easy to pour said water over them if the cauldron stays on the ground. Any ideas on that?"

Looking over those gathered around, he looks thoughtful for a moment before saying: "If I understand correctly, besides Mister Times, Miss Filiu and Mister Shrykeson are ranged combatants, with both myself and Mister Hebetor being focused on the melee?" Looking at Filiu and Mordecai he asks of them: "If my assumption is correct, do both of you wish to go on the walls as well? Because I admit, we could use help from at least one to close the main gate while myself and Mister Hebetor keep them occupied."

"And considering I hear no confirmations, Miss Filiu and Mister Times, am I correct to say that like me, neither of you is familiar with first aid?" Which ofcourse still leaves Aere and Mordecai to answer the question, to which Eldar then glances.

2012-08-03, 07:03 AM
Mordecai shakes his head at Eldar's questions. "I am afraid that my powers are not geared towards healing the flesh, sir. Should anyone have a wand of healing power, however, I believe I have the skills necessary to activate it."

He crosses his arms as he considers Eldar's other words.

"I agree that I will be most useful on the walls, sir Eldar. Sadly the bloody hurricane of physical combat is not the focus of my abilities. I should be able to use my powers to confuse and disrupt some of the enemy force, making it easier on you and any other melee warriors."

A thought strikes him as he turns to Oleg's wife.

"Madame Svetlena, at some point this evening I would like to question you about something- I have had an idea, but if my fellows will not mind I won't mention it right now in case it turns out to be fruitless."

2012-08-03, 05:13 PM
"We had best settle on something definite. I have two full propositions, which of course may be modified as necessary," Aere states, again taking initiative on the matter of tactics.

"The first: Oleg greets the bandits from the forward wall, stating that if they're collecting again, they may as well take the horse since it costs too much to feed. The horse and Mrs. Leveton will be safer elsewhere. Aron will be behind the stable and provide the sounds necessary to make the presence of the horse convincing. Eldar and I will hide behind the nearby shed, ready to slam the stable door shut and bar it, cutting off about half of the bandits off. Aron can help subdue those inside with a sleeping spell. Filiu will stay with Oleg, taking a crossbow in order to fire down into the ensuing brawl. The spare set of hands will make for quick reloading. That leaves Mordecai to position himself where he feels he will be able to cast effectively on the central area without risking personal injury. This carries significant risks- barring the door will sacrifice the element of surprise and leave Eldar and me exposed while we do it, with support further off on the walls.

"A rather more direct approach would be to use the main gates to trap the bandits instead. We will again put Oleg on the wall to welcome the bandits, but keep both casters and Filiu hidden with him. Aron will provide an illusory cover- a small pile of wood, for instance- for Eldar and me on the ground. Once all the bandits have entered, I charge, Aron drops the illusion so that both casters can sew confusion, Filiu begins firing, and Eldar closes the gates. Sudden and simple. To protect those on the wall, we can remove the nearby ladder, forcing anybody trying to get to them to walk around the entire perimeter. This does cut off direct support as well, so striking quickly to knock out as many as possible will be key," Aere concludes.

2012-08-04, 02:13 AM
"Thank you for answering my questions, Mister Shrykeson." Eldar said after Aere spoke up, nodding to Mordecai. He made a short gesture, indicating that he did not mind Mordecai asking Svetlana a question later on.

"Thank you for appropriately describing viable options, Mister Hebetor." Eldar said in gratitude. He knew from the Medvyed politics that discussions could take a long time, even if people largely agreed on things. And he knew that while he could be bothered by that, he was not without fault in that area either. He had seen when he had visited other cities and other political arena's, that if somebody were to simply lay down the options, that things tended to go faster, allowing people to gain focus as subjects already mentioned were appropriately summarised. So he appreciated Aere's initiative. He did note that there was no mention of a cauldron and water there. Even if Aere had suggested it, the practical problems he had raised must have been a problem there, Eldar figured.

"I'll put my support with the first option, as it allows us to separate the group, reducing risk for us. Though I'll note that there are no crossbows in the vicinity here as far as I've seen, Mister Hebetor." Neither Filiu carried a crossbow, nor were they in the supplies of the Levetons. Only shortbows were there, and Eldar did not know if any were appropriately sized for the small halfling.

So far, Mordecai was the only one to answer his question about first aid. As Aere had not acknowledged he had skill with first aid either, Eldar did see a point of worry there. If he was right to say that because none of the other three had knowledge about it because they had not acknowledge it, then if anybody were to fall unconscious or was bleeding to death, they would have a problem even if they were to survive the fight. By separating the groups, he hoped that the danger would be reduced and thus that such a thing would have a lesser chance of occurring, but one needed to take into account such matters nonetheless. "If it is true none of us know much about first aid, we really should prepare in the case somebody does come to the point of bleeding to death. I believe the Levetons have a potion of restorative properties for sale, with the power of a cure light wounds spell in it, though my funds are not adequate for any such purchase, as I only have eight gold and about eight silver with me, but more than willing to contribute those."

2012-08-04, 08:41 AM
Looking at the shortbows, Filiu speaks up. "I could use those bows I think, but not very well. I have my own weapons, I just need to be within 10 yards or so in order to aim properly. The closer the better. Far as potions go, I have enough to buy one."

2012-08-04, 02:38 PM
Svetlana has already retreated for the night, reluctant to be part of the men's war council. Though she seems to bear no love for the bandits and has welcomed the adventurers sent to deal with them, Oleg's wife nevertheless doesn't enjoy the topic of bloodshed.

"Sir Eldar is right. I have no crossbows on hand right now, and little supplies left apart from furs and other trading goods the bandits expect to collect tomorrow.
Whatever aid I can provide, you have seen.

Given the proceedings of the fight - I am no warrior, but I expect my wife to stay in the safety of our house; I suppose I can relocate Claptrap, my horse into the guest quarters if you consider that useful.

Concerning first aid...We have a healer's kit around here, and the potions, but that's about it."

With that, the trader shrugs and wishes the adventurers a good night's rest, before he follows his wife to an uneasy sleep before tomorrow.

2012-08-05, 06:03 PM
Before Svetlana goes to bed, Mordecai draws her aside for a quiet word, away from his companions.

"Madam, could you tell me what the current contents of your animal larder are? What slain beasts you currently have stowed away?"

2012-08-06, 02:16 PM
Eldar was thankful of Oleg's cooperative stance, explaining about the various things and giving an offer how to deal with the horse. Eldar gave a nod as a sign that he understood the reasonable thing Oleg mentioned about where his wife would stay. As Oleg mentioned the potions, he turned towards Filiu who mentioned she had enough money for one. "It would be of great help if we had a potion available to us if things do turn out for the worse on one of us. I'd be much obliged if you could make such a purchase, Miss Filiu."

When Oleg left to sleep, Eldar looked at him and offered a similar wish: "May you find harmony and a good rest in your sleep, Mister Leveton."

Looking back at the others, he patiently awaited to hear from any of the others to hear which option Aere had presented they favoured. He did note that Mordecai seemed to have gone to pay the visit to Svetlana he had mentioned earlier, so he looked at Filiu and Aron.

2012-08-06, 06:44 PM
Aere frowned, thinking. "Ten yards is rather limited if we're splitting the enemy in the stable. They'll be that far away from the closest wall, and much better able to return fire if they use crossbows or shortbows. At the very least, we'd have to give you one of the shortbows for better range if we're using the stables gambit. It's also just outside the reach of most spells. I do not care to put the support on the ground, nor do I care to be on the ground without support." He had no delusions about his ability to fight six armed men in his current state, unfortunately. "I feel the gate ambush leaves us in a far stronger position, at the risk of letting them escape. That said, even a mounted rider cannot outpace Anguiculus, and he can take down a single enemy with little harm to either side. I myself can outpace most anyone on foot, so I do not consider it a substantial risk."

2012-08-07, 03:19 PM
"Rabbits, mostly, with half an deer and some pickled pork left...do you prefer a certain kind of meat?"


The new morning rises with a sense of foreboding, as both the Levetons and the defenders of his post get up very early to complete their preparations.

Oleg opens the gate wide, places a variety of furs and trading goods in open view, readily bundled, and then stands guard on a tower, looking with worried determination for the bandit's arrival...


Soon after sunrise, he reports a group of riders on the horizon, steadily coming closer...

Perception checks for information about the riders, if you want to look yourself. Please describe - in general terms, where you want your character to hide.
E. g. On the left tower, the right tower, or one of the towers in the back;
You can feasibly hide behind the stables, behind the guesthouse; behind the Leveton's house, you can set up an wooden barrel between the guest house and the wall and crouch down behind it to hide, but would need to use a move action to move the barrel before attacking the bandits(thus forfeiting at least 1 action during the surprise round), or you could hide on the wooden floor just behind the palisade by lying prone or crouching, potentially jumping down between the gate and the bandits(elevation: 7ft, so no falling damage even without a check)

2012-08-07, 04:12 PM
Looking at the walls and the court, Eldar realised that Aere's words held truth. As he was obviously eyeing the distance, his expression showed realisation and admittance. Ten yards was not a lot and would be quite limiting. Considering how the others seemed to prefer the walls, he had to concede: "You raise a good point on the distance. If most of us are going to be on the wall, it would be more difficult to pull of the plan with the stables, as they would more easily provide cover to our enemies. Considering that, an ambush while we close the gates does seem stronger. Though if I manage to close the gate, as you mentioned, in time as they are surprised, that risk of letting them escape will be very much reduced."


When they turn to bed, those who do not get to sleep as fast as Eldar may note that as he mentioned before, his halo seems to dim and completely fade while he sleeps. Eldar starts to wake when the first rays of the sun light up their environment. As he wakes, the light of the halo starts to shine once more, reappearing above his head over the course of a minute and fully visible before Eldar opens his eyes.


At the mention of bandits visible, Eldar called upon his angelic powers. Taking a deep breath and focusing, he raises up his right hand stretched out vertically, with a strip of metal between his index and middle finger and with the inside of his hand to his left as he speaks up: "<Celestial>I call upon a protective blessing," And with that, his left hand drew a circle around the right hand horizontaly. "granted to me by the powers divine I hold within me. May it be my armour and guard me," Now, his hand had drawn a circle vertical and parallel to his body. "allowing me to endure against harm.</Celestial>" With the last sentence he drew a circle around the hand vertical and perpendicular to his body, after which he placed the hand on his chest. Nothing particular seemed to happen afterwards, though Eldar felt the invisible, but tangible field of force around his body with his right hand.

The same boon he bestowed upon Aere Hebetor, weaving the same motions with his hands and repeating the words, though slightly different: "<Celestial>I call upon a protective blessing, granted to me by the powers divine I hold within me. May it be Aere Hebetor's armour and guard him, allowing him to endure against harm.</Celestial>" After which he placed his hand on Aere's shoulder and a similar invisible, but tangible field of force surrounded him, to protect him in the fight to come.

Eldar then moved behind the guest house, or the hiding location of Aere if he knew a better one, while he waited to see if Aron Times would summon the illusionary cover Aere had suggested before, in which case he would hide behind the illusion.

Casted Angelic (Mage) Armour on myself and Aere Hebetor.

Eldar's current AC: 19 (10 Base + 1 Dex + 4 Natural + 4 Angelic Armour)

2012-08-08, 07:06 AM
Mordecai arose and stretched before walking out onto what would be today's battlefield. Taking up a post on the palisade, he drops prone as he cracks his knuckles and mentally prepares himself for the battle with his quietly muttered verbal routine. "Today I enter battle, for the Law and for my..........victory..........i will......shall not end...... honor my father and his Law."

2012-08-08, 08:17 AM
Elena is a tall slim woman with long red hair and well tanned olive skin.
Though she is clothed in simple white garb, a flowing skirt and a loose shirt bound together with sashes and sandals on her feet, her bearing speaks of unconscious elegance and grace. That the fabrics are of high quality and are unreasonably clean in spite of several days on the road, merely confirms the image of sophistication.
A red tailed hawk which, during the trip, often sat on the soft leather glove that adorns her left wrist, completes the image.


Rising early as dawn breaks, Elena seems well refreshed and she spends some time outside enjoying the morning as the others rise and prepare for the day.

Listening to the discussion over breakfast as the others fill her in on the plans, Elena nods thoughtfully and then speaks "I believe I'll take a position on the palisade walkway on the stable side of the gate", turning to look at Eldar she continues, "Then I will be in position to provide a touch of healing should they turn on you when you close the gate."
"Something else that comes to mind. Do we intend to offer them the option of surrender?", she pauses, before continuing "To my mind it is unnecessary since by their own actions they are brigands or bandits and thus, by our charter and the law of the land, they will face death whether by blade or rope. Furthermore, offering them the opportunity to surrender eliminates at least a part of our advantage of surprise."
"One last point, should they not be brigands, but merely travelers, then I would assume that Oleg could inform us of that through the simple use of the word 'friends' as he speaks to them"
After breakfast and before everyone heads out to make their preparations, Elena wishes everyone the best of luck, "May we walk in Luck's shadow"

Once Oleg starts placing various bundles out in the yard, Elena climbs to the palisade walkway on the inside of the gate on the stable side and silently loads her crossbow.

As the riders are spotted, Elena raises Red, sitting on her left arm, up to the edge of the palisade, and they both take a peek at the approaching riders before crouching low on the walkway behind the palisade.

Take position on the palisade on the stable side of the gate.
(GM) I figure that crouching on the palisade Elena should have cover (and concealment) from the open gate. Is that reasonable?
Also, what sort of action is required to stand from a crouch/kneeling position? (I know it's a move action to stand from prone, but is it a free action to stand from a crouch?)
Cast Mage armor (unobtrusively once the riders are spotted)

Peeking over the palisade at the riders (only whilst they are still far off):
Perception (Elena): [roll0]
Perception(Red): [roll1] (low light vision)

2012-08-08, 11:11 AM
Aere wakes up early, heading out behind the shed where nobody would see him. Facing the wall, his hands braced against it, he began steeling his nerves against the curse. Beads of sweat form, and his hands clench into fists. With a final mutter, "Sum ego," his form shifts. It was good to be back…


Taking his position, Aere mutters in his slightly rusty Celestial, "What he said…" before continuing in Common, "I make no pretensions of being a pious man, but I am grateful for any intercession on my behalf. For my part, I will do what I can with the magic I have at my disposal."

Gesticulating with one claw, Aere murmurs the Draconic incantations- "Callidus et potens es." Be cunning and skillful. "Magnitudine draconis daretur." Be given the size of a dragon.

Aere is casting Guidance and Enlarge Person on both of them. The order is Guidance on Aere then Eldar followed by Enlarge person on Eldar then Aere.

Aere hides behind the illusion as well, close to the wall so as to better stay out of sight. He is within charging distance of the gate.

Anguiculus hides on the front catapult on the same side as Aere.

Aere's sheet is currently updated with his temporary stats. AC 18.

2012-08-09, 04:32 AM
OOC: Alright, here is a sloppy map with coordinates, maybe that helps for positioning.
http://img839.imageshack.us/img839/5683/unbenanntbkt.png (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/839/unbenanntbkt.png/)

Elena sees only a group of riders approaching, but can't make out a number before ducking behind the palisade again.
Her Hawk familiar sees the bandits and horses very clearly, but since it cannot speak, relaying what it has seen might be a bit difficult...

@QuidEst: Unless you say otherwise, I will assume that your Pseudodragon ally is sharing your space.
The same applies for Elena/her Familiar.

@Everyone: Please use the coordinates to decide your position.
A single square is a 5'x5' square, so if you are buffed with Enlarge Person, you need 10x10' space(as per PF rules; regardless of Large(Tall) or Large(Long) distinctions)
You may place additionally 1 Barrel, and whatever space Aron's Silent Image is going to cover, if applicable.

The map is very crude, but should get the point across. And the gate is actually open.

This post is intended as last-ditch status update, an opportunity for you to decide pre-combat actions. The next post will have the bandits inside the fort(unless you decide to close the gate before my next post).
A reminder: Filiu, Elena, Aron and Mordecai still need "Buddies" and Generic Guidelines for being NPC'd in Combat.

After Oleg informed the adventurers of the approaching bandits, the uneasy mood of the morning grew more focused, somewhat tense with the anticipation of the seemingly inevitable violence that would soon disrupt the trading posts peace.

But a peace bought at the expense of Law was no real peace at all...

2012-08-09, 07:04 AM
Elena is positioned at (K,20)

2012-08-09, 09:03 AM
Aere is positioned at (H-I,19-20).
Anguiculus is positioned at C 20.

Anguiculus Perception check: [roll0]
This is relayed telepathically to Aere, letting him know when to cast the spells.

2012-08-09, 05:16 PM
"That will be appreciated, Miss Lebeda." Eldar states towards Elana when she mentions she would be able to stand close to provide healing.

"As for surrender, we will not offer the option at the start so we can make use of the element of surprise. This does not rule out offering the option later on, when it is clear to all involved we have the upper hand." He states, feeling that to be the agreed upon way. He gives a nod at Elena's mention of Oleg able to mention friends.

"May we gain the blessing of victory." Eldar stated as his well wish. He was certainly getting some other blessings in the forms of spells before the fight occurred, glad to receive them from Aere Hebetor.

In the short time before the battle, Eldar was surprised by the size. While he knew what was going to happen, to have his size changed like this, becoming twice as tall, was an extraordinary experience. And oddly enough, while the size felt unused to and different from his regular size, the size felt natural and one he could get used to, were it not for the short duration of the spell and the buildings not really suited to it.

Eldar Medvyed is located at E-F, 19-20 and hoping this means Aron Times' illusion at least covers I, 19-20.

2012-08-10, 08:44 AM
OOC: Since E-F 20 is the wooden walkway, 7ft elevated, and E-F 19 is on the ground, I will be placing Eldar on (E-F, 18-19). The same applies to Aere's positioning -> (H-I, 18-19).

Filiu is placed on S 20, because Q 20 would be on the ground floor, directly behind the gate and no real hiding place at all(unless you want a suspicious barrel sitting there, obstructing the gate, with a halfling ninja hiding in the barrel)

Since Joseph hasn't posted yet, I'll be using some assumptions to move the game along...
http://img27.imageshack.us/img27/7989/unbenannt1af.png (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/27/unbenannt1af.png/)
The wagon on the map is actually a silent image. The real wagon is hidden in the stables.
H is the hooded bandit leader.
B1-B5 are the bandits.
The green shapes are light horses. The rest of the map should be self-explanatory.

Luckily, Mordecai's concerns were unfounded - the pseudodragon counted only six riders, led by a hooded man. All of them were armed with longbows, clad in plain leather gear, and completely at ease - after Oleg dutifully opened the gate and led them to his assortment of trading goods they intended to collect as 'tax' this month, they swiftly dismounted and began to load their horses...

Their leader grunted, boredly looking at the trader as his men busied themselves. "Oy, Oleg, where is your wife today? Doesn't she want to greet us?"

2012-08-10, 10:14 AM
Blasted horses! The bandits had unwittingly formed a perimeter around themselves. Closing the gates would be difficult, but at least there wasn't much access to the gates. Aere sizes up the nearest horse. Knocking one down would be impressive, certainly. It would only have to be one, putting the rest into a panic. They were tough things, he knew from experience, and it would survive. If it didn't… well, it was a while since he'd had horse. The other consideration was Oleg. At least he was on the fringe of combat, although the wrong side. He'd have to draw enough attention to distract the hooded bandit. Mentally signaling Anguiculus about the situation, he readies himself for the attack.

Pouncing forward at the horse by the gate, Aere sets into it viciously with teeth and claws. It was good to be back. No sense in holding back- he lets out a roar to put the horses into a proper panic.

Overhead, Anguiculus flies to a better position, settling himself on the stable roof to have a better shot at the hooded bandit in case Oleg got into trouble.

Whew! My first attack, ever. :smallbiggrin: That said, please let me know if anything is wrong.

Charge/Pounce to (K-L, 18-19) to attack the horse at (N-O, 17-18) with Reach. No AoOs provoked because it's the surprise round.

Against AC 11. Charge gives +2 to the attack (total 5) and -2 to AC (total 16) until the start of his next turn.
Bite: [roll0] [roll1]
Claw 1: [roll2] [roll3]
Claw 2: [roll4] [roll5]
Roar (Intimidate check DC 5): [roll6]

Flies to (I,11)
Stealth (-10 for moving, net +9): [roll7]

2012-08-10, 10:54 AM
With the horse lying bloody on the ground, Aere turns to the bandits. "Throw down your weapons if you want to live."

2012-08-10, 11:07 AM
Filiu leaps out, hoping to reach the building despite not being able to get a running start.Acrobatics (DC 20): [roll0]
Stealth: [roll1]

If the first Acrobatics check fails, I can make a DC 15 Acrobatics check to avoid taking damage from the 10 ft. fall. If I succeed at the second check, I take no damage and am not knocked prone at the bottom.
Acrobatics (DC 15): [roll2]

A) If she makes it to the roof: Filiu should land in S18, and she'll stay there.

B) If she doesn't make it to the roof: The jump will use up 10 ft. of her movement and land her in S19. If she is prone she can't do anything, if she lands on her feet she'll move 4 squares to the right (W19)

2012-08-10, 11:18 AM
Elena rises to her feet, standing on the palisade walkway, revealing herself to the bandits below, and then regally points a finger at the bandit closest to the gate.
(swift action) Stand from crouched
(Standard action) Use Slumber hex on B3 (DC16 Will save or sleep for 1 round)
(If she can't see B3, then target B4 instead)

2012-08-10, 02:10 PM
Stepping from behind the stables with heavy foot steps was a tall human, taller than any human ought to be. Standing over 11 feet tall, the now upright Eldar was even slightly taller than the palisade. With a confident stance, he gazed down with his green eyes upon the bandits as the bright halo floated above his white hair. Stronger than before, he clenches one fist in his other hand. The man dressed in white, seeming more than mere human, spoke clearly: "I suggest you follow my companion's advice."

Move to 18-19 J-K.

Current AC: 17 (10 Base + 0 Dex + 4 Natural + 4 Mage Armour - 1 Size)

Updated sheet with current stats too.

2012-08-10, 04:54 PM
Mordecai stands, a tall figure in a dark trenchcoat on the battlements... hidden from most of the bandits by one of the rooms. "Damnation..." Mordecai mutters. With a single finger he points at the nearest horse he can see and mutters a quick incantation.

Stands up, casts Murderous Command at B4's horse, DC16.

2012-08-11, 09:10 AM
OOC: 24 hours have passed, Aron Times will be NPC'd by me this turn to move things along. If any player wishes to NPC Aron in the future if he misses his chance to post, please do so - I think it is more appropriate for players to NPC players, instead of the DM.

http://img27.imageshack.us/img27/440/mapoleg3.png (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/27/mapoleg3.png/)
B3 is sleeping and prone.
B4 has used Total Defense after dropping his Longbow in (L-15).

The Tables/benches count as difficult terrain(double movement cost, no charging/running across it), but the tables are actually only 3ft high, so can try to jump across them if you want to charge regardless)

Aere takes 12 piercing damage.

For a fleeting moment, the bandits are frozen in fear as a large black-scaled lizard bursts through Oleg's wagon and mauls one of their horses. The bandit closest to it is drenched in blood, and it is almost merciful that he succumbs to Elena's magic and collapses in deep slumber.

Oleg takes this development as his cue and runs away, vanishing from view after darting through the path between his house and the storage room.

Eldar - a small white-haired giant with a luminous frame around his head - steps up behind Aere, and supports his allies suggestion of surrender, his demeanor non-threatening and earnest, yet his peaceful intention somewhat diminished by the fact that he was over 11 feet tall.

Mordecai's magic causes the already panicking horse next to the dragon to freak out completely, lashing out with its hooves at its owner - without any accuracy, as its nerves have been frazzled too much to properly control its movements.

The other horses try their best to move away from the new threat in the confined space of the trading post, as a sharp voice breaks the initial shock and calls the outlaws back into working order.

"Move, and shoot the damn lizard!"
Three bandits heed their commander, and a volley of four arrows is launched towards Aere, with two of the feathered messengers of pointy pain finding their mark.

The last bandit, and perhaps the most intelligent of the bunch, decides to accept the sensible suggestion of the large dragon and the even larger big glowy man - he surrenders. He grips his bow with practiced ease, drops it with an exaggerated movement, then steps aside and assumes a defensive stance, in case 'the damn lizard' was still hungry.

Amids the flurry of movement and noise, noone notices the halfling ninja that leapt from the wooden walkway to the guesthouse's roof in a daring stunt...

Aron Times dismisses his illusion with a thought, still lying prone on the walkway, patiently loading his crossbow to return fire when the time was right.

2012-08-11, 09:26 AM
Mordecai deftly leaps down from the palisade into the ground and sprints around the house, vaulting the sleeping bandit. With another incantation and an out-thrust palm an enormous cloud of smoke springs up before him, covering the other bandits.

"They can't see us through that!" Mordecai calls to the giants to his left. "Charge in and get them!"

Not sure what action is required to jump down; but aiming to get to square P16.
Casts Obscuring Mist on square Q13 or P13 if the former is not within sight.

2012-08-11, 12:47 PM
Seeing Aere become a bit of a pincushion, Elena drops prone on the palisade walkway, and reaches out to touch him.
She then pushes hard against the gate ...
(free action) Drop to prone
(Standard action) Use Healing hex on Aere [[roll0] healing]
(move action) If Elena can help push the gate closed from where she is, then she will (Strength check if relevant: [roll1])

Aron Times
2012-08-11, 01:37 PM
OOC: Sorry for going AWOL, was a busy work week.

Aron Times grabs a handful of sand from a pouch and throws it at a group of bandits (B1 and B2). "Sleep," says the magical chef, and the spell should cause a feeling of tiredness not unlike a good turkey dinner.

If he cannot reach the bandits from his current position, he will move down the ladder and move closer so he can target them. If he still cannot target them, Aron will double move and cast the spell next turn.

2012-08-11, 03:30 PM
As the mist rises up, cutting off the party from the majority of the bandits, Anguiculus notices that he remains in view of both groups. He swiftly informs the party (apart from Filiu, who is out of range) that the bandits have not moved, and that he will report when they do to the best of his ability.

Aere steps forward to where the bandit is just waking up. "Drop your weapons if you don't wish to join your horse," he says in a quiet, menacing tone, preparing to attack if the bandit does not comply.

Anguiculus reports the positions of the bandits to the party.

Aere moves to (N-O, 17-18) and, standing over the mangled body of the horse, uses a free action to ask B3 to drop his weapons (also a free action).

This provokes an attack of opportunity from conscious horse if it is inclined to take one.

If B3 complies immediately, Aere uses his standard action to dismiss Enlarge Person, bringing his AC back up. He remains in (O,17).
If B3 refuses (or hesitates too long), Aere uses his bite attack with the Guidance bonus, spoilered below.
Bite: [roll0] [roll1]

2012-08-11, 05:47 PM
Filiu sees the fog rise up and huffs in frustration. She moves across the roof to Q 13 and readies an action to throw her shuriken at the first non sleeping/prone/surrendered opponent she can see.

2012-08-12, 02:21 AM
Eldar moves towards the gate and with his large arms, grabs both doors and moves to close them. With the cloud up, at least there was further protection during this action.

Closing gate, winding up in N-O 19-20.

Using Guidance on skill check. +5 Strength + 1 = +6.
Move action, Standard Action: Close Gate. DC 15. [roll0]

2012-08-12, 08:52 AM
Apparently, 45 Degrees was wrong.
The roof 15ft across, has a height difference of 10ft(from 10ft at the lowest point to 20ft at the highest), so moving up one half is 12.5 feet, and down the other 12.5 feet = 25 feet.

Winging it, as climbing up is more difficult and climbing down is easier, it costs 25ft movement to cross the roof, going from S 18-S 16. Filiu is at the edge of the fog, and can see B5 while still retaining concealment.

She can decide to jump down to S15(edge of fog) or T 15(leaving fog) or R 15(inside fog):

*at S 15, she can throw a shuriken at B5 with -1 to hit(-2 2nd range increment, +1 PBS) while still retaining concealment.

*at R 15, she remains hidden(without attacking B5 she already spotted while moving across S17 - the high point of the roof, at the edge of the fog)

*at T 15, she is exposed and visible, and potentially a target for B5 and any allies he can call for help.

As such, I'll be choosing the first option as it seems to be most in line with your course of action.

http://img685.imageshack.us/img685/8694/mapoleg4.png (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/685/mapoleg4.png/)

Mordecai jumps from the palisade and creates a sudden change in the battlefield - his magic conjures a fog cloud that obscures the sight of nearly everyone involved, protecting the party from further arrows for the time being.

Filiu swiftly climbs across the roof, hops down and throws a shuriken from the fog at a lone bandit - but unfortunately, she misses.
She does notice his movement to the left, and a series of grunts, followed by hasty footsteps.

Eldar closes the gate with a resounding thud, officially barring the escape route of the bandits and completing their entrapment. This part of the ambush was completed successfully.

Aron casts a spell through the fog, guided by Aere's Pseudodragon ally, but cannot see its effects...

Aere is healed by Elena and proceeds to threaten a waking bandit, who promptly surrenders, clumsily dropping his bow and shortsword and cowering before the big lizard dragon.

2012-08-12, 10:08 AM
Elena stands up on the walkway and gracefully jumps down to the ground, landing lightly, and then moving adjacent to the dying horse.
(move action) Stand from prone)
(move action) Jump down from the walkway and move to (M,19)
Acrobatics: [roll0] (DC15 to ignore falling damage - I figure this means she can make it look graceful)

2012-08-12, 03:02 PM
(Edited to reflect half-speed movement in mist.)
Anguiculus informs the party of the bandits' movements telepathically.

The fog made it difficult to move quickly, leaving Aere to slowly wend his way through the fog towards the closest bandit that had fired on him.

Anguiculus remains in place.

Aere (medium-sized) moves to (R,15), next to Filiu.
Bite: [roll0] [roll1] (Not actually able to reach B5)

2012-08-12, 03:56 PM
Not exactly expecting the Obscuring Mist, but pleased with how the bandits will have difficulty attacking them and not exactly as pleased with their position, he tries to make the best of it for now.

"Mister Shrykeson, Mister Times or Miss Lebeda, could you ensure that the weapons of these two persons are taken into custody?" He asks as he walks forward in the mist experiencing just how much vision it takes away, he has difficulty keeping his regular pace up. Realising how slow this is going to be, and with the horses in the way, he moves along the two bandits who surrendered. At least he can see them for a moment. And as he moves, he speaks up:

First addressing the one who surrendered first: "Get down on the floor." Then directing himself to both. "And both of you, stay down." As the waking bandit had yet to get up, at least that was easy for him.

Walking further, he knew that there was another bandit on this side thanks to Anguiculus, so he did not want to make things easier for said bandit and started making his way there.

Asking the surrendered bandits to move prone. Double move to O-P 14-15.

2012-08-12, 11:24 PM
Walking out of the cloud and nodding in response to the giant's order, Mordecai bends down to pick up the fallen bandit's weapon, then moving to stand beside the giant.

Move action-> O20
Standard action-> pick up weapon

2012-08-13, 11:30 AM
(NPCing Aron)

Aron jumps down from the balcony, trying to line himself up with the gap the Pseudodragon said the bandits retreated through.

Aron to (O-19)

2012-08-13, 12:49 PM
< NPC'ing Filiu (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=13696430&postcount=136) >

Moving silently atop the outdoor table, Filiu flicks another shuriken at the one bandit that she can clearly see.(using the DM rolls in the OOC thread)
(move action) Move to (Q,14) (half move)
(I assume that Filiu can see bandit B5 from here, and this seems to be as good a vantage point as she's going to get down here.
I'm hoping that the benches are enough to prevent charging - I counted them as difficult terrain with respect to Filiu's movement)
Stealth: (1d20+12)[21 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=13718386&postcount=226)] vs B5's perception: (1d20)[8 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=13718386&postcount=226)]
(standard action) Attack: (1d20+6)[20 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=13718386&postcount=226)]-2(range increment)=[18] vs AC 12(flatfooted); Damage: (1d6+2)[6 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=13718386&postcount=226)]

2012-08-13, 02:02 PM
OOC: I moved Filiu to R 13 instead: this lets her still benefit from concealment. It also obviates the need for the -2 penalty to hit for range.

http://img835.imageshack.us/img835/5100/testixn.png (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/835/testixn.png/)

H used an Alchemist's fire, both the storage shed and the Leveton's house have caught fire. If left unchecked, it might spread...
Filiu pursues the bandit she attacked earlier, vanishing in the fog, only to emerge again, standing on a bench and surprising her target yet again. This time, her shuriken strikes true, drawing a pained curse from the outlaw, who briefly squints at the partially obscured halfling before running away, swiftly climbing a ladder and retreating on the wooden walkway.

The fog persists, obscuring most of the battlefield, as the adventurers reposition themselves, with Mordecai picking up a bandit's shortsword before securing the gate.

The two bandits that surrendered so far do their best to stay alive, following Eldars commands without question.

A boastful voice is heard from behind the storage shed, swiftly followed by the sound of shattering glass and a soft roar of flame.

"Oleg, I bet you thought yourself smart when inviting these guests to deal with us, huh? Let's see how much of your post is even left after this!

You'll pay, one way or the other!"

2012-08-14, 01:36 AM
"YOU will pay, Lawbreaker!" Mordecai calls out. "Oleg is with us and we will protect him, and your surrendered comrades. If you do not do the same, we WILL kill you."

Mordecai quickly moves over to beside the house and with a gesture his mist disappears from sight.

Move to R19.

2012-08-14, 09:15 AM
Now able to see the dying horse, Elena murmurs a simple cantrip and stabilizes the poor creature before moving forward around the fog and past the horses, murmuring quietly to the horse as she passes by.
Cast Stabilize on the dying horse (now stable at -15hp)
Move to (L,15) (via (K,17)-(K,16))

2012-08-14, 12:40 PM
Filiu moves towards the fleeing bandit, using the building as cover. She pokes her head out long enough to let fly with a shuriken.Action: 10 ft. NE (counts as 15 ft.), 15 ft. E, Stealth (-5 for movement), attack with a shuriken (-6 for range).

Stealth: [roll0]
Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

2012-08-14, 02:51 PM
Eldar moves forward, happy to see the mist having dispersed. This happiness is swiftly tossed out a window in his mind as he sees the bandits have taken to more extreme measures, such as lighting things on fire. Letting out a plain sigh, he knows he must move forward, to try and do something about it.

But blocking his path are several horses. "Shoo, horsies, horsies." He couldn't help use horsies now to address them as they looked so much smaller than usually. Waving with his hands to the left, he hoped to urge them to all move left, so the farthest would move closer to the fort's wall, giving room for all others to move aside as well and freeing up space. Or at the very least, he hoped that the horse blocking his further advance would move to the side. "SHOO!" He exclaimed loudly once more with a powerful swipe in the air, gesturing them away and to the left, hoping it was effective.

It seemed to be, and he stepped further, moving halfway over the pen before pulling out his (enlarged) waterskin and splashing the water inside of the container over the flames the bandits had created. "No playing with fire in here."

Intimidate DC 10 during move: [roll0]

If failure, get stuck at N-O 13-14, try to continue shooing them with another standard action.

If success, move to M-N 10-11, taking the -2 to hit/ac penalties (but likely still profiting some cover bonuses) from standing partway in the pen and using water from his waterskin to try and douse the flames: [roll1] vs AC 5.

2012-08-14, 07:06 PM
<NPCing Aron Times>

Aron casts Sleep on H and B2, then out of their line of fire.

Casts sleep with DC 16.
Moves to (P,16).

2012-08-14, 07:46 PM
Aere rushes through the narrow gap, getting in position to attack the two bandits.

Anguiculus spots the bandit sneaking towards Oleg, sending a warning and diving off the roof to attack the bandit.

Aere: If both bandits are asleep, double-move to (N,4). If neither bandit is asleep, double-move to (N,5).

Anguiculus: Warn Oleg telepathically to continue to the front side of the trading post.
Move to (H,7) and stings B1.
Sting: [roll0], damage is always one, DC 14 poison to sleep for at least one minute.

2012-08-15, 04:07 AM
For information: If someone is hit by a sleep effect, he remains in his position(standing/mounted/prone/whatever) for 1 full round. If he is still asleep after that time has passed and it seems reasonable to me(e.g. there is no wall nearby or something to lean on in a sleepy slouch), they automatically drop prone.

http://img826.imageshack.us/img826/6481/mapoleg6.png (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/826/mapoleg6.png/)

Uploaded with ImageShack.us (http://imageshack.us)

Eldar takes 3 piercing damage.
Aere takes 5 piercing damage.

Mordecai moved behind cover and dismissed his obscuring mist, restoring vision to all combatants.

Elena used her magic to cure the mauled horse, sealing its wounds before moving next to a surrendered, prone bandit.

Filiu chased her previous opponent, throwing another shuriken unerringly. The fleeing bandit collapsed with a pained grunt, dropping on the walkway unconscious and bleeding.

Eldar, the only one having retained his impressive size so far, put it to good use by shooing the horses away, stepping inside the storage pen and dousing the fire. His efforts were rewarded with two arrows, one missing and the other grazing his shoulder.

Aron invoked his magic again, enchanting two bandits with magical sleep, allowing Aere to advance into their midst.
The pseudodragon, who had acted as overseer of the entire battle so far, finally swooped down to attack the bandit who wounded Eldar, but missed.

Said bandit moved to wake his leader, who proceeded to wake the other sleeping outlaw while shouting defiantly: "The lizard's shrunk! Hah, forget dragons, it's hardly anything more than a pony now! Let's kill it!"

A bandit prompty followed his suggestion, dropping his bow, drawing a shortsword and stabbing Aere.

2012-08-15, 06:20 AM
Mordecai moves around the corner to stand next to the sleeping bandit, staring over at the one next to Aere.

"Ha! Pestilent whoresons! No wonder you've fallen to preying on innocent men- that's what your MOTHERS did all their lives! And now you will PAY!"

Move to N19, intimidate

2012-08-15, 09:13 AM
Filiu double-moves 12 squares west (should be at corner of the building Eldar is currently in.)

2012-08-15, 09:38 AM
Aere snarls at the men, weighing his options. The bandits would be weaker and easier to kill, but taking out their leader might get them to back down. It would have to be done at some point, so he sets in to the hooded man with a vengeance.

Anguiculus will move and attack any bandit who resists the next sleep spell.

Aere full attacks H.
Bite: [roll0] [roll1]
Claw: [roll2] [roll3]
Claw: [roll4] [roll5]

2012-08-15, 12:10 PM
Eldar makes his way out of the pen just in time to see the leader drop under Aere's assault. Standing tall and high behind the just fallen bandit leader, he casts down his gaze upon the other two bandits. "Surrender now and drop your weapons, lest you suffer the same fate." He states clearly and plainly, offering them a final chance at surrender.

Move to M-N 6-7. Attack if they don't surrender, but as was stated in the ooc, seems like they will!

2012-08-16, 09:38 AM
Elena picks up the bow at her feet and move around the horse in front of her.
(move action) pick up bow at her feet
(move action) move to (L,12)

2012-08-17, 02:48 PM
Combat over.
+146 XP for everyone!

114 arrows
5 Longbows
6 Leather armors
1 Silver Amulet with a Stag on it, worn by the leader
1 Composite Longbow, fitted for +2 Str
6 shortswords
Trail rations for 12 days
6 light horses(one heavily wounded)
1 alchemist's fire

The pony-sized dragon tears into the outspoken bandit leader, silencing him through sheer brutality.

Upon seeing that, the remaining two bandits immediately surrender, dropping their weapons in the vain hope that the dragon would show mercy to those who had stabbed and shot him...

2012-08-17, 03:07 PM
"Good." Eldar exclaims as the two bandits before him surrender now that their leader has fallen. Picking up their weapons as well as the weapons of their leader, so they do not have the opportunity to suddenly change their minds, he instructs them: "Now lie down on the ground and remain still."

When they follow said instructions, Eldar turns over towards the front gate. Still at his large size, he easily surveys his companions over the pen and he is easy to be heard when he speaks up. "Their leader is down and the others have surrendered. I took away their weapons. Everything holding up well over there too?" From what he sees, this seems to be case.

If it actually is the case and the bandit behind the house, the one he can not see, hasn't suddenly stood up again, he continues: "Can somebody fetch some rope to tie them up with?" With the bandits now surrendered, it was obvious that they would need to be tied up. And since their earlier tour of the fort did show there was rope available, this seemed like the ideal time to use it.

2012-08-17, 03:13 PM
"No problems here." Filiu slides a few of her shuriken back into their containers, then goes to Elena, saying "One of the bandits is on the wall up there bleeding; perhaps you could stabilize him?"

2012-08-17, 05:12 PM
Aere returns with the fifty feet of hemp rope in his mouth, setting it down in front of Eldar.

"Vigila," he calls to Anguis, ordering the tiny dragon to keep an eye on the group.

"Once they're secure, we can go inside to discuss how to proceed in privacy. Anguiculus will make sure that nobody tries to… make our decision any easier." Aere glances over at the bandits that are still conscious.

2012-08-17, 06:03 PM
Elena first stabilizes the leader and then proceeds to the side wall and stabilizes the bandit lying bleeding there.

Then having seen to those involved in the fighting, she returns to the heavily injured horse and proceeds to lay her healing hands on the unconscious creature.
Cast Stabilize on the leader and the other unconscious bandit (B5?)
Use Healing hex on the horse ([roll0] hit points healed)

Does anyone still need healing? Aere?

2012-08-18, 02:15 AM
Eldar nods at Filiu's comment and when Aere shows up with rope, Eldar politely nods. "Thank you." Setting to work to tie up the bandits hands behind their back one by one, Eldar has no clue if he's doing it well enough. This is because he is not at all experienced with tying people up. Just to be sure, he tries to make tight bindings so that it would be difficult to wring them loose. Using a shortsword to cut up the rope for each bandit, he at least makes use of the weapons he took away.

Eventually Eldar (still large) carefully moves through the pen again. "I'm fine as well." He reports to Elena as he makes his way out the pen. Knowing that the spell that keeps him large will run out, he first moves to the unconscious bandit on the wall to pick him up and get him down, so nobody has to take care of the hassle to get an unconscious man down along a ladder. Not long after, he starts to shrink in size, returning to his usual, relatively average, height. Seeing his full environment become larger again and losing the reach and strength his larger size benefited him, it seems to affect more than just Eldar's size, as his expression turns sour, negatively impacting his mood.

Somehow, Eldar could not explain it, the large size felt natural. More natural even than the normal medium size he was, like every other human was. And that while that was the size he had been used to his whole life, and it was the size almost everybody he knew had been, with the exception of halflings, gnomes and dwarves, though they were smaller. Caught up by thoughts how natural the large size had felt, Eldar seemed to stare off in the distance, losing his focus somewhat. How weird that the large size had felt so natural..

As Eldar was in thought it took a while for him to realise there were still bandits to tie up. Seeming to snap out of his thought momentarily, he quickly set to tying them up as well, after which his thoughts would drift off again, unless interrupted by somebody else speaking up.

2012-08-20, 04:09 AM
The bandits unconscious and restrained, Mordecai rests his hands on his knees and pants from the exertion. After having recovered enough to attain a solemn air, he walks over and finds Oleg, bringing him out into the yard.

"I am afraid that your property has received some fire damage, sir. However, the bandits have been dealt with." Mordecai kicks out and roughly turns over the bound bandit leader to face upwards. "Do you know what this one's name is?"

2012-09-13, 04:05 AM
Upon hearing the adventurers declare the battle to be over, Oleg carefully looks around the stable and confirms their victory with his own eyes.

"Don't worry about the scorch marks, the important thing is that you kept us safe.

Now...what do you want to do with the bandits?
You're the arm of the law here, after all, so I expect a judgement fit for their crimes."

He seems visibly relieved to see the bandits bound and disarmed, though Aere's shape does appear to unsettle him somewhat.
From time to time, his eyes dart towards the bandits, as if he thinks they remain dangerous as long as they live...


"That guy is Happs! Happs Bydon, a new guy! Upstart thought he could order us around, but it looks like he is useless after all!"

A bandit crows in response to Mordecai's question, a smug look on his face. Maybe he hopes to appease his captors by volunteering information and openly showing his disdain for his former leader?

2012-09-13, 08:47 AM
Filiu takes Oleg aside. She says "The leader - Happs? - he'll probably be executed. Are you familiar with the other bandits and any crimes they have committed? Every little bit of information helps us reach our decision."

2012-09-14, 04:03 AM
As Mordecai started to talk to the bandits and Oleg spoke up, Eldar snapped out of his thoughts. While they still lingered in the back of his head, there were more important matters to deal with.

Stepping towards the person who was willing to talk, Eldar looks down upon him, then glancing towards the others. When his gaze moves back to the man, he looks with disdain. Considering his situation, calling one's superior useless while being tied up one's self, was less than eloquent.

"Tell me your names." This time, Eldar does not ask, he demands. "And tell me how long you have been with this group, as well as Happs and whoever was before him."

2012-09-22, 06:03 AM
With the bandits all stabilized, and the injured horse tended to, Elena simply appears to ignore the bandits, almost as if they are beneath her notice, and proceeds to first calm, and then to unsaddle and stable the horses.
Handle animal: [roll0]

Finally with the horses seen to, Elena turns to Oleg and asks, "Oleg, I need to get the injured horse into the stables where I can safely treat it. Do you have anything which would help us move it?"

2012-09-22, 09:48 AM
Aere held off on discussing the prisoner's fates, preferring to do so out of their hearing range. It was one thing to advocate mercy on their behalf- it was another thing for them to see him doing it. The horses looked like they weren't particularly inclined to listen to Elena, so he stepped in to… encourage them.

Handle Animal (untrained): [roll0]