View Full Version : Best/Funniest interruption you've had during a D&D game?

2012-07-22, 05:14 PM
I believe all groups have had one or two funny game interruptions. Most likely ending in the group cracking up laughing. In this thread please share your's.

Last night:
We were nearing 1:00am in our weekly gaming session. One of the players was half dozed off. He suddenly woke up as we started laughing as the host's dog started (and ended up finishing) taking a tinkle on his backpack which was on the floor next to his chair. Fortunately no D&D books were harmed. :smallbiggrin:

2012-07-22, 07:32 PM
We were having a late night session playing at the local gaming store (several of us had keys) and it was prolly about 1 am. One of the owners showed up (he was probably 27 at the time, fed up with the store and with the other owner so he was doing his own stuff to bring more people to the store. Well, he showed up with about 45 people and 20 gallons of milk. Announced that there was going to be a milk drinking contest. He put a $100 bill on the line, and for $5 + cost of a gallon of milk you could enter the contest. Drink the gallon in an hour without vomiting or pissing and you walk out with the $100s. Everyone that entered had their entry fee added to the pile of cash in the middle so there was eventually a couple hundred bucks there. We called our game early.

2012-07-22, 08:52 PM
A player had spent some time slowly turning the hanging chair in circles when it suddenly came loose from the ceiling and dumped him on the floor.

No injury, lots of laughs.

2012-07-22, 09:06 PM
Breastketball happens weekly. My weekly D&D game is mostly women, one boyfriend and our flamboyant gay friend. Everyone with exception of the one boyfriend randomly tries to throw pieces of paper, dice, ice cubes or miniatures down each others shirts. Last week a well landed ice cube resulted in some loud squealing and a laugh that burst into snorts. I threatened to kill them all and we continued playing.

I'm not even going to explain the time I made chocolate mousse for the group.

2012-07-22, 09:43 PM
We were playing on our regular night when just as they were about to crash the doors of a haunted castle a (very drunk) friend of ours ran into the room wearing nothing but his underwear yelling "Casper is a rape ghost!" everyone pissed themselves laughing and we all decided not to go into the castle just in case.

Then there was the flaming man pile, another shining moment of my players

Half-orc Bard
2012-07-22, 10:43 PM
Breastketball happens weekly. My weekly D&D game is mostly women, one boyfriend and our flamboyant gay friend. Everyone with exception of the one boyfriend randomly tries to throw pieces of paper, dice, ice cubes or miniatures down each others shirts. Last week a well landed ice cube resulted in some loud squealing and a laugh that burst into snorts. I threatened to kill them all and we continued playing.

I'm not even going to explain the time I made chocolate mousse for the group.

Best dnd group ever*

*not meant to sound perverted

2012-07-23, 12:31 AM
We were playing on our regular night when just as they were about to crash the doors of a haunted castle a (very drunk) friend of ours ran into the room wearing nothing but his underwear yelling "Casper is a rape ghost!" everyone pissed themselves laughing and we all decided not to go into the castle just in case.

This is one of the funniest/strangest coincidences I've heard of in a long while.

2012-07-23, 03:09 AM
During one session, I had apparently drifted off to sleep, I forget when it was but it was just one of those days where I wanted to crash. Apparently, at some point, my DM was asking me what I'd like to do and not getting an answer. So they started poking me on TS. When I woke up, everyone was laughing their asses of. I had apparently let out a giant snore at some point.

2012-07-23, 04:50 AM
During one session, I had apparently drifted off to sleep, I forget when it was but it was just one of those days where I wanted to crash. Apparently, at some point, my DM was asking me what I'd like to do and not getting an answer. So they started poking me on TS. When I woke up, everyone was laughing their asses of. I had apparently let out a giant snore at some point.


Sorry, dont understand.

2012-07-23, 06:06 AM

Sorry, dont understand.

Team speak, a communication tool.

2012-07-23, 01:39 PM
We had a pretty big game going at the time - like 8 people, mixed men and women. It was at my (& my wife's) house.

One guy heads to the bathroom.

About 3 minutes later, he comes running out screaming with his shorts (it was summer) soaking wet.

This got a burst of laughter right off the bat.

Then we eventually got him to admit what happened.

Seems he had a bit of a jock itch problem and went into our medicine cabinet looking for some relief. He tried athlete's foot powder...

2012-07-23, 02:36 PM
... Drink the gallon in an hour without vomiting or pissing and you walk out with the $100s. ...

Did anyone win ? How much puking actually happenend ?

2012-07-23, 03:24 PM
Night time survival horror game, the party goes into a dark room, it's really hard to see...suddenly, a noise in the distance...sounds like a girl screaming, but it's too faint to be sure...

The party searches around, only one door (other than the one used to enter) is found, but it cannot be opened from this side...but there is someone on the other side...we can see the shadows!!

Everyone rolls to remain stealthy and not make any noise...someone fails, he knocks a small metal object on the ground, making a noise...the figure approaches the door...it can be anything...or anyone...we can hear the rusted doorknob being turned as the door opens and at the exact same time the actual door (as in, in the real world) opens and the DM's mom asks if we want some snacks.

Hilarity ensues.

Ranting Fool
2012-07-23, 05:37 PM
Not the best and only funny now years later but I was DM'ing a game a few years ago on halloween when my mum comes in and asks me where my youngest brother is. I look confused and reply that "Didn't he go trick or treating with his friends"

"What friends? who took him?"

"He said he told you"

"No he didn't"

"bugger" *gets coat and has to go search the streets of London for a 9 year old who was soon to be in a lot of trouble*

2012-07-23, 05:41 PM
I believe all groups have had one or two funny game interruptions. Most likely ending in the group cracking up laughing. In this thread please share your's.

Last night:
We were nearing 1:00am in our weekly gaming session. One of the players was half dozed off. He suddenly woke up as we started laughing as the host's dog started (and ended up finishing) taking a tinkle on his backpack which was on the floor next to his chair. Fortunately no D&D books were harmed. :smallbiggrin:

I'll top that, in the middle of the game at the house of a friend with a cat. The cat climbs inside my bag, ***** his leg and pisses into it in a steady stream for what seems like hours.
Only good point is the bag turns out be leakproof so none got on the carpet but well I'll never use that bag again

2012-07-23, 08:33 PM
A (less unfortunate) cat story probably highlights one of the best interruptions. A new kitten we got was quite the playful cat (to the point that I named her Mischief). Said Mischief must have thought she was apart of the game with how often she batted around dice and laid on the battle mat, frequently prompting meta-jokes from the table as a colossal feline suddenly appears and kills whoever gets knocked over.

Funniest interruption came when the cat fell over the side of the table, holding on with its forelimbs for a brief second to look at the player's with a look of sheer terror, before falling the few feet to floor where it promptly scatters off.

2012-07-23, 09:23 PM
Did anyone win ? How much puking actually happenend ?

:( No.


Supposedly its impossible to win the challenge, something about too much calcium and your body vomiting to keep you alive or something. But that place's back yard was a wreck. It was inside, outside, on the walls. It was rough. :(

2012-07-23, 10:43 PM
Although it didn't happen to me, I once heard about someone ordering pizza. When the delivery person got there, but before he knocked on the door, the dm asked "what did you do with the body" (referring to something in-game). The interruption happened later, and was done by the police.

Agent 451
2012-07-23, 11:16 PM
I'm not even going to explain the time I made chocolate mousse for the group.

Please tell me it involved an actual (puppet) moose. Bork bork!

The Bandicoot
2012-07-24, 12:10 AM
A (less unfortunate) cat story probably highlights one of the best interruptions. A new kitten we got was quite the playful cat (to the point that I named her Mischief). Said Mischief must have thought she was apart of the game with how often she batted around dice and laid on the battle mat, frequently prompting meta-jokes from the table as a colossal feline suddenly appears and kills whoever gets knocked over.

Funniest interruption came when the cat fell over the side of the table, holding on with its forelimbs for a brief second to look at the player's with a look of sheer terror, before falling the few feet to floor where it promptly scatters off.

This is why cats rock.

My own cat related story. My friend, in one session would stop the game for any important roll so he could use a laser-pointer to make his cat run head-first into his big foam 20-sided to roll it.

2012-07-24, 08:07 AM
Just the other day, my players were RPing an interrogation of a member of a secret organization to get information on the higher-ups. My sister (2) climbs into my lap and pounds on the table, shouting "Where's my money?!! Where's my money?!!"


2012-07-24, 08:19 AM
Just the other day, my players were RPing an interrogation of a member of a secret organization to get information on the higher-ups. My sister (2) climbs into my lap and pounds on the table, shouting "Where's my money?!! Where's my money?!!"



A future gamer girl in the making. :smallwink:

2012-07-24, 10:57 AM
This is why cats rock.

My own cat related story. My friend, in one session would stop the game for any important roll so he could use a laser-pointer to make his cat run head-first into his big foam 20-sided to roll it.

I do believe we have a new "most awesome cat story".
To post any other cat stories you must be this tall to ride equal or exceed this one.


A future gamer girl in the making. :smallwink:

Someone hasn't see "The Landlord" video...