View Full Version : 1 shot filler sessions Ideas

2012-07-23, 01:08 PM
Hey playground!

like it says on the box, I'm looking for some good filler session ideas that would be fun, but not advance any plot. I'm DMing a homemade semi-steampunk campaign and one of my players has been out of town for nearly a month now. the rest of the players and I are getting antsy for some action (considering they just discovered a main plot point/twist) but we still have no word on when this player is coming back, and we don't really want to leave him behind (me especially because he is the best at figuring out my ridiculous puzzles and the best at leading the party down the correct plot trail.) also he's the tank =P

anyways, the other players are a pathfinder witch and gunslinger, and a homebrewed dragon shaman, all level 6 and mostly not optimized. I rememeber there being a WotC database of one-shot sessions book thingies (though I can't seem to find it at the moment) but I was curious what sort of oneshot steampunk ideas the playground might have.

2012-07-23, 06:49 PM
Players are conscripted to guard a trading company's airship or setting appropriate vehicle. They fight stuff. Monsters, pirates, anything. Three dimensional changes to where they're fighting makes it interesting as the deck pitches, yaws and rolls. Airship can crash if you want.

2012-07-24, 02:05 AM
Wizards put up a couple of pdfs on their website not so long ago with many small adventures for this purpose exactly. Maybe they could be too long for this situation, but meh, here it is: link (bottom of the page for 3.5) (http://www.dungeonmastering.com/campaigns-adventures/83-free-dd-adventures)

2012-07-24, 02:21 AM
a good old fashion murder investigation. Can be set up pretty easily and can be a session or two should you so require