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View Full Version : Testing Out a Little Homebrew

2012-07-23, 08:29 PM
I'm currently running a low magic campaign set in a Norse setting (3.5) I plan on introducing this PRC when the players run into a company of mercenaries they encountered earlier in the campaign. If the playground could help me tweak it that would be great.
https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=sites&srcid=ZGVmYXVsdGRvbWFpbnxzdW1tZXJkZGdhbWV8Z3g6Zjlm ZGQ0NWQ5ZGIzMzYx&pli=1

2012-07-23, 09:01 PM
You might have better luck i the homebrew forum :smallwink:

2012-07-23, 09:12 PM
I think this belongs in Homebrew.

My thoughts just going through it:

The Reflex and Will saves are weird. If they're 1/3 progression, they shouldn't get that bump at level 5
The skill requirements are written in a bit of a confusing way. I'm not sure I'm understanding them right. Is it Craft: (Fortifications || Woodworking || Fletching) 6 ranks && Craft (Armor) 6 ranks && Craft (Blacksmith) 6 ranks && Craft (Weapons) 6 ranks && Ride 8 ranks?
Those skill and feat requirements are pretty nasty. The class should be really good.
Skills are bad. No Intimidate on a melee class?
What are the HD?
Locked bonus feats are boring abilities, especially crummy bonus feats.
Campaign Movement is obtainable from a Binder dip or vestige tooth, but with armored movement thrown in to boot. It's also basically rendered obsolete with a 7gp mule.
Battlefield promotion is confusing and riddled with typos. Am I right in thinking that the way to use this is to hire, befriend, and ritualistically tear commoners apart in the middle of a big scrum every morning? Does the BCE power up whenever any of his buddies take a nap?
Bleh. Another boring locked feat choice. And I wouldn't expect a shield user not to have it already.
Is that a nerfed endurance as a bonus feat?
A wand of cure light wounds is 750 gp. That's not really worth spending a level on.
Again, loads aren't something most characters have to deal with, due to mules, extradimensional storage and spells like Floating Disk. Especially at ECL 10+.

So my takeaway is that this has potentially crippling requirements which grant very weak class features that could generally be obtained inexpensively from other sources. If it's for NPCs, that's fine, you won't overwhelm the players.

If it's something you or a player want to use for a PC, consider a sizable power-up; I'd think dropping Distracting Attack and most of the skill requirements (probably adding a heal skill requirement), adding the class level to Shieldmate, multiplying the Aura bonuses by class level (assuming only one aura can be active at a time), turning the healing into a swift action group-wide kind of a deal, bulking skills up a bit (2 more points, better list) and turning the level 3 ability into actual Endurance for the sake of hitting other class/feat requirements. At that point, the class might be a bit closer to a level-appropriate option.

EDIT: I'm assuming the abilities are all extraordinary? That should be spelled out. And if the auras are buffed, they should have an explicit 5-level cap, so Mythic Exemplar can't abuse them.