View Full Version : Need advice for hunting/fighting/dealing with Mindflayers and the Ethereal Plane.

2012-07-25, 01:11 PM
So my home campaign has taken a huge turn. No longer is it underground and about retaking a dwarf home land from a troll occupation force. It's now about hunting down some mind flayers who are secretly running at least one human city and at least a few towns near that city.

I am fairly unfamiliar with the rules of the ethereal and how the mind flayers work. As far as thralls, and eating brains and domination, charm person etc. I am completely lost when it comes to what are good spells, items, tactics, etc for tracking creatures who can cross planes, or what's best for operating on the ethereal. Or what might keep them locked down on whatever plane we hopefully find them on. I'm also worried about being spied upon from the ethereal.

The PCs are all about 12th. Dwarf Ranger (bow), Dwarf Werebear(tank, ranger's cohort), Dwarf Wizard (buffs and aoe and control), Assassin (TWF), Cleric/ Inquisitor. So far we've been trying to scout, and track the city and towns. We've only plane shifted once. I'm not sure if my Ranger can track, tracks on the prime material, while on the ethereal. Either way the tracks keep disappearing form both planes to the other.

Any thoughts of advice would be appreciated. Most 3.5 things are allowed. Even some base class PF stuff. I am trying to work with the DM, so my ranger can retrain favored enemies and terrains to planar ones.


2012-07-25, 04:50 PM
I am completely lost when it comes to what are good spells, items, tactics, etc for tracking creatures who can cross planes, or what's best for operating on the ethereal. Or what might keep them locked down on whatever plane we hopefully find them on. I'm also worried about being spied upon from the ethereal.

I'm not sure if my Ranger can track, tracks on the prime material, while on the ethereal. Either way the tracks keep disappearing form both planes to the other.

Get yourself a Ring of Blinking!

2012-07-25, 06:20 PM
So my home campaign has taken a huge turn. No longer is it underground and about retaking a dwarf home land from a troll occupation force. It's now about hunting down some mind flayers who are secretly running at least one human city and at least a few towns near that city.

I am fairly unfamiliar with the rules of the ethereal and how the mind flayers work. As far as thralls, and eating brains and domination, charm person etc. I am completely lost when it comes to what are good spells, items, tactics, etc for tracking creatures who can cross planes, or what's best for operating on the ethereal. Or what might keep them locked down on whatever plane we hopefully find them on. I'm also worried about being spied upon from the ethereal.

The PCs are all about 12th. Dwarf Ranger (bow), Dwarf Werebear(tank, ranger's cohort), Dwarf Wizard (buffs and aoe and control), Assassin (TWF), Cleric/ Inquisitor. So far we've been trying to scout, and track the city and towns. We've only plane shifted once. I'm not sure if my Ranger can track, tracks on the prime material, while on the ethereal. Either way the tracks keep disappearing form both planes to the other.

Any thoughts of advice would be appreciated. Most 3.5 things are allowed. Even some base class PF stuff. I am trying to work with the DM, so my ranger can retrain favored enemies and terrains to planar ones.


Well look up some spells that block teleport and stuff, it is in the higher levels I believe, as for having to fight it, have your wizard stack up on force spells, as they affect both plans.

Ghost touch weapons are also key

2012-07-25, 06:26 PM
So here is some stuff for your wizard

Dimensional Anchor 4th level spell

Dispel Magic 2nd level spell... might work if mind flayer does not resist

Magic Missle will hit him...

interposing hand, not sure the spell level

Most force spells are psionic so meh ...

2012-07-25, 06:54 PM
good will saves

pick fav en abberation when u can

an archer (you) is pretty good vs flayers..keep your distance always & shoot them dead.

attack spells that ignore SR

stuff already mentioned

stun & grapple immunity or removal magic/spells

Illithid Slayer PRC (exp psi) is (obviously) handy. It's pretty good vs non flayers!

feats from lords of madness:
abberation banemagic
darkstalker is good overall
quick recovery

Abolisher PRC might be worth a look for your dwarf (it's ranger-easy)
the others might like some other PRC from lords of madness too

2012-07-26, 05:08 PM
Thanks all. My ranger had already picked up aberration as a favored enemy, just a +2, still have giants at +6. I hope the DM lets me change that around at some point. In game my ranger keeps seeking out lore on aberrations and such. My ranger has purchased a ring of mind shielding and one of freedom of movement. Perhaps he can buy some scrolls of blink and the wiz can hook him up. I've talked to the casters about protection from evil to help with the charms and domination. Also dimensional anchor and spell immunity.

Again thanks for the advice. I'm looking through the LoM, now. Hopefully the Planar Handbook later.
