View Full Version : I dont fight, I do the rest

2012-07-25, 08:30 PM
A character that can do anything except combat...
So, i thought...
All non combat special abilities, all skills class-skills, knowing all languages...

So ...
Level 6 Human.. Str14,Con14, Rest 18 ...

Alignment: Dunno yet.. maybe LN

He 'll be : Rogue1 / Ur.Ranger2 / Cloist.Cleric1 / Druid1 / W.Detective1

Here's a detailed list of variants and why i picked each...

Rogue 1
So i get the massive *4 skill points at lvl1 plus trapfinding.
Also, from UA using
Gain: Bonus feats (as fighter).
Lose: Sneak attack.
(he wont fight... so no need for that 1d6 Sneak)
Ur.Ranger 2
So i get the Urban Tracking and Favored enemy(organization) at lvl1
plus the Combat Style (havent decide which yet)
Cloistered Cleric
Lets see... he gives Lore(bardic knowledge),makes all Knowledge Class-skills and "Opens" Language Skill :)
Also he gives some "turn uses" which are prerequisites for some fets.There is the option to use an UA variant to exchange turn for smite evil.
Druid 1
Heh.. thats a tricky... Variant from UA...
Gain: Bonus to Armor Class when unarmored (as monk, including Wisdom bonus to AC), fast movement (as monk), favored
enemy (as ranger), swift tracker (as ranger), Track feat (as ranger).
Lose: Armor and shield profi ciency, wild shape (all versions).
You may ask why though... well... i want him to have an An.Comp. , and get Track(the normal) which it was taken away from Ur.Ranger. Also druid "opens" Survival skill (the last that was left as cross-class). The rest are just bonus :)
Watch Detective
Nothing much to say about that... its the Pr.Class i though it would be most suitable.

I suppose i ll get all languages, a bunch of skill tricks..
The real problem is that i have a total of 5 feat slots empty...
what would you suggest? notice that those feats should not be "fighting".
I suppose i need smthing that may give skill points, or any kind of "non-combat"
utility... just imagine the most "learned man" you can think mixed with Sherlock
Holmes and MacGyver.

I m also interested on any feedback.. keep in mind that this character is based on
3,5E, RAW, and that I DO NOT have access to "retraining rules and options" or anything homebrew.

P.S. : I propably didnt include every single thing on the above,so if something is obscure and you are
interested to help just ask me for clarifications.

Thnx All for the help,feedback and your time :)

2012-07-25, 08:39 PM
If Cloistered Cleric is an option and you don't have a particular feat combo in mind, I'm not clear on what all these level-dips are getting that more Cleric levels wouldn't (and it is pretty clear what this is losing in exchange).

Hiro Protagonest
2012-07-25, 08:44 PM
Factotum, cloistered cleric, or archivist.

3.5 has classes that are made to be flexible. It also punishes those who think multiclassing is the way to become a jack of all trades, unless you take the "master of none" part to mean "useless for his level".

2012-07-25, 08:45 PM
Wouldn't just playing a Wizard (with prestige classes if necessary) be better for this purpose at mid to high levels? I mean, struggling to have as many languages as possible sounds weird when there's a level 3 spell which gives you all of them.

2012-07-25, 08:45 PM
Are you going to use it in a game or just making it for fun?

2012-07-25, 09:34 PM
Are you going to use it in a game or just making it for fun?

The original idea was to use him as NPC in an Urban adventure with him be the "Police Chief" or smthing like that. If this comes to be fun &/or interesting maybe i ll flesh him out as a PC some day.

If Cloistered Cleric is an option and you don't have a particular feat combo in mind, I'm not clear on what all these level-dips are getting that more Cleric levels wouldn't (and it is pretty clear what this is losing in exchange).

Specials from the others classes plus making all the rest skill class-skills.

unless you take the "master of none" part to mean "useless for his level".

Is this the feat that is available to humans only and makes any class favore (or smthing like that) ???? Oh plz.. which book??? i was looking for it :)

Wouldn't just playing a Wizard (with prestige classes if necessary) be better for this purpose at mid to high levels? I mean, struggling to have as many languages as possible sounds weird when there's a level 3 spell which gives you all of them.

Its not just the languages.. and i dont want him to rely on magic for anything.. he is just an "extremely exerienced" person that has massive knowledges and skills about almost everything.

2012-07-25, 09:39 PM
As for your build specifically, I don't see any reason why you'd need the first level in rogue, especially if you're giving up the sneak attack. I'd just go Factotum with Able Learner. There's not much difference between the 6+intx4 and the 8+intx4, and having all skills on the table from level one is a powerful option for this guy.

Hiro Protagonest
2012-07-25, 09:46 PM
Is this the feat that is available to humans only and makes any class favore (or smthing like that) ???? Oh plz.. which book??? i was looking for it :)


I have no idea what feat gives you all classes as favored classes. That would be a terrible feat anyway. There's Able Learner, but that does something else.

And multiclassing doesn't give you all skills as class skills. Factotum gives you all skills as class skills.

Seriously, reread the skills section of multiclassing, it only gives you the maximum skill ranks, not the 1:1 point:rank ratio.

If you don't have Dungeonscape, just go straight cloistered cleric, wizard, or archivist. Everything is second to spellcasting classes with a huge spell list. Except Spell to Power Erudite (CHERRY PICK FROM ALL SPELLZ AND POWERZ!!) and Artificer/Psionic Artificer (mimic spellcasters!). Seriously, the spell lists of core casters and the archivist are so versatile that they can do just about anything.

2012-07-25, 10:21 PM
If you don't have Dungeonscape, just go straight cloistered cleric, wizard, or archivist. Everything is second to spellcasting classes with a huge spell list.

[...] i dont want him to rely on magic for anything.

Now, that being said, if you don't want him to rely on magic for anything, taking levels in two different spellcasting classes seems to go a little against the grain.

The only official class that I know of with all skills as class skills is the Factotum, from Dungeonscape, though even it begins to solve problems with spellcasting after a few levels.

The next best thing of course is a dip in the Expert NPC class for your pick of any 10 skills as class skills, allowing you to pick up Knowledges, Speak Language, Survival, and even esoteric stuff like Lucid Dreaming and Iaijutsu Focus at your leisure.

The problem with using multiclassing to "open" class skills for you is that, well, it doesn't actually work that way. Class skills are only class skills for levels you take in said class. If you take Rogue at 1st level, and then Fighter at 2nd level, you can't advance any of the Rogue skills as class skills with the 2 + Int skill points you got from that Fighter level. You have to advance them as cross-class skills, spending 2 points for 1 rank.

2012-07-25, 11:06 PM
I tried making a character that was good for everything but combat a couple times...both times I went beguiler. The first time I went WAY overboard and did the whole vow of peace, vow of non-violence, etc etc...it WAS hillarious watching a gnome bring an ogre to it's knees at lvl 4...until the DM got mad about it and brought the character sheet to it's final reward.

I'm sure this doesn't contribute in any way, but HEY I'M A GIVER

2012-07-25, 11:19 PM
For "I am Macgyver" I second Factotum, especially if your DM lets the Jack of All Trades feat qualify for Cunning Knowledge (+level to all skills 1/day each?? Hard to get more Macgyver-y than that). Since your WIS is already 18, put one rank in Autohypnosis, then you can Take 10 to memorize everything forever. Btw, you rule all the skills forever. Also, Use Magic Device, so you can have nice things like Wands, Scrolls, etc. (max ranks, your Cha, and a few more bonuses should get you using Wands like a pro). If the spellcasting isn't your cup of tea, you can easily ignore it and still have a quite-solid T3 class. Mindbender dip + Mindsight feat is an excellent "utility" combo, netting you 100ft Telepathy and Mindsight (very little can hide from you, and you can communicate silently).

Artificer is good for "I have an item for that, and I crafted it myself for almost no cost".

For "I can actually do everything, but through magic", Wizard is an excellent bet. Scribe a bunch of situational spells into your spellbook, take Uncanny Forethought (for Int-mod spontaneous castings per day), and load up on scrolls of things like Scholar's Touch, which are normally useless. Summon Monster X can be really useful, with things like Water Elementals to put out fires, or Unicorns to heal people. Take Loremaster once you can, for the refluffed Bardic Knowledge. In combat, just buff your friends or CC everything so you don't get bored. Of course you don't fight, but you make the Fighter's job much easier (Begging the Bard for a Haste is almost a pastime in my group).

2012-07-26, 02:56 AM
The original idea was to use him as NPC in an Urban adventure with him be the "Police Chief" or smthing like that. If this comes to be fun &/or interesting maybe i ll flesh him out as a PC some day.
If that's your goal and you want to do it without magic something like Martial Rogue (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/variantCharacterClasses.htm#rogue) x / Urban Ranger 1 (cityscape's variant (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20070228a)) / y where y could be either the Urban Soul prc from Races of Destiny or the Exemplar prc from Complete Adventurer or both.

It doesn't get you all class skills but if you absolutely need one, take the 1st Human Paragon (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/races/racialParagonClasses.htm#humanParagon) level.

The feats Able Learner (Races of Destiny), Apprentice (Dungeon Master's Guide II), City Slicker (Races of Destiny), Draconic Knowledge (Dragon Magic), Education (Eberron Campaign Setting), Jack of all Trades (Complete Adventurer), Knowledge Devotion (Complete Champion), Nymph's Kiss (Book of Exalted Deeds) and Open Minded (Expanded Psionics Handbook) might help the Character. As could the Skill Tricks (and the Uncanny Trickster prc) from Complete Scoundrel.