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2012-07-26, 11:03 PM
Illumian Paragon [PF Class and racial changes] (PEACH)

The Ritual of Words Made Flesh was the beginning of existence for the illumians. They were but humans before Tarmuid gave them the ability to become the embodiment of an ancient (or newly developed depending on who you ask) language rought with magic and mystery. These peoples were instructed to populate the world, and in doing so brought the language to all corners of existence. Their goals differ from cabal to cabal, but one thing they have in common are their origins. This in itself being rife with magic, allows magic to further permiate those who have a closer connection to their heritage and history.

Illumians travel to learn more about the surrounding world on behalf of their cabals, occasionally undertaking dangerous missions on behalf of their cabal leaders. Those who develop a deeper connection with their racial heritage, usually tend to become cabal leaders in their own right. Most see this as a blessing of Tarmuid for their near pure embodiment of the values that an illumian hold dear.

Illumian paragons are the epitome of their ilk. Not knowing a single perfection, yet the improvement of many aspects of life. The illumian paragon will seek to improve every skill or knowledge they posses to even further heights than that of the rest of his race. His plots and schemes always seem to be thought out so far ahead, a plan can take years to come to fruition but nearly always succeeds. His penchant for scholarly activities, if not his main focus, fill every spare moment as this paragon seeks to perfect all.

Paragons of illumians, even those who reject the a cabal, are almost always Lawful. Even attempting to be Chaotic would be an almost Lawful thought - for an illumian is doing so only out of adherence to his scheming heritage. Good is also far more prevalent than Evil, but this is more a function of how many illumians must act within the public eye to maintain their unseen control.

Illumian paragons favor no god save those tied to their race. An illumian paragon is far more likely to worship Tarmuid than Boccob due to his alliance to his people.

Game Rule Information
Illumian paragons have the following game statistics.

No ability score is important than any other for an illumian paragon, as he always attempts to perfect his entire self.


Hit Die

Class Skills
The illumain paragon selects ten skills to be class skills plus 3 Knowledge skills.

Skill Points at Each Level
8 + Int modifier.

{table]Level | Base Attack Bonus | Fort | Ref | Will | Special
1st | +0 | +0 | +0 | +2 | Divided Ancestry, Divided Perfection
2nd | +1 | +0 | +0 | +3 | Sigil Shield
3rd | +2 | +1 | +1 | +3 | Ability Boost (+1), skayne sigil[/table]

Armor and Weapon Proficiency: An illumian paragon is proficient with light armor, all simple weapons, one martial weapon, and one shield (but not tower shields).

Divided Ancestry (Ex): Unlike other racial paragons, illumians can take levels in more than one racial paragon class. After gaining at least one level as a illumain paragon, a character can take levels in the Human racial paragon class.
If this second racial paragon class advances spellcasting or similar as if certain levels gained "+1 level of an existing class", an illumian may sacrifice that benefit in order to get another sigil. He may choose differently at each such level, as if this bonus was another "existing class" to improve. This may only be done with such bonuses in a racial paragon class, not with other classes that advance spellcasting or similar features. This benefit allows the illumian to make multiple illumian words.

Divided Perfection (Ex): The illumian paragon may select a second and third favorite class. Shpould he take levels in these secondary favored classes, he gaiuns double the benfit of taking levels in favored classes. This normally means the illumian paragon will receive either 2 bonus hit points or 2 bonus skill points.

Sigil Shield (Su): As a standard action, the illumian paragon may expand his sigils out further from his head. His sigils begin spinning at a much faster rate of speed causing them to blur into a halo of light, they then expand out from his body and become semi solid. This provides the illumian with a +1 deflaction bonus from ranged attacks per sigil he has. This effect lasts for 1 round per two Hit Dice the illumian paragon has, and once it ends, his sigils fade away for 2 rounds per round this effect was active. This effect may be used once per day per sigil the illumian paragon has. While his sigils are faded, they provide him with no benefit nor may any effect that requires his sigils be used.

Skayne Sigil (Su): At 3rd level, an illumian paragon learns the skayne sigil. This is a sigil considered more powerful than those an illumian normally obtains and is normally a sign that the illumian will become great to his people in some way. Like other sigils, the values given by this sigil are increased by one for every additional sigil the illumian has. The skayne sigil can not be used to make an illumian word. It is a word all by itself. The benefits of the skayne sigil are listed below.
skayne ("complete/perfect"): +1 bonus to leadership score, and a +1 bonus to any effect that would cause him to use his Final Utterance. If this is caused by a reduction of hit points, the hit point loss is reduced by 1. If this is caused by a spell, spell-like ability, or any ability that allows a saving throw, he gains a +1 to this saving throw.

Ability Boost (Ex): At 3rd level, an illumian paragon's may select any two ability scores to increase by 1 point.

Illumian Racial Changes (Pathfinder)
Illumians gain a +1 increase to two separate ability scores.

Illumain Words: Should an illumian garner more than 2 sigils (whether by class features or via feats) he must choose which pair of sigils combine to make a word. No sigil can be a part of more than one word as two sigils are paired to create their effect. To change a pairing of sigils, the illumian must meditate for 8 hours uninterupted as he rearanges the magic within him.

2012-07-27, 01:30 AM
Why did you assign full BAB? I don't recall Illumian to carry martial-oriented flavor.

Also, what special abilities does 1st racial paragon level grant other than potential future benefits ?

2012-07-27, 02:00 AM
Well you see... or rather in the case of... I... Yeah. Good call.

Edit: Added a new ability to level 2, moved Divided Perfection to level 1, and lowered the BAB. To answer what he gets at level 1 besides possible future benefits? Nothing. The aim if to encourage the character to multiclass. Grab another paragon class. Unfortunately it's late, and my thinker isn't working at full capacity. This looked good to start with... now you're making me rethink my judgement haha

2012-07-27, 06:26 PM
The favored classes isn't correct for current PF. Every character gets to decide what their favored class is, including Half-Elves who get to choose 2 or Humans with Eclectic (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/arg-feats/eclectic).

2012-07-27, 06:58 PM
Changed it so he gets more favored classes, and increased bonuses for taking levels in those favored classes, but not his original.

2012-07-27, 08:59 PM
Changed it so he gets more favored classes, and increased bonuses for taking levels in those favored classes, but not his original.

The racial change favored class is still there, which is what I was referring to.

2012-07-27, 11:19 PM
This is how my thoughts went.

You: Yo, everybody gets to pick their own favored class.
Me: ~hmmm... then he needs more than one to gain benefits~ I'll give him the ability to have more than one then! In which those (beyound the first) that he selects gives him additional benefits which entices him to multiclass (at least once).
You: You still have it screwed up.
Me: ~wth is he talking ab... (re-reads his post 5 times, and finally realizes what he is talking about)~ Er... yeah. Fixed.

The racial change favored class is still there, which is what I was referring to.

That's the part I missed the first time. Herp derp me.

2012-07-28, 02:08 AM
So with Divided Ancestry...I can have 4 sigils (with skayne). Totaling 3 illumian words. And providing +4 benefit per word. Ok...here's a build.

Naen: +4 bonus on Intelligence checks and Intelligence-based skill checks.
Hoon: +4 bonus on Wisdom checks, Constitution checks, and Wisdom- or Constitution-based skill.
Krau: +4 bonus to caster level for all spells and spell-like abilities (up to a maximum value equal to the illumian’s character level - so your racial paragon levels basically give CL, yey).
Skayne: At 3rd level, an illumian paragon learns the skayne sigil. This is a sigil considered more powerful than those an illumian normally obtains and is normally a sign that the illumian will become great to his people in some way. Like other sigils, the values given by this sigil are increased by one for every additional sigil the illumian has. The skayne sigil can not be used to make an illumian word. It is a word all by itself. The benefits of the skayne sigil are listed below.
skayne ("complete/perfect"): +1 bonus to leadership score, and a +1 bonus to any effect that would cause him to use his Final Utterance. If this is caused by a reduction of hit points, the hit point loss is reduced by 1. If this is caused by a spell, spell-like ability, or any ability that allows a saving throw, he gains a +1 to this saving throw.

Hoonkrau: The illumian can spend a turn undead attempt as a swift action to add 1d8 points to the damage healed by any curespell she casts before the end of her next turn, or a rebuke undead attempt as a swift action to add 1d8 points to the damage dealt by any inflictspell she casts before the end of her next turn. The illumian may use this ability twice per day.
Naenhoon: Twice per day, the illumian can spend one or more turn or rebuke undead attempts as a swift action to add a metamagic effect to a spell she is casting, with no effect on the spell’s casting time or effective level. She must have the metamagic feat whose effect she wants to apply.The illumian must expend a number of turn or rebuke undead attempts equal to the normal level adjustment of the metamagic feat (for example, it costs two turn or rebuke attempts to apply an Empower Spell effect). If she chooses to apply the Heighten Spell effect, it costs her one turn attempt per level that she heightens the spell, up to a maximum of 9th level.
Naenkrau: During the time when the illumian prepares spells, she can choose to leave up to two spell slots unfilled to add +1 to the save DCs of all her other spells of that level (including spells from different classes). If she leaves two spell slots unfilled, they must be at different spell levels. This effect lasts until the next time the illumian prepares spells. She cannot fill the vacant spell slot (or slots) until the next time she prepares spells.

+1 to Int and Cha, DUMP Wis, and play a Cleric 1/Wizard X.

Please tell me why this isn't overpowered.

2012-07-28, 02:35 AM
Good point! I postulate this fix to the Illumain Word system.

Illumain Words: Should an illumian garner more than 2 sigils (whether by class features or via feats) he must choose which pair of sigils combine to make a word. No sigil can be a part of more than one word as two sigils are paired to create their effect. To change a pairing of sigils, the illumian must meditate for 8 hours uninterupted as he rearanges the magic within him.

Eh? Eh?

Edit: Also, skayne would get the +4 as well. Not just the base +1.
Edit again: The reason that is not overpowered is because based on my reading of the race, this little fix I have above is how I assumed the word system worked. Erego I didn't even consider your situation occurring. I guess not everyone would assume as I did SO! A written fix is in order.

Noctis Vigil
2012-07-28, 02:35 AM
Unless PF does things different from 3.5, you only get 8th level spells out of that build. It would be more worth your time to focus on just one class, methinks, since if you drop the level of Cleric there you hit Wizard17 and get those precious 9th level spells.

2012-07-28, 02:39 AM
You only get 8th level spells....but they're MAXIMIZED and QUICKENED 8th level spells.

And the fix makes sense.

2012-07-28, 02:41 AM
Even with my fix? If so, then any illumian can do that anyhow.

And ty ;)

2012-07-28, 08:21 AM
You only get 8th level spells....but they're MAXIMIZED and QUICKENED 8th level spells.

And the fix makes sense.

You also can't do that till 20th, when you finally pick up 8th levels. In the mean time, you're piddling around as Illumian Paragon 1/Human Paragon 3/Cleric 1/Wizard X, where at 6th level you have these Weaboo CL 5 1st level Wizard spells (and not Cleric, since you dumped Wis) while even the Sorcerers and Oracles are throwing around 3rd levels. Even the wannabe Mystic Theurge laughs at you with her slots upon slots of 2nd level spells, which while at a lower CL have more mystic oomph behind by sheer fact of being a higher spell level. This definitely suffers as a late bloomer, as your 2 full SLs behind everyone else. It gets worse if you go Illumian Paragon 3/Human Paragon 3/Cleric 1/Wizard X, as you then suffer behind another full SL and your vaunted Krau Sigil still doesn't make up for being SEVEN levels behind CL-wise. You'd need to suck one of your traits into Magical Knack to break even CL-wise with your 5 sigils (2 for Illumian, 2 for Human Paragon, 1 for Illumian Paragon), not to mention that you're now limited to 7th level spells, which you won't get till 20th, once again.

Broken? I don't think so, at all. If you can't contribute to a party of supposed similar power till late game, I don't think you're in any danger of exuding the gouda stench.

2012-07-29, 05:14 PM
Man, you guys think very much on the min/max thought train. I was just going for enjoyable flavor lmao! I'm a firm believer, if I don't get capstone X or 8th-9th levels but my character makes up in other areas, then sweet! Plus, combat is more of an after thought in our games. Most of the really really fun stuff is in between :D