View Full Version : A Sniper of spell or skill? [Pathfinder]

2012-07-26, 11:21 PM
I've been bouncing around ideas for a character of mine for some time now and I've set up a vivisectionist alchemist (advanced race guide custom race, essentially a chosen of Nyarlathotep).
I've managed to convince the dm to let me use the 3.5 ed assassin with the addition of the few things added in with Pathfinder.
My only problem is filling in my 4th/5th level (haven't decided when to multi-class just yet but 4th level is literally a session or 2 away).

My build is focused on sniping with a tripple-threat repeater Great crossbow using splat book ammunition like the piercer and snake tongue. So far I've got crossbow sniper, weapon focus, point blank and precise shot (racial bonus feats are wonderful) and I'm thinking of reshuffling some race points to get rapid reload as well.
I'm planning on getting Dead eye (dragon magazine version, not compendium) later on but focused shot first (My int is currently 23 due to a reincarnation plotline.)

My first idea was Zen archer monk (customised to only use crossbows.) since it allowed me to threaten squares while still armed with the crossbow, reroll an attack once a day, add my high int to a number of factors by using Kung-fu genius, also using decisive blow in place of flurry so that I can double my damage.
The main flaw of this is that I'd need to work unarmored most of the time and I can easily get my AC higher than that, plus I'd lose my DR 5/bludgeoning from my armored greatcoat (iron kingdoms).
I'd also lose a caster level, something I was hoping to maintain for spells like Heart ripper which are heavily reliant on CL.

My second idea was Magus.
This choice maintains my CL, gives me access to a number of infinitely useful cantrips, allows me to cast true strike as part of a full attack (mitigating the need to reroll in most cases and more or less guaranteeing any crits) and gives me the arcane mark spell, used by the incredibly useful rogue's mark and assassin's hex feats, the former adding a crit multiplier level (my threat range is solid and with serrated piercer bolts my multiplier is base x4.) and the latter allowing me to add intellect (my main stat) to perception and stealth against the target, as well as a scrying effect.
The down sides of this choice would be the loss of 2 skill points (which I planned to recoup by making my favored class assassin and using my first 2 levels worth of bonus skill to boost it back up, using the other 8 for skill tricks), the reliance on weapons, the loss of a bonus feat vs monk, reliance on armour, the lack of CMB/d bonuses and generally unexceptional stat synergy (good for the spells, nothing much else to offer).

I can't really think of other classes that really fit the niche I'm looking for, namely minimising my weaknesses. Magus gives me more spell utility, monk makes me more melee friendly and makes the garrotte viable.

I'm really looking for advice overall, I've been fine tuning this for some time now and crunch time is looming.

I'm generally very interested to see your input on this.
I'll post any additional data you require.

2012-07-26, 11:29 PM
Sniper Goggles (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/wondrous-items/e-g/goggles-sniper-goggles) would work nicely with your build.