View Full Version : Commoner Cheshire

2012-07-27, 07:30 AM
Cheshire sat on a bench by one of the wells in the city of Mohora. It was just noon, and the sun was dancing high in the sky of this first day of spring.

Cheshire thought about his options...

He heard that one of the blacksmiths was looking for an apprentice. A rumor on the street said that a local training officer of the kingdom's military is returning, should be in town tomorrow... Cheshire could apply for training, but it's not likely he'll be accepted.

On the other hand, he heard of a magic shop that the wizard seems to be acting odd, even for a wizard. Or perhaps he should look to join a guild? It's easy to become an apprentice there, although he'll have to do a lot of dirty work...

What about joining a merchant caravan? That could put him on the road, perhaps he'll find his real mother sooner than later that way...

What do you do?

2012-07-27, 05:24 PM
He crosses his legs, closes his eyes, and meditates. Calm. Find the core of who I am, first
OOC: One never knows when the ability to "take 15" on a concentration check may come in handy. If nothing else, it would allow Cheshire to use his Precognition power without manifesting any display (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/psionicPowersOverview.htm#display), which is what he will always aim to do.

Can I just take 20 to gain psionic focus? It's a DC 20 Concentration check (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/skills/concentration.htm#gainPsionicFocus), so a 20 is what it will take. As each attempt is a full-round action, this requires only 2 minutes -- not an unsafe amount of time to have his eyes closed in a sunlit, public spot like this.

I'm not sure how such things should count for level-up purposes. By the existing formula (SL*5-CL*mod^2 => 0*5 - 1), a single success plus the nineteen failures would technically give him a 1 Concentration skill. I do not mean to abuse the system, but I'm certainly aiming to use it. :smallsmile:

Perhaps skill increases should be capped at no more than one per day or per week?Upon gaining his focus, he opens his eyes, but his gaze is off into the endless distance as he thinks.

Guild work is not for me. If all I aspired to was a tradesman, I may as well have stayed at home.

That said, I must recognize my weaknesses: I could be killed by an ally cat. *Grimace* I need to learn to protect myself, and I need to toughen up. A turn at smithing might help that -- or it might just wear me away. Anyway, considering his lack of muscle, I don't have a body that screams out, "Blacksmith! You have just found your next helper."

The same could be said for the military, but maybe the training office could at least give me some advice or point me toward a potential mentor. Little harm to be done by asking.

But that's tomorrow. Today is today.

Feeling his belt pouch. My purse is full, but it won't stay that way if I do nothing to earn my upkeep.

I don't see myself as an entertainer, but I'm a good tumbler -- well, good for a beginner. Perhaps a small show, if for no other reason to see if I may feed myself thereby. Then, today's adventure: to visit a wizard!

Placing his pouch, sling and dagger under the bench, where they will be out of the way but within easy view to prevent any thieving, Cheshire stands up on the bench, looks over the few people gathered to fill their water jugs and takes a deep breath. An adventure always begins with making a fool of myself.

He sweeps of his hat and calls out, Gentle beings! I invite your attention to a display of derring-do that shall prove, once and for all, whether my step-mother's prediction is true, that I am fit for a buffoon.

Dropping his hat brim down onto the bench, he jumps into the air, spreading his legs and stretching to touch his toes before landing on the ground. Three forward somersaults, the last one with his legs straddled, Ow! Mental note: find grass for tumbling on next time; cobblestones are too painful for somersaults. -- and then into a handstand. He rotates 180 degrees on his hands before stepping out. Now heading back toward the bench, it is cartwheel, roundoff, back handspring, and the denoument -- now back at the bench -- he slides down into the splits and picks up his hat and stretches out his arms to the audience. "Ta-da!"

At least, that's the plan . . .
tumble check [roll0] using Tumble as a Perform skill (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/skills/tumble.htm)

EDIT: He smiles. Whether or not I impressed the crowd, I have impressed myself.

Standing up again, hat literally in hand, he turns to the spectators. If any of you have been amused, I pray only a few coins for the entertainment, that I may have some stew and a good bed this evening. He smiles again and bows while moving the hat, brim up, in a slow arc before him to catch any coins.
OOC: Whee! That was a nice roll.

After this, barring anything new cropping up, he will head to the Wizard's shop he has heard about.

2012-07-28, 01:59 AM
Some of the folk disperse. Not that they didn't enjoy the spontaneous display, they just weren't interested in sharing their coin. But the performance wasn't fruitless, as quite a few people do throw in some coin into Cheshire's hat.

Counting off the coins, Cheshire found 8 of them. And one of these is silver too! (1sp 7cp)

Cheshire tries to remember which shop it was, finally deciding to go visit the Famed Cloak.

As he approaches, he sees another girl, quite likely to be his age, running up to the shop and entering inside.

Entering behind her... "No, no, pay attention." A halfling man, approaching the age of being called old, scolds at his gnome apprentice. The halfling seems calm and carries a lot of jewelry. A few rings, an amulet, two earrings on each ear, a tiara.

That's Magh McCleod! His apprentice... Uhh.. What was it? Norbor something.

2012-07-28, 06:53 PM
Maya searched the shop, looking around for Magh McCleod, it was better to deliver the message sooner than later. Her stomach grumbled reminding her that she needed to eat soon, it had been a long day and she had been all over the town.

Knowledge (local) to know Magh McCleod [roll0]
spot in case I need that to see him [roll1]

2012-07-29, 01:18 AM
Counting off the coins, Cheshire found 8 of them. And one of these is silver too! (1sp 7cp)
Mm, I won't get rich as a performer, but perhaps I won't starve, Cheshire thinks to himself, as he adds the coins to his pouch.

As he approaches, he sees another girl, quite likely to be his age, running up to the shop and entering inside.

Entering behind her... "No, no, pay attention." A halfling man, approaching the age of being called old, scolds at his gnome apprentice. The halfling seems calm and carries a lot of jewelry. A few rings, an amulet, two earrings on each ear, a tiara.

That's Magh McCleod! His apprentice... Uhh.. What was it? Norbor something.
Cheshire waits at a respectful distance for the girl and McCleod to finish their discussion.

While waiting, he will look around the shop and also look for . . . Norbor? Norbert? Normun? What is his name?

He avoids looking directly at the two conversationalists, but he listens for anything he might overhear.
Spot check: [roll0]
Listen check: [roll1]
EDIT: Did a gnat just fly in my ear??. He grimmaces, and is too distracted to see or hear much of anything for a minute or two.

2012-07-29, 01:28 AM
Magh is there, really hard to miss. It's the halfling with the tiara, hard to miss.

Hard to miss... :smalltongue:

2012-07-29, 08:47 PM
"YOUR HONOR!," Cheshire calls out, as loudly as he dares. Is that the proper form of address for a wizard?, he wonders.

"The lady was first," he says, motioning his head toward the girl when the wizard looks in his direction.

2012-07-31, 12:25 PM
Maya spoke to Magh McCleod "Sir, I told to get this to you before tomorrow." She held out the envelope, still tightly grasped between her fingers. She shifted from one foot to the other, anxious to leave the store. Enclosed spaces made her feel uncomfortable. Her eyes darted around the store looking at the merchandise and customers. She couldn't help scoping places out, it had become second nature to her.

Spot [roll0]

2012-07-31, 12:59 PM
"Ah, thank you dear." Magh replies as he takes the envelope. The store is mostly empty, besides the halfling and the gnome there is only the two of you. On the shelves are many assorted items, some shiny, some are moving quickly or some slowly, others are dark and gloomy, seemingly eating at the sunlight and creating darkness around them.

Magh opens the envelope and draws out a blank card. He speaks a few words that you cannot understand and his eyes glow with magic. "Perfect." He mumbles and searches through his pockets before handing Maya two golden coins.

"Is there anything else you wanted?"

2012-07-31, 01:12 PM
"Just keep me in mind if you need a message run." Maya tucked the gold coins deep into her pouch. It was more money than she had seen in a long time. But why gold? Normal folk dealt in silver and copper, gold was a risk.

Maya quickly curtsied and jogged out the door. With her new gains she could get a spot at the inn, hopefully close to a fire. She headed toward the nearest inn, planning to eat some of her bread when she got there.

2012-07-31, 01:31 PM
Maya runs off and finds herself an inn. There are free spots on the raised floor by the fire and they would only cost 3 copper pieces. Maya is asked if she would like breakfast, 2cp for a basic meal, 5cp for a mediocre and a single sp for a good one. Back to your own thread with you.

Magh turns to Cheshire, "And how can I help you, young tall lad?" He asks with his fingers weaved into each other.

2012-07-31, 02:08 PM
Spot [roll0]
OOC: I swear this mage has some sort of effect on this shop that prevents anyone from making a spot check. :smallyuk:

Magh opens the envelope and draws out a blank card. He speaks a few words that you cannot understand and his eyes glow with magic. "Perfect." He mumbles and searches through his pockets before handing Maya two golden coins.
Two gold sovereigns for a message delivery?! Cheshire's eyes go wide before he realizes that he's staring and looks away.

Maya quickly curtsied and jogged out the door.
As the door closed behind the messenger, Cheshire realizes he is now alone in the shop with the mage and apprentice, among this positively spooky merchandise, at the end of the day when no others are likely to come wandering in. He is taller than the halfing and the gnome, yet he feels threatened. A shiver runs down his spine.

Why am I even here? What was I thinking? I have no arcane skill, and this mage already has an apprentice anyway. I have some psychic ability, and I desire training to develop it. But I've never told anyone about that. He may know of some psionic mentor, but how do I ask?

. . . and what if wizards hate psionics?
OOC: I need a ruling on whether his earlier use of Concentration to gain his psionic focus gave him a 1 in that skill or not. The formula kind of breaks down when one is going from 0 to 1. :smallsmile:

If it did, Cheshire will expend his focus to automatically succeed on a concentration check to manifest Precognition without any display. If not, he won't manifest (with 0 in the skill, he would only succeed if he got lucky and rolled a 16+): under no circumstance does he want to be detected manifesting a power right in front of the wizard.
First, I had to be willing to be a fool, now I must be willing to be brave. He clears his throat, "Excuse me, sir. I was hoping that I might trouble you for some advice."

Once he has the halfling's attention, "I am looking for training. I do not believe I have any skill in the arcane arts, and I know you already have an apprentice." He nods toward the gnome, "But I have always had an interest in mental powers and hoped perhaps you may know a good teacher?"

"I am sorry I do not have much to offer in return, unless I could perform some service for your honor." He doffs his hat and bows.
Diplomacy check: [roll0]

EDIT: !!:smallbiggrin:!!

2012-08-02, 09:41 AM
Magh considers your request for a moment.

"I do not require service, but interest and talent is not something so common that should be thrown around. Let me think... I can't suggest the other wizard shop, as the wizard there is nuts even by our standards... He's quite old and for some reason started to distrust magic." The halfling shakes his head in disapproval.

"The guild is unlikely to accept you. Do you have interest in arcane writings or alchemy? There are a few shops around that some could take in an apprentice..." He stopped for a moment.

"Master," Said the gnome apprentice, "I believe that is the boy that I told you before he and the messenger came in..."

"The one doing tricks by the well?" Magh asked, to which the gnome nodded. "Well, what of it?"

"Perhaps he could do these tricks to attract customers. If he'll learn some magic, it could be more impressive and get our shop more fame."

Magh contemplates. "Well, getting our shop more renowned than that lunatic Hervor's Cryptic Creation shop could be nice..." He turns back to Cheshire. "What do you say?"

2012-08-02, 10:48 AM
Cheshire thinks for a moment. "Yes, I can do this. It is late in the day, now and you are perhaps closing shop, but I can think of some ideas to perhaps showcase your products and services and start first thing in the morning."

He thinks again. The mage won't want to deal with this directly. I'm sure that he has more important things on his mind. It was the apprentice's idea, so he will probably be put in charge of me.

"It would help for me to know what some of those products and services are, at least, those you most want your customers to know about. I know little of the ways of magic. 'Best to confess my ignorance at the outset rather than wait for it to lead to greater folly. These are questions perhaps too common for your attention, your honor," turning to the gnome, "But perhaps you could tell me more over supper?"

OOC: Assuming this goes as expected, and there are no further incidents this evening, Cheshire will retire to the nearest decent inn -- he's heard that the Stuck Pig is nice, and not too far.

He will order a humble meal: some bread, stew, some fresh fruit if it's available, and water to drink. ("I dare not adle my wits with ale: they are few enough, and I need them all," he says if asked.)

First, he will thank the apprentice for putting in a good word for him. Then admit he has forgotten his name. He will quiz him on what spells, items, etc., the old mage wants moved.

Once the business talk is over, he will casually ask about "that lunatic Hervor." After the gnome leaves for the evening, he will also try to discretely see if any of the other patrons have news of this -- or anything else of note. He'll focus first upon the barkeep: "Quench thy thirst for me, good sir, and tell me what news there is." Paying the copper(s) to unloose a tongue or two.

Gather Information: [roll0]

He will regain his psionic focus when he arises in the morning (taking 20 to do so) and return to Magh's shop early in the morning to review his plans with the apprentice. Again, this assumes nothing else pops up.

2012-08-06, 02:36 AM
The gnome nods and Magh excuses you both before handing his apprentice a few gold coins for the meal you are about to have.

As you enter the tavern, it appears to be in the middle of dinner rush. The full staff of the Stuck Pig consists of four barmaids, all female, two barkeeps and two cooks at the back. The gnome orders a glass of elven red wine and a couple of slices of meat pie.

As Cheshire asked about his name, the gnome simply smiled. "Perhaps my name is not yet meant to be remembered. But if you wish to remember it anyway, it is Norbor."

As you discuss of the shop, Norbor explains that the most profitable of their products are magical arms and armor, with their target crowd being mostly adventurers. Secondary services they provide is recharging magical items and identification. They also deal in more minor daily magics, but demand for those isn't that large.

Hervor is apperantly an old wizard that is somewhat more knowledgeable than Magh, but for some reason Hervor doesn't trust magic anymore, avoiding it and dealing with it only to keep a steady income. He even shuns his own apprentice, hardly dealing with him.

The other patrons know even less about Hervor or his shop. The only news of the day are about a shop that got blown up, with rumor being that the owner, Sonari, had a few potions mixed up that she shouldn't have. Besides that, there seems to be a festival brewing up, should happen in two weeks. The reason behind it remains unknown at the moment.

As for taking 20 counts only as a single success. If you can take 20 and it wouldn't matter if you didn't, then you don't really have anything at stake and don't actually learn from the failure.

2012-08-07, 11:55 AM
As for taking 20 counts only as a single success. If you can take 20 and it wouldn't matter if you didn't, then you don't really have anything at stake and don't actually learn from the failure.A sound ruling.

Should I be automatically recording skill raises or wait for DM approval? In at least some cases, it is questionable whether I should count a roll, as I will do a roll if I think it might be relevant, counting on you to disregard it if it is not.

Here is my count of skill rolls so far, and possible effect, assuming that everything counted:

Concentration: 1 success (take 20 in post #2)
current level: 0
Successes needed: 0*5-1*0^2 = 0
failures needed: 0-1 = 0
Assuming Cheshire gets a skill point for this, I would then agree no further skill points for taking 20 (which he will do each day, as necessary, to gain his psionic focus) nor for expending his psionic focus for an automatic 15 concentration check. In other words, he gets one skill point from this and never any more. He'll have to roll the rest.
Tumble: 1 success(?) (roll of 17 in post #2)
current level: 1
successes needed: 1*5-1*2^2 = 1
failures needed: 1-1 = 0
That's a skill point that I think he really earned. :smallsmile:

Spot: 1 failure(?) (roll of 10 in post #5)
current level: 1
successes needed: 1*5-1*2^2 = 1
failures needed: 1-1 = 0

Listen: 1 failure (roll of 6 in post #5)
current level: 1
successes needed: 1*5-1*2^2 = 1
failures needed: 1-1 = 0

Diplomacy: 1 success(!?) (natural 20, roll of 25, in post #12)
current level: 1
Successes needed: 1*5-1*0^2 = 5
failures needed: 5-1 = 4

Gather Information: 1 success(?) (roll of 21 in post #14)
current level: 0
Successes needed: 0*5-1*0^2 = 0
failures needed: 0-1 = 0

If left to my own judgment, I would say he gains a skill level in Concentration, Tumble, and Gather Information; and he needs 4 more successes and 4 more failures in Diplomacy to gain a point there.

Adventurers! Cheshire’s eyes light up at the thought. That was a “target crowd” he had, himself. This might be a good opportunity to meet some. He’d have to give it his best.

The mage wants to move his arms and armor the most, and those are bought by the very folk I want to meet. On the downside, I have skill with neither arms nor armor. “Demonstrating” them may bring mirth than intended. Oh well! If nothing else, it will bring attention to the shop. And attention will mean shoppers – adventuring shoppers.

“I think I can do this, Norbor. ‘Norbor.’ I shall practice your name that I may not forget. You shall be a great mage someday, and I shall be able to say, ‘I knew him when . . . .’” He smiles.

“Let’s start with the armor. I’m afraid that if I started with a weapon, I might give a very short and bloody demonstration, and then you would be in need of a new entertainer. It will be harder to tumble wearing armor, but if I do it well, that in itself may be viewed as a testament to the armor.”

“I could start with light armor – perhaps studded leather or a chain shirt. Day by day, we could try the heavier and more cumbersome pieces. This will give the crowd a reason to come back day after day, to see the increasing challenge. At least half of the delight the people take in a performance is the fear that the clown will fail. And there are always some who come because their greatest delight would be to see the failure, the more colossal, the better.”

“Do you think one show a day, or two?”

After the two work out the details of when, how often, and with what, Cheshire bids Norbor goodnight. (Norbor, Norbor: I shall remember that name. You may be a great mage someday, Norbor.)

He chats with the staff and some of the other patrons before finding a place to sleep in the common room, using his pouch for a pillow. As he goes to sleep, he thinks of possible tumbling routines. Handstand, handstand-walk, follow with some cartwheels, but then some moves that an adventurer might actually have to use: Duck the sword slash overhead! Dive roll over a low thrust! Jump onto the chest! Backflip down and finish with the point of your sword right at the foe’s throat! His dreams are vivid that night. He wakes early to head to the shop.

2012-08-08, 09:44 AM
"I have seen most performers that do it for a living doing long routines, sometimes even performing the entire day besides a few brakes. Perhaps you'd consider using magic to enhance your endurance and have long performances so that a lot of people would get the chance to see?" Norbor asked but waved it off. "Tell me tomorrow, first I'll see if it's possible." He says and bids goodbye.

As you enter the shop the next morning, Norbor asks Magh to be excused and turns to show you what they have prepared. The studded leather glitters and shines, "This suit is favored by the light footed rogues and swashbucklers. It's magical enchantments add protection beyond that of normal armor. In addition," He motions at a green crystal on the table, "this is an armor augmentation crystal. There are many, and they can improve the armor in many ways. This one improves your reaction and evasive skills... Although you'll be able to find it useful for your performance as well." Norbor moves away from the table and to a shelf stocked with bottles and pouches.

"Now now..." He thinks as his eyes pass over each of the items. "Perhaps something flashy? How about..." His hand moves towards a metalic wand that changes colors almost every second.

"It's too early for that." Magh tells Norbor. "Leave the props off for now, let the crowd get to know the lad, leave something to be discovered later."

"You are right, Master." Norbor says and turns to you. "In later routines we could incorporate some special items. Like this rock over there, quite cheap for an adventurer and when hits a hard surface it will create a loud bang like lightning, causing everybody who hear it to turn deaf! We could use a weaker version of that to attract attention or something..."

The studded leather is magical, a simple +1 armor. The crystal would grant you uncanny dodge and +5 to tumble. If you'll do a single show it's way less than a normal attempt to get paid for a performance can get you. It would require a large part of the day to perform for a living, and the same goes for advertising the shop. Read up on the performance rules.

As for the skill ranks gained... I find that assessment reasonable. Sure, you gained these ranks.

2012-08-08, 01:30 PM
Day 2
I have added the Studded Leather to the character sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=426053), along with the note that it is only worn while Cheshire is performing at Magh’s shop. You are welcome to doublecheck to make sure I’ve entered it correctly. (I am kind of new to this.) As I understand the rules, the armor must be masterwork, so the armor check penalty is reduced by 1 to 0.

I expect that Magh will not be letting Cheshire wander off with a magic item worth a substantial fortune (to a commoner), and Cheshire would not push that issue. He likes Magh and Norbor but understands that they have only just met, and trust and friendship must be built up over time and with experience.

Moreover, Cheshire knows that he has no ability to protect the armor if he leaves the immediate environs of the shop. He would be an easy mark and a substantial take for the first thug who could force him into an alleyway.

As for the skill ranks gained... I find that assessment reasonable. Sure, you gained these ranks.
Recorded. In the Notes section, I have also added info as to when each increase was earned. I thought this would help insure that it does not get out of hand.

If you'll do a single show it's way less than a normal attempt to get paid for a performance can get you. It would require a large part of the day to perform for a living, and the same goes for advertising the shop. Read up on the performance rules.
Thanks! Read up on it and I see what you are referring to (“anywhere from an evening’s work to a full day’s performance”).

Cheshire will go with the full day performance. From his point of view, this is his job, and a pretty good first job for a commoner without Craft or Profession skills. It’s a good first job considering his dreams, too: he can practice his “adventuring skills,” learn about the equipment, and (from the customers) learn about the lifestyle and maybe even (he dreams) an opportunity – for “adventurer training” if not actual adventure.

During rest breaks he will try to encourage customers into the shop, chat up adventurers about their experiences and skills, and direct them to Norbor or Magh for technical questions. As he learns more about what the shop has for sale, he may make casual recommendations, but he will always make clear that he is just here to help demonstrate some of the products, and “the Wizards” are the ones who know what their items can and cannot do.
Cheshire nods at the mage’s wisdom. Yes. Let’s start small and build up the performance. “The king’s palace is not built in one day,” as they say.

He tries on the armor and finds a clear spot on the shop floor or in a back room to practice some very tame somersaults. This is excellent It’s as if the armor isn’t even there, and – rolling up into a handstand and then stepping out – my tumbling has never felt so smooth before!

He looks over to the Mage and Apprentice and smiles. “This is great! When can I start?”

(OOC: Assuming they invite him out the door to start immediately.)

Carefully stowing his things (pouch, sling, hat, jacket and dagger) under the counter in the shop, Cheshire steps outside, with Norbor watching from the doorway. He glances up and down the street at the passersby, takes a deep breath, and, “Ladies and Gentlemen! Let me welcome you to the Famed Cloak, purveyor of magical items for all of your adventuring needs! Arms, armor, potions, wands, devices subtle and splendiferous! Including this puissant armor I may demonstrate for you.”

That’s enough “tell”; time for the “show,” and the tumbling begins . . .
tumble check: [roll0]
He will expend his psionic focus to allow him to activate his Precognition without any display. This gives him a floating +2 bonus he may apply even after a roll is made, and he will use it to bump up his roll (giving him an 18 -- ugh!). He wants his first performance for the shop to be as good as possible.

Note: I think it is a DM decision whether he may apply that bonus. The check, I am assuming, is for a full day of performing, while the Precognition effect only lasts for ten minutes.

EDIT: At the end of the day, Cheshire looks sheepishly at Magh as he removes the armor. "Sir, I think my performance was 'adequate.' With your equipment, it should have been outstanding. I shall do better tomorrow." He retrieves his things from the shop and prepares to return to the inn.

2012-08-10, 03:25 AM
Cheshire doesn't feel exactly in his prime. Even with the assistance of magic and his focus, he couldn't match the performance he pulled off by the well. Perhaps the magic is at fault here?

There aren't many adventurers about, and even less take any interest at your performance. They probably seen a lot more impressive and practical ones during their travels. None is actually willing to talk to Chashire and he doesn't manage to attract any customers into the shop.

Magh waves his hand dismissively. "It's alright, we wouldn't want you to show all your best tricks on day one, would we?" He doesn't sound too invested in the whole act; Perhaps he just goes along with it for Norbor's sake.

Norbor approaches you and hands you a small pouch. "Here, first day's pay. Magh told me to evaluate your performance and determine how much you're worth every day... Well, you'll be getting a bonus when you actually get us a customer, but even then, word spreads about and every bit helps." You count 5 silver coins inside.

2012-08-10, 11:45 AM
Added 5 sp to sheet and belatedly subtracted 1 sp for food and lodging on the prior day, assuming that’s about right? (I know I saw a post on the rates somewhere but couldn’t find it in the recruiting thread and didn’t want to fumble through all the IC threads. My recollection is that your rates are a bit below the SRD rates (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/equipment/goodsAndServices.htm#foodDrinkAndLodging), which actually makes a lot of sense, as I expect those are the rates charged to “wealthy” adventurers (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0122.html), while we enjoy the locals’ rate.

I am entering the tumble roll on the sheet as a “failure.” While we may not have a specific DC for these performances, it seems reasonable to me to treat a natural roll below 10 as a failure for leveling purposes. No?
Cheshire nods gratefully. This is more money than he’s seen for a day’s pay. Clearly, the Mage knows how to delegate, and Norbor will be my boss.

As he takes his leave, he decides to head back to the inn and make an early evening of it. A full day of tumbling, even when magically boosted, is harder work than he’s ever done before. I will be sore tomorrow if I don’t limber up tonight. I need a hearty meal and a good sleep.

(Assuming no other encounters) At the inn, he orders a meat pie, fresh fruit and water. Although he won’t plan to make it a regular investment, he will splurge on a private room and bed, though he gasps a bit when told the cost.

Up in his own room, he stretches as best he can and rubs his aching arms and legs. Before laying down, he meditates, and thinks about his mother. I shall catch up to you someday, mother, wherever you are. I hope you will be proud of who I have become by then. He goes to sleep.
Again assuming no encounters, he will arise early the next morning, meditate to regain his focus, and limber up before heading to Magh’s shop. (Oh, I definitely feel all of yesterday’s tumbling.)

His second day on the job, he will follow a routine very similar to the first. He will continue to look for opportunities to chat with any customers, but he is going to give himself at least a week to adapt to the rigors of the work before he goes looking for any after-hours adventures.

Tumble roll for the next day’s work: [roll0]. Again, he will expend his focus to manifest Precognition without a display for an additional +2 (final = 12).

EDIT: :smalleek: Natural 1???

2012-08-10, 12:09 PM
Although Cheshire tries to follow his yesterday's routine, he has a few slips which result in him going for simpler tricks, making his routine not quite as entertaining as before.

Norbor looks at Cheshire's performance and shakes his head. "It is not your day, I see..." He scratches his head and looks at Magh, who remains unconcerned. "Perhaps you should try settle on a routine for a bit, work on it, before you take any further risks?" He thinks for a moment before deciding to be generous and gives you a silver coin, even though he doesn't seem sure that today's performance actually earned you that much.

Sounds reasonable. Added with this one, I'd say you got 2 failures. What Norbor seems to suggest is for you to take 10. Would get you a result of 21 for the current routine, but not add to your success on tumble checks until the long run. I'd say practicing what you already know is less contributive than taking a risk, thus taking 10 is less productive than normal attempts.

1sp will usually net you a spot on the floor next to the fire and an ok breakfast. If busy, which could happen as in less than 2 weeks there is a festival, the spot will be worse, or you'll have to pay more.

It appears that you are getting a bit liked at the inn, they give you a discount for the room and a nice meal free of charge for 15 silver pieces.

The next day, at the Famed Cloak, Norbor seems to watch your routine more than the days before.

2012-08-10, 02:23 PM
Day 3

At the end of his second day’s performance, Cheshire is both embarrassed and depressed. After yesterday’s work, I consoled myself with the thought that I was starting at the bottom and could only get better. Who would have guessed that I would have found a deep, dark dungeon below that? At this rate, they shall soon be paying me to stay away from the shop.

He looks at the coin Norbor is holding out and shakes his head. “Pride in my work will not allow me to accept any payment for this day.

“But you give some sound advice that I will put into practice. I shall take some time this evening to come up with three or four different tumbling sequences that I can string together in different orders. It will not be the most dramatic show, but at least I may not drive customers away.
“I thank you for your patience with me.”

He retires again to the inn and orders dinner and the room. He gives a tired smile to the barmaids and bar keeps. “Hard day at work,” he says. “I suppose it happens, now and then.” He chuckles when Illyria, the brunette, tells him the story of her first day on the job, when a charlatan pinched her and she managed to spill two flagons of mead on a swordsman. “Thankfully, the good sir figured out what was what, and that rogue got a whipping he’ll never forget. Most grateful I was too, and saw him a good few times . . . .”

The barmaids story of her dashing paramour causes Cheshire’s mind to wander. First he is humming and then singing “The Highwayman” to himself.
THE wind was a torrent of darkness among the gusty trees,
The moon was a ghostly galleon tossed upon cloudy seas,
The road was a ribbon of moonlight over the purple moor,
And the highwayman came riding—
The highwayman came riding, up to the old inn-door.

. . . .

Over the cobbles he clattered and clashed in the dark inn-yard,
And he tapped with his whip on the shutters, but all was locked and barred;
He whistled a tune to the window, and who should be waiting there
But the landlord's black-eyed daughter,
Bess, the landlord's daughter,
Plaiting a dark red love-knot into her long black hair. . . .
After dinner, before retiring to bed, he goes into the back alley to practice some somersaults, cartwheels, and handstands. Nothing too fancy, but he plans out his maneuvers for the next day before retiring to his bed.
30 sp subtracted for a private room two days in a row, and another tumbling failure recorded.

On Day 4 (third day of work), he will indeed “take 10,” for a respectable score of 21.

Going forward, could I also have the option of substituting the Bell Curve (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/adventuring/bellCurveRolls.htm) – rolling 3d6 in place of 1d20? I have actually always been more partial to that. For the present, it will serve much the same function as taking 10: getting his results into the range of average. Long-term, imho, it makes the great successes and colossal failures more amazing, thanks to their rarity.

2012-08-12, 11:18 AM
Unsure yet of the bell curve. I'll think about it.

As Cheshire performs his routine, he takes much less risk. While it's not as exciting for Cheshire to perform, it seems to be much more entertaining and attractive for the crowd.

As he performs, Cheshire notices a man in official military clothes wearing a couriers' chain shirt and equipped with a short sword walking through the streets. He stops for a moment before Cheshire and seems entertained by his routine before entering the shop. A few glances inside reveal him talking with Magh, shaking his hand and leaving the shop.

Norbor smiles widely at Cheshire as he finishes. "That is more like it. Here, you have earned this one." He hands Cheshire a pouch full of silver coins, 20 of them to be exact.

"A few more days like that and we'll be ready to show something more interesting." He says, excited.

2012-08-12, 02:51 PM
Day 4

Cheshire is pleased at the end of the performance. Nothing spectacular, he thinks, but it was all solid. Sometimes, I've just got to focus on the basics.

He accepts the bag of coins gratefully. "Who was that soldier? What did he want?" he asks eagerly.

2012-08-16, 02:41 AM
"It was a messenger from Commander Colbert's recruitment and training unit. He was born and raised here, Teo Colbert, you know? Anyway, they set up camp by the town a few days ago, accepting new recruits. He asked Master about our arms and armor supplier and even inquired about some special enhancements Master Magh could place on the weapons. They want trainees to feel real steel in their hands and not some wooden imitations." Norbor smiles with excitement. "I haven't seen Master use such magic before so I'm pretty excited myself."

2012-08-16, 02:03 PM
Cheshire makes a mental note to visit the training camp after work today. Perhaps he can even meet -- or at least catch a glimpse of -- the famous Commander Colbert. That courier saw me performing. He could maybe even put in a word for me. If I am to be an adventurer, I must learn to fight somewhere, from someone.

He finds the thought of witnessing some actual enchantment as fascinating as Norbor does. "Do you suppose the master might let me watch some of it, too?" he asks.

Twenty sp added to character sheet.