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2012-07-27, 12:58 PM
Chapter 1: The Hollow of the Lost

Over the years Toream has slowly grown into a prominent, but still small, trade town providing a rich and steady supply of metals, gems, and various other goods to the city of Hluthvar to the west. Recently Toream has seen a boom, both in output of goods and population as hundreds seeking riches have come after hearing rumors of gold and other precious metals being found in abundance.

Groups of camps have begun to sprout up around Toream as those seeking their fortunes come into the area; some head straight for the mountains, while others dabble in trade, supplying the miners with what they need to make a fortune. Unsurprisingly this influx of people has not been a completely positive experience for the residents of Toream.

Once the greenskin tribes of orcs and goblins were all the trouble the town needed. The tribes stayed in their hills for the most part, raiding mining camps in the mountains and the occasional farm and outlying village, rarely venturing near the town itself. Now the raids seem almost quaint troubles…

Bandits, many former miners, now stalk the roads in and out of town, hitting trade caravans at each chance they get. Villages have burned, people killed, and the suffering… Though the officials in the town have been bolstering the guard, and have teamed up with the knights and priests from the local temples to help with the problem, the bandits still roam largely free, though now they face sizable groups of guards along the road often enough that the caravans stand a real chance.

And while bandits are one of the main threats in the town the miners have their own troubles in the hills. Kobolds, who once rarely troubled the miners, continually are forced to repel the novices who have come into the area. Though the kobolds in the area have typically been non-aggressive, they are fiercely protective of their home and the untrained miners know so little in the profession that there have been numerous accidental breakthroughs in kobold dens, leading to dozens of skirmishes with the kobold tribes that call the mountains their home.

It is because of the fear of kobold attacks that you have been called to the Silver Pick; a mining group has struck a hollow in the mountains that they believe is a part of a kobold den. Fearing the kobolds attack the miners fled, with their equipment left behind, for the town as soon as they realized what had happened. Draden Othill, the man who funded the mining expedition, has asked you all to the Silver Pick in order to help deal with the potential threat, after all these kobolds have caused a great deal of damage in the mountains before…


Crowded, noisy, and with more guards than ever before, Toream has seen more serene days. The area around the Silver Pick is boisterous as one would expect around any tavern, but as the customers of the Silver Pick tend to be merchants, town officials, and better off folk the area around the tavern is certainly more calm than that of the other taverns.

The common room of the Silver Pick is packed, the tables full of patrons while more than a few are left standing as they chat, eat, and drink, listening to the music coming from the stand, and watching the half-elf girl dance to the beat.

Behind the bar stands the son of the taverns owner, a human by the name of Korin. Despite the packed common room there are a few places that have few customers, one of them being a private dining room off to the side, towards with Korin directs those that come asking for Draden Othill, a wealthy dragonborn who has been funding various mining operations as of late.

The dining room is not overly large, but it is at least not cramped and food waits on the table along with drink. A servant girl stands smiling off to the side, "Mr. Othill will be with you shortly," she tells those who gathers, "If you need anything just ask," the half-elf says, watching the group as they arrive.

World (http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/1600/faerunrlarge4enew.jpg)
Toream (http://img59.imageshack.us/img59/2148/toream.jpg)

OOC Thread:
Here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=13626924#post13626924)

2012-07-27, 08:48 PM
Deadeye, the tall, slim man with the air of a noble but the garb of a rogue, smiles charmingly back at the half-elf.

"Of course, my dear. A tankard of ale for each of us would be lovely...and two more. One for Mr Othill and one for yourself." he said, winking at her.

"I insist, I insist," he told the rest of the party,"It's all on me."

2012-07-27, 10:11 PM
Conrad Amneth - Human Paladin

A young human with medium length brown hair and blue eyes entered the Silver Pick. He was clean shaven, but had a slight shadow along his jawline. He was about average height and weight, but his features were striking enough that he would still be described as a handsome young lad.

He moved quickly to the bar, speaking quietly to the bartender, who responded with a quick gesture toward the private room. He gave the man a quick smile and nod before walking away.

He entered the private room, just as the other young man ordered a round of drinks.

He gives the man a winning smile before sitting down next to him. "Well thank you. I could certainly use something to drink. I'm Conrad Amneth, I understand we may be working together soon."

2012-07-28, 08:15 AM
Theorid Donmae

The young half-elf in Erathis's religious garb, having made his way into the dining room, looks around quietly. He smiles awkwardly and nods to the serving girl, before sitting down at the table and looking to Deadeye. "I appreciate the offer; thankyou." With that, he returns to looking around the room distantly.

2012-07-28, 10:56 AM
Another blast of cold mountain air heralded the next arrival into the blaring noise of the Silver Pick. The glowing yellow warmth of the hearth and the presence of so many warm bodies shook the chill of the road from this latest traveler, an elven maiden with long tresses of scarlet hair, as she squeezed past the throngs of people that had crowded themselves into the tavern. With a pair of alert, amber eyes, she stood on her tip-toes, looking for some break in the sea of so many faces, and, spotting the dining room, began to slip her way in its direction.

Freed from the clamor of the common room, the elf maid took a moment to untangle her hair behind her, and smooth the front of her deep blue robes, and then when satisfied to leave well enough alone, squinted into the room for some sign of what she was supposed to be looking for. With no grand stature of a dragonborn to be seen, her eyes instead fell upon the table that seemed to have the kinder faces in the room--a handful of young men that seemingly had arrived at roughly the same time that she had--one of them even appeared to be a holy man. She walked softly over to them, holding her breath.

"Um, excuse me," The elf began quietly, avoiding eye contact at first, "I'm sorry to interrupt, but I'm not sure who else I'm supposed to meet here." She tilted her head. "Are you here to see Mr. Othill?"

2012-07-28, 02:05 PM
"Actually, it is all on MR. Othill, so do not worry about the coin he said," the girl said before slipping out of the room to go collect the orders of those who had arrived.

Returning with the orders, as well as a platter with cheeses and bread, she stepped back looking around for Mr. Othill to return no doubt.

2012-07-28, 03:02 PM

A tiefling wearing unusually stately clothing soon strutted in proudly. She had lavender skin, a very unusual color, even for a tiefling, and midnight-blue hair that descended between two short nubby horns. Upon her back was a pack stuffed full of what appeared to be adventuring gear and books, giving her the appearance of an experienced adventuring caster. She said nothing as she sat down at the table and joined in the consumption of Mr Othill's hospitality.

2012-07-28, 06:07 PM
Theo looks over as the door enters, and his breath catches in his throat as the elven woman approaches. When she addresses them, he manages to smile in welcome to her, but looks to the others to answer her question and make the proper introductions. The Tiefling he regards with curiosity, but little suspicion.

2012-07-28, 06:24 PM
Seeing Theorid's response, as well as a few other slightly hesitant looks, the servant girl clears her throat a little and speaks up, "Ah, this is Miss Clarity, she's done business with Mr. Othill before, he asked her here," the girl explains.

2012-07-28, 06:37 PM
"Quite true," Clarity responded proudly, "I've been tasked with guarding shipments to the miners in the past. Not one has gone harmed on my watch. I assume we will be working together on this job. Might I ask your names?"

2012-07-28, 08:23 PM
"Oh! that is most kind of Mr Othill! But still, I insist you have this. For your service. Really, keep it. I won't take no for an answer." Deadeye said, getting up from his seat and pushing a gold coin into the girl's hand. Returning to his seat, he takes a swig from his ale, and asks curiously, "So...are you all here for the...compulsory community service? Do you know what happened to the rest of your men?"

2012-07-28, 09:22 PM
"Oh, thank yo..." the girl began, but was interrupted as she spotted someone from over Deadeye's shoulder.

"Actually," a gruff voice said from behind Deadeye, "The rest of this lot are fairly fine and upstanding members of society. Only you, sir, are here because you were told to," a large dragonborn said as he came around to one of the free seats, settling down in a chair.

Though he was most definitely a businessman from the higher quality clothing he wore, it was all fairly plain as far as silks went, not nearly as lavish as it could be and not likely because of a lack of coin, but rather the man seemed to prefer simpler tastes.

"I am Draden Othill," the man began, looking between the five at the table. "In case you have not yet introduced yourselves let me have the honor; This here is Clarity, an associate of mine in the past who has done some work for me.

"This...friendly fellow...calls himself Deadeye, and he is here because he prefers to keep his head attached. He use to commit banditry in the hills, and the clergy had mercy on him in hopes of convincing more like him to...repent. He will be under the supervision of the group, should you accept my offer."

Turning towards Theorid he gave a nod in the half-elfs direction, "And this is Theorid, a follower of Erathis."

"Conrad Amneth is a knight in service to Pelor who has done some services around the town."

"And last but not least, of course, is miss Velvet, a priestess here from the city to help with our troubles."

Looking about a moment he gave a slight smile, "So, to business if you do not mind...I believe you all know the trouble my camp ran into? Found a hollow int he mountains and fled from what, they suspect, was a kobold haven... Trouble is the cowards left all of the supplies behind, not to mention some good ore.

"I can't have that much coin lost all at once...not that it would bankrupt me, but it is more out of principle. I need you to recover my goods, secure the ore, see if what they struck is in fact a kobold haven, and in return I will be sure to cut you in on some of the profit I make, not to mention donate a large portion to the local churches and guard, as I hear they are in need of better arms and armor..."

"So that is the long and short of it...if interested we can discuss it further," he said looking between the lot.

2012-07-28, 09:43 PM
"Well, I don't have a choice, do I?" Deadeye said with a pained expression at how Othill had revealed his background so openly and with such distaste.

"On a related topic, do you happen to know where the rest of my men are? Banditry isn't the work of one, and I am responsible for what happens to my men..."

2012-07-28, 09:47 PM
"Pleased to meet you all." Velvet bowed slightly, causing her hair to spill haphazardly down her front. When she stood straight again, she fixed her gaze on Mr. Othill, and smiled faintly.

"I am at your disposal. Though..." And here one of her scarlet eyebrows raised. "Are you certain you wouldn't rather I care for the wounded and the sick?"

2012-07-28, 09:48 PM
Giving a frown towards Deadeye the man watched him a moment before shrugging, "I heard some escaped, some died when your group was attacked, and the rest likely didn't receive the same...pity...that you were given," the dragonborn said, though he really didn't know for sure.

"The only reason you are here is because it was asked of me, seeing as I had reputable folk already in mind..."

Looking to Velvet as she spoke he gave a small smile, There are many to take care of the sick, but there are likely to be those who need a healing hand out in the mountains, if there are indeed kobolds. If you would rather not go that is your choice, I would not force you to do such a thing.

2012-07-28, 09:59 PM
"No, I'll do as you ask," She shook her head as she said so. "As you say, there could be miners trapped in the hollow."

Her face brightened somewhat.

"I'll do what I can."

2012-07-28, 10:31 PM
"So, get in, get the gear, and get out? Seems simple enough," Clarity thought out loud.

2012-07-28, 10:34 PM
"Well, I also would like for you to find out if it is in fact a kobold den...if you can do that then there is future profit for me there. And I tithe well to the churches around here so profit for me means funds for the good organizations around here," he pointed out. "My men didn't report any actual kobolds, just that they had entered some sort of cavern or tunnel...they ran before even looking twice..."

2012-07-28, 10:46 PM
"Great. I hope that if it is, in fact, a Kobold den, you will leave them to their territory rather than slaughter them for your profit. If they are there, it's their land, after all."

2012-07-28, 10:52 PM
"If it is a civilisation there and not bandits occupying the caves, then the most beneficial thing to do would be to broker a treaty between Toream and any kobolds that might be there. If not, however..." Theorid shrugs. "We can't say for sure until we get there, anyway."

2012-07-28, 11:03 PM
"If it's bandits, I could...uh, reason with them. They might know me...", he offered, relaxing slightly as none of them seemed inclined to murder him.

"If its kobolds, we should kill them. I know from experience they're vicious little buggers. Heard try killed off a rival gang too. Nasty.

2012-07-28, 11:13 PM
"Does anyone here speak kobold? We can't reason with them if we can't communicate with them."

2012-07-28, 11:49 PM
"Well, kobolds are little dragons, aren't they? Mr. Othill should be able to understand them.

If you can't come with us, can you teach us a bit of the dragon language? You know, stuff like 'where is your leader', 'no' and 'have some tea'?"

Finishing his ale, he calls for another tankard. When the servant girl comes, he whispers into her ear, "If you're looking for a little company, you can find me when this business is over and done with..."

2012-07-29, 12:09 AM
"I use to be a soldier back in my day, but now that I make the amount of coin that I do I hire folks like yourself to do the work I don't want to risk myself over...so no I will not be going over you. And learning a term or two in draconic won't help you any if you are in their lair..." the dragonborn said dryly.

Coming over to get him his ale the girl listened to his whisper before flushing and standing up straight, the other mug of ale she had been carrying dumping over top his head before the girl stormed off.

"For a man who could end up swinging from some gallows I suggest you cause less trouble," Draden commented, watching the half-elf storm off, turning his unfavorable gaze back to Deadeye.

2012-07-29, 12:19 AM
"I guess we just have to try to not get caught, then."

2012-07-29, 12:24 AM
Deadeye spluttered and gingerly removed the tankard from his head.

"Mr Othill, can you please tell the poor girl that she has completely misunderstood my intentions? What I wanted was simply some company who will listen to my heroic exploits and accompany me when the night gets lonely. I leave all sexual decisions to them. Honestly, why do people always get the idea that I will force myself upon them? It's against my principles!"

"Anyway, a few words would be lovely, Mr Othill. We can always capture one of them and ask 'leader where', and get it to point our path out for us..."

2012-07-29, 12:25 AM

When Deadeye's past was revealed, Conrad's friendly smile melted away. He instead looked at him with concern and perhaps a bit of suspicion. However when Mr. Othill introduced him, Conrad's face brightened again as he smiled nodding a greeting to each of the others.

"I'm willing to join your expedition. The ore from the mine could be a boon to this town if you are able to continue mining it. And I certainly wouldn't want to send miners down there without knowing the kobold situation. I can't communicate with them myself, but I agree, if we can broker an agreement, that would be preferable. If not, then I suppose we'll have to do what we can to make the tunnels safe to mine."

2012-07-29, 12:29 AM
Sighing quietly, Othill shrugged, "If none of you can speak their tongue then I suppose I could give you a few words, though it won't do you too much good I think..."

2012-07-29, 08:56 AM
"On the contrary, I think it would be quite helpful, Mr Othill. At the very least, we can spit kobold curses back at them" Deadeye said with a laugh while trying to dry himself,

"Not that I'm suggesting we use the words we learn to reason with them. For all we know, they're probably fanatics for their god, Kurtulmak, doing god knows what. At least, I think that's what that little kobold thief yipped when we caught him trying to rob us. Rob us, can you believe that?!

We should use the words to get directions. They could have set all manners of crude traps down there.

2012-07-29, 09:34 AM
Theorid frowns as Deadeye speaks up about killing all the kobolds, but nods in agreement when the discussion turns to learning Draconic. "A few phrases could give us the advantage if it arises, it's true. However, I think we're relying too much on the assumption that there are even kobolds there; we could end up completely unprepared for whatever's down there if it's not kobolds, so I urge caution and being as prepared for anything as possible. We all have sunrods or other light sources, I hope?"

2012-07-29, 09:52 AM
"Of course. A pro never leaves the house without them."

2012-07-29, 10:28 AM
"I have 2 sunrods. When we make it there, we could always use whatever light source the miners were using to make our way back f we're low, I suppose. But a more pressing question is, how many supplies are we talking about, Mr Othill? Do we need to bring along a wagon? How are we supposed to secure the ore without leaving someone, hopefully not me, there, to ensure it won't get taken again?"

2012-07-29, 10:46 AM
"Not that I'm suggesting we use the words we learn to reason with them. For all we know, they're probably fanatics for their god, Kurtulmak, doing god knows what. At least, I think that's what that little kobold thief yipped when we caught him trying to rob us. Rob us, can you believe that?!

Upon hearing this, Conrad shook his head. His face looked like he'd swallowed something bitter, "No honor among thieves," he muttered quietly.

He turned back to Mr. Othill, speaking normally again. "I too have a couple of sunrods, but we also will need to know how deep we are going. Perhaps you have a map of the region so we know where we're going when we get down there?"

2012-07-29, 11:06 AM
"Hey, I heard that. Who ever said we worked with them? Never have, never will. The little bugger jumped us.

A map would be useful, I think."

2012-07-29, 11:20 AM

"It's not time for us to talk about this right now. Maybe later, but in the meantime, contemplate this, how is what he did to you any worse than what you did to others?" Conrad turned his attention back to Mr. Othill.

2012-07-29, 11:50 AM
"Theorid is correct...as I mentioned already there were no signs of kobolds beyond a hollow, and there are hollows all throughout the world, some filled with kobolds, some with nothing, and some with worse. Now, I can give you a simple map to the mining camp, but Clarity will be your guide, as I also said earlier. She's been there before," he told the group.

"As for securing the mining supplies it will be easy; you do not need to move them or anything, just to see if they are still there and to recover what people have made off with if possible. Once you have them secured you will use this ritual to send me a message, I hear holy men and women are capable of rituals, yes? I have had them used for me in the past and they are quite handy," he said pulling out a slim book and removing a page.

"I will also write down a page of some words and phrases you might find useful if there happen to be kobolds...but I do not suggest trying to kill a whole den on your own. They might have riches stored away but there are a great many of them typically..."

2012-07-29, 12:04 PM
Velvet nodded in response. "I am not the most skilled, but I do know how to perform them adequately enough."

She gestured towards the page that Mr. Othill now had in his clawed hand. "May I?"

2012-07-29, 12:24 PM
"Of course," the dragonborn said as he handed over the page, "If the supplies have been taken then there is little you can do about that, but it was a good mine site I had so at the very least I want that back," he said with a slight grin.

2012-07-29, 12:37 PM
After briefly glancing over the page, Velvet rolled the page tightly and tucked it down the front of her robes.

Velvet held her tongue for a moment, but then, biting her lip, she let what had been troubling her free. "To be honest..." she started, carefully, "I get the feeling that this will not be as simple as just saving a couple miners and running into a den of kobolds." She chewed her lip nervously. "If it had been a den of kobolds, wouldn't there have been signs of that? And wouldn't the kobolds at least have recognized the miners as they broke through? Breaking through a wall makes a lot of noise, afterall, and the kobolds would not have been happy seeing people breaking into their home." She finally let her lip out of her mouth, red and swollen from chewing at it, "I mean, think about if it was your house, and someone broke through the wall. Well, you'd chase them, or at least yell at them, wouldn't you? I would. I...I don't think there are kobolds in there."

2012-07-29, 01:16 PM
"Could have been some kobold mineshaft, who knows. And there are no miners to rescue," he reminded.

2012-07-29, 03:31 PM
"Indeed, no skirmish at the breakthrough and no prisoners taken - the miners simply ran. It's likely that anything dwelling within has only recently discovered the mineshaft leading into the cavern, too."

Theorid looks around at the group. "Does anyone else have anything to ask or add? I think the sooner we leave, the sooner we find out exactly what it is that's been uncovered here."

2012-07-29, 03:37 PM
"I'm ready when you are."

2012-07-29, 04:18 PM
"Well..." Velvet tilted her head, scratching at one of her long ears absentmindedly. "Maybe we should speak with the miners that entered the hollow first. They could tell us what they saw in the hollow before they ran, which might be important, or at least maybe they can give us some clue as to what we should be prepared for."

The elf maid shrugged, and tugged at her ear. "That's what I would do first."

2012-07-29, 04:33 PM
"Excellent idea," Clarity agreed. "Mr. Othill, could you perhaps inform us of where the miners who ran from the site are currently located?"

2012-07-29, 08:03 PM
"Them? Most I sent to other dig sites of mine, a few quit, some might be drinking away what coin they have in one of their taverns. Hard to say, you can look for them if you want though. But like I said, they saw a cave and ran, not sure what you are expecting to hear." The man said as he leaned back in his seat, letting the group talk and figure out what their first move would be.

2012-07-30, 06:45 AM
"Well, since Mr Othill say they'll be of little use, I'll recommend not disturbing them; not only will they be difficult to find, when we do find them, they'll probably be in a drunken stupor. I say we head for the mine as quickly as we can. Less time for them to prepare any nasty surprises."

2012-07-30, 10:50 AM

Conrad scratches his jawline. "I have to agree. It was a good idea, but from what Mr. Othill said I doubt we'll learn much more from them."

Conrad finishes the last of his drink and sets it on the table before him. "Is there anything else we need to know, or should we be getting ready to leave?"

2012-07-30, 01:40 PM
"Unless you can think of anything else," the man said as he stood, waiting to see if there was anything left to be said. "I have a room for each of you waiting, just ask the bartender, and the wagon with supplies will be ready for you first thing in the morning...but first I need one of you members of the church to agree to take charge of Deadeye here...he will be your prisoner more or less, if he doesn't obey properly well...the hangman awaits."

2012-07-30, 01:49 PM
Velvet turned her head, letting those large amber eyes fall on the thief, and paused--staring at him. There was something all too familiar about the man, a smell that she knew by heart, a glint in his eye that reminded her so very strongly of the Hluthvar waterfront. The heart that beat in his chest was not all so very different than the one in hers.

"I'll take him." Velvet said, not taking her eyes off him.

2012-07-30, 02:43 PM
"Good, then it is all settled," he said, "If that is going to be all then I will be leaving you," Draden said.

2012-07-30, 05:17 PM
"Help me tell the girl it was a misunderstanding. I hate to leave around people who hate me for the wrong reasons," he said, finishing the last of his ale.

Standing up, he bowed to Velvet, the effect somewhat diminished by his ale-soaked attire, "Deadeye, at your service, m'lady."

2012-07-30, 05:29 PM
"I'm not your messenger boy, and you are in no position to ask me anything," the dragonborn scowled, "I've no love of your petty banditing kind...better the noose for you," he said.

2012-07-30, 06:04 PM
Clarity disagrees with Mr. Othill's viewpoint, but doesn't want to get on her employers bad side, so she keeps quiet. She really needs this job, as her fancy clothing is a ruse to hide her poor financial state. She instead makes a mental note to inquire into Deadeye's history at a later point. She has lived with theives, thugs, and murderers her entire life, and knows that they typically are not greedy *******s, but instead the most desperate of people struggling to survive. She is curious about the circumstances that could lead Deadeye to the path of banditry.

2012-07-30, 07:19 PM
Deadeye sighs, and turns back to the group.

"Well, any of you ladies want to help an 'evil' bandit like me go apologize to someone during the night later? A lady because two men will give the wrong signal, of course. Anyone? Clarity?" he asks hopefully.

2012-07-30, 07:55 PM
Velvet furrowed her brow, having not taken her eyes off Deadeye's face.

"Errm, this has happened to you before, hasn't it? Getting ale dumped over your head. I mean, you are a bandit. Bandits have always been the womanizing type...well, either that or the brute thug type, but you don't strike me as one of those."

She frowned to the side of her mouth, "Unless you're one of those rogues-with-a-heart-of-gold." She watched him for a moment longer, and then finally her face relaxed, "I bet that's exactly it."

2012-07-30, 08:57 PM
Clarity stopped for a moment to ponder the meaning of the phrase "heart of gold." What is gold? It's an nonreactive metal that channels heat and electricity very easily. It's very dense and soft.

The theives she knew never had hearts of gold. A thief's heart was reactive, violently responding to the injustice of his poverty and the stigma of his trade. A thief's heart was never soft. It was hardened by the daily struggles of his life. No, she highly doubted Deadeye had a heart of gold.

2012-07-31, 03:34 AM
"It's just a matter of principles," Deadeye told Velvet, "I dislike it when they misunderstand my intentions."

Turning around, he called out, "Bartender...Korin, was it? Can you please tell me where the poor lady that was serving us went? I need to apologize to her. This lady here will make sure I won't cause any trouble."

He said the last word with distaste, as if the very idea was abhorrent.

2012-07-31, 04:43 AM
Theorid too seems intrigued by Deadeye's behaviour. Is it some kind of cunning ploy to ingratiate himself into the group? Impossible to say without prior knowledge of the man, and merely hearing about his crimes has always been insufficient for the Erathisian.

The half-elf stands, ready to go, and nods to Deadeye. "Don't take too long, then."

2012-08-02, 11:01 AM

Conrad also stands, "It is late, and as Mr. Othill pointed out rooms await." He nods his head to each person still at the table. "I'm going to head up to mine, I will see each of you back down here as soon as Pelor's light blesses us with his presence tomorrow. Good night." With that statement, Conrad leaves the table to find his room key.

2012-08-04, 05:02 AM
"Yes, that's a fair point, actually," Theorid agrees, stifling a yawn. "Best to face this situation fresh and rested, I think." He goes to collect his room key as well.