View Full Version : The Modern Age [Exalted 2E] Group II IC

2012-07-27, 02:29 PM
The Five of you find yourselves sitting around a table, in a nondescript government building in downtown Crane Bay. The room is fairly plain, with only a Meruvian flag decorating the walls. A large screen occupies one side of the room, and a projector is hanging from the ceiling.

After you have all been there for a few minutes, a man walks through the door. He's wearing a black suit and tie, and has thinning, blonde hair. Typical government worker, really.

"Hello, all." He says. "My name is David Mnemon. I'm sure you all know why we've gathered you here. Before we get started, does anyone have any questions?"

Yue Fairchild
2012-07-27, 03:05 PM
Sitting at the far end of the table is Amy, a bored-looking brunette in a green t-shirt, jeans, and orange sneakers. Her Eclipse caste mark is showing, identifying her as a Solar. She pushes her glasses up from the bridge of her nose and looks curiously at the man, blinking slowly.

"Just to recap...you want to make yourself a superhero team to deal with those guys that have been blowing stuff up and having the nerve to not go away. If that's the case, what's such a big deal that the Dragon-Bloods can't handle it? Surely civilian recruitment, Exalted or no, is a last-ditch effort."

Her voice is calm and measured, but there's an undeniable excitement behind all of that.

2012-07-27, 03:08 PM
He nods. "That is, essentially, correct, yes. Now, why don't we take some time to get to know each other before we begin, hm?"

Yue Fairchild
2012-07-27, 03:17 PM
Amy nods back.

"Right, since I spoke up first...I'm Amy. Solar. My specialty is hand-to-hand, but I'm pretty good behind a computer too. You probably know me as that freak on the news that beats up muggers with her Anima showing."

She waves to the other four and leans back in her chair, eyes drifting shut as she listens to the rest of them.

2012-07-27, 03:19 PM
"What do you we get out of this?"

No one could deny that Daniel was to the point. For a gang leader he sure seemed to dress well, dark sunglasses hiding his eyes and a comfortable wide brimmed hat further obscuring him. He seemed at ease to, not nervous as many people of his, erm, legality would be speaking to a government worker. No, he had a handsome, smooth confidence to him. A bedrock of will.

Nevertheless, he wasn't even sure if he was going to go for this. He wanted to see cold, hard profits coming out of this before committed. Amelia was here, which was an incentive, but she was a big girl, and she could take care of herself, even if he didn't bite on this particular venture.

"I know you have to be offering us something. We're exalts, and our time ain't cheap. I want to know just what you're offering us before we go any further. We're here, make your sales pitch, and let us decide."

2012-07-27, 03:25 PM
David clears his throat. "Yes, of course Mr..." He checks a stack of papers. "Castleheld, I believe? You are going to be paid, make no mistake about that. Each of you will receive a weekly stipend, which will cover all expenses, as well as gain you a tidy profit, I might add. The Meruvian Government is nothing if not kind to its heroes, after all."

2012-07-27, 06:56 PM
"I am Cho, an Air Aspect formerly on An-Teng." The assassin was wearing loose civilian attire over her stealthsuit, the mask pulled down to let her face show. While she didn't expect government agents or fellow Exalts to bat an eye at her standard field equipment, the building was downtown. "By my experience, forward intelligence is critical to a successful offensive operation. What information have you acquired during your preceeding pursuit of the target?"

2012-07-27, 09:36 PM
He smiles. "An excellent question, Miss Cho. The first thing we noticed is that the targets tend to have nothing in common with each other. A government building one day, a corporate office the next, and an abandoned warehouse on the third.

Also, civilian casualties are... surprisingly low. It almost appears intentionally so, as if the point was more about sending a message than attacking an enemy. Another problem is that no one is claiming responsibility for the attacks, nor has anyone ever actually seen an operative of this organization in the field. I'm afraid that's all the information I can give, at this time."

Yue Fairchild
2012-07-27, 10:06 PM
Amy frowns, closing her eyes. She was really hoping they wouldn't ask her what she knows. All of this looks bad, and to be honest, the Infernal would be so much happier if she could do this without keeping her secret.

"There...Might be something with the owners. They aren't connected, but there are a couple ways you could connect the dots that makes them look connected. Terrorists aren't known for their reasoning skills, they could have jumped to a conclusion."

Her eyes are closed and her head's down as she speaks, hands tented over her mouth. Her glasses shimmer ominously. Just a trick of the light, but ominous nonetheless.

"More importantly, all of the explosives are based on Lilitone Hydroxonate. If you didn't take chemistry in high school or go to Dragon-Blood training, it's a popular improvised explosive in our military."

Amelia finally looks up at Mr. Mnemon.

"But I'm sure our friend here didn't know that, because hiding that from us would be a real **** move."

2012-07-27, 10:10 PM
David gives a nervous smile. "Yes, well we have already looked into that matter, and have found no connection with any of our current military personnel."

Yue Fairchild
2012-07-27, 10:12 PM
"Current. That's what I was thinking too. The only people with that training that aren't under lock and key 24/7 are dragon-bloods. Oh, and everyone that's been discharged. Can't forget about them."

2012-07-27, 10:13 PM
"If they are rogues from the Meruvian military, they would know enough about counter-terror protocol to make hiring outside aid the practical choice." Cho looks toward Amy, giving her a nod of respect. If such was the result of the girl's computer skills, she looked forward to a demonstration of her martial arts. "It would be good to know what drove them to forsake their homeland. Any ideas as to what conclusion they may have jumped to, based on the targets?"

2012-07-27, 10:17 PM
"It's very possible that this is an inside job, or someone who just wants to make it look like one. We don't really know. We've been debriefing all of our Dragon-Blooded operatives, and have found only a few with any... discrepancies on their records. They are very likely suspects, at the moment."

Yue Fairchild
2012-07-27, 10:17 PM
Amy maintains her poker-face as she considers how to answer that unfortunate question, then finally turning to Cho.

"...There is a popular conspiracy theory involving a cabal that rules the world known as the the Saurians. All of these men were very powerful and influential. If our explosive expert friends decided the Saurians actually existed, the men those buildings belonged to would be prime candidates for membership, wouldn't you agree? Not to mention they all had a habit of wearing green compulsively, which is the color of a lizard's skin. Just the sort of thing a crazy person would pick up on."

Back to Mnemon.

"Can you give us names? I had a couple ideas myself."

2012-07-27, 10:23 PM
He nods, and pulls out a stack of papers. "We have one... Steven Rajas; Retired, Samuel Hatchet; Retired, Lionel Kes, Finn Goguen, and Emily Harrison."

Yue Fairchild
2012-07-27, 10:30 PM
Hey, what did Amy say her last name was?

Oh, she didn't?

Too bad. I bet it was important. But you'll never know now.

Speaking of Amy, she twitches visibly when the names are read off. Her eyes shut tight, and she covers her face altogether.

"Finn Goguen is my brother. He's an explosives expert. Samuel Hatchet is one of his friends."

2012-07-27, 10:39 PM
"Then we have avenues of approach, assuming that the suspicions regarding them have merit." Cho couldn't help but wonder how Lionel Kes came under suspicion, though. She knew that there was a conspiracy by the gods influencing An-Teng... Perhaps her story inspired the prodigy to check his own homeland for such vermin? The assassin dreaded the possibility, but remained composed. "We should probably look into them first, since they'll be the easiest to investigate and it will remove the morale difficulties caused by the uncertainty that much sooner."

2012-07-27, 10:51 PM
He nods. "That's an excellent idea. Transportation can be provided, should you need it."

Yue Fairchild
2012-07-27, 10:51 PM
Amy slumps down in her seat, as if she were accused of something she didn't do.

"We're getting ahead of ourselves. Three of us haven't even given out their names. Let's...Just figure out who we are and what we can do before we make plans."

She's stalling, that's obvious.

2012-07-28, 11:57 AM
Sitting at the table is a refined Tengese gentleman of middling years. He's wearing an exquisite business suit in the Tengese style, and resting in front of him is a small attache case. His eyes are a sky blue that would perhaps be more striking if he wasn't sitting next to Cho who also has blue eyes.

Standing up the man clears his throat and says. "My name is Hiro Takimoto and I must say it is a pleasure to see you again miss Amelia. I also appreciate the chance to introduce myself, I'm afraid I was taking a nap and when I came to we were already in the thick of things." After taking a moment to let the joke settle he continues. "Now for those of you who don't know me I am a specialist in data analysis and interpersonal relationships. Now what that means is that it is my job to advise you on the best course of action and keep you all from tearing each others heads off." As he finished Hiro sat back down with a wry smile.

2012-07-28, 01:26 PM
Hunter had not been inclined to have the charms to hide his Alchemical armour in use for this meeting, and as such his moonsilver suit was on full display, with all the modifications from his Charms. Most noticable was his face, which was covered in a gas-mask like structure, with modifications all around the eyes. During all of this talk, he was quiet. Now, he decides to speak, a calm, controlled voice. "Well, do you have any other projects in your government that are linked to these buildings or would produce people with the inclination to attack them?"

2012-07-28, 10:12 PM
"Well Mr... Hunter, I presume? I don't have any more information available. Since I am merely your liaison, I won't be joining you, but cars are waiting our front, to take you all to the scene of the attack."

2012-07-29, 07:39 PM
Daniel distend fairly intently, he couldn't say he was excited about the prospect of taking on disenfranchised military, but if the price was right he could certainly be bought. For the moment though, he tried to consider who could be involved with this on his end. If this wasn't stuff that you could pick off the counter, well, he'd know who to go to about it. You learned to keep your ears to the ground in his line of work, or you died, no two ways about it.

"Alright. Taking a look there might help."Daniel nodded tersely.

I'm going to roll perception + investigation, if you don't mind, to have him come up with some Black market contacts he'd know to go to about this, if any? Or other information about this that would have circulated around criminal circles.

[roll0] = Four sux, 5 motes spent

2012-07-29, 10:40 PM
"Very well." Cho rises from her seat, giving their host a glance in expectation. "I'd like for us to be able to look into those Dragon-Bloods later, though. Can information be accumulated on them while we investigate the scene? At the very least, what they did to warrant suspicion."

Yue Fairchild
2012-07-30, 09:02 PM
"I'll take a look at it on the way, if someone else drives."

Amy produces a tablet computer and begins typing away. "You have my e-mail, Mr. Mnemon, can you send me the relevant information? Encrypted, of course."

2012-07-30, 09:21 PM
Smiling at Amy Hiro says. "I would be happy to drive you Miss Goguen." It's an offhand comment as his brain is already on the task of identifying possible approaches to the Dragon-Blooded suspects along with identities that would allow him access to their homes. "Is their any information you could share with us regarding the active projects of those suspects who are still active government agents? I know it will for the most part be classified, but I can't imagine they are working on anything too important if you think they're terrorists."

2012-07-31, 12:15 AM
David nods. "I'll send you what I can, Miss Goguen. As for Mr. Takimoto's question, Finn Goguen is currently on sabbatical. Lionel Kes is out of the country, on government business. And Emily Harrison is currently in a secure facility, researching a classified project."

Yue Fairchild
2012-07-31, 12:53 AM
Amy shuts her eyes tight, slumping over on the table.

Sol Damnit. My brother's in town with his girlfriend and her friend. Could it be ANYONE else?

2012-07-31, 01:01 AM
Hiro is knocked out of his brooding and laughs saying. "The laws of narrative causality say no."

Yue Fairchild
2012-07-31, 04:33 AM
"Shut the **** up, Hiro."

Amy kicks him underneath the seat.

2012-08-01, 03:08 PM
David looks at you all, his expression and tone neutral. "Well then, shall we get started?"

Yue Fairchild
2012-08-01, 07:46 PM
"I'd like nothing more."

2012-08-01, 08:37 PM
With a smile, David says, "Excellent. There are cars waiting outside, they'll take you all to the site of the most recent attack."

Yue Fairchild
2012-08-01, 09:18 PM
"I'll ride with Hiro."

2012-08-02, 03:26 PM
David nods. "Then off you go, everyone. Good luck."

Yue Fairchild
2012-08-02, 05:52 PM
Amy follows behind Hiro, expecting Daniel to remain close to her.

You two have a very important job. Whenever I try to find an alternative explanation that points to Michelle, Sam, or Finn, slap me and make me look at it rationally.

2012-08-02, 05:57 PM
Leaning back on his gorgeous sports car Hiro Smiles and says cheerfully. "Will do. Would you prefer the right cheek or the left?" After a moment he becomes slightly more serious and asks. "But what if the evidence really does point to them?"

Yue Fairchild
2012-08-02, 06:02 PM
"...Then we'll burn that bridge when we cross it."

Amy lets herself in the front seat of Hiro's car, closing her eyes and trying to sort through everything before they arrive...

2012-08-02, 06:12 PM
After his question, Hunter had returned to his quiet observant state, but hearing this conversation makes another statement, standing outside the car Hiro and Amy were using. "Don't let personal connections alter your judgements yet. We don't have enough knowledge to start deciding our targets yet anyway."

2012-08-02, 06:45 PM
"Among other complications." They were getting stonewalled on information. Lionel Kes, a respected member of the Office of Meruvian Intelligence, was suspect. If her own revelations had prompted him to perform an internal investigation... As with the Solar, they would cross that bridge when they got to it. "I have no stipulations regarding transportation beyond a timely arrival at our destination."

2012-08-02, 11:02 PM
Daniel walked her to her care quietly, pausing right before they drove off. "Amy," The Lunar asked softly, "What does your brother look like? Out of curiosity." Honestly, he doubted the connection, it just seemed to far fetched. And... Well he didn't want Amy to have to go through that. Or perhaps it would push her away from her current masters. Make her go off on her own.

The world could turn in strange ways.

Yue Fairchild
2012-08-03, 03:16 PM
"Uh. Tall, long brown hair, tan, wears clothes that show off his body. Nothing really explicitly Exalted about him if he's not using his charms. Thick accent."

Amy gets into Hiro's passenger seat and closes her eyes to think.

2012-08-03, 09:29 PM
And so, all of you get into your respective vehicles, and drive off to the scene. Once you arrive, you immediately see that it's the shattered remains of an old warehouse. Wisps of smoke are still lingering in a few places, suggesting that the attack was very, very, recent.

Yue Fairchild
2012-08-03, 10:33 PM
"...Oh no."

Where are you? Right now?

2012-08-03, 10:39 PM
Time passes, but Finn never answers.

2012-08-03, 11:01 PM
"Ma'am? Is there new information pertinent to our investigation?" Cho looks at the Solar expectantly. They had been expecting the building to have been subject to the attack, so the expression of dismay on the Solar's part couldn't have been due to that. Coupled with her immediately sending a message to someone that Cho could only assume was the suspect brother... Cho raised a single eyebrow as she got a feel for their surroundings.

Activating Feeling-The-Air Technique for 3m personal, which lets me see despite obstructions such as darkness, not looking the right direction, or - as is most relevant - smoke.

2012-08-03, 11:07 PM
Cho sees through the smoke, and notices that:
There was definitely more than one charge, and each of them went off simultaneously. Each was stationed at a vital, structural point, meaning that whoever did this either knew the building well, or had scouted it out before the attack.

Yue Fairchild
2012-08-03, 11:57 PM
"...No reply."

Amy blinks once, hard, and her eyes open wide to take in all the information she possibly can, and then a great deal more. Essence flows out from her as she wills the information into her mind; even if there's not enough detail to figure it out, she WILL figure this out, Sol damnit! Her entire body starts to shine; first her eyes begin to pour out solid gold light as four golden wings form on her back, through the seat, four matching white wings coming from a bright red corona on her chest, emptying into a tiny sun behind her. As if that wasn't subtle enough, Amy's Eclipse caste mark appears on her forehead, marking her as Totally One Of The Sun's Chosen You Guys Seriously!

[roll0] + 6 Successes

2012-08-04, 12:13 AM
Amy notices that:
All of the charges were made of that same explosive that Finn, and all other Meruvian military operatives, like to use. You also find out that the charges were detonated simultaneously, meaning there was one detonator that controlled them all, again: another of Finn's tactics. The charges were all placed on vital, strategic, structural points. Meaning that the terrorists either knew the building well already, or they scouted it out ahead of time.

Yue Fairchild
2012-08-04, 03:05 AM
"Same bombs as last times. They were detonated simultaneously, multiple bombs on one remote. They're all on strategic points, so they scouted ahead or knew the place."

Amy rattles off the information a little too fast and gets out of the car before it's fully stopped, maintaining her balance nonetheless. She fishes a headset out of a pocket and sticks it onto her ear, cutting an easy swath through the crowd with her Anima.


2012-08-06, 11:52 AM
Hunter walks over to one of the nearby buildings that offers a good vantage point over the area, briefcase in hand, one of his Charms allowing to simply walk up the building rather than bother with stairs. Once he gets to a good position, he opens up the case and puts the parts of his rifle together. Once done, he starts to keep watch for anyone else coming to the area, attempting to stay hidden himself as well.

Activating Personal Gravity Manipulation Apparatus for 4m to allow Hunter to walk up the side of a building, then putting the Godcannon back together and keeping watch for anything of interest (Optical Enhancement has the Telescopic Sight submodule, so Hunter can see out to a mile with no penalties), while also staying hidden.

Perception+Awareness: [roll0] 1 success (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=13680000&postcount=13)
Dexterity+Stealth: [roll1] 5 successes

2012-08-06, 01:45 PM
David let those more suited to direct investigation look into the building. He was leaning comfortably against a wall, ducking his head in every now and then to check on Amy (He wasn't about to let her get hurt. His heavy shellcaster was leaning next to him, just in case), while sending off a series of texts. Once they finished he'd mentioned what he'd picked up in the meantime, which was interesting. He had a description to work off of, but honestly? If he found them, he wanted to speak to them before the shooting started.

Considering what their goals seemed to be, he wanted to know where these people where coming from.

Daniel is texting a few of his followers with descriptions of the people he found and the name "Charles V'Neef." He's having carefully fan the city watching for a group of that description, and report back to him or anyone using that name. Even if its fake, it gives a trail to follow. He doesn't say why, specifically, and gives the impression they owe him money, but are very dangerous.

Since he's delegating, I'm going for a manipulation + investigation roll here?

[roll0] = six sux

In any case, assuming that roll is valid, he's throwing 5 motes at it. Personal

2012-08-06, 10:04 PM
Hunter: From atop the building, you see no one approaching.

After a lot of texts have been sent, you get a reply back with some good news. Charles V'Neef recently contacted one of your associates, in reganrds to a business transaction of... questionable legality.

2012-08-06, 11:10 PM
Daniel frowns, and begins sending a text back quickly, telling him to arrange a meeting with him, but for tonight. Daniel wanted to meet the man himself, before he moved forward with any of this. He'd see what he wanted, what they where trying then decide for himself what he'd do. He considered telling Amy his plan, but he wasn't sure. It might be better to keep this to himself.

2012-08-10, 09:53 PM
"Hmm..." Security clearance. Either someone who was in a position of influence, or had the skills to bypass the warehouse's security. Either way, there was only so much that could be done from the site of the bombing. Cho moves to follow the Solar into the smoke, drawing her face cover up as a modest filter. "Do you know anything about the false pattern that these attackers are picking up?"

Yue Fairchild
2012-08-10, 11:43 PM
Amy hops over the security desk towards a staircase. "Say that again? I don't know what you mean."

2012-08-11, 12:11 AM
"That debunked conspiracy you mentioned before, with the secret power behind the governments." Cho still suspected the gods, as they made more sense to her than an extinct race of sapient reptiles, but that was (hopefully) a seperate matter. For now, they had an investigation to look into. "You seemed surprisingly knowledgable on the matter, about how the dots can be made to connect. I was hoping your insights could be used to predict future targets so that we might catch the attackers making their preperations."

Yue Fairchild
2012-08-11, 12:17 AM
"...I have a couple ideas. I'd need to look at a map or something..."

Cho, you should probably roll to see if she's lying?

2012-08-11, 12:35 AM
"One of our teammates has been rather busy with his phone. Odds are he'd be able to bring up a map for us to look at." Cho could tell she was trying to hide how much she knew, and that worried her. Still, she didn't know if it was more than it was safe to admit or less than she'd be proud to admit. Either way, she'd need to press her to see what she knew. "So, unless we're expecting something in particular to have survived the destruction...?"

Yue Fairchild
2012-08-11, 12:45 AM
"...Not really. To be honest, I have no idea why we ran in so far. Now I feel kind of stupid..."

2012-08-11, 12:51 AM
"It's not like you can see around the rubble, so there might have been something unexpected." Cho turns back toward where they arrived, gesturing for Amelia to follow. "I think we can rule that out at this point, though."

Yue Fairchild
2012-08-11, 12:52 AM
Amy moves closer to Cho, frowning. "Okay, what do we do now?"

2012-08-11, 01:03 AM
"I was thinking we would get a map, and you could act on my recommendation to predict the next target based on the half-logic of the conspiracy theorists that are apparently the decision makers behind these attacks." Cho leads the woman out through the smoke, her words emotionless and clipped. With everyone running off without explaining their intentions, it seemed like she would need to put forward additional efforts to keep the group on-task. The burdens of Terrestrial Exaltation. "Do you have a device that can bring up a map of the city?"

Yue Fairchild
2012-08-11, 02:03 AM
Amy hands over a tablet computer with a maps app up. Certain places are marked...One of which is Amy's apartment.

Horus, check your PMs.

2012-08-19, 10:32 PM
You feel like Amy might be lying, but you're still not quite sure.

I've seen it now, thank you!

2012-08-21, 12:27 AM
"This is a good start. However, the markers lack labels. Understandable on short notice, but context is key." Cho examines one building after the next, trying to find a pattern based on the locations. Warehouse, storing a hypothetical project. Apartment complex, residence of a suspected agent of the conspiracy. Government building, because the conspiracy rules the government. She needed more than this. "Are the bombers just hitting suspected conspiracy facilities randomly, or could there be an underlying system?"

Yue Fairchild
2012-08-21, 12:39 AM
"No system, as far as I can tell. At least, from what we've seen so far. Should we be worried about getting inside? Helping someone?"

2012-08-21, 12:49 AM
"We should be worried about finding a place to get to." Walking with the tablet, Cho glances over her shoulder to make sure the owner is following back to where they had left the rest of the group. "Perhaps one of the others will have a Charm suitable to the occasion, finding a pattern that provides us with a behavioral profile."

Yue Fairchild
2012-08-21, 04:52 PM
"This is important and everything, but right now we should probably be investigating the exploded warehouse."

Amy shoves her tablet into Cho's hands and starts pacing around the warehouse, letting her Essence flow out and around her, clearing her perceptions. She begins meticulously scanning the floors, walls, through containers, anything incriminating, leaving no stone unturned. She barely notices her Anima flare, not that she cares as long as her Solar disguise holds.

2012-08-21, 07:45 PM
You see a charred piece of fabric that draws your eye. It has a splatter of blood on it, and you recognize the pattern as one of the Coral Shirts that Samuel Hatchet often wears.

Yue Fairchild
2012-08-22, 01:37 AM
Amy doesn't pick up the fabric, well aware of how bad tampering with evidence can be. Instead, she fishes through her bag for a zip-lock bag to pick it up in, while sending a text with a massive lump in her throat.

>SMS from Amy Goguen to Finn Goguen
>Hey, my phone's speed dial is broken. Can you text me a picture of sam right now, so I can put it in my phone book for when he calls?

"Cho...I think we've got something. How are you doing?"

2012-08-22, 11:24 AM
>SMS from Finn Goguen to Amy Goguen
>Uh, sure, I guess.
Picture of Sam:

Also, it seems as though the piece of fabric came from the shirt's lower sleeve. Finn seems to be almost purposely avoiding showing off Sam Hatchet's lower torso...

Yue Fairchild
2012-08-22, 02:41 PM

Amy puts her phone away and leaves the warehouse, calling out to Cho on her way past.

"I know who did it. It was my brother's crew."

2012-08-22, 02:53 PM
Hiro was relaxing on Samantha's hood waiting for Amy and the others to finish their investigation. He had many skills but forensic investigation was not one of them, so he left it to the people who actually knew what they were doing. He had expected it to take much longer so when Amy stalked out of the warehouse spewing profanities he was caught off guard.

Stumbling off the sleek metal surface of his car Hiro hustled over to Amy. "Amy, isn't it a little early in the investigation to be throwing around accusations?"

2012-08-22, 07:50 PM
"Aye. How are you sure?" Daniel asked catching her with one arm as she tried to run out, his yellow eyes peaking over his shades intently. He was curious what she had found, and if it should make him reveal the little meeting he already had set up prematurely. If it was her brother, well, that changed things. He wasn't sure, but he wasn't going to hide anything if she was sure he was involved. She deserved to know then.

Yue Fairchild
2012-08-22, 09:35 PM
Amy holds up the baggie.

"This. Same pattern as the shirt Finn's friend is wearing right now. Same way of blowing stuff up as Finn. Enough for us to be wary, at least. Anyone have some good tracking charms?"

2012-08-23, 11:02 AM
"You've got circumstantial evidence at best girl." His grip steadied on her for a moment, trying to hold her in place. Give her a chance to really think this through before she went charging off on blind assumptions. "Calm down. This could mean any number of things from a coincidence to a framing. If you lock in on one explanation, one trail, then you might miss the others. This has to be hitting a little close to home for you, which makes this all the harder but you got to try." He paused, letting her go now, stretching a little before picking up his shotgun from where it lay beside him. "Now. I'm not the best at it, but I'm sure as hell not bad either. If no one else has any skill, I can take over that. I've also got my brothers working on a little investigation of my own as well. Nothing I'm ready to share yet though."

Yue Fairchild
2012-08-25, 12:35 AM
Amy gives Daniel the dirtiest look in human history, but backs off soon enough.

"...Okay. if Finn didn't do it. Or. Whatever. What do we do now? Isn't an important part of police work, you know, finding the guy that you think did it?"

As she talks, her fingers are hard at work on the smartphone in her hands.

We need to talk. In person. I have a perfect defense, so don't try anything funny. Just talking. I promise, on mom's name.

2012-08-25, 12:56 PM
Hiro smiles at Amy and says. "Well, if you give me the name and address of this friend of Finn's, I can finally contribute. Though I was enjoying my nap."

2012-08-26, 10:32 PM
>SMS from Finn Goguen to Amy Goguen
Whoa, what's going on? Besides, we're really close to finishing up a job. Can it wait?

Yue Fairchild
2012-08-27, 04:18 PM
Amy scowls, looking ready to throw her phone out a window.

"No, I don't. And...This is getting really suspicious. Trust me... Just give me a minute to think. I'm almost positive it's him."

Amy sets the phone on the roof of Hiro's car, and plugs it into her tablet, then a keyboard into the tablet. She gets to work trying desperately to find where he is, pouring even more Essence into her hacking attempt.

2012-08-27, 09:22 PM
You're able to triangulate Finn's exact location. He's actually not very far away. Only about a mile, in the same industrial park. Another warehouse...

Yue Fairchild
2012-08-29, 03:13 AM

Amelia grabs her stuff back from Cho, cramming it into her bag and running several blocks away, inhumanly fast, towards the indicated warehouse.

2012-08-29, 04:30 AM
"Hmph. Now what is that girl up to..."

Seeing Amy's movement, Hunter gets up from his place on the rooftop, moving along them to match Amy's movements so when she stops, he is able to continue looking over things with his rifle.

2012-09-03, 02:06 PM
You all see a large explosion, about a mile away, in the direction Amy is running.

Yue Fairchild
2012-09-04, 01:59 AM
Amy stops dead in her tracks, looking at the bomb go off. No questioning it now.

"...Son of a whore."

The realization hits her hard, and her concentration is the first thing to go. With it, her Solar guise melts off of her skin and into her shadow, leaving her there in her full Infernal glory. For a certain definition of 'glory.' Her skin is ghost-white, the shine in her hair and skin are completely gone, her eyes are burning an intense red, and the Anima has a more ominous appearance.

2012-09-06, 10:40 PM
Daniel didn't stop moving, having been right on Amy's heels, and even once she stopped, he dived forward, his shotgun held loosely in one hand, his eyes focused on the source of an explosion as he absolutely raced towards hit, his feet pounding the pavement. Whatever was going on they couldn't waste time, they needed eyes there now, and in a bad way.

2012-09-17, 02:36 PM
As all of you are running towards the explosion, you come across Amy. Daniel and Hiro already knew that she was actually a Fiend Caste Infernal, but Hunter and Cho are seeing her as she truly is, for the first time.

2012-09-18, 10:25 PM
Daniel didn't give Amy a second glance, he didn't have time to wonder about what she was doing, he was focused on the explosion. If the others lashed out at her, well, he'd like intervene but for the moment he was going to take care of the job at hand, and that meant getting to the site of the explosion.

2012-09-20, 10:43 PM
By the time you arrive at the scene, it's deserted, save for a crowd of people gawking. The fires are still burning, and rescue teams haven't arrived yet. There are also people trapped under debris.

2012-09-24, 03:44 PM
Hunter quickly notes Amy's change as he runs across the rooftops, not paying that much attention to it. He keeps on going until he gets near to the blast site, where he again starts searching the area with his rifle, hoping to find something or someone useful.