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View Full Version : A counter-attacking character

Demon's Hand
2012-07-31, 10:39 PM
I would like to make a character whom focuses purely on countering attacks, however, I'm not sure how to do it. I've looked all over through the books I have but haven't really found any feats or classes that allow me to do this.
Has anybody else made a character like this? Or does anybody have some suggestions?
Any suggestions are very welcome.

2012-07-31, 10:58 PM
Allow me to help you.

Here is a build a can give you wich I'm building

5 warblade/5 crusader/10 kensai

main stance: Ticket of blade
secondary: Pearl of black doubt

Feats: TWF/Combat reflex/dodge (prerequis)/karmic strike/robilar gambit Two weapon AoO/ riposte (if your dm accept Net book of Feat) and Stromguard warrior

The main use of this build is high risk and high reward since of stand in front and let your opponent attack you for the first round. If you live the first round (2 if your Init is weak) then you can call instant win.

Lets say your ennemy attack your with 4 attack (easy and simple) they provoke 16 AoO, here is why. Karmic strike let you make AoO for each attack made on you, Robilar and riposte give you another 1 if he hit(robilar) or miss(Riposte). Two weapon AoO let you make 2 AoO instead of just 1 with the same rules of TWF. Lastly Stormguard Warrior give the option of NOT making these AoO (wich doesn't count on your max AoO each round) to gain a +4 to hit and DMG for each AoO not made that will start in the begining of your next round and on EACH attack made this turn. So you end up with +64 hit and DMG for all of your attacks in the round.

You can easly take out Robilar and Riposte for the sake of balance and use the AoO to simply attack or for other uses, this is an example of Conter attacker I made, hope it help you.

Have a nice day :smallcool:

2012-07-31, 11:06 PM
i came up with some monk style feats that might interest you. naturally the monk fits the build.

Insightful Defense Style
This style focuses on quiet observation and defensive fighting. The monk watches a target carefully, preparing for any incoming attacks and using evasive techniques to avoid the foe, as well as to spot weaknesses in the foe's defense.

Prerequisites: Combat Reflexes, Sense Motive 2 ranks, Monk 2nd level.
Benefits: As a standard action, the monk can make a Sense Motive check against one visible foe within 30 feet. If successful, the monk gains a +1 attack and dodge bonus against that foe for as long as he remains in range and line of sight. If a studied foe misses the monk in melee, the foe provokes an attack of opportunity. The monk can only study one foe at a time. The DC for the Sense Motive check is equal to 10 + the target's HD + his Wisdom modifier.

Deep Insight
From watching the foe's stance and guard, the monk can gauge the defensive capabilities of a foe. This allows the monk to gain insight into the foe's overall defenses.

Prerequisites: Combat Reflexes, Insightful Defense Style, Sense Motive 6 ranks.
Benefits: In addition to the normal benefits, the monk using the Insightful Defense Style gains knowledge of the target's total, touch and flat-footed AC as well as CMD and any DR that can affect the monk's attacks.

Insightful Positioning
The monk's ability to predict the foe's movements by observation allows the monk to react to attacks with lightning speed, using the foe's own failed momentum against him. This allows him to reposition the foe or himself as well as to slip past the foe's guard and attempt a grapple when the foe's attack misses the monk.

Prerequisites: Combat Reflexes, Insightful Defense Style, Deep Insight, Sense Motive 10 ranks.
Benefits: When a studied foe misses the monk in melee, the monk can attempt either to reposition the foe or himself one square (must remain adjacent) or even initiate a grapple attempt. This is an immediate action. This ability can be used a number of times per round, assuming the monk has a high enough Dexterity modifier to grant multiple Attacks of Opportunity.

2012-07-31, 11:12 PM
I would like to make a character whom focuses purely on countering attacks, however, I'm not sure how to do it. I've looked all over through the books I have but haven't really found any feats or classes that allow me to do this.
Has anybody else made a character like this? Or does anybody have some suggestions?
Any suggestions are very welcome.

I think this may be what you are looking for (http://community.wizards.com/go/thread/view/75882/19869062/6_hits_to_1:_Jack_B._Quick)

Demon's Hand
2012-07-31, 11:25 PM
Eh. Thanks, but I'm thinking more of a defensive "avoid and counter" style than a reckless style like that.

Demon's Hand
2012-07-31, 11:27 PM
i came up with some monk style feats that might interest you. naturally the monk fits the build.

Insightful Defense Style
This style focuses on quiet observation and defensive fighting. The monk watches a target carefully, preparing for any incoming attacks and using evasive techniques to avoid the foe, as well as to spot weaknesses in the foe's defense.

Prerequisites: Combat Reflexes, Sense Motive 2 ranks, Monk 2nd level.
Benefits: As a standard action, the monk can make a Sense Motive check against one visible foe within 30 feet. If successful, the monk gains a +1 attack and dodge bonus against that foe for as long as he remains in range and line of sight. If a studied foe misses the monk in melee, the foe provokes an attack of opportunity. The monk can only study one foe at a time. The DC for the Sense Motive check is equal to 10 + the target's HD + his Wisdom modifier.

Deep Insight
From watching the foe's stance and guard, the monk can gauge the defensive capabilities of a foe. This allows the monk to gain insight into the foe's overall defenses.

Prerequisites: Combat Reflexes, Insightful Defense Style, Sense Motive 6 ranks.
Benefits: In addition to the normal benefits, the monk using the Insightful Defense Style gains knowledge of the target's total, touch and flat-footed AC as well as CMD and any DR that can affect the monk's attacks.

Insightful Positioning
The monk's ability to predict the foe's movements by observation allows the monk to react to attacks with lightning speed, using the foe's own failed momentum against him. This allows him to reposition the foe or himself as well as to slip past the foe's guard and attempt a grapple when the foe's attack misses the monk.

Prerequisites: Combat Reflexes, Insightful Defense Style, Deep Insight, Sense Motive 10 ranks.
Benefits: When a studied foe misses the monk in melee, the monk can attempt either to reposition the foe or himself one square (must remain adjacent) or even initiate a grapple attempt. This is an immediate action. This ability can be used a number of times per round, assuming the monk has a high enough Dexterity modifier to grant multiple Attacks of Opportunity.

Okay, I have to say it... I love you. This is EXACTLY what I was looking for but I don't think I would have ever come up with it myself. Thank you.

Demon's Hand
2012-07-31, 11:32 PM
i came up with some monk style feats that might interest you. naturally the monk fits the build.

Insightful Defense Style
This style focuses on quiet observation and defensive fighting. The monk watches a target carefully, preparing for any incoming attacks and using evasive techniques to avoid the foe, as well as to spot weaknesses in the foe's defense.

Prerequisites: Combat Reflexes, Sense Motive 2 ranks, Monk 2nd level.
Benefits: As a standard action, the monk can make a Sense Motive check against one visible foe within 30 feet. If successful, the monk gains a +1 attack and dodge bonus against that foe for as long as he remains in range and line of sight. If a studied foe misses the monk in melee, the foe provokes an attack of opportunity. The monk can only study one foe at a time. The DC for the Sense Motive check is equal to 10 + the target's HD + his Wisdom modifier.

Deep Insight
From watching the foe's stance and guard, the monk can gauge the defensive capabilities of a foe. This allows the monk to gain insight into the foe's overall defenses.

Prerequisites: Combat Reflexes, Insightful Defense Style, Sense Motive 6 ranks.
Benefits: In addition to the normal benefits, the monk using the Insightful Defense Style gains knowledge of the target's total, touch and flat-footed AC as well as CMD and any DR that can affect the monk's attacks.

Insightful Positioning
The monk's ability to predict the foe's movements by observation allows the monk to react to attacks with lightning speed, using the foe's own failed momentum against him. This allows him to reposition the foe or himself as well as to slip past the foe's guard and attempt a grapple when the foe's attack misses the monk.

Prerequisites: Combat Reflexes, Insightful Defense Style, Deep Insight, Sense Motive 10 ranks.
Benefits: When a studied foe misses the monk in melee, the monk can attempt either to reposition the foe or himself one square (must remain adjacent) or even initiate a grapple attempt. This is an immediate action. This ability can be used a number of times per round, assuming the monk has a high enough Dexterity modifier to grant multiple Attacks of Opportunity.

I'll likely change it up a bit and make it usable for classes other than monks, but I really like what I see here.

2012-07-31, 11:43 PM
use my shield, its in my sig...
a heavy defense class with some major counter possibilities.

2012-07-31, 11:50 PM
You can always substitute or add in class abilities/feats like these:

Parry: Once per round, a successful attack roll against the opponents attack roll voids the attack and if you beat it by X you gain an AoO.

Deflect: Using a shield, once per round if an attack fails due to AC you can redirect it against an adjacent opponent, including the attacker.

Evade: If an enemy misses an attack on you due to miss chance you get an AoO on them.

Demon's Hand
2012-08-01, 12:05 AM
How about I just tell you all the concept I have in mind.

Alright, I like the idea of unarmed fighting available from the monk, but I want to combine it with rogue (for the lockpicking and disable device) but I don't want to multiclass.

Most likely I'll make my own homebrew class that will have a combination of some of these features.

The idea I have in mind is a non-lethal character who uses his fists, and when necessary, he uses strong poisons to disable his opponents (delivered from a modified springloaded gauntlet from the complete warrior I think). I want him to be a defensive character who takes combat methodically and never kills unless absolutely necessary (such as when fighting undead). Really, the counter-attacking part is just for aesthetic purposes.

2012-08-01, 12:46 PM
I'll likely change it up a bit and make it usable for classes other than monks, but I really like what I see here.

The entire list of style feats only require 2 levels of monk.

2012-08-01, 01:41 PM

The Guile are a group of monks trained in defensive combat and taught both stealth and trapsmithing to supplement the martial side of their training.

Preferred Ability Scores: Str (better melee attacks and damage), Dex (More AoO's, AC, Reflex saves) and Wis (Abilities, AC, Will saves).
Alignment: Any Neutral
Hit Dice: 1d8

Class Skills
The Guile's class skills are Acrobatics (Dex), Appraise (Int), Athletics (Str), Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disable Device (Dex), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Knowledge (dungeoneering, history, local, religion) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Perception (Wis), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Stealth(Dex), and Use Magic Device (Cha).
Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier.

{table=head]{colsp=9}Table: The Guile
Level| Attack Bonus | Fort | Reflex | Will |
Special| Unarmed Damage|
Armor Bonus|
Slow Fall

1 | +0 |{colsp=1}
+2 |Bonus Feat, Sneak Attack +1d6, Trapfinding|1d6|-

2 | +1 |{colsp=1}
+3 |Bonus Feat, Evasion|1d6|-

3 | +2 |{colsp=1}
+3 |Maneuver Training, Sneak Attack +2d6, Trap Sense +1|1d6|-

4 | +3 |{colsp=1}
+4 |Ki Pool (Magic), Slow Fall, Uncanny Dodge|1d8|+1|20 ft.

5 | +3 |{colsp=1}
+4 |High Jump, Sneak Attack +3d6|1d8|+1|20 ft.

6 | +4 |{colsp=1}
+5 |Bonus Feat, Trap Sense +2|1d8|+1|30 ft.

7 | +5 |{colsp=1}
+5 |Purity of Body, Sneak Attack +4d6, Wholeness of Body|1d8|+1|30 ft.

8 | +6/+1 |{colsp=1}
+6 |Improved Uncanny Dodge|1d10|+2|40 ft.

9 | +7/+2 |{colsp=1}
+6 |Improved Evasion, Sneak Attack +5d6, Trap Sense +3|1d10|+2|40 ft.

10 | +8/+3 |{colsp=1}
+7 |{colsp=1}
+7 |Bonus Feat, Ki Pool (Lawful)|1d10|+2|50 ft.

11 | +9/+4 |{colsp=1}
+7 |{colsp=1}
+7 |Diamond Body, Sneak Attack +6d6|1d10|+2|50 ft.

12 | +9/+4 |{colsp=1}
+8 |{colsp=1}
+8 |Abundant Step, Trap Sense +4|2d6|+3|60 ft.

13 | +10/+5 |{colsp=1}
+8 |{colsp=1}
+8 |Diamond Soul, Sneak Attack +7d6|2d6|+3|60 ft.

14 | +11/+6/+1 |{colsp=1}
+9 |Bonus Feat|2d6|+3|70 ft.

15 | +12/+7/+2 |{colsp=1}
+9 |Quivering Palm, Sneak Attack +8d6, Trap Sense +5|2d6|+3|70 ft.

16 | +12/+7/+2 |{colsp=1}
+10 |Ki Pool (Adamantine)|2d8|+4|80 ft.

17 | +13/+8/+3 |{colsp=1}
+10 |Sneak Attack +9d6, Tongue of the Sun and Moon|2d8|+4|80 ft.

18 | +14/+9/+4 |{colsp=1}
+11 |Bonus Feat, Trap Sense +6|2d8|+4|90 ft.

19 | +15/+10/+5 |{colsp=1}
+11 |Empty Body, Sneak Attack +10d6|2d8|+4|90 ft.

20 | +15/+10/+5 |{colsp=1}
+12 |Master Strike|2d10|+5|Any

Class Features
The following are the class features of the Guile.

blah blah

make the bonus feats list include combat reflexes, and my three style feats, plus other evasive feats, like dodge and such

perhaps they add half their level to craft (trapmaking) checks...?

2012-08-01, 02:05 PM
Swordsage with a lot of Setting Sun maneuvers (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20061225a). They do lots of countering and throwing and such. Swordsage doesn't natively get Trapfinding, but ask your DM to let you have it as a feat or get it via two feats through Incarnum or dip rogue. The unarmed swordsage variant lets you be unarmed.

2012-08-01, 03:25 PM
There's a 3.0 book with a halfling prestige class that gives you, as a capstone, the hability to make an AoO against a creature larger than you whenever they miss a melee attack. I'll try to remember where I saw it. (or was it gnome... or 3.5... darnit)