View Full Version : Value of an alternative rule

2012-08-01, 10:49 PM
How would you rank them for the sake of game balance? Thinks like taint, insanity, LA buy off, ACFs and so forth. I personally find some makes things are just interesting (like taint), while others might end up adding too much to a character (I haven't seen a lot of Barbarians without spirit lion totem in a while) but how would you the playground judge them for their change in game balance?

2012-08-01, 11:03 PM
Well, I find LA buyoff invaluable.

It opens up more interesting PCs without overly harsh higher-level punishments (save for having to eat the RHD).

2012-08-01, 11:05 PM
It really depends on the rule in question, and what else you allow in with it. Something like Taint can be good for a horror setting. It can really add to the mood and the sense of danger. But if you combine it with something like Tainted Scholar ... that way lies madness.

LA buyoff's balance depends on which creature's LA you're trying to buy off. If it's a creature that's considered strong for its LA, buyoff is going to be on the powerful side. If you're buying off a creature that's weak for its LA, it might be necessary just to keep it competitive.

2012-08-02, 10:36 AM
Yeah, it just depends. Some are universally great (like fractional BAB), some have potential for greatness if you can work through the complexities (like Spell Points/Recharge Magic) and some are generally seen as more trouble/bookkeeping than they're worth (like Facing.)