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2012-08-01, 11:06 PM
Remaking a custom pantheon that works the same as the Sovereign host for a specific game.

Council of the Dark Prophecy
A collection of gods and immortal beings who seek to either plunge every material plane into permanent darkness or failing that to destroy it utterly.

AussirKhuno [Winter, Cold, Dragon, Evil, Trickery] [Lesser]
God of the winter drakes who seeks not only endless night but the endless deep winter of the frostfell.
Gdkr'chk'n'nk'm'kp [Destruction, Decay, Madness, Undead][Overdiety]
A mysterious being who speaks only through a tiny group of select Heralds and grants no actual domains and does not answer any prayers.
Vershnat [Evil, Perversion, Protection][Greater]
Orc aspect of the cruel and evil Fertility goddess. Her only reason for being on the council is that if a tide of death and darkness must sweep through all of creation it should be at the hands of the Orcs.
Kiaransalee [Chaos, Drow, Evil, Retribution, Sin-Envy, Sin-Pride, Undeath][Intermedite]
Exiled Drow goddess of necromancy, evil and corruption. She seeks only enough power to overthrow Lolth and restore herself to full divinity.
Mushnugapt [Orc, Evil, Chaos, Perversion, Pleasure, Greed] [Lesser]
A very new deity born from the blending of the divine energies and worship of Kiaransalee and Vershnat in an Orc priestess. Now worshiped widely in the Orc lands.
Burzum, Lord of Darkness [Corruption, Decay, Pestilence, Vile Darkness, Orc][No Divine Rank]
Lord of the Orc lands and an immortal seeking to bring about eternal winter and darkness only so that he can furthur his cause of using pestilence to bring entire material planes under his personal control.
Kurtulmak [Evil, Law, Luck, Trickery][Intermediate]
The mischievous god of the Kobolds is here purely for the fun of it.
Vecna [Evil, Knowledge, Magic][Lesser]
Vecna seeks power and knowledge. Intrigued by the presence of Gdkr'chk'n'nk'm'kp.
Ha-Kniellghy [Evil, Chaos, Destruction, Greed, and Undeath][Quasi-deity]
Exiled God from a shattered prime material plane that has traveled for millenia through the void in search of redemption and a return to his lost divinity.
Tiamat Cold, Deathbound, Darkness, Dragon, Dragon below, Fire, Hunger, Metal, Necromancy, Scalykind, And War][Greater]
Lord of the Evil Dragons. She is present merely because many of the followers of the Dark prophecy are themselves Dragons.

Domains list:

Winter, Dragon, Evil, Trickery, Destruction, Decay, Madness, Undead
Perversion, Protection, Retribution, Sin-Envy, Sin-Pride, Undeath, Cold
Pleasure, Greed, Corruption, Decay, Pestilence, Vile Darkness, Hunger
Luck, Trickery, Knowledge, Magic, Dragon, Deathbound, Metal, Dragon Below
Darkness, Skalykind, Necromancy, War

2012-08-01, 11:09 PM
Herald of the Riders

Alignment: Any Evil
Skills: Spellcraft 8 or Psicraft, Knowledge(The-Planes) 5 and one of Knowledge(Arcana) 8 or Knowledge(Religion) 8 or Knowledge(Psionics) 8
Feats: Dark Speech, Worldly Focus
Spellcasting: Able to cast 2nd level Arcane or Divine spells or Manifest 2nd level powers
Worship: Must Worship the Council of the Dark Prophecy without favoring any one god over the other.

Heralds have the following game statistics.
Abilities: Intelligence and Wisdom are the key scores for spellcasting/manifesting and skills.

Hit Die: 1D6

Class Skills
The class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are...
Autohypnosis (Wis), Concentration (Con), Craft (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge(Arcana), Knowledge(Psionics), Knowledge(Religion), Profession(Musketeer)(Wis), Spellcraft (int), Psicraft (Int)

Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 2 + Int modifier

{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special | Spellcasting/Manifesting
+2| Bonus Domain | +1 Level Spellcasting or Manifesting class
+3| Bonus Vile Feat | +1 Level Spellcasting or Manifesting class
+3| Bonus Domain | +1 Level Spellcasting or Manifesting class
+4| Bonus Vile Feat | +1 Level Spellcasting or Manifesting class
+4| Bonus Domain | +1 Level Spellcasting or Manifesting class
+5| Bonus Vile Feat | +1 Level Spellcasting or Manifesting class
+5| Bonus Domain | +1 Level Spellcasting or Manifesting class
+6| Bonus Vile Feat | +1 Level Spellcasting or Manifesting class
+6| Bonus Domain | +1 Level Spellcasting or Manifesting class
+7| Angelic Guardian | +1 Level Spellcasting or Manifesting class

Class Features
All of the following are class features of the

Weapon and Armor proficiencies
The Herald gains proficiency in all firearms if he/she does not already possess it.

At each level the Herald gains a level of a previous Arcane or Divine spellcasting class or Manifesiting class that he or she had levels in before entering Herald. This does not grant any features of that class except Caster/Manifester level, spells/powers per day, power points and spells/powers known.

Bonus Domain
At each odd numbered level the Herald gains a new Domain chosen from the Council of the Dark Prophecy domains list. If the character does not have domain slots as a cleric then he or she only gains the Domain power.
Use the caster level in the Divine or Arcane class or the Manifester level in the Manifesting class chosen for Spellcasting/Manifesting advancement in place of Cleric level for Domain powers.

Bonus Vile Feat
At each evenly numbered level except for the 10th the Herald gains a bonus Vile feat for which he/she meets the requirements for.

Angelic Guardian
The Herald may chose one of the following guardians granted by the Nine members of the Dark Prophecy. The guardian may be summoned 1/day and remains for 2D3 rounds +1 round per Vile feat the Herald possesses.

Chose one of the following:
Angel of Decay (Elder Evils/Libris Mortis)
Nabassu (FCI)
Sibriex (FCI)
A Cabal of 3 Marzanna (Frostburn)
Young Adult Dreg Dragon (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Dreg_Dragon_%283.5e_Creature%29)
[[More to come]]


New Feats

Quintessence Harvester[VILE]
Prerequisites: Harvester of Souls (Elder Evils). Level 8 or higher Herald.
Benefits: Whenever you complete a coup de grace your bonus HP from Harvester of Souls is doubled. You also give a volume of Quintessence (Immortals Handbook - Ascension page 17) to the Dark Propehcy Pantheon that is divided evenly between them.

Harvester of the Dark Prophecy[EPIC][VILE]
Prerequisites: Quintessence Harvester, Sacrificial Mastery
Benefits: Harvester of Souls now activates whenever you kill anything with a soul with a melee attack, and grants quadruple the HP normally granted by Harvester of Souls and Double the Quintessence granted by Quintessence Harvester.

Dark Rider [VILE]
Prerequisites: BAB +6, Ride 8 ranks, Lawful Evil, Level 1+ in Herald of the Riders
Benefits: You now can take a Fiendish, undead or Pesduonatural mount, that takes the abilities of a Blackgaurd's Fiendish mount using your Caster level or Manifester level as Blackgaurd levels to determine abilities.

Call to the Horsemen [Vile]
Prerequisites: Cha 15+, Level 1 Herald of the Riders
Benefits: Once per day a Herald of the Riders with just a thought can send a distress signal to the Four Horsemen. The Horsemen are then aware of the riders location and provide help in any way they are capable, but will only respond if the Herald really is in dire need.


New Items

Heralds Bullets
Heralds Bullets are a special bullet containing the power to slay do-gooders.
Benefits: In addition to functioning as bullets the Heralds Bullets smight the target as if Smite Good was used by the wielder.
Price: 1GP per bullet.

2012-08-01, 11:47 PM
Have it continue getting levels in previous divine, arcane, spellcasting class or manifesting class or the domains are kinda useless.

2012-08-02, 05:09 AM
That is what I was doing yeah. Got it all up there now.
Just need to do epic progression.

2012-08-02, 07:02 PM
What about an ability related to each rider that can be chosen at 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th level. I would like to create my own, in regards to my character.

Ghost of the God Snake (SU): Once per day a Herald may add his charisma modifier to attack rolls, damage rolls, AC, Saves, and skill checks for a number of rounds equal to their Herald level.

2012-08-02, 08:27 PM
I actually attempted to edit that in last night but the forums were not responding for 3 hours and then I had to go to bed. The angel is just a place-holder.

2012-08-02, 08:39 PM
Alrighty then. You could make yours, but try and make it related to something your character does, thats what I did.

2012-08-02, 09:36 PM
Many domain powers depend on level. What is the level for the bonus domains? And if existing domains also increase like spells do (they probably should), that needs to be said.

2012-08-02, 10:19 PM
That does not make sense. Domains based on level are based on either Cleric levels (which this class advances) or total character levels (which any class advances). Making the point moot.

2012-08-02, 10:27 PM
I think the point is the domains based off cleic caster levels don't work with Physics or arcane casters.

2012-08-02, 10:36 PM
I think the point is the domains based off cleic caster levels don't work with Physics or arcane casters.

Just as it works with the Sovereign speaker class you just go off the levels in caster/manifester same thing as with the Cleric. Though clearly they only gain the domain powers and not the spells.
I could add that Cleric level == caster level or manifester level in chosen class perhaps.

2012-08-02, 10:42 PM
Ya and do you have any plans to use this PRC for? (Send a PM just in case the other players find this)

2012-08-02, 10:55 PM
man I love Pm's.

On Tiamat, Change the Domains:

Cold, Deathbound, Darkness, Dragon, Dragon below, Fire, Hunger, Metal, Necromancy, Scalykind, And War.

2012-08-02, 11:02 PM
That is a lot? Are those her official domains?

I have this listing for Tiamat (http://www.imarvintpa.com/dndlive/DeityIndex.php?Deity_ID=117).

2012-08-02, 11:03 PM
Ya and do you have any plans to use this PRC for? (Send a PM just in case the other players find this)

If Drack approves it I'll change a whole bunch of my Tantrists to have levels in this.

2012-08-02, 11:04 PM
Why are people giving advice? He said not to in the title.:smallconfused:

2012-08-02, 11:11 PM
Nope, Not using the normal Tiamat.
Yes that is a lot but so? :smalltongue:

And We can do this cause we be Co-op ing this.

2012-08-02, 11:36 PM
Why are people giving advice? He said not to in the title.:smallconfused:

This is being made for a specific game world and these people are in the game with me and will be using this with me. :smallsmile:
There are four of us working on this in effect.

2012-08-03, 07:17 AM
Domains based on level are based on either Cleric levels (which this class advances)

Actually, it doesn't, as written. "This does not grant any features of that class except Caster/Manifester level, spells/powers per day, power points and spells/powers known." Domain powers are not on that list.

2012-08-03, 09:40 AM
Who are the Four Horsemen?

Also, Smite Good in a bullet for 1GP is WAYYYYYYYYY too cheap. Especially if you want the Smite effect to be based on the shooter's Charisma modifier and character level. Need to be more specific on how exactly this works, and no matter what, the price needs to be drastically increased.

2012-08-03, 01:03 PM
Who are the four Horsemen? You shall never know...

2012-08-03, 09:29 PM
Actually, it doesn't, as written. "This does not grant any features of that class except Caster/Manifester level, spells/powers per day, power points and spells/powers known." Domain powers are not on that list.

In that case virtually every cleric prestige class has the same problem.

Also, Smite Good in a bullet for 1GP is WAYYYYYYYYY too cheap. Especially if you want the Smite effect to be based on the shooter's Charisma modifier and character level. Need to be more specific on how exactly this works, and no matter what, the price needs to be drastically increased.

Given that it is a +1 enchantment enhancement to get bonuses to smite, plus extra uses to smite, it is clear that giving a single smite good attempt is less than a +1 enhancement bonus.
This is also bestowed on one-use only ammunition instead of the weapons themselves. Lastly this ammunition is not actually magic. Simply infused with evil. But it does not even count as [EVIL] or [MAGIC] for purposes of bypassing DR.

1gp per shot for a possible minimal non-magical smite good attempt is actually quite expensive. I might have agreed if it was smite opposition or something a little more generically useful.

EDIT: Using the magic item creation rules these should cost 2sp each in fact. Or 1gp per 5. (on top of the cost of the shot)

Edit 2: Given it is ammunition and the Charisma bonus is to attack roll, it cannot apply. Someone without smite good deals +0 damage. Someone who already has smite good would deal more damage based on their level in the class that grants the smite ability.

2012-08-04, 09:23 PM
In that case virtually every cleric prestige class has the same problem.

No, as most cleric prestige classes don't focus much on domains, and therefore the fact that you're sacrificing domain power strength for the abilities of the PrC isn't such a concern. This class, however, goes so far as to grant additional domains, so clearly domains are a major part and domain powers should therefore improve with it.

2012-08-04, 10:22 PM
This is a modified version of Sovereign Speaker, and gives a lot less domains than that class does.
There are over a dozen classes that grant domains, several that non-clerics can enter. I have used the same wording as many of them do.

So if there is a problem here then there is also a problem with dozens of official classes. Already I am much more explicit than most of those classes.

2012-08-05, 12:24 AM
Ok then...Still means Sovereign Speaker (as well as this one) is sort of absurd by RAW, but there's a case to be made that RAI is that domain powers progress as well.

2012-08-05, 12:28 AM
Indeed strict RAW can get silly.
RAI it works fine.

2012-08-05, 11:38 AM
That's often the case; what makes this case different is that if there weren't non-Core classes which make it absurd, there'd be a case to be made that RAI is in fact the same as RAW. (After all, it's not so crazy that a minor ability such as domain power progression would be given up in order to get the benefits of a prestige class.)