View Full Version : Help me choose item creation feat for Cleric 6

2012-08-02, 08:38 AM
My cleric just hit level 6 and I want to choose an item creation feat.

Build and reason I want an item creation feat:
Cleric 6
{table]Str: | 12
Dex: | 11
Con: | 13
Int: | 10
Wis: | 16
Cha: | 14
{table]Level | Feat[s]
1 | Divine Spell Power, Improved Turning
3 | Extend Spell
Domains: Magic, Spell.
At level 7 I'm starting Dweomerkeeper (CDiv entry, Faiths&Pantheons progression). And for that I need to take (and use) an item creation feat.

Party, houserules and meta-game:


Human Ranger 4 /Rogue 2 - he managed to survive for now, is a decent role player and can handle non-combat situations ok but is rather useless in combat.
Half Orc Fighter 5/Barbarian 1 - can do decent damage (good Str + rage + weapon focus line + power attack) but lacks defenses (when we decided to avoid melee (enemy seemed tough) my cleric flew away, wizard jumped away, ranger climbed away and the fighter stayed on the ground talking damage for two rounds before dying).
Aristocrat 1/Wizard 4 / Lycantrope 1 (see houserules) - can keep himself safe, do some nice debuffing or deal some damage. Wants to craft a lot.


Lycantrophy - instead of getting LA+2 you get 2 racial HD (and if you get cured they get changed into class levels of your choice).
Wands - Anyone can use them. No need for UMD check. "Because it makes sense, you just have to point it and say the word".


We usually get one only one encounter per day (CR = characters level +2)
I don't need to worry about my character becoming too powerfull (relative to others) (long story so I'm skipping it).
We usually are 1-2 levels behind WBL.

My options are as far as I know:

Craft Magic Arms and Armor - I would like that, whole party could benefit from this, only I'm worried about crafting times (party is busy all the time).
Craft Wand - I think this might be good, but with 1 encounter/day it's not that useful. I think.
Craft Woundrous Item - useful but wizard has it so I can pay gold and XP for crafting if I want to craft something.
Scribe Scroll - I will need some scrolls (Spell Phylactery) but I can scribe them with wizard (he has scribe scroll).
Brew potion - wands are cheaper and anyone can use them (houserule).

So I think I'll go with "Craft Magic Arms and Armor" and ask DM to allow Dedicated Wrights.

Did I miss some decent item creation feats available for my cleric? What do you think about my feat-choosing reasoning?

2012-08-02, 09:14 AM
If Wondrous Item and Scribe Scroll are covered, then yeah. Magic Arms and Armor might be the best choice. Wands are good, but like you say, with 1 encounter/day it might not be optimal.

2012-08-02, 10:14 AM
I think Craft magic Arms and Armors will be the better too.

I don't see any other crafting feat you could have taken at level 6.

2012-08-02, 10:53 AM
Which crafts did you put skill points in?

also, if you ever eventually take craft wondrous item, you can help the wizard, seeing as he can only craft 8 hours a day

2012-08-02, 02:37 PM
Mnemnosyne and Pilo thanks for your opinion.

Which crafts did you put skill points in?

None. Human cleric with 10 Int gets only 27 skill points. I need 16 for PrC prerequisites (8 in Spellcraft and Know(Arcana)) 5 for Know(Religion) (for synergy bonus to turning). I did put remaining 6 ranks in concentration. I could retrain some ranks from concentration to craft if you have something to recommend.

also, if you ever eventually take craft wondrous item, you can help the wizard, seeing as he can only craft 8 hours a day

Hmm maybe - I'll ask DM about Dedicated Wrights - if they are allowed I won't need to help. But if they are not this may be an option.