View Full Version : [Pathfinder] Help me make a character!

2012-08-02, 06:34 PM
So a buddy of mine is running the newly revamped Rise of the Runelords, and I've decided to make a character loosely based on Johannes Cabal. (http://johannescabal.com/) Rather than a necromancer (since I'm underwhelmed by wizard-necromancers), I'm making him a specialist conjurer, aiming for eventual demon-summoner.

I'll exclude enchantment and evocation as schools. I'm a little conflicted about this, since enchantment has some great low level spells (nothing beats sleep when you're first level), but I think I can make it work ... and I can take sleep (in 2 slots) if I really need it.

I'll be an elf, since their overweening pride seems to fit the character, but an elf who has little patience for elvish things ("Squatting in trees? Singing songs? Bah! We are a modern people and should give up such childish distractions.") ... or little patience for things in general, really. Not evil, but lawful neutral, and generally unconcerned with morality. I probably attended that one Mage college in Cheliax.

We're doing random roll for stats (4d6 drop lowest), and I was very lucky, rolling 17,16,16,14,12,10.

The 17 will go in int, of course, with my elf bonus bumping it to 19. The two 16s go in Con and Dex, which end up at 14 and 18, respectively. Str, Cha, and Wis, I've always thought of as dump stats for a wizard ... or potential dump stats, anyhow. Since I've got that 14, though, I'm thinking I'll put it in Str ... with 18 Dex, 14 Strength, and Elf-proficiency, using a compound longbow becomes a viable way for me to contribute to combat at low levels once my spells are exhausted (plus it's a nice parallel to Johannes habit of carrying a gun). Then the 12 goes in Wis, and the 10 to Cha, which makes sense ... Johannes Cabal was never exceptionally likable.

That's as far as we've gone so far. Any thoughts?

2012-08-02, 07:55 PM
I'll be an elf, since their overweening pride seems to fit the character, but an elf who has little patience for elvish things ("Squatting in trees? Singing songs? Bah! We are a modern people and should give up such childish distractions.")

Sounds like a Tower Elf.

Tower Elf: Some elven institutions of magical learning date back centuries, and entire clans of elves have lived for generations as caretakers, students, and instructors of these self-sufficient schools of wizardry. These elves have the arcane focus and urbanite alternate racial traits.

Of course, Arcane Focus would lose you Longbow proficiency, so maybe not the best choice for your concept.

2012-08-02, 08:52 PM
it sounds like you might also consider summoner over wizard, since you aren't going for the necro route, and going more for demon summoner.

if you go summoner, go 1/2 elf.