View Full Version : Throwing together basic ideas for a campaign prequel

2012-08-02, 06:38 PM
So I'll be setting up a campaign soonish, and im the kind of person who likes to have a history, or prequel of my capaign set up before hand so I know how im going to shape my world (both physicaly, and metaphoricaly).

right now ive got a little basic ideas that i havent fleshed into a full flegd one yet.

-Looooooong time ago (thousands and thousand of years), There was an empire. Good aligned etc etc.

-The celestial realm and angels and what not start getting involved with them. Fallen angels dislike how mortals are being treated over them.

-Demons and devils and what not take advantage of that, and convince the fallen ones to for ever turn against heaven, and corrupt/coerce/trick mortals into joining them to.

-Since magic outside of the core area of the empire is relatively uncommon, demons turn some of the mortals into great casters.

-Army is built up and what not. War starts going horribly for the good guys. As an act of desperation, they send their best mages out to areas that are rich in magical power/focal points for ley energy, etc. To do a ritual for a spell of great power ment to scour the land of the dmeons and their taint.

-Spell backfires or is sabotaged/corrupted by team evil and their new casters. It shatters the continent into 2 or 3 large pieces, along with smaller little 'islands' or what not.

-A Dark Age comes around due to this. The campaign takes place just after the dark age ends, when the sociesties have progressed back to where they were technologicaly and culturaly.

and thats all ive come up with uickly for that part of the history. again not really fleshed out all the way.