View Full Version : Need help with npc villian pair....

2012-08-02, 07:59 PM
Like it says. Basically I want to make a pair that is a challedge for the party. The party is all 10 to 13 iv level, and I want it to be a little hard. I alaso would lie to have something the party will underestimate at first sight. The idea is kind of a bounty hunter thing. The pissed someonoff and this is what is after them now. I want one brawn and the other kind of a hound thing. A tracker that can harrass them, thinking some kind of diviner maybe.

I have the brawn I kind of like. Like I said, a little different, but not a streach.

Orc shade template Psionic warrior 12

Ac 21 HP 133 Fort 9 Ref 5 Will 5

Str 20, Dex 18, Con 18, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 8

Shade adds 50% movement in shadow, AC and Attack +1 in shadow, Darkness 2/day at 6th lvl. No Metabolism, Fast Healing 1, Dark Vision 120ft, Flight, Light sesativty.

EWP spiked chain, Power attack, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Trip, Knock Down, Whirlwind, Monkey Grip, Two Weapon Fighting.

Powers, Power point 55

1st) expansion, Inertial Armor, Prevenom weapon
2nd) Prowess, Lions Charge, Energy Adaption
3rd) empathic trans hostile, ubiguious vision, evade burst
4th) energy adaption, weapon of energy, Freedom of movement


Autohipnisis 7(9), Concentration 8(12), Search 5, Knowledge Paionics 5, Ride 2(6)


Spike chain +2 unholy Keen
2d4 +10 to hit 19/14

Mace +4 vicious
1d6+12 +2d6 (does 1d6 to weilder) to hit 21/16

Dark Iron Chainmail SR 15
Gauntlets ogre power
Ring of Protection +2
Boots Striding and Springing adds 10 to movement bringing it back up to 30 after armor penalty


Main focus is chain useing knock down and trips with prevenom weapon, weaponof energy, and ubiquitous vision ( all around sight). Also us prowess to ad attack of oppertunity.

Off hand mace does 1d6 to me wich builds up to charge Empathic transfer hostile. AOE if augmented can do 50 to 90 to each oppnent save for half. Even if they save, it heals for 25 atleast per opponent.

2012-08-02, 09:27 PM
Thinking maybe kobold artifiecer? Crystal ball and other items, but i have no experience with an artifiecer.

2012-08-03, 07:47 AM
His stats look way too weak for a decent cr14 challenge.

My advice - at this point, forget about classed npcs. Look for MM entries that fit the idea of what you want, then tack on a few class lvs.

2 EL12 npc seem about right. I suggest a winter wolf + ice memphit combination. The ice memphit will be your caster, and have enough sorc lvs as appropriate (9 or 10 in your case). The winter wolf is your bruiser. Advancing him is a tad more challenging, as he only has 1 measly bite attack. Extra HD is good for him (if you want to make him large), but templates such as half-dragon or half-fiend are great for the extra natural attacks (and special abilities). If you have tome of battle, warblade is great, else barb for the rage?

If cold isn't your theme, there are other hound-based foes like leucrotta (waterdeep), displacer beast (MM) and awakened dire wolf (MM).

Sample duo: 18HD half-fiend winter wolf (cr13) + ice memphit sorc10 (cr13) = EL15 encounter.

2012-08-03, 10:10 AM
I was hoping his abilities would make it a challenge. Maybe add a diviner or priest so they can use spells to track for second. Party is bard/war hybrid, envoker, and cleric of pelor with 2 level dip in pally. Divner could prep ahead by divining what spells to med. As dm, i would just keep spell slots open and take what i need at the time. Just keep track of spell lvls.

2012-08-03, 10:33 AM
Cleric 3/WitW 10 done. Does magic and summons minions