View Full Version : Crusader6 needs help

2012-08-03, 03:36 PM
So Im a crusader in a game that is by no means a high op... we are 28 stat buy and im the moste... optimized toon there... for now.

barbarian with high movement and great smash with tah hammer :D
rogue with a bugler and come lvl 8 he will look into swordsage
bard that will become seeker of the song
and me crusader that will dip into warblade at lvl 9.

so we just do what we feel like, and with little regards towards the future (except for me that found a "ToB for dummies" on the interwebs).

the thing is, so far we have been handed gear via loot that sorta suited our needs... although some wear more expensive gear than they truely need... or more gear than they need (a sword and shield, along with an axe and a glaive -> me). all this is added up and now I actually wear a fortune of mediocre (for me as a crusader) gear.
now we have our old DM joining and he can be a powergamer and have forgotten more rules than the rest of us know combined - yea I made that quote.
He is a cleric, and he will have gold to buy gear appropriate for his lvl... wich means he can get the right stuff from the beginning. This will ofcourse make his armor/saves etc better than ours, and when I pointed this out to our new DM he said that I should make a list of gear I wanted to have at lvl 6-7, and forward...
..... by tomorrow, wich is game day...

So ppl in Giant... please help me out, what is a lvl 6 crusader (my stats(base with lvl4 ability included): 16/12/15/10/10/12, and I have +2amu of health and +2gauntlets of ogre power, and +1 cloak of res, and glaive+1 mithral fullplate+1) supposed to have in armor, saves, touch etc... and where should I go past lvl 7? If anyone of you could give me an answer by tomorrow morning I would be eternally grateful.

Thanks for reading, and im sorry for grammar and spelling errors.

2012-08-03, 04:03 PM
Well, first WBL for a level 7 character is 19k gold.

The gear you have comes up to;
+1 Mithral Fullplate is 11.2k
+2 con item is 4k
+2 dex item is 4k
+1 Glaive is 2k
+1 resist cloak is 1k

22k gold, so if you have the same amount to work with, my personal suggestions for how to spend that follows if you want to go tanky;

+2 Full Plate (5.65k)
+2 tower shield (4k) (I think)
+2 con or str item (4k)
+2 resistance cloak (4k)
+1 Kusari-gama (2k) (DMG 145, 1-handed spiked chain, requires exotic weapon proficiency)
Ring of Protection (2k)

For a AC of 28 : 10 + 10 (Full Plate) + 1 (Dex) + 6 (Tower Shield) + 1 (Deflection)
I suggest the shield / Kusari-gama combo because of the shield block crusader maneuver. a +10 AC to a ally is a big deal and will likely prevent them from taking the hit.

I'm not much of a optimizer, and these are just my suggetions for how to spend it, I'm sure others will put out better ideas :P

2012-08-03, 04:03 PM
You may find this (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=4227.0) useful. Under the equipment section it can provide various useful items and enchantments for your Crusader.

2012-08-03, 04:06 PM
For me, Crusaders end up going crusader20, or going for a master of 9 or ruby knight windicator. Which path do you think you would prefer?

Also, are you into mounted combat, or are you going on foot?

2012-08-03, 05:01 PM
Im going to be on foot, and ill be using the lockdown/glaive build, so no shield for me... unless I can pursuade my sorc to give me some shield bonus spell... (I forget the name)

...wait I forgot, our glass cannon fireball/magicmissile sorc... this is what he does... perhaps he will aim to greater invis/levitate and thats it... (persoanlly this makes me mad... but thats for another day)

2012-08-03, 05:03 PM
You may find this (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=4227.0) useful. Under the equipment section it can provide various useful items and enchantments for your Crusader.

wow this seems like its packed with info that I need... but I dont have the time, I will use this link to advance further, but for now im at the mercy of you all... 7hours till gamestart.

2012-08-03, 05:07 PM
For me, Crusaders end up going crusader20, or going for a master of 9 or ruby knight windicator. Which path do you think you would prefer?

Also, are you into mounted combat, or are you going on foot?

I will end up being a crusader16/warblade4 (Crusader 8 / Warblade 1 / Crusader +2 / Warblade +1 / Crusader +2 / Warblade +1 / Crusader +2 / Warblade +1 / Crusader +2)

or so is tha plan... but that may change... we play once every month so this is a game going for years... so I have time to change my mind... but thats not for now.

2012-08-03, 05:13 PM
Well, first WBL for a level 7 character is 19k gold.

The gear you have comes up to;
+1 Mithral Fullplate is 11.2k
+2 con item is 4k
+2 dex item is 4k
+1 Glaive is 2k
+1 resist cloak is 1k

22k gold, so if you have the same amount to work with, my personal suggestions for how to spend that follows if you want to go tanky;

+2 Full Plate (5.65k)
+2 tower shield (4k) (I think)
+2 con or str item (4k)
+2 resistance cloak (4k)
+1 Kusari-gama (2k) (DMG 145, 1-handed spiked chain, requires exotic weapon proficiency)
Ring of Protection (2k)

For a AC of 28 : 10 + 10 (Full Plate) + 1 (Dex) + 6 (Tower Shield) + 1 (Deflection)
I suggest the shield / Kusari-gama combo because of the shield block crusader maneuver. a +10 AC to a ally is a big deal and will likely prevent them from taking the hit.

I'm not much of a optimizer, and these are just my suggetions for how to spend it, I'm sure others will put out better ideas :P

yea I already went the lockdown route, thus no shield... but 10 ft range (glaive) and armor spikes...

As for my feats, so you might better understand my route:
Extra granted maneuvre
Stand Still
Combat expertice
Stone Power

im gonna try and utilize the 10 temp hitpoints from stone power and get them to synergise with my temp hitpool as crusader... stand still is using my AoO to make them stand... and then its all about getting more AoO... (although this is where im at now... but its not my style (this is a gut feeling)... but ill keep at it for now

2012-08-03, 05:20 PM
what I really need to know is... as a crusader... utilizing his ability to be better with damage... AND with the stone power/steely resolve combo I do want to take some dmg, but not that much... How much AC should a normal fighter lvl 7 have and how much should a crusader like me have?

btw I really love how the ppl in Gitp forum and their willingness to help out!

Thanks Thanks Thanks... just reading other posts and how you all strive to give the best reply, warmes the deepest parts of my soul!