View Full Version : 3.5 Full BaB and some cha

2012-08-04, 02:14 AM
Are there any full bab classes that have either perform or UMD on their class lists? I'm having computer issues. Thanks for any help.

Gnome Alone
2012-08-04, 02:37 AM
Doubtless some more savvy D&D guru (or searcher of the internet) will be along in a minute with a more knowledgeable answer to your question, but one could just take any full BAB class, be a Human, and take that feat "look, I just want a bunch of skills, alright?", also known as Able Learner.

Mithril Leaf
2012-08-04, 02:41 AM
If you dip a single level of bard, it doesn't hurt your BAB too bad and that feat that lets you treat any skill you've had as a class skill makes Perform permanent. After that, full on into Crusader, full BAB and feat lets you stack it's levels with those of bard for music.

2012-08-04, 02:52 AM
Does a swashbuckler get the perform skill in-class? It seems like it should, but I don't have the book handy.

2012-08-04, 03:09 AM
If Dragon Comp is allowable, a single dip of Battle Dancer might work. But only one level, since, well, it's sub-par.

But as a full-BaB level that nets Cha to AC when unarmored, IUS, and some decent skills?

You could do worse.

2012-08-04, 04:58 AM
Does a swashbuckler get the perform skill in-class? It seems like it should, but I don't have the book handy.

No. And no UMD. Giving the Swashbuckler UMD would be awesome! :)

2012-08-04, 06:49 AM
iirc the Harmonious Knight paladin has perform as a class skill.

EDIT: This (http://community.wizards.com/go/thread/view/75882/19860850/Alternative_ways_to_get_new_Class_skills) may be helpful as well.