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2012-12-07, 12:37 AM
"Well... " Elias says reluctantly. "If you'd like, I suppose, but I'm afraid it doesn't look very interesting from the outside."

2012-12-07, 01:00 AM

"Floating about in an empty house wasn't very interesting, either." She points out.


Unchained, but obviously not going anywhere with an angry rogue standing in front of her, Chartessa looks angry enough to spit. "Oh. It's you. Tch. Threaten me all you like, boy, you know as well as I what's done is done. But I think you will perhaps amuse me yet.

So tell me, what are your little questions?"

2012-12-07, 03:48 AM
"Welcome home." Denara says simply, materializing in front of them. "Shall I find something comfortable for you to lay upon?"

That would be wonderful, thankyou.

2012-12-07, 05:39 PM

Denara nods and floats through the ceiling, returning a few moments later via the stairs, floating arrangements from a convenient closet along.

2012-12-07, 07:57 PM
Elias nods, conceding Denara's point, and lies down. "Looks like you have that nice warm bed you wanted, Kath," he says, closing his eyes. "I'll see you all for breakfast."

2012-12-09, 09:42 PM
"I think if we stay here for a while, I might get a hammock to hang up somewhere," said Kath, looking around the room as he took off his pack and set it in the front room. He looked to the ghost as she returned. "Could you show me to that nice warm bed, ma'am?"

2012-12-10, 01:36 AM
"First of all... Why? Why did you murder your niece and leave her body to rot in those chains?
Did it give you some sort sick satisfaction? Did it make you feel powerfuld to take her ears and watch her bleed? Did it make you feel like some sort of God to steal her life away?" Santino asks, still in a toneless voice as he stands back up and walks back to the door, slamming it shut before leaning against it, examining his fingernails as he awaits the woman's answers.

2012-12-10, 02:04 AM

"Certainly." She motions towards the closet-like space to the right of the front door and glides in (well, 'through the wall' in). The bed, sized for either a woman or a man not overly tall, appears comfortable enough. A pillow and a single blanket lay already atop it, as if waiting. The half-shelf half-drawer next to it is bare.


"Tch. Starting simple, are we? Simple thoughts for simple men, then. The only satisfaction I had from ending her worthless life was in knowing that her bastard child would not pollute the human bloodline. Impurities such as her are like unto mud in fresh water; a curse wherein each individual stings me like so many sharp pins. We regret nothing."

2012-12-10, 05:52 AM
"Yes, a simple start... I just wanted to to hear how sick your mind really is you wrinkly ol' bat. But it did make something slip." Santino smiles. "Now... Who else were you refering to when you said 'We'?"

2012-12-10, 11:06 AM

She scowls at him deeply, condescendingly, despite a glint of worry in her eye. "And they say it be the elders who have lost their ears too soon. Continue to jabber on about such things as ye wish, we'll have none of it." She smirks a bit. All right, now she's just trying to screw with him.

2012-12-10, 12:19 PM
Returning the old woman's smirk, Santino strides back over, his left hand behind his back, grasping the hilt of his dagger.
"You forget Chartessa, you are an elder, but it wont be just your ears you lose shortly, but your head. Now, something in your expression tells me that you're just trying to buy some time. It wont do you any good.
Now... What can you tell me about the being in the upstairs bedroom? Is it the other part of the 'We'?"

2012-12-10, 01:17 PM
She actually laughs at that. "If I do indeed have as little time as you say, I haven't any reason to tell you what does not amuse me. Unless, of course, you would like to hasten the process." She looks at his dagger with thinly-disguised glee.

...Then gives him a blank look. "What being? What are you on about, boy?"

2012-12-10, 01:25 PM
**The dagger is still behind his back, he hasn't actually drawn it yet.**

"You know exactly what I mean Chartessa. The room that opens up into a void and the being that dwells there. Who, or what is it? Tell me now before I give you something to truly laugh about." Santino continues, gripping the dagger a little harder, his grin slipping just a little as his voice goes toneless again.

2012-12-10, 02:10 PM
She starts laughing again. "Speak not of things you don't understand, lest the mind of a fool once again take precedence. Riddle me this, boy; Do you trust everything you see?"

2012-12-10, 09:26 PM
"No, but I do always trust my instincts and they've always lead me true.
Now, stop trying to talk round corners woman, it'll only lead you into a dead end. Answer my questions straight before I lose my appetite for the sight of your withered face and show you what I truly wish to do to you." Santino's voice growing colder as he grips the dagger behind his back a little harder.

Intimidation Check: [roll0]
**Let's just hope I roll high for this :smalleek:.**

2012-12-10, 11:23 PM
"Oh yes, of course." She mutters bitterly. "I forgot we were playing twenty inane questions. The answer to your question is nothing. Satisfied? No, of course you aren't. In about five seconds you're going to make more poorly-veiled threats. If that's all, either kill me already or leave. It was so much more peaceful without you in here."

2012-12-18, 04:44 PM
"Well Chartessa, looks like we've come to a bit of an stalemate. I know you're lying through your teeth, but I should warn you, there is a Paladin of Lathandar in town who might also be interested in your "friend" that room contains... Maybe I should go see if she wants a word with you?" Santino says, his patients starting to run thin.

2012-12-18, 07:08 PM
"Tch. Please. A paladin of Lathander is even less worrisome than you are, if such a thing were possible. At worst I'd awaken with a full belly and warm tea. Mayhaps a nice sun-motif chandelier, mm?"

2012-12-18, 07:22 PM
"You seem so sure of yourself don't you, you old cow... Well I'll tell you right now. I'll find a way to make you speak woman. You'll crow like a cockerel at dawn on a clear summer day." Santino spits standing again and walking to the door, opening it, looking back and hisses, "I'll be seeing you again soon." before slamming the door closed behind him, heading back up towards the Mayor's office.

2012-12-18, 10:22 PM
The Man himself glances up at Santino when he arrives on the level above, looking unsurprised at his mood. "No joy, I presume?"

2012-12-18, 10:47 PM
"Not as yet m' Lord Mayor. But I haven't given up just yet." says Santino, composing himself again.
"M' Lord Mayor, is there anyone you know that may have more information on Chartessa... I almost got something out of her, but she's a wily shrew. If I could find out some more information from her past, distant or recent, I might be able to get her tongue to slip."

2012-12-19, 01:10 AM
The Mayor gives Santino a serious look. "Regretfully for your particular investigation, I'm afraid direct information and matters in relation are secrets I cannot divulge without permission that the Baroness isn't willing to grant quite yet." He holds up a hand to forestall any immediate counterproposal. "However, I can and will advise you that mages often associate with others of their like. You understand where I am going with this, yes?"

2012-12-26, 05:47 PM

At some point during the conversation, the front door to the Mayor's house opens with a clatter. A woman in bright armor carrying an unconscious young man walks in. "Hello, all." She says casually. "Are there cells here?"

"I...downstairs." The Mayor says bemusedly.


Elias, Kath, Orin

The sun shines through the windows of the house, alerting its inhabitants to the presence of morning. The smell of bread and porridge wafts into the bottom living area, promising warm food for the risers wordlessly.

2012-12-26, 07:49 PM
Santino nods when the Mayor says about Mages associating with there's peers, "I know what you mean."
Just as he's about to ask if the Mayor knows of anyone else who dabbles in the magical arts he is interrupted by Bria walking in.

2012-12-26, 07:49 PM
Elias yawns, stretches, sits up, and rummages in the backpack lying beside him. He takes out a thick but compact leather-bound book and moves to one of the armchairs, opening the book so that the pages catch the light of the rising sun. The gray rat that has nestled in the crook of his arm all night clings to his sleeve as he moves. Once he's settled in the chair, it climbs up to his shoulder and begins cleaning its whiskers.
The wizard studies the book with intense concentration. Every so often his lips move, and his free hand moves through a series of practiced gestures as though playing scales on an invisible instrument. Once, when a floorboard creaks somewhere in the house, he glances furtively over his shoulder and half-shuts the book. Then he gives an embarrassed smile, shakes his head, and returns to his study.
For the next hour (unless interrupted), he is quiet but for the occasional rustle of a turning page.

2012-12-27, 01:31 PM

The ghost, for her part, keeps a silent vigil behind him, at least until Orin and Kath wake up. After a few minutes, a tankard of water and fresh breakfast affix themselves near Elias for his dining pleasure.



"Thanks muchly." Bria says brightly, heading to the downstairs door. Her heavy footfalls slowly recede. The Mayor blinks several times.

"...I don't suppose you know what just happened, either?"

2012-12-31, 02:47 AM
Elias breaks his fast with relish, then stows the book in a cloak pocket and heads upstairs, into the library.

2012-12-31, 04:29 AM
A certain tome lies on the table near the shelves. It appears to be a very old tome, the cover painted gold and embroidered with faded rubies. In the center is an arcane symbol, encircled by more rubies and gold crests. Aside from the more mundane texts like knitting and history, one section of the left shelf against the wall (on the top) appears to be split in half. One half has various anti-elf texts or stories about human/elf wars, and the other half contains some books that are obviously magical.

"Beware." Denara comments, popping out of the floor. "I was told that the unusual books are trapped. But not warded. Should you desire, I can retrieve them."

2012-12-31, 05:20 AM
Orin sits up as Elias starts eating, "Good morning all.".
He nods to Elias, "I gather you've completed your studies?" He stands and begins to pack away the bedding, then bows to Denara, "Would there be anymore of that tasty looking food available?"

2012-12-31, 03:20 PM
She nods and waves her hand. More food hovers out of the kitchen, carefully avoiding being knocked against the walls.

2012-12-31, 04:57 PM
"Good morning! I have, thank you," Elias replies as he leaves the room.


Once in the library: "Please do, if it won't harm you," Elias tells Denara. "I would like to examine them more closely." He passes a hand over his eyes and murmurs under his breath.

Detect Magic. Let's see some auras...

2012-12-31, 08:26 PM

All of the mystical texts have magical auras to some degree, you may notice as Denara telekinetically moves them on top of the table. Also, it looks like there is some kind of weak magical 'filter' in front of the top row, likely the trap she mentioned.

The four books in front of you all have titles and spines written in the language of magic, making a certain spell or a certain check necessary if you want to know what you're getting into.

2013-01-01, 04:38 AM
Didn't prep Read Magic, so...
Knowledge (arcana): [roll0]
Spellcraft: [roll1]

2013-01-01, 05:54 AM
The first, one that you can only read the title of, as it seems to be locked somehow, has a magical ward for protection scribed into the front.

The second, a grim-looking black tome splashed with red (for effect...probably) looks like a guide on Necromancy, from the lowest fear spells to a few insights on Pale Mastery, even.

The third, one more suited to your style, is much like the second, but about Abjuration, and even holding notes and spells scribbled in the margins. A vast majority are unfamiliar (probably very advanced), but the ones you can decipher could be easily copied to your own spellbook. Most of them you already have, but Alarm and Hold Portal might catch your eye.

The fourth and final book looks to be more of an all-purpose guide to magic itself, from the basics of spellcasting to the whys, whats, hows, and whos. Of no use to a learned wizard, of course, but excellent for a beginner.

2013-01-01, 06:52 PM
Elias shuts the last book and points at each in turn. First: "This one's warded somehow." Second: "This one isn't directly damaging, but there's some deeply nasty stuff inside. Stay away from it." Third, in a ruminative tone, more to himself than to Denara: "This could be useful..." Fourth, remembering the graveyard: "This... in its own way it might be as dangerous as the second, but again, not directly."
He turns his attention next to the ancient gold-encrusted tome on the table.

Knowledge (arcana): [roll0]
Spellcraft: [roll1]

2013-01-01, 07:11 PM
Watching for a moment as the armoured woman walks down the hall with the body slung over her shoulder before turning and bolting for the door without even giving the Mayor a fairwell, and runs as quickly as he can back to the house.

Bursting in through the door, out of breath.
"Chartessa.... Hiding.... Knows.... Need.... Wizards.... Where...." Santino pants, doubling over, the night spent without sleep catching up with him after his long run.

2013-01-01, 08:16 PM

"If you desire, I could place the dangerous tomes in a secure place." She pauses, looking briefly bemused, then floats down through the floor.

Then her head appears again. "Also, I believe one of your companions ran into the house and fell unconscious downstairs."

2013-01-01, 09:50 PM
Elias inclines his head in thanks. "Please do. In fact, take them all, they could all be dangerous in the wrong hands. One of the safes in the armory upstairs should... " He realizes what he's saying and stops. "Right, the third floor. I'm sorry. I'll take them myself. There's one more thing I want to look at up there..."
He moves to begin stacking the books, then shakes his head fractionally. "Mm? What was that you said about downstairs?"

2013-01-01, 10:33 PM

"A man. Resting by exhaustion rather than choice, it seems. I daresay he would not appreciate being woken, though I thought I should inform you."

2013-01-01, 10:59 PM
Elias sighs. "I'll let Orin and Kath deal with him."
He shrugs off his cloak, holds the corners to form a makeshift sack, and scoops the books into it. Carrying it, he continues up the stairs to the third floor, proceeding to the empty armory.

Any visible differences from when we were last up there?

2013-01-02, 12:12 AM
None, though since I presume your Detect Magic is still up, the entrance to the armory is quite aglow.

2013-01-02, 12:17 AM
Elias stoops to examine the pair of safes.

How do they lock? Key, combination, magic, or something I haven't guessed?

2013-01-02, 12:41 AM
Looks like ol' 'Tessa didn't have much use for an Armory herself, as both safes are open and unlocked. They're both combination locks (those neat little dials with the numbers and lines), and look as though they haven't been set, so you could theoretically set either safe's passcode to whatever you'd like.

2013-01-02, 01:13 AM
Elias carefully sets a passcode on one of the safes, then places the books inside and dons his cloak again. He repeats the passcode mentally a couple of times, making sure he's got it memorized, and shuts the safe door with a clang.
Next stop, the master bedroom.

2013-01-02, 03:30 AM
Orin is still sitting at the table, having just finished his breakfast when Santino bursts. He calmly picks up a clean mug and fills it from a pitcher of water then walks to Santino, handing him the mug.
"Welcome back, take a few moments to catch your breath."

2013-01-02, 11:49 AM

The master bedroom remains much the same, doilies and all. Which, sadly, includes the super-special rune traps.

2013-01-02, 03:42 PM
Elias picks the uppermost of the top four runeless (but also handleless) drawers, points at it, and utters a word.

Open/Close. Let's see what Chartessa's hiding.

2013-01-02, 04:48 PM
The drawer opens smoothly, polished pine sliding from the crevice at your verbal command. The inside of that particular drawer appears to contain a duet of letters, opened, well-read. One bears a seal that is familiar, somehow, the other a seal not familiar at all. (An eagle and a spark, respectively)

2013-01-02, 04:57 PM
Elias takes out the eagle-sealed letter, unfolds it, and begins to read it.

2013-01-02, 05:47 PM
The letter is written in a tidy hand, but shortly, as though the writer was foul of temper at the time:

"Chartessa -

I regret to inform you that due to the fragile state of affairs in the City at present, the Baroness - and, indeed, all of the priests at the temple - are unable to help you with your problem.

As it stands, none of them can be bothered (their words) to render assistance with a mere poltergeist at this time, myself included. You will not enjoy hearing the suggestion from me, I assure you, but The Messenger is trustworthy in this and all matters. Ask him.

Or, even better, ask the gnome. I'm sure we both know how he excels at solving your problems.

- Dannis"

2013-01-02, 06:55 PM
Elias chuckles quietly as he replaces the letter, then takes out the one sealed with a spark and reads it.

2013-01-02, 11:31 PM
The second letter is even shorter than the first:

"No. Your magic was once, and once is enough. Frankly, I fear what you are becoming too much to do what you ask.

So should you.


2013-01-02, 11:48 PM
Elias refolds and replaces the letter, more thoughtfully this time. Then he points at the second drawer down and casts Open once again.

2013-01-03, 12:11 AM
The drawer slides open much like its brother, revealing a small, folded map of Fortune's Favor. However, this one has been drawn on, small circles highlighting the Mayor's House, the Murals House, the local Inn, the Magic Shop, and a local random building. Or, it would be random, if all the points didn't make a star, the center of which being around the fountain in the town's square.

2013-01-03, 12:41 AM
Elias stares at it. "Just enough time..." he mutters. "Probably."

Knowledge (arcana): [roll0] Spellcraft: [roll1] Does a five-pointed star pattern have any mystical significance?
Knowledge (local): [roll2] Can Elias remember anything about the unidentified fifth building?

2013-01-03, 12:58 AM
A five-pointed star is usually used to connect magical 'hotspots' so that the energies can be channeled or used at a specific location, usually the center of the star. In this case, the fountain of the town square.

The house belongs to one Oswald Carston, known locally mostly for being an expert on animal husbandry, namely dogs.

2013-01-03, 01:16 AM
Elias puzzles over it, thinking out loud. "Clean, fresh water... Chartessa's obvious, and that gnome, and the mayor, that sword, there's clearly more to him than meets the eye... but the inn? Carston and his dogs... could he be a...? no, they stay away from urban centers, generally..." Muttering in this vein, he pockets the map, shuts the drawers, and goes downstairs.

2013-01-03, 02:19 AM
After taking a few moments to catch his breath and coffing down the mug of water, Santino then takes a few deep breaths.
After he has his breath back he goes into a full explanation of what he has learned. "We need to find the other Mages in this town. Chartessa knows a lot more than she's letting on but I don't know how to get her to talk. We need to find something on her past. I made her slip about what's upstairs, she referred it that being," he seems to shiver a little before continuing, "That... Face... She referred it as 'We'."

2013-01-03, 05:44 PM
"Face?" Denara asks, confused, her form taking shape in the middle of the room as Elias comes down from above. "Of what face do you speak?"

2013-01-03, 06:31 PM
"That being... In the room upstairs. When I looked into the darkness I could see a face staring back at me. I could feel it's hate... It's anger..." Santino says, easing himself to the floor, sitting with his back against the wall, legs stretched out.

2013-01-03, 07:26 PM
"Oh. Hm. I find myself oddly disappointed that it has a name as unimaginative as 'We'...Priorities."

2013-01-03, 10:01 PM
"Now that's interesting," Elias says from the stairs. He snaps his fingers; his hair and beard untangle themselves, and the sweat and grime of the previous day swirl away from him like smoke. "I've met one of the town's arcanists already, and I think I might have a clue to the whereabouts of the others... but we have an appointment to keep with Bria, two candles past dawn. First things first."

Prestidigitation, the cantrip with a thousand practical uses. Plus turning people purple.

2013-01-06, 11:20 PM
"They might have an idea what the ol' cow was up to them... We should go ask them as quickly as we can." Santino says, forcing himself back to his feet with a grunt of effort, but failing, landing heavily on his backside again. Grinning with a little embarrassment, "Or maybe after a couple of hours of rest." he mutters with a chuckle.

2013-01-07, 03:31 AM
Orin offers a hand to Santino, trying to help him to a couch.
"Would you like to wait here, get some rest and some breakfast, while we go and speak to Bria?"

2013-01-08, 11:20 PM
Santino takes Orin's hand and levers himself to his feet, "Thank you... Don't know what happened there." he says, chuckling, trying to hide his embarrassment.

When the Monk mentions the tall blonde woman his face turns serious again, "Bria? I just saw her at the Mayor's office... She was carrying a boy on her shoulder. Said she was looking for the cells... Alright... What did I miss?"

2013-01-08, 11:26 PM
"She said she'd meet us at the fountain, two candles past dawn." Seeing Santino's bemused expression, Elias backtracks further. "Last night, we helped her apprehend a grave robber, but I suspect that the person in question was only responsible for a few of the crimes. I assume the boy on her shoulder was this grave robber." He chuckles. "Also, I'm going to ask if she's willing to help us give Denara a proper burial, in exchange for our help in investigating further."

2013-01-09, 03:27 AM
Orin nods along with Elias' recap, until he mentions an exchange with Bria at which point he frowns.
"Although I agree with giving Denara a proper burial, if she so wishes it, I don't think we should be bartering for a reward for halting evil." He pauses and looks thoughtful, "It may just be semantics, but I feel we should help because it's the right thing to do, and then talk to Bria about the burial."
He grins broadly, "And anyway, I was going to offer to help anyway - what if she didn't agree to your terms, we'd have nothing interesting left to do!"

2013-01-09, 03:49 PM
Elias blinks, then smiles ruefully. "You're right, of course. I've become too mistrustful, I suppose... too prone to thinking in terms of favors owed. I'm sure she'll be glad to help us." He chuckles. "'Interesting' is one way of putting it."

2013-01-09, 05:08 PM
Orin looks thoughtful again. "It may be that I'm too trusting having been cloistered most of my life, but I think that if we do the right thing, the rewards will take care of themselves."
He grins enthusiastically, "I've wasted so much time not being involved, I want to everything I'm involved in to be 'Interesting', one way or another."
Orin walks to the still open door and peers into the street. "If we dont head out soon, we'll miss our appointment."

2013-01-09, 05:44 PM
"Let's go, then." Elias crosses the room and steps out the front door. "As for where to begin, I have a couple of ideas."

2013-01-09, 07:41 PM
The priestess in question is, of course, at the fountain, even a few minutes early for the sake of it. She smiles when Orin and Elias eventually approach.

"Ah! Good morn to you both!"


Meanwhile, Denara keeps a watchful eye over Kath and Santino, both for security and for company.

2013-01-09, 09:09 PM
"Good morn," Elias replies amiably. "Glad to have you with us."
He drums his fingers absently on the edge of the fountain, then cuts to the chase. "When you learned about the grave robberies... do you know when the bodies began disappearing?"

2013-01-09, 09:40 PM
She shrugs. "As far as I know, bodies have been disappearing for weeks. No one has the foggiest idea where they go, either, which bothers me. You'd think if someone in town was doing it all someone would notice, no?"

2013-01-09, 09:45 PM
Elias whistles softly. "Blast. That keeps us from ruling out Mistress Murals... I found some books in her library that, well, they don't directly incriminate her but they certainly don't help her case. She was definitely capable of teaching Davand some necromantic spells, and perhaps of greater and more terrible feats on her own..."

2013-01-10, 06:52 PM
"...But that still leaves the problem of where they all are. I personally don't like the idea of some cavern of undead just lying in wait. Do you think either of them could point the way if we asked nicely?"

2013-01-10, 07:04 PM
"You have a good point. We can try, but... Davand probably knows nothing, and Chartessa's not telling. If it is her, where could she be hiding them?" Elias shakes his head in exasperation. "We've searched every room in that cursed house... Oh." Light dawns in his face. When he speaks again, it is very slow and measured.
"'Speak the name / Speak the path / Or our pain / Will feed your wrath.' Does that sound familiar?"

2013-01-11, 04:48 PM
Orin looks at Elias, aghast. "I'd hoped not to hear those words again. Although ... I'd be curious to see what certain others' reactions to them is."
"Other than the two in prison, and that curious fellow in there", He gestures at the magic shop, "are then any other known magic users in town?"

2013-01-11, 08:04 PM
"I haven't heard that phrase before. But it does sound like you two have some leads in mind, at least. As for magic users, I haven't really met any local ones, per se."

2013-01-11, 08:44 PM
Elias doesn't bother to correct her. "'Known?' Not as such. I discovered something that suggests a connection between the magic shop, the Murals home and at least three other locations in the town... but approaching the owners and asking bluntly if they've been dabbling in black magic won't accomplish anything. In fact, it'll probably alert the guilty that someone's on their tail, if Davand's arrest hasn't done so already." He interlaces his fingers and cracks his knuckles with a rattle like hailstones. "We'll have to approach the situation obliquely."

2013-01-13, 02:32 AM
"Better than my idea of preaching until they convert and spill. Cults tend to open up to potential from my experience, though. I'm not sure if this is a 'cult', exactly, but sending in a colleague in their chosen profession for questioning could work. Of course, it could not, too." She shrugs. "I'll admit I'm more adept with wounds than plans anyway."

2013-01-13, 02:35 PM
Elias shudders. "Gods above, a cult is the last thing we need. Fortunately, evidence suggests that Chartessa was becoming estranged from the other members of the... cabal, if there even is a cabal.
We're grasping at shadows here, though. The only concrete thing we know is that there are missing bodies -- more than our new friend Davand can account for." He sighs. "We cannot rule out Chartessa Murals until we deal with the thing upstairs, and I'm ill-equipped to find out what it is, much less evict it without getting eaten. We have to talk to her. Davand, too -- it'll be interesting to see how their stories match."

2013-01-13, 03:14 PM
"We should split up, to cover more ground!" Bria suggests cheerfully.

2013-01-13, 04:52 PM
"Good idea," Elias says, ignoring the chorus of groans from beyond the fourth wall. "Bria, head to Defendor Investigations and ask for all their extant cases that involve undead. If someone's been putting the corpses to use, someone else must have noticed. Orin, come with me to the Mayor's office. We may as well get what we can from the suspects. Bria, meet us there when you've got the information, if you please."

2013-01-13, 08:16 PM
"As you will!" She attempts to bow, but her plate prevents her from bending more than a few inches forward. Eventually, she give sup on that and strides off.

2013-01-14, 05:59 AM
Orin nods in agreement and follows Elias. "I hope you've a plan, or some magic, to get the prisoners to talk."

2013-01-14, 02:17 PM
"Magic of that sort is beyond my ken, I'm afraid. But I do have the seeds of a plan. I think I can win over Davand with the carrot rather than the stick... figuratively speaking, of course.
Chartessa's another matter. We already know she's arrogant past reason and she loves to hear herself talk. That's why I think you should speak with her first. You're a good listener and you clearly don't know much about magic, no offense intended. She might talk more freely when she thinks you don't understand, just for the sake of feeling superior. Don't fret if you genuinely don't understand -- but remember what she says."

2013-01-14, 07:12 PM
As per usual, the Mayor is looking over documents when you come in. By this point, he doesn't even have to look up from his work. "Downstairs. New boy's on the left, Murals is on the right. Good day and all that." He says laconically.

It's unclear whether the repitition is a good or bad thing...

2013-01-14, 10:07 PM
"When will the trials be?" Elias asks, pausing on his way to Chartessa's Davand's cell.

2013-01-14, 10:52 PM
"I've just sent a missive to the Baroness. So, I should know soon enough. You may be called upon yourselves to present evidence, as well. I hope it isn't a problem."

2013-01-14, 11:03 PM
"Not at all," Elias replies, "though I can't speak for my new cohabitants." He takes the key and proceeds to where the young necromancer is confined.

2013-01-15, 12:27 AM
Davand is a little busy whimpering in the corner of his cell to notice Elias' entrance right away, thus giving him initiative to open up discussion his way, should he desire.

2013-01-17, 05:44 PM
Orin enters Chartessa's cell and quietly sits on the edge of the bed. He holds his hands together and looks expectantly at her.

I've been trying to think what to say, and I think taking Elias literally and just listening is more fun :)

2013-01-17, 07:15 PM
Chartessa gives Orin a death glare when he has his seat. "What in the hells is it now? Did that insolent mongrel send you? Dannis? Bah, it matters not. Well, out with it. What are you here for? Revenge? Tales? Knowledge? I can give you none."

2013-01-18, 03:15 AM
Orin doesn't seem phased by Chartessa's look. He listens attentively then smiles encouragingly at her when she finishes her rant.

2013-01-18, 06:10 PM

"Tch. More imbiciles. As though this place did not already have too many. As though the dwarf and gnome were not enough. Begone from here, fool! I'll not suffer more insipid folk. More unhelpfuls. Dannis as yet has my ire, bring not more upon yourself."



The boy turns his head to look longingly at his cell door, then yelps when he spots Elias. "Aghh! You! What're you doing here!?"

2013-01-18, 08:01 PM
Welp. This was not exactly what Elias had in mind :smallbiggrin: But it might work. Silence scares some people.
By the way, sorry for my absence -- I just moved and it took awhile to fix the Internet.

Elias doesn't answer his question directly. He sits down a respectable distance from Davand, between him and the door. "Are you hungry?"

2013-01-18, 08:13 PM
Davand stares, mouth agape, eyes looking directly forward in complete disbelief. "You're....you're insane. You're mad. What force makes a man so far gone?! Your lot attacked me, put me in this cell! And now you ask me...something as inane as that?! Really??"

2013-01-18, 10:32 PM
Elias is a little taken aback at Davand calling him insane. He bridles. "I remember it slightly differently. I hadn't so much as fired a warning shot before you set your minions on us. Pardon me for asking after your condition. I simply wanted to be sure that my healing potion hadn't gone to waste."

2013-01-18, 10:40 PM
"My mom and dad aren't minions. Shut your stupid face about them." He crosses his arms and scowls exactly like a petulant child in time out. "What do you want, anyway?"

2013-01-18, 11:29 PM
"Well, first, to tell you: you're not going to hang, I promise. More about that later. A better question would be: what do you want?"

2013-01-19, 01:16 AM
"Oh right, because that's the only way to die." He shoots back. "Send me to the Kelemvorites, probably. Hmph. What I want is to be left alone. You want to know what I'd have done if you hadn't butted in? Nothing! I'd have my family and my home, and that'd be that! But nooooo! You just had to...what...sit around and wait to play the 'let's ruin Davand's life' game!"

2013-01-19, 07:24 AM
Orin sighs with disapointment and squeezes the bridge of his nose, then stares Chartessa in the eye.
"You dont seem to understand what is going on. No one need fear your ire any longer. We're trying to clean up the mess you've made, and your helping us is your last chance for redemption."

2013-01-19, 12:43 PM
"You don't have your family any longer, Davand," Elias replies softly. "I'm sorry. But that was no fault of mine. They were dead long before that night in the graveyard."

2013-01-19, 01:44 PM

"Redemption? Redemption??" She starts cackling like a madwoman. "There is nothing to be redeemed for! I am a saint among sinners, you fool! Your reckoning will come soon enough should you take up arms with the mongrels and freaks. If anyone needs redemption, it be you!"



He looks like he's going to go apopleptic even while he's actually talking. "No!! That's not true! You don't know anything! I HAD them! I HAD THEM! I can have them back! I'll have them back....that's all I..that's what..." He simply collapses to the floor and begins weeping bitterly, unable to continue with whatever rant he could cook up.

2013-01-19, 02:43 PM
Elias reaches out towards him, as if to comfort him, then drops his hand. "That magic lies outside your power, Davand. I can't command it either. Even the highest servants of the gods don't take resurrection lightly, because it always costs. Always." He says nothing more, waiting for Davand to cry himself out. Elias is not good at comforting people.

2013-01-19, 03:27 PM
"I just...what am I going to do now? I just wanted...I just wanted my family together again. Now I'm alone."

2013-01-19, 04:47 PM
Elias leans back against the wall and sighs. "The last of my own family perished almost twenty years ago... my brother and his wife, murdered. Illness carried off my parents before that. I know far more than I want to about death and loss.
Our magic is a cruel, false promise, Davand. It can break the will of kings, cause warriors to die from fear, call down fire from the sky, even open doors between worlds... but it cannot snuff out the evil in an unwilling heart, or bring an end to grief. Only time can do that."

2013-01-19, 07:01 PM
He sniffles a little, and looks up at the older mage. "What...what do I do?"

2013-01-19, 08:49 PM
"For what would I need redemption? And what mongrels and freaks do you refer to?"
After a moment he sighs, "you mean elves and their half-kin like your niece? Why do you loathe them so, but fraternise with gnomes and dwarves?"

2013-01-19, 09:17 PM
"What you do is up to you, but I suggest you help us to convict Chartessa. I'll testify on your behalf when the trial arrives, as will any of my new colleagues I can convince. After the trial... Well, your power isn't just going to go away. The least I can do is offer to teach you how to use it. " He smiles gently. "And how not to use it."

2013-01-19, 10:18 PM

"I don't know. Maybe. I don't know if a court'll trust my word. I mean - she taught me so far. And...shouldn't she know these things if she could? Why hasn't she used magic to escape?"



"You are among those who go together with their scum. The quess-loving bitch is no blood of mine. The others will fall too, in time. The great human empires shall span all Toril and beyond, as was meant to be. For now, they are merely means to an end. The end of the enemy."

She mulls her thoughts over. "Perhaps you could be spared. We are, after all, not without mercy. If you pledge your service now, and do not stop begging forgiveness. Perhaps."

2013-01-19, 10:47 PM
"I've lost some sleep over that question too... but I'm sure the Mayor has taken precautions. There's more to him than meets the eye." He frowns. "Did she seek you out, or you her? She doesn't strike me as a natural tutor."

2013-01-19, 11:07 PM
"After my brother died, I think she heard about it. She asked me over for tea and we talked. I've...never really been normal. Strange things happen around me. I scare animals, I can sometimes move things without touching them, I once turned my hair blue...she knew about all of it, somehow. She told me it was magic.

I asked her if she knew about magic. She smiled, and then...she showed me a book. It was...odd. But it showed the most amazing things. I learned quicker than she expected, I think. She became strange over time. Even asked me what I thought about elves of all things. I don't know about elves, but I don't have a problem with them. I told her as much. She got angry for whatever reason. Short-tempered. One day I came to her house and she simply refused my entry. I never knew why."

2013-01-20, 02:28 AM
Elias nods slowly. "I see. Did you ever go inside her house? Would you be able to recognize the book if you saw it again?"

2013-01-20, 02:34 AM
He nods. "Maybe. I suppose it was sort of...generically magic-ish. I think."

2013-01-20, 03:12 AM
"Mm. Who else did she connect with? Did she have friends?Other pupils? Did she ever mention her family?"

2013-01-20, 12:46 PM
He shakes his head. "No. I was really surprised because she keeps to herself. She rarely even leaves her house."

2013-01-20, 01:49 PM
"That makes sense. She wouldn't need to... Tell me, did you ever see any of the rooms on the third floor?"

2013-01-20, 01:59 PM
He looks vaguely confused. "I didn't even know she had a third floor."

2013-01-20, 02:02 PM
"I have nothing to beg for - I performed the job you requested, to find the source of your house's problem. You shouldnt have been foolish enough to ask for help, knowing what was in your cellar.
he pauses to catch a breath, then smirks and continues,
I have no loyalties to anyone so perhaps I could be of service to you and your fellows. I'll not swear fealty blindly though. What do you call yourselves?

2013-01-20, 02:20 PM
"Who is the fool, then? Those who have to seek, or those who know?" She quirks a brow and continues unamusedly. "Humanity, you fool."

2013-01-20, 03:20 PM
Orin laughs and stands up. Well, it's been such a fun visit, but i'm afraid i'm going to have to leave you to your solitude. Is there anyone who you'd like notified of your predicament?

2013-01-20, 05:24 PM
"Tch, please. The town is small. 'Old crone in cell' is being whispered between children's ears as we speak. Leave me, fool, and then run as far away as you can."

2013-01-20, 05:29 PM
"That makes a lot of sense, too." Elias stands up. "Thank you for your help." He turns to leave, but pauses halfway out the door. "You are not alone. Remember that. I'll get you out of this."

2013-01-20, 05:44 PM
"I..." He looks up, perhaps even hopeful for the first time since you've seen him, mouth opening to say...well, anything. His head falls again, and he adresses the floor. "Thank you."

2013-01-20, 06:29 PM
"Don't mention it." Elias steps outside, letting the door swing shut. He stares at it for a few moments, collecting himself, then looks to see how Orin's getting on.

2013-01-20, 06:47 PM
Orin shrugs and leaves the cell, bumping into Elias on the way out. He nods in greeting, and gestures back up the stairs.

2013-01-20, 06:53 PM
Elias summarizes as they begin to climb the stairs, keeping his voice too low to be heard through the cell doors. "Davand's story supports Murals's motive. She ceased to teach him shortly after he expressed indifference towards elves -- I suspect nothing less than violent hatred would have made him a suitable apprentice for her purposes. However, he knows nothing useful about the eyes in the darkness."

2013-01-21, 05:55 AM
"Murals wasn't very forthcoming, as expected. She did imply she'd had dealings with a Gnome and a Dwarf. I wonder if the gnome could be the odd fellow in the magic shop?"
Orin sighs wearily, "I've never met someone with such hatred or conviction. And she doesn't seem at all worried at her predicament. I'm worried she may have plans to escape - why else would she be so confident?" He pauses a moment "On the other hand, it could just be that she's crazy."

2013-01-21, 01:02 PM
"It may be simply that she has nothing left to lose. But I'm concerned too. How is the Mayor keeping her caged?" Elias reaches the top of the stairs. "As for the gnome, if 'D.A.' is who I think it is, I suspect he's broken contact with her."

2013-01-21, 01:19 PM
Bria is already in the building when you reach the main floor, sitting on a chair just outside the Mayor's office and reading over a piece of parchment, grimacing.

She looks to the both of you, creases in her facial features deepening into a deeper frown than before. "You two are not going to believe this..."

2013-01-21, 01:27 PM
Elias throws up his hands. "Don't tell me. Ghouls in the cellar? Vampires in the belltower? Szass Tam himself dropping in for tea and scones with the baroness?"

2013-01-21, 01:35 PM
She raises an eyebrow. "Feeling a tad dramatic, are we? None of those. As it turns out, the dear Baroness recently lost contact with some Mausoleum to the east of the city. They haven't the foggiest clue what's going on, but I'll wager it has something to do with our graverobber. Where better place to hide bodies, after all?"

2013-01-21, 01:59 PM
Elias grins sheepishly. "Sorry. It's been an eventful couple of days. Well, that's certainly a better lead than any we've managed to turn up. "

2013-01-22, 03:37 AM
"I guess that's our next stop then, after collecting the rest of our group, unless you found any interesting facts from your search of the house?"
To Bria, "How far is the Mausoleum?"

2013-01-22, 06:03 PM
"Only a mile or two, but it's fairly well hidden in the forest from what I've been able to gather."

2013-01-22, 11:01 PM
"Well, we should be able to get there in less than a day, then. Though it does seem suspicious that they'd lose contact with a place that close. Let's head back to the house and see if the others wish to join us."

2013-01-24, 12:50 AM
Bria seems particularly impressed by the newest base of operations, but shivers slightly when she steps over the threshold. "Not to be an alarmist or anything but...does anyone else feel a bit uneasy here?"

Until now, Santino and Kath have been undisturbed, leaving them free to awaken now should they so choose.

2013-01-28, 08:35 PM
Santino startles awake from the nap he had been taking in the chair. Twisting his head and stretching his neck he mumbles, "Still better than sleeping in a crate." before looking up at the others as they enter.
"So did the Harridan tell you anything?"

2013-01-29, 07:49 PM
"Neither Davand nor Chartessa said anything directly useful," Elias admits. "However, Bria found something at Defendor Investigations that could be relevant."

2013-02-01, 03:13 PM
Taking the opening in stride, Bria recounts her message cheerfully. "A nearby Mausoleum has been silenced, and it might be connected to the grave robberies. So it looks like we're off the see the monks. I think. Unless I forgot something. It's been known to happen."

2013-02-03, 08:35 PM
"Stalking through graves or trying to out wit an insane cow... Not much of a choice." Santino grumbles before standing fully and stretching the rest of his body, shuddering afterwards as he settles onto the heels of his boots, "So... When do we head off?"

2013-02-03, 08:57 PM
"As soon as we're ready," Elias says, picking up his backpack from where he left it. "It's not far. With luck, we'll be back in time for supper."

2013-02-04, 03:57 AM
"Excellent. I didn't like the idea of another night spent amongst the dead."
Orin picks up his pack and staff, "I'm ready when you all are."

2013-02-04, 08:38 PM


The journey is not an especially long one by the standards of ordinary travelers, and it only takes little over an hour to reach the gates of the masoleum, though it takes you into the forest somewhat.

The building itself is easily the size of the Mayor's and Murals' households combined, and then some. The old, mossy black stones loom almost menacingly fifty or so feet ahead of you, a large iron gate even closer. There are no graves outside of this place, only sparse decaying grass and lingering mist.

The gate is unlocked, and the image of a skull, scroll held in its jawbone is pressed into the center. No monks are there to greet you, and the wooden door leading inside is still. Unfriendly.

"Well this is certainly creepy!" Bria remarks, cheerful as always.

2013-02-04, 11:06 PM
Elias murmurs the words of a spell and passes crooked fingers over his ribcage. "You're right, it isn't exactly welcoming. Does Kelemvor's priesthood run this place?" He talks quietly; the atmosphere does not invite speech.

Mage Armor. +4 AC for the next two hours, you know the drill.

2013-02-05, 12:09 AM
"Mm, no." Bria squints at the symbol and shakes her head. "His followers don't come around here so much unless they're with the Order of the Broken Chain. These must be monks following Jergal. He's Kelemvor's scribe, not as fun. I suppose it makes sense; They just loooove keeping track of the dead. Probably big targets to get out of the way if you're an aspiring necromancer, too.

Then again, maybe they just forgot to send a letter to town one night. Probably not, though."

2013-02-05, 01:11 AM
"We should be so lucky." Elias gingerly pushes the unlocked gate open.

2013-02-05, 03:25 AM
Orin puts his hand on Elias' shoulder and whispers, "Would you like me to go first?"

2013-02-05, 05:04 AM
Looking upon the grim symbol above the gate, Santino shudders and draws his sword, striding up to the gate and turns to his companions, "Somehow Orin, I think I'd take it as an insult if you did."
Without waiting for him to reply, the young man pulls the hood of his cloak up over his head and quietly slips between the gate, trying to disappear into the shadows, moving as quietly as possible.

Hide Check: [roll0]
Move Silently Check: [roll1]

2013-02-05, 05:13 AM
Orin looks relieved as Santino runs past "No offense meant, and thanks."

2013-02-05, 05:19 AM
Taking each step slow and carefully, Santino starts looking round, cocking his head from side to side a little, trying to see or hear anything out of the ordernary.

Spot Check: [roll0]
Listen Check: [roll1]

2013-02-05, 10:02 PM
Whispers like haunted voices waft inside the mist, always just barely outside of audible range. Nothing but the landbound clouds move within, and a sudden chill causes the breath of the party to add to it. Bria's presence negates the unearthly wrongness permeating the area somewhat, her light offering some measure of calm.

Ahead, the door still looms.

Santino may well notice that there appear to be flickering lights underneath the door from the other side, and he can hear footsteps on stone. It is likely that someone is coming.

2013-02-05, 10:11 PM
Elias fumbles in his pack and pulls out his everburning torch, adding his own light to drive back the oppressive fog. His spooked familiar takes the opportunity to burrow deeper beneath his belongings.
Holding the torch high, glancing from side to side, he takes a few steps forward and speaks just loudly enough to carry across the few yards between him and the thief. "Do you see anything?"

Spot and Listen checks of my own, in that order. [roll0] [roll1]

2013-02-05, 10:46 PM
Turning his head, Santino nods just a little before holding a finger to his lips, indicating silence before creeping up beside the door, holding his hand a mere inch from the wood as he traces the outline of the door frame and down the center crack, his eyes darting to and fro, taking in every inch of the doors.

Search Check: [roll0] (looking for traps, seeing if it's locked, anything unusual and every other thing you could ever think to search for on a door.)

2013-02-05, 11:16 PM
While the door appears to have been warded in times passed, both mystical and mechanical inscriptions have been disabled, and it appears as though by someone with intimate knowledge of their workings.

Meanwhile, the footsteps grow closer...

2013-02-05, 11:27 PM
Slipping back to the side of the door, Santino quickly motions for the others to hide and keep silent, before pulling his cloak around him, trying to blend into the wall and hiding the glint from his sword blade.

Hide Check: [roll0]

2013-02-05, 11:48 PM
Elias steps back outside the gate and stows the torch beneath his cloak, but he makes no further effort to hide himself. Whoever's coming out is going to notice the six-foot, glowing, plate-armored woman in any case.

2013-02-06, 03:06 AM
Having not been oiled in apparently some time, the door opens with a loud creaking noise. A man in a hooded black robe, amulet bearing the same symbol as the gate, holds up a lantern in front of him as he looks around.

"Who...who goes there?" His voice sounds cracked, worn with age. The hand clutching the lantern is bony, and almost withered.

2013-02-06, 10:07 PM
After a long moment, Elias hazards an answer. "We're from Fortune's Favor, on orders from the Baroness," he says roughly. "Will you let us in?"

2013-02-07, 12:22 AM
"Fortune's Favor?" He rasps. "Ah...yes. You must be here about Brother Sorin. A terrible tragedy. You can come in, of course, of course."

The monk opens the door wide enough to let the group in, and flattens imself against the wall to allow room. "Esteemed Scribe Lariss will want to see you."

2013-02-08, 01:34 PM
Elias shoots Bria a puzzled glance before replying. "Ah, very well." He steps through the gate and crosses the courtyard to follow the monk.

2013-02-09, 04:04 PM
Orin shrugs and follows Elias, pausing to bow to the monk on his way past.

2013-02-11, 06:02 PM
Santino watches as the others approach. Raising from his crouch next to the door, sword still in hand he eyes, the Monk at the door, looking him up and down, trying to spot anything out of place.

Spot Check: [roll0]
Untrained Knowledge Check: [roll1]
Sense Motive Check: [roll2]

2013-02-11, 08:14 PM
Bria shrugs in a manner reminiscent of someone announcing that no, they have no idea either.

The entrance is a short hallway that splits to the left and right, with a wooden door leading into another room just ahead. The monk grabs one of the flickering torches (oddly weaker than normal ones, or so it seems) from off a wall and motions the group forward to that room's entry.

"Esteemed Scribe Lariss is just inside. Mind you, he may be busy." His gaze turns to Santino. "Are you coming in?" He rasps politely.

From what you can see of his face past the dull gray hood, his eyes seem to have lost the gleam of youth, and his skin is quite pale. From what you can remember of Jergal's priesthood and followers, he bears the symbols and attire properly, from what you can tell. Perhaps due to the loneliness of his place, he seems genuinely happy to have visitors at the Mausoleum.

2013-02-11, 10:21 PM
Santino keeps his eyes on the Monk and puts on a smile that doesn't reach his eyes, "Lead on, I'll be on your heels." he says in a voice, dripping with put on cheeriness.

Following the guide, his keep scanning the hallway, looking for anything out of place or that's trying to be hidden or covered up in any way.

Spot Check: [roll0]

2013-02-12, 01:17 AM
While nothing appears out of place as far as the area itself is concerned, you notice that the halls are quiet, and your guide seems to be the only Jergalite monk present.

2013-02-12, 05:58 PM
Elias steps forward and knocks on the door the Jergalite has indicated.

2013-02-13, 06:37 PM
Santino stays a few steps behind the Jergalite, his eyes wary, his fingers slowly flexing on the hilt of his sword. Reaching behind bis back he checks his daggers are in easy reach and able to be drawn quickly encase he needs to throw one.

2013-02-16, 12:43 AM
No sooner do Elias' knuckles brush against the wooden surface than does the door open seemingly of its own accord. Within is a large chamber. Sarcophagi line the walls along with torches here and there, as well as the odd bookshelf being interspersed.

In the center of the chamber, a massive tome has been placed on a stone lectern of sorts. Another monk is busying himself writing upon it when you enter, and he looks up to face you.

Unlike the others, his face is easily seen; He looks surprisingly young, if weary. He frowns, plainly not particularly pleased at the timing of the interruption. "Yes? What is it?" He asks.

Meanwhile, the door closes softly shut behind you.

2013-02-16, 01:11 AM
"The Baroness sent us," Elias says once more. "It seems your last letter was never received. Has anything untoward happened here?"

2013-02-17, 12:10 PM
The quill in his hand, which hasn't stopped passing over various margins since you arrived, stops in place. He looks up at you, his expression turning to suspicion. "She sent you...personally?"

2013-02-17, 03:00 PM
"Not personally. We were given the contract through Defendor Investigations."

2013-02-17, 04:12 PM
"The Messenger." He growls. "This mausoleum is outside the jurisdiction of Fortune's Favor. We owe them no response except what I grant we may. I allow that you inform them of this." He narrows his eyes at Elias. "Before I bid you begone for your interruption of this holy ceremony, was there...anything else?" His tone takes a dangerous turn.

"Quite friendly, isn't he?" Bria mutters.

2013-02-17, 06:43 PM
Elias's shell of polite diffidence begins to crack. "We'll convey your response if you like, but the contract's not the only reason for our visit. You fancy yourselves Death's record-keepers? Perhaps you'll be interested to know that bodies have been vanishing from the city's graves."

2013-02-18, 03:30 PM
As the younger paper-pusher at the lectern's tone becomes less "friendly", Santino slowly inches along the wall, making his way, inch by inch, to roughly the opposite side of the man from his companions.

Sense Motive check: [roll0]

2013-02-18, 04:32 PM
"Have they..." He muses. "And what else do you know of this problem?"

When the conversation began, he seemed generally composed (though apparently doesn't like The Messenger for some reason). However, now that Elias has mentioned the grave robbings, it's clear alarm bells have gone off in his head...and yours. What aspect of this is disturbing him, though, is hard to say.

2013-02-18, 05:19 PM
"Less than we'd like. That's why we're here." Elias takes a step forward. "What happened to Brother Sorin?"

2013-02-18, 09:18 PM
"Taken by the forest." Lariss grimaces. "It has become dangerous of late, though we know not why. I doubt, however, that whatever strikes at us from within is responsible for this...problem. The natural world is not known to abide the walking dead, and few not protected by its bounds can stay safe within."

2013-02-18, 09:59 PM
"I see." Elias nods slowly. "There is almost certainly more than one culprit for the grave robberies. One was just a young man pushed to the edge by grief and delusion, more a harm to himself than others. But what he did can't account for all the disappearances." He looks around, his gaze passing over the bookshelves. "I've only lived in town for just over a year, and my companions are new arrivals. Has this area had any... problems with the undead in the past?"

2013-02-19, 02:23 AM
"There will always be difficulties, and those whom wish to disrupt the recordings of the true dead." He's gradually becoming more aloof, apparently unwilling to grant details. "It will be...looked into." The thought seems to amuse him somewhat, for some reason.

2013-02-19, 09:28 PM
"You're talking in riddles," Elias retorts. "If the culprit's to be tracked down then we need specifics. Times and places, as far back as possible. Death, for a necromancer, is often only a mild inconvenience.
Of course, if there's some prohibition against the uninitiated examining your records, we'll cease troubling you and look elsewhere. I'm sure you're more than capable of handling any 'difficulties' that present themselves." This in a mildly ironic tone.

2013-02-19, 11:21 PM
He looks annoyed. "If you have such faith in our ability, why do you need such information?"

2013-02-20, 12:21 PM
"You have other important work to do. Whereas we have little else to occupy our attention." He spreads his hands wide. "We may be able to catch the culprit more quickly."

2013-02-20, 04:55 PM
Santino keeps creeping around the room, listening to the whole conversation, thinking to himself, Your ability is non-existent... The only thing you'd be capable of is covering your own tracks... But there will be something you've missed, something we can trip you up with.

2013-02-20, 05:55 PM
"Hmn. In this particular matter, perhaps. I do not often seek outside help for these matters, but you may yet be of use.

The first matter you should know of is that we at this mausoleum have no say as to the dead of Fortune's Favor, despite my protestations. Their own is their own, else they would not need their own graveyard.

That having been said, it would seem odd that no one in their own city knows more about this than to point you towards we, who have no control as to how they treat their dead, mm? If I were to make guesses - which I dislike in general - I might think that someone residing there...someone with power, might be covering a certain set of tracks.

Other than this, while the matter is dirtubing, we have no aid to lend you as of yet."

2013-02-21, 12:38 PM
"Your conclusions are... disturbingly plausible, though their veracity remains to be seen." Elias bows stiffly, but his gaze doesn't leave the scribe's face. "You have our thanks. We'll trouble you no further."

2013-02-21, 06:23 PM
"You may go." He waves his hand dismissively, and the door with which you entered the chamber opens again. Beyond, the elderly monk awaits patiently to guide the group outside.

2013-02-22, 02:39 PM
Elias leaves the room, bidding the scribe farewell with a curt nod. He remains silent until they're all out of the mausoleum and out of earshot.

2013-02-22, 03:57 PM
Once they've fully exited the premises, the doormonk shuts the entrance, leaving the mist and cold to keep the group company.

"Well." Bria huffs. "I knew they could be dour, but that was a bit much."

2013-02-22, 04:14 PM
"We 'may go,'" Elias mutters. "Officious windbag. He wasn't stupid, though. There's something rotten in Fortune's Favor -- Murals just broke the surface, there's more deeper down. I'm certain of it."

2013-02-28, 02:19 AM
"How lovingly succinct a description of life in general, I'd say. Though, if I may, it was their monestary. I myself might reserve the right to be as such if anyone was in my house, say.

Charming as the decor is, though, does anyone have any ideas? I'm afraid this was the best I could come up with."

2013-02-28, 02:33 AM
**Okay, that's really weird... I posted a few days ago but looks like it's been completely eaten between my keyboard and the interwebs... Worst thing is, I can't remember what it was I wrote :smallfrown:.**

Slipping out of the doors just as they close, Santino follows the others, churning over what the Scribe had said, and what he hadn't.

As the group arrive outside he stares back at the main doors and only just catches Bria's words.
"Well, there's something between him and The Messenger. Also, he was... Interested in the missing bodies... That's the best way I can describe it. I don't know if he was happy to hear it or not but yes, he showed more 'Interest'."

2013-02-28, 04:54 AM
Orin laughs quietly, "Perhaps his interest is of the same type as a shopkeeper who hears of a thief in the area?"

2013-02-28, 02:13 PM
Elias considers for a long moment, eyes flickering from Bria's face to Orin's to Santino's while they talk. Finally, he speaks up. "I found a map of the town among Chartessa's things. It indicated... connections between her house and four other buildings. A focus for magic. And I found letters from two of the inhabitants of the other buildings -- the 'points' of the star, if you like --indicating a past association, now ended. I think there might be some profit in investigating the other two..."

2013-02-28, 05:42 PM
"We should certainly check out any leads we may have... But I don't think we should leave this lot out of sight for too long... That... 'Scribe'... He gives me the creeps. He kind of reminds me of a 'Merchant' I knew in Illuskan. One I learned very quickly you didn't cross or turn your back on." Santino says, still gripping his sword tightly.

2013-02-28, 08:55 PM
"He might not be trying to be a bit...malevolent, but I trust Mr. Santino's judgement, here. Should one of us stay while the others check your leads?"

2013-02-28, 09:31 PM
"No. We stay together. Wouldn't want the 'forest to take' who ever stayed behind." Santino says, shaking his head.
"The way that was said was a bit to... Nonchalant for my liking as well."

2013-03-01, 03:30 AM
"Perhaps you're reading too much into it - anyone who spends their days counting the dead must be a little strange."
Orin starts to walk back towards town, "This place creeps me out - lets at least get out of sight of it and hear the details of this map."

2013-03-01, 01:39 PM
"I agree with Orin. I doubt there's anything more we can find out here. Though if we can trust Scribe Lariss's word, it is disturbing to learn that the forest is growing hostile... I've heard the stories, of course, but I never quite believed them."

2013-03-01, 08:50 PM
You Have Been Waylaid By Enemies And Mus-

*wonks the narrator*


The hike back to town is largely uneventful, and Bria spends most of her time humming chants. Though the forest presses in on you for a short time, all seems at peace...for now.

Back in town, more average members of soceity are going about their business as usual. Bria sighs. "Ahh, to think few of them if any have clue nor care about these problems."

2013-03-01, 10:41 PM
"How many of them would even bat an eyelash at anything the things happening around them? They may not even think these things are out of the ordinary."

2013-03-02, 12:06 AM
"Somehow I doubt that," Elias responds in a sardonic tone. "A town that has become used to necromancers would be... visibly different to Fortune's Favor in a number of ways.
Come with me back to the Murals house. I'll show you the map."

2013-03-02, 01:11 AM
"At the very least, this could give us some time to rela-" Bria remarks as they start off again, but stops when she spots a figure waiting in front of the house. "Oh buggerall I shouldn't have said that. Is that...the Mayor? Goodness, he looks grim, doesn't he?"

2013-03-02, 02:54 PM
Elias picks up his pace to cover the distance to the Mayor. "Is all well?" he calls out.

2013-03-02, 08:14 PM
"I bring news of our imprisoned problem." He purses his lips before continuing. "It appears as though the baroness has decided to take matters into her own hands. Chartessa is being relocated to the city, to be placed under direct supervision."

2013-03-03, 04:02 PM
Elias is taken aback. "Surely... surely this isn't entirely bad news? The Baroness must have more resources at her disposal to ensure Murals is contained." Even as he says this, he sounds doubtful.

2013-03-04, 03:26 AM
The Mayor shakes his head. "I'm just not sure. She was always the closest to Chartessa, 'through thick and thin', she said. I'm not sure if that bias will carry over, but I thought you should be on your guards. On the off-chance she does escape, well..."

2013-03-04, 03:42 AM
Santino's expression darkens as the Mayor keeps talking.
"When are they appointed to leave? Maybe Chartessa needs to suffer a little... Misfortune before they depart..."

2013-03-04, 03:46 AM
"They went after you left. Whatever darkness goes on between them now, it lies behind the walls of the city."

2013-03-04, 03:50 AM
Looking at the others in the group before storming into the house and slamming the door behind him, the sounds of furious obscenities being bellowed as loudly as possible can still be heard as Santino starts throwing a fit behind the closed door.

2013-03-04, 04:08 AM
Elias bows to the Mayor, studiously ignoring his housemate's tantrum. "Thank you for telling us. I'm not one to blame the bearer of ill news. If Murals is beyond our reach now, all we can do is wait for her trial. If she escapes, or is pardoned, then I for one will be your steadfast ally in bringing her to justice again."

2013-03-04, 05:04 AM
Orin bows to the Mayor, "Thank you for coming personally to tell us. We have some other leads to follow, that may have bearing on our problem with ms Murals." He then studies the house with a perplexed expression, and starts to head inside to calm Santino, "If you'll excuse me, we should continue our investigations."

2013-03-04, 06:16 PM
"I will certainly keep you up to date." He nods to the pair. "Good eve."

Within, Denara appears to be busily (invisibly) moving the more breakable items out of Santino's way while Kath snoozes happily in the side room. Bria is the last to enter, politely closing the door behind them.

"Bit of an odd sort, isn't he? You'd think he didn't have much control over what happened in his own back garden."

She raises a brow at the polergeist-tastic movement of a nearby bowl, but doesn't bring it up.

2013-03-04, 06:50 PM
Slamming his back into the wall and then sliding to the floor.
"The cow's gunna get off... After everything she's done she's gunna walk free ta spread 'er filth an poison ta others..." his voice slipping in back into it's more natural "slum-speak", as if his tongue has just decided it's time to take a coffee break.

2013-03-04, 07:49 PM
"Santino!" Elias snaps, and positions himself in front of the young thief, arms crossed on his chest, blue eyes boring into green. "This will not help us catch her. Control yourself."

2013-03-05, 08:26 PM
Santino's head snaps up, his hand disappearing behind his back.
"Catch her? It's an option... But I promised her death, and that's a promise I intend to keep."

2013-03-05, 09:32 PM
Elias spreads his hands wide, palms up. "All right. How do you intend to do that?"

2013-03-05, 09:37 PM
Lowering his head again, his voice loses it's edge.
"I don't know... Yet."

2013-03-05, 10:06 PM
"Exactly. We are surrounded by things we don't know, and we must exercise caution. Chartessa Murals is too dangerous to live, I'm in agreement with you on that. But we don't have her here, do we?" Elias reaches into his cloak pocket and takes out the item he found in Chartessa's chest of drawers. "What we do have is this. I think it's a clue to the company she kept."

((reposting Kelvin's description: "a small, folded map of Fortune's Favor. However, this one has been drawn on, small circles highlighting the Mayor's House, the Murals House, the local Inn, the Magic Shop, and a local random building. Or, it would be random, if all the points didn't make a star, the center of which being around the fountain in the town's square."))

2013-03-06, 06:38 PM
Bria motions to the Murals residence with a smile halfway between sheepish and bemused. "Anyone else feel tempted to scribble 'you are here'? Ah, no, I daresay this isn't the time. Well, if I had to guess, whatever that star means isn't good. You think perhaps the house, the Mayor's, the Inn and the Magic shop house collaborators of hers? Maybe even direct associates to aid in...whatever this is?"

2013-03-06, 06:54 PM
"Well, the Mayor has a long history with the ol' bat. The Messenger doesn't seem to be on good terms with her though." says Santino, finally pulling himself together and forcing himself to his feet.

2013-03-06, 07:38 PM
"I concur. The star symbol could mean a number of things, but in a magical context -- which I'd bet my eyeteeth this is -- it serves as a means of concentrating forces at its center. And there's the fountain, famous for providing an inexhaustible stream of clean, fresh water, supposedly a boon from Tymora.
The most innocent explanation? Chartessa and the mayor are both founding citizens, if I remember correctly, and at least one of the other 'points' of the star houses an arcanist." He points at the circled magic shop. "Perhaps this simply diagrams a long-standing spell that is the source of the town's water supply, set up in secret. But even that hypothesis has ominous implications. Chartessa might have been able to pervert the fountain to her own ends even without the cooperation of the other 'points.' How many people in this town drink from it and bathe in it every day?'" His mouth works in distaste and horror, and he pauses before continuing.
"Furthermore, if the Mayor were complicit in this from the beginning, as the map seems to imply... Why would he keep the spell secret and allow the rumor about Tymora's blessing to spread? Providing fresh water seems a noble purpose, unless it conceals one more sinister.
Bria, you provide a perspective I hadn't considered. The collaborators needn't necessarily be the owners of the outlined buildings -- though the fact that the diagram aligns with such prominent locations suggests a plan years in the making."

2013-03-07, 12:26 AM
"So, basically, our options look like a terrible spell with the fountain as its focus, dearest Char using its power for her own ends (with the mayor possibly helping), and-or a devious conspiracy? Just to start with?" Bria lists off. Then exhales. "And to think my plans were going to be mundane healing services and a checkup. This is much more exciting. I daresay I might be growing fond of your company. What exactly can we really do about all this, though? Or should we at all? I don't relish the thought of leaving this be if it could hurt innocent people, but if it's out of our league..."

She shrugs, then, sending the choice ball back to the others.

2013-03-07, 03:07 AM
"For the moment, we're grasping at shadows. There are some drawers in that chest that I haven't managed to open yet (and a few that I'm not capable of opening without hurting myself), and I still need to get a good look at the thing in the room upstairs. And of course there's that curious rune-stone in the cellar...
I'm slowed down by my own magical limitations, though. We could do worse than initiating more mundane lines of inquiry -- into the fountain, for instance, or the other 'points' of the star, or even into the being named in the vile book that Kath found. The more we know about Chartessa, the better chance we have of defeating her if she walks free."

2013-03-07, 03:39 AM
"I'm quite curious to know more about the other points. Also, iIs it possible that Murals has put some sort of magical symbol or token at each location without the owners knowledge? Would you have some way of detecting that?"

2013-03-07, 01:32 PM
"Possibly," Elias says, a dubious look on his face. "I'd have to scour the premises yard by yard, though, and the spell doesn't last very long. Also, discriminating between auras might pose a problem, especially in the magic shop.
Here is the Mayor's house, and here we are... I'm sure you recognize the inn and the magic shop. The fifth point is a little incongruous: a house belonging to Oswald Carston, local dog breeder."

2013-03-07, 05:03 PM
"How very random a profession for someone involved in whatever we think this is. Well, unless he raises hell hounds. ...He doesn't, does he?"

2013-03-07, 08:03 PM
Elias sighs. "I certainly hope he doesn't. That sort of operation would be hard to keep secret.
I'd prefer to finish examining this house's mysteries before setting out to quiz the points of the star, anyhow. I might uncover something that clarifies what we're dealing with."

2013-03-07, 09:23 PM
"Well at least one of those I can help with. You had spirit troubles, I believe?"

2013-03-08, 01:48 PM
"That spirit no longer troubles us. But you've reminded me... Will you come down to the cellar, please? I have a favor to ask of you."

2013-03-08, 02:07 PM

2013-03-09, 03:20 PM
"This is slightly gruesome," Elias warns as they descend the stairs. "You've dealt with the dead before, of course, but... you see, the poor woman's murderer gave her the opposite of a decent burial." He rests one hand on the barrels that form the secret door. "I know Kelemvor's priesthood normally handles this sort of thing, but I know none of them. The woman had no family but her killer. Will you help us move her body?"

2013-03-09, 06:37 PM
"Whatever it is that I can do to bring her spirit peace, I will." Bria says solemnly.

2013-03-09, 10:09 PM
Elias nods once. "I appreciate that more than you know. Thank you."
He raises his everburning torch and opens the secret door, revealing the grisly space beyond to Bria's gaze. "We may need Santino's help to pick the locks, or failing that, a particularly well-made axe."

2013-03-10, 12:36 AM
"Ahh, would that I'd Lathander's light to cremate the poor soul before more misfortune befalls that shell." She frowns. "Go ahead and call down your friend, if you think he can help."

2013-03-10, 10:26 PM
Eventually Santino follows the others down into the basement, and then through into the dungeon, shuddering as he enters the dark little room.

I can't remember about any locks/traps down here so I'm just gunna roll then check back when I have the time a bit later on.

Open Lock: [roll0]
Disable Device: [roll1]

2013-03-11, 11:50 PM
"Cremation might be a better option," Elias says thoughtfully while Santino works. "Denara isn't -- she wasn't very religious, so I doubt she'd mind. And if our grave robber is still at large it would keep the scoundrel from defiling her bones."

2013-03-12, 12:12 AM
"I'll see what I can do." Bria says while Santino (successfully) unlocks the chains holding the body in place. "Er, though, I don't really reccommend doing it inside either way. Any volunteer assistants?"

2013-03-12, 12:16 AM
Elias nods in assent. "I don't like the idea of choking on smoke." He swallows, looking a little paler. "Especially not from a body."

2013-03-14, 03:43 PM
Santino stands back. His eyes downcast in the presence of the corpse, the details that Denara's ghost had related to them rushing through his mind.

2013-03-14, 04:57 PM
"I'll find us a nice spot for a pyre, shall I?" Bria grunts, hefting the body (or, well, one half of it) up and beginning to drag it off.

2013-03-14, 08:05 PM
Elias steps forward to help lift the corpse, wheezing with effort (and the smell). "Thank you for doing this."

2013-03-14, 08:16 PM
"Oh I'm more than happy to help. This is a part of my duties, after all."

2013-03-17, 08:56 PM
The morbid excursion does not take them great lengths from the edges of town, though undoubtably any wandering merchants choosing this moment to appear would find the activity very strange. Eventually, Bria sets Denara's body down lightly and begins digging at the ground around it. The scratches in the ground eventually take the shape of a noontide sun motif, with the body lying atop the center circle.

Then, the priestess merely takes a torch, lights it, and begins the process, leading a moment of grim silence for the departed (so she thinks) soul.

2013-03-18, 11:03 PM
Elias remains and watches through the ceremony, head bowed, though as the smoke rises he looks increasingly shaken. Once the fire has smoldered out into ash, he nods gratefully to Bria and returns home in somber silence. He crosses the threshold of the Murals house looking grimmer than usual.

2013-03-18, 11:21 PM
Watching as Elias and the Priestess leave the house with the remains, Santino wanders about the house until he finds Denara's ghost.
Not really knowing what to say, he blabbers "So it's about time. Looking forward to finally being free of this place?"

2013-03-19, 03:29 AM
Orin bows to Elias as he enters. "It all went well then?" He frowns on seeing Elias' expression, "You look like you're out for retribution. What's our next step?"

2013-03-19, 04:23 PM
Bria nods at Orin. "Well, nothing attacked us, so it went fairly well."

Meanwhile, like an innocuous gust of wind, a quiet voice passes by Santino's ear. "Perhaps. 'Tis not all of you I wish to depart, however. And my debt remains unpaid."

2013-03-19, 06:16 PM
Elias collapses into one of the armchairs. "I don't know, honestly. I think we could do worse than to acquaint ourselves with the three unknown points of the star -- the gnome arcanist, Oswald Carston, and whoever owns the inn. Tomorrow I may be able to unearth some other clues. After that, well, I've got an excuse for returning to the magic shop: a scroll I didn't use. Even if he refuses to buy it back from me, I can strike up a conversation.
I suppose one or two of you could visit Carston or the innkeeper on some pretext. What that would be, I'm not sure... I'm not much good at subterfuge."