View Full Version : Greenbound summoning and Icebeast Template

2012-08-04, 06:02 PM
I was looking at the Ice beast template specifically when using the Summon Ice Beast spell.

My question is does that template stack on top of the Greenbound template if you have that feat? It seems like they would and it seems like most of the bonuses would stack with each other. You would lose a lot of the special attacks from greenbound but would you keep all the SLA's?

If they stack, it seems like an easy way to ruin an encounter for your DM as Greenbound is already practically broken by itself.

I'm away from my books atm but lets use a brown bear as the base summoned creature if anyone wants to figure it out. I unfortunately don't have its stats or all the benefits of greenbound summoning handy atm.

2012-08-04, 06:28 PM
No, the Ice Beast template changes the base creature's type to construct. Conjure Ice Beast is not a Summon Nature's Ally spell, and it does not summon animals.

From Conjure Ice Beast I:
Conjuration (Creation) [Cold]
"This spell creates a creature constructed from magical ice."

From the Greenbound Summoning feat:
"All animals that you summon using summon nature's ally acquire the greenbound template..."

2012-08-04, 06:31 PM
Ok, I wasn't sure what the wording was on greenbound summoning or how specific it was. I though it just applied to any animal you summon. It would have been fun though lol