View Full Version : Pathfinder Gunslinger in 3.5?

2012-08-04, 10:40 PM
Hi, n00b here. I'm going to be playing a 3.5 campaign with some friends at work, and was curious to know a couple of things. First off, if allowed, would having a Gunslinger from Pathfinder be worth it? Will the Clerics/Druids/Wizards completely make me worthless? Or even other classes for that matter?

The second, is if it is a feasible option, is there any 3.5 feats/items/ect. that I should look into to optimize my Gunslinger? I've already read most of the Gunslinger's Handbook, but not all of the pages, so if this has already been covered, I apologize in advance. Thanks!:smallcool:

2012-08-04, 10:52 PM
Well, looking around, the Gunslinger is around tier 4-ish, which means that yes, all those mean cleric, druids, and wizards could make you worthless. But those three classes can make practically anyone worthless if they work at it. If you want to play a gunslinger and port the class over to 3.5, and your DM is okay with it, I'd say go ahead and play one, but talk to your group and see if you can't work anything out where the more powerful characters won't overshadow you. Wizards, Clerics, and to an extent druids, can all be played at a much lower power level than people around here like to talk about. Don't get me wrong, the big three can wreck your day with magic, and they can do it pretty easily, but it's fairly simple while playing one to not do that. So as long as your group has a gentlemen's agreement about not overshadowing the mundanes, most classes can play well, and you can get some pretty solid builds out of tier 4, they might just be a little one trick pony at times.

2012-08-04, 11:04 PM
"Big Mean Druids/Clerics/Wizards..." Hehe, you made me giggle a little.

But seriously, I figured they'd be better than I, I just want to make sure that I won't end up bottom tier. I just want to optimize my build so I actually have a use to the party other than "cool looking guy in duster."

EDIT: Does 3.5 have the same spell-interrupting rules as Pathfinder? If so, I might make a dual-wielding gun-kata character utilizing the Snap Shot tree and Combat Reflexes and prevent anything from casting.

2012-08-04, 11:13 PM
Hi, n00b here. I'm going to be playing a 3.5 campaign with some friends at work, and was curious to know a couple of things. First off, if allowed, would having a Gunslinger from Pathfinder be worth it? Will the Clerics/Druids/Wizards completely make me worthless? Or even other classes for that matter?

The second, is if it is a feasible option, is there any 3.5 feats/items/ect. that I should look into to optimize my Gunslinger? I've already read most of the Gunslinger's Handbook, but not all of the pages, so if this has already been covered, I apologize in advance. Thanks!:smallcool:

Are you porting the PF guns over as well in Ultimate Combat (or whatever called) or does the Gunslinger use 3.5 guns in the DMG?

It is like the Warlock (Ranged Touch attks) except no magic and longer range (if using Musket). If DM has an issue with Warlock, he might dislike the Gunslinger.
If he has no issue with Warlock, he should have no issue with Gunslinger.

2012-08-04, 11:16 PM
First off, if allowed, would having a Gunslinger from Pathfinder be worth it?

If you go by Tier level, Gunslingers are most comparable to Fighters (which, while a tier 5 in 3.5, are arguably a tier 4 in PF, your mileage may vary).

The second, is if it is a feasible option, is there any 3.5 feats/items/ect. that I should look into to optimize my Gunslinger?

Already in 3.5? I'm not sure, never read to much into what guns there were.

Although as far as backward-converting goes, you will need to 'un-condense' the Skill list. Acrobatics and Perception are gone.
Definitely add Tumble and Spot.
Possibly add Balance and Search.
Jump/Listen are less likely.

Along with the general Firearm/Ammunition rules (duh), make sure you carry over the Grit feats (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/grit-feats) (should be fine as-is), and a few of the Firearm related Spells (http://www.google.com/cse?cx=006680642033474972217%3A6zo0hx_wle8&q=firearm#gsc.tab=0&gsc.q=firearm&gsc.ref=spells&gsc.sort=) (such as Reloading Hands (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/r/reloading-hands)). While you will be unlikely to cast them, maybe you can talk a friendly caster into learning/preparing them for you.

The only real loss would be the Deadly Aim feat, which as long as you are porting stuff anyway...

2012-08-04, 11:57 PM
First off, if allowed, would having a Gunslinger from Pathfinder be worth it? Will the Clerics/Druids/Wizards completely make me worthless? Or even other classes for that matter?

Well, I dunno if you've seen Saph's 3.5/Pathfinder Handbook (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=136890), but of those classes, Wizards were slightly buffed in the conversion from 3.5 to PF, Clerics came out about even, and Druids were rather nerfed. But really, the rough power level of all those classes remained the same (Tier 1), so the Gunslinger would be no more or no less overshadowed in 3.5 than in Pathfinder.

In other words - if the people you play with are hardcore optimizers and want to overshadow you... you will be overshadowed, just as you would be in a regular PF game.

2012-08-05, 12:17 AM
To be fair, her handbook doesn't account for all the broken spells that Tier One doesn't get, or that were fixed, in Pathfinder (nor should it).
Which doesn't change the fact that they are Tier One, and sadly doesn't really remove their ability to outclass other classes.

Any Pathfinder-classes should work well in 3.5. Some specific builds may not be possible because you get less feats, adjusting the skills may be somewhat painful and the spells are obviously restricted to PF-ones. But all of that isn't really a big hurdle, and the PF-classes really do represent concepts that are otherwise hard to play (at least for the Alchemist, Gunslinger, Inquisitor, Summoner and Magus).

2012-08-05, 01:31 AM
All right. Thanks for the replies! If all else fails, maybe I can convince the DM to at least let me use firearms and simply play a different character class. (Gunslinging Bard? :smalltongue:)

2012-08-05, 01:38 AM
Theres unofficial material from IronKingdoms which had a class like the gunslinger as I recall. Might be able to appropriate that easier.

2012-08-05, 11:49 AM
All right. Thanks for the replies! If all else fails, maybe I can convince the DM to at least let me use firearms and simply play a different character class. (Gunslinging Bard? :smalltongue:)

As far as tweaking an existing class, Ranger is probably your best bet.
PF has the Trophy Hunter (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/ranger/archetypes/paizo---ranger-archetypes/trophy-hunter) Archetype. It loses Wild Empathy and the Animal Companion, and the Bonus Combat feats are replaced with Grit feats/Gunslinger Deeds.
Should be the easiest replacement.