View Full Version : Necromancer Cleric who eschews saves? It is possible or will it suck utterly?

2012-08-05, 11:36 AM
As the title asks. I have a poor RL wisdom Score. However, I like the idea of the necromancer cleric but don't think I can RP high wisdom all that well. There is a feat called Dynamic Priest which switches your casting stat from wis to cha for all purposes except spell DCs. While this will allow standard clerics to just dump wisdom and focus on buffs, for a cleric looking to animate the dead and lead an undead army will this hurt me more then it will help me? I like the idea of a cha-based necromancer cleric, but I want to know if having crap DCs will hurt me as a Necromancer character?

I was thinking that since I'll have crap DCs that I would focus purely on undead animation and buffs/melee, eventually taking the Bone Knight PrC, which basically combines the two. However, I want to know, is such a necromantic character viable, or will the poor spell DCs just be too hindering?

2012-08-05, 11:49 AM
There's nothing in the game that forces a Cleric to use spells with DCs. As you say, buffs and minions make for a fine Necro-Cleric.

That said, high Wisdom doesn't have to be played in one particular way. A high Wis necromancer Cleric might be especially in-tune to whispers from the negative energy plane, making crazy decisions out of mad certainty.