View Full Version : Grimalkin Warshaper, is it worth while?

2012-08-05, 03:33 PM
I was lookin through the chaotic monstosity that is the Monster Manual II and came across the Grimalkin. Though it does seem week, if you change its type from shapeshifter to the more accruate description on a Magical Beast with shapeshifter as a subtype, it becomes quite formidable. and doing so also means that it would have a 4 BAB meaning that it could take it's first level in Warshaper. Doing so means that by 4th level of Warshaper you've got something that can compete with a fighter, or even exel it.

Some things I was wondering about though, would be the ECL and the best medium vermin, animal or beast would be. Best feats and equiptment would also be nice to know (Mage Hand would be a necessety for low level manipulation of objects) and what class to level in (I was thinking DFA because it would give a ranged attack).

Please comment, I'd really like to know what other people would suggest.

2012-08-05, 03:35 PM
Sorry about the double post, I got a error 500.

2012-08-05, 04:23 PM
The 3.5 update booklet says it's LA +3. I would make sure you're using that version, there may be other changes.

2012-08-05, 04:50 PM
Really? Plus Three? wow... Savage Species made it seem... less. That Spoiled my plan of using it... unless i die at level 7-11...

2012-08-06, 03:38 AM
Well, it doesn't have much going for it compared to other options, but it does gain the ability to assume any animal or vermin of medium size or smaller. The ability to become a fine creature is a perk. With +2Dex, a +4 racial bonus on move silent checks, and the ability to turn into a house fly (assuming access to the stats), you'd make a pretty decent scout. Plus you have empathy, which isn't near as good as detect thoughts, but it is an extraordinary ability.

A higher level alternative is the Changesteed Leucrotta, from City of Splendors: Waterdeep. 8HD, +4LA (cohort), and it can change shape into any Medium or Large animal or magical beast. I haven't combed the books yet, but I imagine there are some pretty solid magical beasts out there, especially with access to assume supernatural ability. There's no HD limit as far as I can tell, but I'd expect a DM to run HD of form assumed equal to or less than the character's HD.

2012-08-06, 04:02 AM
"Grimalkin: Magical Beast (Shapechanger); 5 ft./5 ft.; Climb +2, Hide +2,
Jump +5, Listen +2, Move Silently +6, Spot +2; Acrobatic, Improved Initiative;
LA +3; Type becomes magical beast (shapechanger) instead of shapechanger.
Change Hit Dice to 4d10 (22 hp). Change attacks to 2 claws +3 melee and bite –2 melee. Change Will save to +2. Replace Polymorph with Alternate Form
(Su): Can assume any animal or vermin form of Medium size or smaller as a
free action. This ability functions as a polymorph spell cast on itself at a caster level of 4th, except that the creature does not regain hit points for changing form and can only assume the form of an animal or vermin. The creature can remain in its animal or vermin form until it chooses to assume a new one or return to its natural form." 3.5 MM2 update

If you want this to work, see if the DM will be reasonable wit hthe LA. +1 should be plenty, unless one is going to abuse "fine" critters. free action is pretty damn fast/useful as well, but i dunno.

Warshaper sounds good, but you certainly don't need the capstone ability!

2012-08-06, 12:16 PM
For Warshaper, I really prefer Changeling or Hengeyokai (Especially since the 3.5 made them a LA 0). With no level adjustment, you just take four levels of full BAB, or maybe even a couple of assorted 3/4 BAB and get everything but the Capstone.

Although, If you play a sneaky spy/infiltrator Changling, the capstone can come in handy when escaping from an assassination scene. Walk around a corner and change shape.