View Full Version : [Pathfinder] When is his buff going to run out?

2012-08-06, 01:21 AM
I'm currently in a PBP arena-style PVP match against another fellow. He has chugged what I believe is a Potion of Fly and is currently hovering about 50ft above my head, well out of range of my spells and melee attacks.

How can I tell how long his 'Fly' buff is going to last? Can Detect Magic do the job? Spellcraft? Knowledge: Arcana?

What can I do to prepare for future matches where I need to know the duration of an enemy's buff? (Apart from preparing more ranged spells :P )

2012-08-06, 01:30 AM
Spellcraft to identify spells as they are cast.

2012-08-06, 01:36 AM
Does drinking a potion count? Can spellcraft tell me the duration of the spell if so?

2012-08-06, 01:37 AM
As it was a potion you haven't got many options.

A spellcraft would tell you the spell if it was being cast. Then I guess a knowledge local would tell you, your opponents level so you know ow long the spell lasted.

Not sure any rules that will tell you the power of a potion, as it duration depends on the caster level of the potion.