View Full Version : Backstabber

2012-08-10, 06:11 AM
So i have a quick question about the Backstab Feat,

so according to the feat if I am behind lets say a Hell Hound and my fighter friend is right in its face. every time the hell hound attacks the fighter, as long as i am flanked i get to make an attack of opportunity. correct right?

i just want to be sure i an doing this correctly before taking a Feat that would be a waste if there is something i am missing.

have at it!

2012-08-10, 08:27 AM
Source for that feat? Only reference I can find online is on D&Dwiki.

Just from your description, though, make sure you're taking the 1 AoO/round limit into account (or circumventing it with Combat Reflexes).

2012-08-10, 08:54 AM
The Dragon magazine feat? It's not commonly used because it's...well...Dragon Magazine, and a lot of DMs aren't comfortable with it. It's not a bad feat by any means, especially if there's a reason why they'd hit someone other than you (you're invisible, you've got miss chance and the other guy doesn't, etc.).

Combat Reflexes is a prereq, so that's taken care of.

2012-08-10, 09:23 AM
I always forget the source

Preq: is combat reflexes

source is Dragon mag 340 pg 86