View Full Version : Help with a buffer/healer build

2012-08-10, 08:00 AM
So i'm going to be starting a new D&D3.5 game with some friends soon and I need a bit of build advice. We decided to do a rotating DM game because finding the time to get together and game is hard enough without stressing one person out trying to plan everything as well. Currently, our group consists of:

A Sorc/Hexblade as our main arcane, planning on building into full casting in medium armor so he can be in smacking range as well.

A Scout for ranged fun and he's picking up all our trapfinding needs.

A Dragon Shaman as extra melee/buffs. He'll be able to help with the healing using the regen aura and lay on hands.

Everyone will be ECL 6, standard wealth, No evil alignments allowed. Books allowed are the Races of X, Complete X, UA and core with anything else outside of those getting approved of by the group.

My biggest problem is i'll be taking care of our healing and buffing needs with help from the Sorc and Shaman, but I really don't play that role.... ever. I am much more of a glass cannon kinda guy, so i'm not too sure of what will compliment the group well. Also, i'm very much a min/max kinda player most times and for this game we have 2 people who don't know the system very well so i'm trying not to go too overboard so nothing insanely over the top (ex. DMM+Persist YES would probably be frowned upon). What i've been finding so far:

Cleric/Radiant Servant for the straight cleric approach and to take care of all our Undead-be-gone needs. Good spells, good spell progression, access to domains and heavy armor so I can stay close enough to emergency heal in combat if I absolutely must. Alternatively pelting things w/a bow while useing divine ward to heal from a distance.

Crusader or Crusader/Cleric/Ruby Knight for less reliance on healing spells and more options for what to do durring combat. Downside is once combats over I have only my reduced spells to fall back on for healing, though wands will still let me get around that at this level. Some of the lockdown options for these look rather interesting. After all, if everyone's only smacking me it makes healing that much easier.

Cleric/Monk/Sacred Fist mainly for the same reasons as the crusader options above just with alittle different flavor.

Bard/lyric Thaumaturge/Sublime Chord for nice buffs and a constant way to add damage to everyone in the group via Dragonfire Inspiration. Would still have cure spells on my list but lose out on Heal and higher level divine spells. If I went this route i'd definately be ranged, not a battle bard for personal preference.

Also for consideration, Book of Exalted Deeds will probably be allowed so i've thought about taking VoP with some of the above characters because I know the missing divine focus wont be an issue. Any advice/suggestions/builds would be greatly appreciated as I keep bouncing back and forth between ideas and can't seem to make up my mind. Thank you great forum sages!


2012-08-10, 08:27 AM
Even without the DMM persist route, playing a buffing cleric can be pretty awesome. I played through RHoD with my friends as a buffing cleric, but instead of prepping a lot of heal spells, I just made it so it was really hard us.

I recommend the Family Domain (SC) and as many Mass spells as you can get your hands on. Get the Spell Compendium allowed. Sacred Healing is a good feat. At level 6, you're on the verge of doing some pretty sweet things with some of your spells, so Divine Spell Power might be a good one to consider for boosting some of your spells over the edge.

Depending on how much buffing you intend to do, you might want to pick another domain that grants you buffs that you wouldn't normally be allowed through the base class. Plant Domain is one of these, getting you access to scalable barkskin.

King Atticus
2012-08-10, 12:05 PM
I've never really played a Divine Caster but I'll throw my 2cp in here anyway.

A great buffing class is War Weaver (HoB 112) it lets you throw out buffs to the whole party at the same time and release up to 4 pre-stored buffs as a move action. Where it gets problamatic for your needs is that it requires the ability to cast 3rd level arcane spells and it loses 1 level of spells. But it's only a 5 level PrC so it could be decent for a theurge type build depending on what level you're going to be playing him. Maybe something along the lines of Wizard (Transmuter) 5/ Cleric 3/ War Weaver 5/ Mystic Theurge 7. It wouldn't be hugely optimized but it could be a really decent buffer. You can cast up to 5th level spells through your weave to benefit the entire party with one casting as long as that spell is saving throw: (harmless). I think it would be mostly arcan buffs but you'd get to throw healing spells to the whole party in a lower level spell slot than a mass spell. If you do go this route I would make sure to pick up the Ability Enhancer feat to add an extra +2 to any spells that enhance ability scores (ie: Bull Strength is now +6 insted of +4).

Hope that helps at least add another option

EDIT: Wow totally missed the ECL 6 part of your post, sorry 'bout that

Manly Man
2012-08-10, 12:16 PM
Honestly, while I admit that I have a bit of an unhealthy love for Tome of Battle, I'm still going to recommend the Crusader idea, especially if you take the multiclassing route. From there, if you want to have more healing spells- though, as you said, wands can help with that- take levels as a Cleric, since you'll still get maneuvers, albeit rather slowly. If you want to be more of a buffer, continue with the Crusader and focus more on White Raven maneuvers than any others, making Devoted Spirit your secondary choice. Both disciplines have good buffs, although Devoted Spirit is more for yourself so as to keep the bad guys away, while the White Raven discipline will definitely help out the melee aspect of your Hexblade, and possibly your Scout if he decides to get up close and personal with a bit of two-weapon fighting.

2012-08-11, 01:15 PM
Ok, so probably leaning more towards Cleric or cleric/crusader then, any build advice from there? It seems most people suggest taking a glaive and armor spikes w/thicket of blades to make sure nothing can move away from you. Also it seems the normal build is something like cleric 4/Crusader 16, and specific reason? Sorry, I'm AFB this weekend so I can't look it up myself to see. Thanks all!