View Full Version : Help me finish this build...

2012-08-10, 12:15 PM
Hi, this is my first time posting, though I've been silently reading and learning from you all for a while now.

While bored at work, I like to think of hypothetical builds, and I'd like your help finishing this one.

10 levels of imagist (for the auto sanc), not sure what to grab afterwards

1.low key (has to be taken 1st level) - Quint rogue
2.Low key + (the feat that needs low key as a prereq. Name escapes me) -Quint Rogue
3. Sacred Vow -Exalted Deeds
4. Vow of Nonviolence -Exalted Deeds
5. Vow of Peace -Exalted Deeds
6. Submisive Demeanor - Erotic Fantasy
7. Truly Submissive - Erotic Fantasy

This is 18 levels worth of feats for a non human. Any ideas for a human feat, and other class levels?

2012-08-10, 12:16 PM
I don't think you're going to get too too much help with a BoEF build on these forums XD

2012-08-10, 02:13 PM
Well, I guess the point of the build is to make something that's difficult to hit, without relying on AC. A bunch of layers of different will-saves and whatnot to get through. I didn't realize BoEF had that bad a reputation. It's just coincidence that about half of that stuff is from there... oh well. Thanks anyways.

What forum might I get help with this on? I figured since it was a 3.5 build, this was the place.

2012-08-10, 02:34 PM
Well, the main problem is that people on these boards mostly stick to WotC/Paizo (for PF) approved material unless explicitly stated otherwise. Dragon Magazine sometimes gets a pass, but stuff like Quintessential Rogue mostly just goes under people's radar. Additionally, most people aren't used to optimizing around 3rd party material, especially material as...shall we say, notorious as the BoEF.

You might get a better response by asking for a good place to go just based on your BoED feats.

2012-08-10, 08:25 PM
Thanks. I'll keep that in mind from now on.