View Full Version : Ways to make others move [3.5]

2012-08-11, 01:10 AM
So I've played a bit of 4E recently, and I've realized that I don't really use any effect that makes others move: aside from bull rushing, I don't actually know how to move someone else's mini during your turn, in order to, for example, put them in harm's way, or out of it, or pull them off of a caster. Are there spells or items that allow you to do that?

2012-08-11, 01:24 AM
Slide and Greater Slide in the Spell Compendium.

2012-08-11, 01:39 AM
Moving around in combat isn't really covered by the rules except to note that you can provoke attacks of opportunity if you move past someone who can threaten you. That generally makes combat pretty static, you can't push people back, pull them out of a combat line, maneuver them so that the sun is in their eyes, etc except by DM fiat. DND combat is simplified as a result which makes it fast paced and easy to learn and play but you trade away realism and tactics as a result.

2012-08-11, 01:44 AM
Tome of Battle has a series of very nice maneuvers in the Setting Sun school that allow you to grab and throw your opponent. Each of the maneuvers allows you to do different things with it whether it be to throw them further, deal damage by hitting someone else with them, harm enemies in a line with them, or other stuff.

A swordsage/warblade in one of my games came very close to succeeding at throwing a half-dragon mummy into a pool of lava using the lowest level maneuver for throwing in setting sun. However, he got 3 bad rolls in a row and failed on all attempts. He had something like a 50% chance of doing it at the time though.

2012-08-11, 01:50 AM
Just off the top of my head...

Reverse Gravity: Up :smalltongue:.
Benign Transposition: Swap 2 willing creatures
Baleful Transposition: Swap 2 creatures
Defenestrating Sphere: Yes you read that right.
Repel Metal/Wood/Stone: Away
Telekinesis: Move anyone/anything any direction

Hmm ya, telekinesis can do just about any moving you want.

2012-08-11, 01:51 AM
There's the feat Knock-Back in Races of Stone, which gives you a free bull rush on every melee attack. There's also the Brutal Surge weapon property in MIC, which does the same thing but with limited daily uses.

If you have friendly characters wanting to move each other, everyone can jump into a big grapple and each person moves the grapple on their turn. With enough people to make a big enough grapple-ball (which is never bigger than the largest creature's square) you can actually move faster than the speed of light.

2012-08-11, 01:53 AM
lets see...
get a bag full of wasps...
wear it on the enemys head...
watch him running like crazy :P