View Full Version : Masochistic Party...

2012-08-12, 09:16 PM
So, after our five-man level 6 party (Antipaladin/Marshal, Oracle, Rogue/Assassin, Wizard and Witch) finish off 8 guecubus (CR 8 each), we were checking our maps to find wanted targets, since we are bounty hunters. We had a choice of fighting a Moon-Beast (PFSRD), an Ebon Spider (PFSRD again), an 11-headed pyrohydra, or a custom-built challenge by the DM, where each of us would tackle a mini-dungeon.

Moon-Beast is THIS; http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/aberrations/moon-beast and CR 11.

Ebon Spider is THIS; http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/magical-beasts/ebon-spider and CR 12, though it's AC is 30(!!!) and touch AC is 20.

Pyrohydras... are hydras. Not that hard for our party to take down.

However, they decide to split the party, which is not a good idea, ever. Also, since my character landed in a holy room with a glowing pillar, he does what a WIS 8 Antipaladin would do; lick the pillar. He almost lost his tongue. He then almost decided to take a dump on it, but the DM said no, as to keep this PG-13.


For some reason, they didn't want to do the hydra, though, even though two of us have fire resistance 5 versus it's piddly 11 breath weapons of 3d6 fire, and both me and rogue have these bonuses while flanking

Me: +13/+8 10ft reach (2d6+16 15-20 x2)

Rogue : +15/+15 15ft reach (1d6+1+1d6 fire/cold plus 4d6 sneak attack)

Which averages to, if all attacks hit, 46 damage from me, and from 11d6+2 total from her, 40.

Two rounds would have killed the bloody thing, NOT including the wizard's kickass spells and other stuff, but they decide to go into possible TPK zone.

It should be interesting, though.

Had any masochistic party moments yourselves, Playground?

2012-08-12, 11:25 PM
My group lives on self inflicted pain.

In a particularly long running campaign, our party was a thre man group. A Tanking exotic weaponmaster Dwarf, a Monster Manual Illithid (He turned down the Psionic version the DM suggested) and a Ranger-Assassin (me).

After a couple of thieving jobs, and some work ridding a powerful city of a blighter and a secret cabal of villians, we were moderately powerful citizens in the city. I even joined the assassin's guild and worked my way up to the third in command. We had set ourselves up really well in the city, to the point of becoming land owners, guildmembers and public figures.
Eventually, we were given the chance to inflitrate a rival city's army, which we took. While gathering information and stealing documents and other things, we were split up, and given a challenge specific to our character's strengths and weaknesses. Each of these things below had a simple answer to it, and yet we chose rediculous solutions.. apparently just to hurt ourselves.

For the Dwarf his was to direct a large group of fighters. He was challenged by an Old Gold Dragon to get the platoon to fight the dragon despite the dragon's fear aura. The DM was giving him bonuses to their saves depending on his actions and words. he role-played out the beging of a braveheart like speech as the dragon charged. Even getting a handfull of people to stand and ready to fight. Then the army was reset adn the dragon was told by the generral to actually attack (he was given a MacGuffin to only deal non-leathal Damage). During the ensuing attack the Dwarf was ready to give a rousing speech when the player turned to the group and said "F--- it". and charged the Dragon screaming "Follow me to Glory!" He was level 15 at the time (i think) and proceeded to whomp the dragon through lucky criticals (also he was given wooden weapons for the exersize).

For me I had to lead a group in a game of capture the flag. Everything was going well until i decided to use the game as an opertunity to raid the general's quarters. The Illithid had the same idea. And It would have been easy had either of us planned ahead. But no. I did id spur of the moment, passing the DM a "panic note" so that the others wouldn't know (we were all at the same table) and decided that I'd dress up in the colors of the team I was supposed to beat. I got into the general's tent and started rummaging through his stuff when the DM called for a listen check which i aced. After hiding i watched the illithid in our party (who had been using a hat of disguise to look human) slip in. We had a hell of a laugh when i revealed myself. Then i convinced him to use PLane Shift to take the maps and chest i stole to a hidden place on another plane. He agreed adn poofed away. Just in time for the general to come in. A quick bluff and lots of running helped me escape... without planning any evidence or anything. And of course my team lost because I wasn't there to lead them.

Meanwhile (I forgot what the Illithid was supposed to do) my squid-faced friend plane shifted and hid the cest. and then decided to plane shift back... not realizing that plane shift is innacurate (I knew and giggled). He rolled extremely poorly, ending up 350 miles away from the army, in the coldest part of the campaign world's mountains. it took him a long time to get back, suffering frostbite and the loss of three fingers adn two tentacles.

So... yeah, we like "Challenging" ourselves. :smallconfused:

2012-08-12, 11:36 PM
One of my players lives for this.

So there's the party (a dromite psion, human rogue/nightsong infiltrator and dwarven barbarian/ranger/horizon walker), and as they're walking, they see these skulls with glowing red eyes floating in their path. The rogue Searches and realises that it's a trap. He goes to disarm it, and fails on a low roll.

The dwarf, tired of waiting, simply walks back 30 feet, and then runs.

Straight through the trap.

15d6 of fire damage later, she staggers out of the trap, walking due solely because of Die Hard.

The other players were completely aghast.

2012-08-13, 01:25 AM
One of my players lives for this.

So there's the party (a dromite psion, human rogue/nightsong infiltrator and dwarven barbarian/ranger/horizon walker), and as they're walking, they see these skulls with glowing red eyes floating in their path. The rogue Searches and realises that it's a trap. He goes to disarm it, and fails on a low roll.

The dwarf, tired of waiting, simply walks back 30 feet, and then runs.

Straight through the trap.

15d6 of fire damage later, she staggers out of the trap, walking due solely because of Die Hard.

The other players were completely aghast.

Hehe... back when we first converted our second ed characters to 3rd we had an evoker who used to do this (charge through traps and kill NPCs who were trying to talk to us). As well as drop maxed fireballs at his feet because he had spell resistance (even knowing some of us didn't).

Mithril Leaf
2012-08-13, 01:33 AM
I personally love to murder dragons above my CR. Tricky tactics and fun setups let me win more often than my sheet would suggest, but a single blow from the dragon would probably kill me. Oh, and I challenged a Solar to single combat. At level 15. As a psion. I managed to kill it through a mixture of simply silly force attacks and spammed minions. The DM was rightfully a bit amazed.

2012-08-13, 06:38 AM
I had a player *Choose* to play a *Monk* when I explicitly allowed unarmed swordsage. Spelled it out and gave the page ref, pre chargen.

She rolled a monk anyhow.

Not sure how you could get more masochistic than that.