View Full Version : Planar exchange for crafting?

2012-08-12, 09:20 PM
Just started playing and chose an artificer. I am lv 16 and am warforged. I have a portable hole that I keep in my chest creation matrix style. In the portable hole is a dedicated wight and a fully stocked lab.
Is it possible to use planar exchange to swap places with an entity from a plane where time flows quicker or stands still? Trying to cut down on crafting time.
I realise I would be in stasis but I was hoping my wight could carry on working. It would also have the advantage that nothing can hurt me while in the other plane.
Thought the spirit plane might work if that's where the summmons come from.
Oh, I have knowledge planes 18 and Int 27 if that affects things.
Thanks in advance for any help.

2012-08-13, 09:50 AM
I'm not sure what you are trying to accomplish with Planar Exchange. Your choices are from a limited group of cretures, none of which come from a plane that explicitedly has a differance in time (that i know of)... and your PC's mind is basically transfered to the summoned creature anyway, so you're not really cutting down on the crafting time if you're making items.

Also, you would actually need to bring your lab to the plane where time runs faster than on your home plane. And if your DM allows this you'd still take the time to make things but the time you're away would be less... but much of this feels like its DM specific.

Also, you just started playing...? And immedeately chose Artificer and are looking for loopholes for crafting already...? wow. just wow.

2012-08-13, 12:06 PM
Thanks for the reply. Yep started out at lvl 15 joining an ongoing campaign. Read enough on the boards to know about optimization but am a bit unsure about what is and is not cheesy but more than happy to drop anything when educated.
I like the open ended problem solving aspect you get in 3.5 that you don't get in video games and chose the artificer because I thought gadgets would make him a good problem solver. Turned out to be a steep learning curve though.
I'm not trying to get him to do crazy damage or craft for pennies. The fast paced nature of the campaign means that there is no downtime for crafting. I like making bespoke items like a crystal of arcane steel for the duskblade etc

With regards to planar exchange.
My lab is in my portable hole with my wight who crafts for me so they would be along for the ride.
I just couldn't figure out if the wight ended up in stasis too or what plane the summoned beings came from.
There might not be an answer because the whole thing is a daft idea.

Thanks again

2012-08-13, 06:43 PM
Ah, that clears a bunch of questions up.

Usually the folks around here are all about chiming in and letting people know what works, what doesn't and what they think... i dunno haw I'm the only one commenting...

Also I usually don't play characters that craft items or over the top casters (usually i like support roles for casters), so my advice might not be the soundest...

But as you pointed out the wright would show up with you (as he is in the bag that is on your person) but he shouldn't be in suspended animation as the pocket dimension exists in a different dimension from where your body is. However i cannot find any exact rules to quote for that.

Edit: I forgot to point out that Planar Exchange limits you to the following creatures: an avoral guardinal, bone devil, or babau demon.
The Avoral is drawn from a good aligned plane (most often Elysium), Bone Devils come from a CE aligned plane (almost always the Abyss) and the Babau Demon is from a Lawful Evil plane (mostly the Nine Hells). All of these should be mentioned in the DMG. Other than those places you might need to ask your DM if they can be draw from elsewhere...