View Full Version : Ahh, Cats, they just lead to the most wonderful of surprises

2012-08-13, 11:29 AM
So, I was just discussing payment for some lawn care when I noticed one of my cats batting at something on the sidewalk and acting freaked out and agitated. So I head over there and think that it's killed a chipmunk or something and so I have to clean it up.

Turns out it's actually a baby squirrel that still has its eyes sealed shut. So now I'm trying to find information from websites that are hopelessly outdated and feel like they're from the 90s in order to try to prevent it from dying on me & finding a wildlife rehabilitator.

Got it laying up on a t-shirt on top of a hot water bottle and a heating pad underneath the nestbox it's in right now because it wasn't as warm as the one source I've found so far said it should be.

Argh. x.x

2012-08-13, 12:03 PM
Okay, I'd still keep trying to find a wildlife rehabilitator in your area, but in the meantime:

Squirrel eyes usually open between the 19th and 21st Day, so yours is younger than that. Which means it will likely need to drink or even eat soon. Check out the following http://www.squirrel-rehab.org/rehabinfo/infantfeeding.html for more details and good luck.

2012-08-13, 12:04 PM
You can get Kitten Milk Replacement formula at most pet stores. I'd recommend calling a veterinarian straight away.

2012-08-13, 12:14 PM
Agreed on calling your local vets. They can point you in the right place. They're also sometimes equipped to deal with wild animals until they can be placed into rehabilitation.

2012-08-13, 01:12 PM
Your local US Forest Service dept or game warden can also be of assistance.

If that fails, ping me...I raised a baby chimpmunk once in similar circumstances, and it's possible that the same care would work. Still, an expert would be better.

2012-08-13, 02:57 PM
Got it back up above room temperature and it's properly warm to the touch which was what I was mostly worried about, tried and failed to contact relevant authorities for the day, successfully fed it some kitten milk stuff recommended by a coworker who had nursed squirrels back to health when she was a young girl living out in the country. Wasn't interested in water until after it ate, so I'm thinking it wasn't too dehydrated.

Then again, I'm almost positive that I found it within minutes of it ending up on the sidewalk, or the cats would have offed it.

So it seems alright for now. Estimates from what I've seen is that it's nearly to the point of opening its eyes, which means the really, really fragile baby animal stage is almost over for it, so it seems like it'll have good odds of lasting till I can get it to the right people.

2012-08-13, 02:59 PM
Hate to be the heartless one here, but I've got a feeling your cat is going to be giving you stern looks for stoping him from having his snack.

2012-08-13, 03:22 PM
Hate to be the heartless one here, but I've got a feeling your cat is going to be giving you stern looks for stoping him from having his snack.

She's gotten to kill plenty of things and they'd just been fed, which is why it wasn't dead by the time I got there. She was just playing with it and actually acting somewhat confused and frightened by it. It might even have landed on her, actually, come to think of it.

Sadly I couldn't just leave it to be reclaimed by the parents... if squirrels even have good enough paternal instincts to do so, which I doubt.

They're already testy with me for moving them into town again from being out in the country & having shaved them this summer.

And making them wear collars again so that people don't just steal them, thinking they're well-fed and groomed strays that just happen to be really really friendly and hang around one particular house.

2012-08-13, 03:45 PM
on behalf of cats everywhere we forgive u :smallbiggrin:

2012-08-13, 03:55 PM
She's gotten to kill plenty of things and they'd just been fed, which is why it wasn't dead by the time I got there. She was just playing with it and actually acting somewhat confused and frightened by it. It might even have landed on her, actually, come to think of it.

Sadly I couldn't just leave it to be reclaimed by the parents... if squirrels even have good enough paternal instincts to do so, which I doubt.

They're already testy with me for moving them into town again from being out in the country & having shaved them this summer.

And making them wear collars again so that people don't just steal them, thinking they're well-fed and groomed strays that just happen to be really really friendly and hang around one particular house.

Aaah, ok. Completely understandable.

Also...how are people as stupid as that last thing you just said?

Juggling Goth
2012-08-13, 03:56 PM
You check baby birds for dehydration by (gently!) pinching their skin and seeing if it springs back (good) or stays wrinkled (bad). Dunno if squirrels are similar.

The Succubus
2012-08-13, 06:04 PM
How are your chickens doing these days, JG? =)

2012-08-13, 06:22 PM
Aaah, ok. Completely understandable.

Also...how are people as stupid as that last thing you just said?

I'm pretty sure they just steal cats if they think they're pretty enough/they attract their attention and think no one will miss them/the cat takes advantage of their willingness to let the cat explore and get attention and food from strangers.

I'm honestly not that concerned about it, since I don't actually care if they go to live with someone else as I mostly took them because my roommates love cats and my parents were moving... and I also don't think it's quite as common as my friend's mom who is the most adamant about the collars thinks it is. Then again, I've only recently been someone who owned long-haired, pretty cats.

2012-08-14, 03:22 PM
Sadly, my optimism was unwarranted, and the little one has passed away as of this morning. Currently resting up and recovering my strength from the day to dig it a grave of sorts.

2012-08-15, 12:20 AM
hugs for COidzor :smallfrown:

Juggling Goth
2012-08-15, 04:23 PM
Coidzor - aw, I'm sorry to hear that. Maybe it was in shock from the cat. It was good of you to try, anyway.

Succubus - they're good, thanks. One got mysteriously very sick in May, but recovered with syringe-feeding and just throwing antibiotics and painkillers at it, whatever it was. They're really enjoying the blackberry harvest.

2012-08-15, 07:30 PM
Sorry to hear that. Someone found a baby squirrel with it's eyes closed at a Wilderness program I was at. It died in the night even though one of the councillors kept it in her jacket all night and fed it with egg whites from a syringe. :smallfrown: