View Full Version : [PF] Mounted Halfling

2012-08-13, 09:34 PM
Playing in a new rise of the rune lords adventure path. Would like some feedback and suggestions on my possible build. Never played rune lords, but my friend (our fighter) has, and said at level 7 I will be needing to crank out some big damage totals because the difficulty will start to ramp up.

party: human fighter (sword and board), human cleric, human sorcerer, and me. I will be needing to pick up the damage dealing slack, as our sorcerer is a horrible player. The fighter is no slouch, and will be doing all the damage a sword and board fighter can cranky out. The cleric is mediocre.

basically the build will gain death star at level 7, with flurry of blows on a spirited charging lance. (cheesy I know)

level 1 Cavalier <emissary/beast rider/order of the sword> 1

Mounted Combat
Ride By Attack

level 2 Monk <sohei> 1

Spirited Charge

level 3 Monk 2

Wheeling Charge
Boon Companion

level 4 Monk 3
level 5 Monk 4

Risky Striker

level 6 Monk 5
level 7 Monk 6

Weapon Focus: Lance
Mounted Skirmisher

level 8 Cavalier 2
level 9 Cavalier 3

Power Attack

level 10 Cavalier 4
level 11 Cavalier 5

Indomitable Mount

level 12 Cavalier 6

Trick Riding

level 13+ Cavalier...

our stat array was 16,15,14,13,12,11

I have
14 STR
16 DEX
15 CON
13 INT
12 WIS
13 CHA

I am riding a wolf with toughness for his feat choice.
I plan to graduate to small cat at level 4 and take advantage of the 500ft sprint ability they have. I know small cat isn't on the beast rider's list but the GM told me he wouldn't let me ride any of the dinosaurs (I bluffed him, I'd never ride a dinosaur as a halfling) so we compromised that I could ride my battle cat, like He-Halfling.

My traits:
reactionary +2 init
ex-malitia soldier +2 ride

racial traits:
outrider +2 ride +2 handle animal
underfoot +1 dodge ac (hard choice here, but I figure the monk levels are enough bonus to my saves)

thanks for reading, and suggestions appreciated.

2012-08-13, 09:41 PM
When I read the topic, I couldn't help but think Summoner. An Eidolon could deal the damage you would like. And a halfling could ride it as a mount.

This may not be what you are after though since you are looking more for the "Slash slash kill kill" approach and not the "Summon Hellbeast, Buff, Sic 'em Boy!"

2012-08-14, 07:54 PM
ya, I'm more after a highly mobile striker who doesn't buff.

however, I am curious how this would compare to a halfling full cavalier, or halfling/goblin mounted fury barbarian, goblin using dervish dance feat with a similar build, and even a gnome summoner riding an eidolon.

I'm just curious what a top build would be for a small rider on a medium mount?

I'm also looking for ideas for mount feats and possibly teamwork feats for the mount and rider.

or feat alternatives for my current build.