View Full Version : Weird West Game Test

Kojiro Kakita
2012-08-13, 11:10 PM
The day is June 1st 1875. Even though reconciliation between the North and South has not yet occurred, for the Union, the last ten years have been years of expansion. The Indians have been driven from fertile lands waiting for white settlers and the country has railroads traverse from sea to shining sea. Yet even though the country extends from sea to shining sea, areas of the country remains untamed and deadly.

The train you find yourself on is heading to one of these places, to cowboy country, the city of San Antonio. As you traveled across the country,you have heard interesting rumors about the city. There have been tales of a mirage like city being made of gold appearing to the south east, an Indian medicine man named Raven gathering followers to perform a dance to grant the Indians an immortal army to reclaim their lands, and that the various cattle barons were gearing up for war against one another.

However, while those tales interest you, what concerns you at the moment is the conductor coming down the aisle and checking for tickets.

Robert O
2012-08-13, 11:43 PM
I give the conductor my ticket, and immediately following that introduce myself to the person on my right intentionally ignoring the person on my left. The man on my left has shifty eyes so I know that I can not trust him that or repeated blows to the left side of the head due to boxing cause me to favor my right. I hold my hand out and wait for his reply.

2012-08-14, 12:09 AM
James Tatham was sitting in his seat, idly watching the countryside go by. The train wasn't part of the Union Pacific Railroad, so was off duty, but he still carried his credentials and Colt Single Action Army with him. His Winchester was stowed with his luggage.

He didn't much care about too many of the rumors. Cattle barons fighting each other was just another of the economic and political games like that which embroiled his employer, now mired in the aftermath of the so-called Crédit Mobilier Scandal.

While he knew better than to think that so-called magic was merely fiction or the work of the devil, the mystical El Dorado that had enticed many an adventurer seemed just a bit too far-fetched for him. The sort of thing a desperate man looking for a get-rich-quick scheme would invent, spread rumors about, and then sell fake maps and information.

The Indians weren't much of his business either. That was what the Army was for, and he was sure a number of his politically-connected former comrades who thought they were surely in for cushy, fancily-titled jobs in the post-war Army were cursing their luck at backwater posts fighting off Indian raids.

But he was a former soldier, so careful of his surroundings, he made sure he was keeping a casual eye on the goings-on around him. His revolver was loaded and safely in its holster, but as the conductor approached he pulled out his ticket and offered it to the man.

2012-08-14, 01:27 AM
The whiskered, somewhat stout man in the top hat and suit had begun to dose off, the newspapers he had been reading laid out on his lap. The conductor looked down, unsure exactly what to do. He asked again. “Sir?”

Fortunately, the passenger next to him hadn’t fallen prey to the wily ways of sleep. “Mr. Eastman, sorry to wake you up but the conductor’s here,” the fellow train rider said while gently nudging him.

“Huh?” Mr. Eastman woke up with a start, scattering papers all across the floor. “Oh dear, what a mess—oh, yes conductor?“

“Tickets, please,” the conductor answered, stifling a chuckle.

“Oh, right, I have them right here,” Mr. Eastman said. He pulled out four tickets from his suit and handed them to the conductor as he said, “For me, Mr. Darrell Eastman, along with Mr. O’Malley and Mr. Guther who are behind me.”

The conductor glanced back and saw two large, burly men sitting right behind Mr. Eastmen. They sported revolver holsters on their belts—worn in such a manner in order to intimidate anyone who would threaten them or their boss. The two men stared down the conductor, who hastily looked away.

Mr. Eastman continued: “And the fourth is for Miss Lin.”

More than eager to avert his gaze from the tough-looking guards, the conductor cast his gaze on the passenger sitting next to Mr. Eastman. The first thing that struck him—and stuck with him—was how extraordinarily pretty she was. That she was Asian, a race he wasn’t very familiar with, didn’t negatively influence his appraisal of her. Besides, he thought to himself, she’s actually paler than what I thought Chinese people are supposed to look like. Perhaps I could pretend she's white.

She gave him the slightest hint of a smile then went back to going through a sheaf of papers filled with chicken scratch-like etchings. Probably that Chinese gibberish of hers. But wait, if my ears didn’t catch that, didn’t she just speak in perfectly accented English? And wow, I never knew that beautiful Asians existed.

No, no, she must have been an illusion. He secretly looked at her again. There she was, appearing just like she had when he first laid his eyes upon her. Falling for a Chinese girl…man my co-workers are going to make fun of me so much for this, he said to himself as he moved on to take the ticket of the next passenger.


As the young lady pored over her papers, Mr. Eastman, now wide awake and in a good mood, leaned over to shake the hand and introduce himself to the man sitting across the aisle from him: “Name’s Eastman, pleasure to meet you.” (OOC: Directed towards Robert O)


That was life, she thought as the conductor moved on.

Lin Mei Hua was used to it. Or at least thought she was and could act like she was. Mentally shrugging it off, she squinted a little as she tried to make sense of the squiggly lines and dots that filled up the page. Frustrated, she sighed and switched to a different set of notes, the one with her lessons on the Apache and Comanche languages. Thankfully, this made more sense than that other language, especially since knowing these languages was what she was being paid for.

Those delusional men could talk about cities of gold for all they wanted, and natives running around trying to become immortal or other crazy stuff like that. Cattle barons fighting each other was a bit more important—hopefully more business for her boss Mr. Eastman and thus more income for her. But that wasn’t worth her time to ponder over either. At any rate, she reminded herself, she was here to make a living as a translator, not fantasize over little boy dreams of gold, guns, glory, and girls.

Victor V.
2012-08-14, 01:45 AM
Victor Vermillion was lightly snoring in his seat in the back corner of the car as the conductor started going down the aisle, although one would have trouble seeing it due to the worn and bulky leather duster that covered his frame and his hat shrouding his face in shadow (even if the hat were not there, you might still think he was awake as his eyes were wide open- old habits die hard). All these recent jobs and traveling meant he quickly learned to sleep on the rather bumpy train, comforted by the reassuring weight of his weapons under his coat. When the conductor reached his row, Victor was roused from his slumber by a lurch in the train, and calmly reached into his coat and presented the folded paper slip as he pondered the future.

His recent trip to the dining car brought news that troubled Victor but at the same time promised new opportunities. He spent the last few years drifting and doing seemingly odd jobs, the pay was good and everyone knows the Golden rule. The coming trouble between the cattle barons offered a chance for some quick cash, the-ones-in-the-know paid well for his services, but his employer would likely want him to investigate the Indians and this golden city. Frankly, Indian ghosts was not something he wanted to get involved with, but this news of a Golden city could be worth investigating.

2012-08-14, 01:54 AM
James "Eagle Eye" King was sitting in the back corner of the of the train car, leaning on his Sharps Rifle while enjoying the landscape of the countryside. He had never been this far out west, not even when he fought in war.

Granted, he had hoped his side would win the war.

Alas, this did not occur. Now the Union, with it's federal government, held the keys of power. The cause of states rights had taken a crippling blow.

James simply felt that he couldn't be a part of this, and decided to head out west to seek out his fortune away from the Union.

As the conductor approached, James pulled his ticket from his Bible (he was using it as a bookmark) and handed it over.

Kojiro Kakita
2012-08-14, 02:27 AM
As the conductor finishes checking tickets you look outside and notice that its getting darker and will soon be night. As the conductor prepares to leave the cabin he faces the passengers and says, "Now folks, we will be arriving in Santa Fe in the morning. However we will make a quick stop at the nearest Harvey House so you all can grab some chow. After all there is no dining car on the Santa Fe line." With that the conductor leaves to go check on other cars.

After another hour of riding you soon reach the Harvey House (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Old_Harvey_House,_Las_Vegas,_NM.jpg), which has dining options comparable to restaurants you find back East and also serves as a small mail station and general store. As you prepare to leave the train, the conductor tells you that you have 2 hours before the train departs.

Your characters need to drink/eat or they suffer penalties. After all food and water is not easily acquired as it is in modern times. So what do you guys do?

2012-08-14, 10:26 AM
In an attempt to maximize his time at the stop, Eastman rushed off the train while the rest of his entourage chased after him. When they reached the platform, he barked out his orders:

"Gunther and I will go stock up on supplies--medical and foodstuffs especially. Remember Gunther, we're gonna need to buy enough for 8 people. I intend to hire more people. After all, the bigger the party the better in these dangerous days. Also, I'll be stopping at the mail office to send a telegram to our destination to make sure that the horses I arranged for are ready for pick-up."

"O'Malley and Mei Hua, figure out our meals for tonight. Be sure to use the company funds, not yours. You've got to take advantage of every and any thing that goes your way. And make sure to load up on water too. It's going to be really hot out west." He leaned over and whispered: "And oh, be sure to, you know, talk to the people around here, especially anyone who might have knowledge about what's been going on around here recently."

2012-08-14, 06:24 PM
James stood up, shaking off the cramps and other unpleasant effects of being seated for so long. It was still a bit more comfortable than sitting on horseback for so long. He figured he'd get something to eat, being already well possessed of supplies. Two years in the Union cavalry fighting across the vast Western theater and another decade working as a railroad policeman throughout the expansive West taught a man to be prepared. Even if it was just personal business, things had a tendency to ignore the best laid schemes of mice and men.

On his way to the restaurant, he briefly detoured to drop off a letter he had written en route, assuring his family that events permitting, he would be home for Christmas. There had been some concerns about his father's health as of late, although his father had stubbornly refused to acknowledge them. But sooner or later, he knew he'd have to head home to take over the family business.

Which was incidentally why he was here; his family had an investment in an ironworks all the way out in Texas, and had asked him to investigate a report regarding the plant's profitability. He knew his father employed people dedicated to that task, but he also knew he had been sent in order to further groom him to succeed his father's business empire.

He watched the passengers go about their business as he strode through the stone building. Unsurprisingly, he didn't recognize most of them, although he saw a few who had shared the same car. The conductors and staff were busy converting the car to sleeper service, while the engineers loaded more coal and feedwater into the boilers. There was a small group of passengers from his car that he noticed going about their business a bit more dutifully than the others, who mostly meandered into the restaurant to find supper.

After strolling for a bit to stretch his legs, he too found a seat at the restaurant, ordering a hearty portion of beef and potatoes. As he waited for his food to arrive, he glanced around the room, as he hardly had anyone to converse with. He idly wondered how many of them were aware of the 'other' side of life, and was watching to see if anyone of them had any of the trademark 'tells' he'd come to recognize.

After finishing his meal, he rose to have another brief stroll before heading back to the train, picking up a newspaper on his way. He'd already read the daily paper when he boarded the train the first time, but now he was curious to see what the news was in these parts.

2012-08-14, 09:42 PM
Salem felt a nudge at his shoulder.

"Noooo, just five more minutes." His voice was frogged with phlegm, and the realization was embarrassing enough to rouse him awake to clear his throat.

"Milord," said the passenger next to him, a monstrous man in a black trench coat, "the man's asking for your ticket."

"Oh, thanks Crissy"

It pleased Salem to have Christopher call him 'milord', almost as much as it did to be able to call such an intimidating retainer 'Crissy'. Pushing a single blonde lock from his face, Salem reached into his breast pocket, handing two tickets to the conductor.

He was there on the Mage Association's sterling. The historic Namaragaragough—though these days he went by "Newman"—family had fallen on hard times, and with the exception of the occasional friendly donation, scant dividends from junk investments, and the laughable stipends from the M.A., the barrel was getting very empty indeed.

Salem's contacts in the Mage's Association had never lead him too far astray when it came to finding the odd quid. Then again, they more often than not didn't pan out to be everything chalked up to be either. A lead on an magical catalyst would bring him to a normal pocketwatch with a couple of coincidental deaths around it, or a bounty on some horrible bugbear would end up being a much smaller bounty on a much smaller, much more regular bear. This City of Gold business though...

He had taken the posting from the M.A. on a tip from a close friend of his. It seemed to be a win no matter what: getting paid to investigate a city that, if he plaid his cards right, could have paid for the trip ten-times over?

...Salem had a good feeling about this.

2012-08-14, 10:27 PM
King got off the train slowly, in sharp contrast the crowd around him which seemingly couldn't get off any faster. People these days... always in a rush. If there was anything King had learned in the war as a marksman, it was patience.

So, he calmly walked over to the Harvey House restaurant, sat down, and ordered a breaded veal cutlet with tomato sauce. But as he enjoyed his dinner, King sensed that something was off. He discreetly looked around, and noticed another man doing the exactly same thing as he was. What's more, he knew that look. This man was a fellow soldier. And he glancing around, trying to detect trouble.

Suddenly, King felt more conscious of the people surrounding him. Something fell... off. He wasn't sure what, but his gut told him it was there.

In that case, it would be best to be prepared.

After finishing his meal, King passed by the general goods store and purchased a parcel of food and some bullets for his Colt pistol.

Getting back to his seat on the train, he took out his Colt from his luggage, loaded it, and put it to his side. He also loaded his Sharps rifle, and set it to the side, at the ready.

If hell was about to come down, he was going to meet it with fury.

Victor V.
2012-08-14, 10:50 PM
Victor disembarked from the train to send a quick telegram to his employer and await further instructions. The message detailed the success of his last mission- another one “saved”, that should cover his accounts for another month or two. He also mentioned the recent rumors he had heard, he had a feeling the sightings of the mythical Golden city would peak the mage's interest.

In the meantime, he might as well get dinner and resupply, his own supplies were ample but tasteless compared to the steakhouse chili simmering in the saloon.

Before entering the building, he opened his duster revealing a priest collar, he found that god-fearing men were more likely to give a priest a better deal, and in places like this, almost everyone feared an almighty deity who punished sin- he originally thought about carrying a giant cross instead of a gun, but would be ridiculous... and heavy.

Playing a quick hand or two with a tipsy patron was a quick and easy way to make a few bucks to cover dinner and then some, using his talents to his advantage. He then went to check for any deals on supplies at the general store and look around for work or anyone that was “blessed”. There was always someone looking for his services, Hallelujah.

bartering at the general store for a good price
knowledge of Occult and my merit to check for any supernaturals

Robert O
2012-08-15, 12:12 AM
After introducing himself to Mr. Eastman, Robert sat back to eye up the rest of this strange company. From a man in a large trench coat to old weary soldiers he knew this adventure would be enjoyable.
Ever since leaving the asylum he wanted to go where the excitement was, and his current company promised to be quite entertaining. The conductor seems a bit nervous walking up to Robert, he must not be used to seeing a man with so many scars.
“Ticket if you would sir”, Robert can tell that the conductor is trying to seem calm but a slight quiver at the end of his greeting betrays him. Robert hands over his ticket, the conductor had the grace not to ask why it is tinged red. For the fifth time during the course of this trip Robert wondered why his head was throbbing. Deciding that it was time to grab food Robert got off the train with the intention of heading to the Harvey House to grab a meal. Robert passed the mailbox in amusement, wondering if there was a single person in the world who ever expected him to write. Sitting down at a table in the Harvey House Robert orders a steak and sits back a few moments of peace.

Kojiro Kakita
2012-08-15, 01:09 AM
@Those who went to the Restaurant

As you sit in the restaurant you notice that other passengers had also gotten the idea that they should grab food while they can. The dining room is around 1000sf with many circular tables available and a bar at one of the bar with several bartenders. Several of the tables already have groups already seated. In the far left corner away from the door seems to be a group of 4 men in dusters who are huddled together whispering amongst themselves. Once in a while they are replaced by 4 men who are also in dusters and seem to know the 4 men who were seated at the table when you arrived.

While sitting in the restaurant you can catch several tall tales about how bandits have been seen further down the line and that the cattle wars between the ranchers may be turning hot soon.

Kojiro Kakita
2012-08-15, 01:18 AM

After being told that the general store was on the side of the building facing away from the tracks, you slowly make your way there. However as you continue to walk you soon feel a barrel of metal pressing against your back. Before you can react you hear a somewhat familiar voice say, “Is that you Victor, you traitorous son of a bitch.”

Game Mechanics: 3 Success Wit + Composure versus 4 Success Stealth

2012-08-15, 02:41 AM
(OOC: based off the dice rolls)

Heads started turning the moment Mei Hua and O’Malley walked into the restaurant. The noise level dropped a few decibel levels as people in the room turned their attention towards the newcomers. She could sense many pairs of eyes ogling her.

Ignoring the looks, she made her way towards the bartender in a measured, dignified sort of walk, a kind of stride that bespoke of having a proper upbringing. The patrons of the restaurant stopped unashamedly staring at her, instead pretending to return to their cards, drinks, and conversations, all the while furtively shooting looks in her direction.

Flashing a smile, she began chatting up one of the bartenders, who promptly poured her a free drink while the other bartenders looked on enviously. Still keeping him engaged in conversation, she shifted the glass towards O’Malley. The big Irishman more than gladly took the alcohol and downed it. The bartender, being too preoccupied with Mei Hua, failed to notice. In fact, he turned out to be a treasure chest of valuable information which O’Malley and Mei Hua quickly mentally noted. So that’s what those men in dusters are up to, she thought as they finished their conversation and she headed over to one of the tables to make more conversation. O’Malley tagged along with her, happily holding several pitchers of beer in his massive hands.

She again struck gold at the table, riches in the form of a local Indian guide and one of the off-duty railroad workers. Both were rather well-watered with beer already and their tongues were loose, so they were more than eager to please Mei Hua by letting her know what they knew about the train she was riding on and the tracks ahead. All the while, O’Malley kept on draining glass after glass—even challenging and winning a drinking contest with the customers at their table—yet he didn’t appear the least bit inebriated.

Having exhausted the supply of information from the two now very drunk men, Mei Hua then went to buy dinner and stock up on water for her companions. The owner was more than willing to oblige. She then began to leave. As she left, she passed by one of the men wearing dusters who happened to be alone at the moment. She acted as if she was going to walk straight by him without acknowledging his presence. He fell for the bait. “Wait!” he slurred, sounding just a bit under the influence. A few minutes later, the conversation ended, with him thinking he had succeeded in impressing her with his stories of his recent adventures and the prize that they had loaded onto the back of the train.

Her mission complete, she along with the Irishman walked out of the restaurant and back to the station platform and waited for Eastman’s return so they could report to him.

2012-08-15, 03:34 PM
Tatham had noticed the odd group of men in dusters in the restaurant. He was a bit curious, and had this been on the Union Pacific he may have asked them where they were from, where they were headed, and what their business was. But he had no authority on the Santa Fe, and was off-duty in any event.

He did wonder of they were ex-Confederates, as a lot of old soldiers who'd lost their homes during the war to Sherman or Sheridan had left for the west rather than try to rebuild. Ironically, a number thought they could escape the 'tyranny' of the federal government by fleeing from the states to the federally administered territories in the west. True, the West was untamed, and governmental power shaky, but that only made it all the more draconian when it appeared. Frontier justice cut both ways, and reports of extralegal actions had a tendency to get lost on their long journey to Washington.

He saw a brief glance of a star on one of them, and wondered if it was one of the Texas Rangers, just coming out of their reinstatement. Badges had been one of the new items issued to the resurrected Rangers, but he had no way of knowing, and no way of telling whether this man was one.

He didn't immediately feel too threatened by any rumors of the cattle wars. While there was money to be made in cattle, there were whole fortunes to be made in the railroad, and they were not to be trifled with lightly. Attacking a train was sure to bring federal investigation and retaliation, and with Phil Sheridan commanding the federal troops in the West, quite a retaliation it would be if the rumors about his actions in Louisiana were to be believed. To begin with, he was certainly no friend of Texas.

On his way out of the restaurant, he saw a woman talking to one of those men in dusters. He recognized the woman as one of those Orientals, and he'd seen a few on the Union Pacific up north, mostly heading east from San Francisco to escape the crush of their fellow countrymen. This particular one he recalled having spotted on his train car; there were hardly any others in these parts. They were speaking in English, he noticed, although he doubted the man could've spoken anything else considering he was only barely managing English in his inebriated state.

James figured he'd stride by their conversation quietly on his way out. Not necessarily to hear the entire conversation, but to at least catch a mention of their topic. But being inconspicuous was his priority, and if he didn't pick up on it, he didn't care.

2012-08-15, 09:35 PM
It would feel good to stretch his legs. Food would be good too, and the M.A.'s funds probably wouldn't have been able to afford anything more expensive than something from the local greasy spoon.

There were certainly more than a few spoonfuls of that on his roast.

"This 'chow' isn't fit for a dog. I don't know how long I'll be able to subsist on this sort of rabble muck."

"I've had much worse, and you'll do well to keep your voice down about that," Christopher chided, adding a lazy 'milord'

Salem knew Christopher was right, but he still wasn't used this sort of less than exceptional-quality food, and if he couldn't get some soon he was sure to get even more peevish. A shower wouldn't have hurt either, he dreaded the prospect of looking into a mirror, though Chris assured him his current level of filth made him fit right in; it would have been odd if he were cleaner.

Sadly the M.A.'s stipend would hardly cover such luxuries; fortunately, Salem had other ideas for income.


Stepping outside, briefcase in hand, Salem judged a moment to judge the passing rabble.
"Yes," he thought, "they'll do."

Unfurling the legs on his collapsible briefcase, and Salem called into the street, hocking,
"The patented NEW-MAN Stonemist Serum, guaranteed to heal the aches of a hard days work, alleviate any belly-ache within minutes of ingestion, and a great way to ward collick in the young and rheumatism in the old! So step right up and buy your jar of NEW-MAN Stonemist Serum for the criminally-low price of ten-dollars and seventy-five cents!"

No more greasy spoons and nights without baths for ol' Salem, he thought, hopefully.

(OOC: So I take it Sugi you'll roll for me to see if I manage to sell any of this snake-oil?)

Kojiro Kakita
2012-08-15, 11:45 PM
@ theone and YipYip

As you stand outside the restaurant either talking to an inebriated man or trying to ease-drop on their conversation [wit+composure to see if you can hear their conversation], a bright flashes from the otherside of the building. Although you cannot see where the flash originated, the flash is bright enough to draw your attention.

Upon seeing the flash, the 4 men in dusters began to run to the other side of the building...or 2 man began to run while the 3rd dragged there drunk companion.

Robert O
2012-08-16, 06:54 AM
It finally looked like life was going to be interesting again. Robert began to run after the men in the dusters to see what he was missing.

Maybe they would know where to find a good fight? Foregoing stealth Robert charged towards the source of the bang.

OOC: Chase the men in dusters

2012-08-16, 06:15 PM
As James walked by the conversation on his way to the exit, he managed to catch a mention of some unknown cargo being guarded in the train. He suspected that was the reason the men were switching off, to guard whatever it was in shifts. But that was all he could hear before his walk carried him out of earshot.

Before he could give more consideration to the matter, a bright flash caught his attention, coming from the other side of the low stone building that housed the restaurant and its attendant facilities. It piqued his curiosity, as it didn't seem to be a simple gunpowder or other explosion that would've rocked the whole building had it gone off.

As he looked around, it appeared that a number of others were similarly surprised. Some were spooked, and were heading back to the train. Others dismissed it, and went back to their meals. Some curious ones headed over to the approximately location. He noticed that the men in dusters, including the one that had just been conversing with the oriental woman, were also heading over.

With time on his hands, and certain skills he felt could be useful, he decided to take a look himself, striding purposefully, but not running, toward the approximate location of the event. His revolver was still at his side, but he hadn't drawn it, and he had his police credentials in his vest pocket, but he was unsure how much weight they would carry so far south.

2012-08-16, 07:24 PM
"O'Malley, let's go check out those flashes of light," she said.

"Not wait here for Mr. Eastman to return?"

"No. I'm sure our boss would have no problem trying to figure out what's going on behind the building. It might prove to be important for his work."

"Fine, fine I'll come along. But you stay behind me. I don't want Eastman to get angry at me if you get hurt," O'Malley grumbled as they strolled towards the strange occurrence. He put his hand near his holster, ready to draw his weapon in a moment's notice.

As they stepped out of the train platform and into the dying rays of the sun, Mei Hua took out her parasol in an elegant flowing motion to shield herself from the light. On the way down to the back of the building, the two ran into Eastman and Gunther, who were organizing the supplies they had acquired.

"I'm going down to see what happened over there," Mei Hua explained to Eastman as she passed by him.

Eastman answered, "Go for it. Hopefully you can make some sense of it for us Miss Lin."

Mei Hua continued onwards, staying a few steps behind her burly guard. She frowned, feeling a bit uneasy. That man who had passed by her while she had been engaged in conversation with the drunk man in the duster had seemed a little off to her. While she couldn't say she was quite certain that he had tried to listen in given how rather quickly walked past them, she swore that it seemed like he had slowed down a little as he walked by. He had also went over to investigate the flashes. She figured that checking out the weird incident behind the store would be a good cover for finding out a little bit more about this stranger.

(OOC: The_One, Kojiro and I did a counter-roll and succeeded in detecting you)

Victor V.
2012-08-16, 11:29 PM
After completing his deal with Captain Dale, Victor made his way to the bar with the group, moving away from the earlier excitement quickly but calmly, it came naturally after so many years. He thought back on his deal with the ranger, as they moved to a more secure location- Victor dealt with deadly situations for a living, but there was no need to take any risks he was not being paid for.

Taking a seat in a lonely corner, Dale handed Victor a beer, laughing as he took a tentative sniff searching for poison before drinking, "It wouldn't do us any good to kill you now that you're working for us".

Victor simply shrugged at the comment, "Could be a tactic to get me to lower my guard... but I suppose it would have been easier to just shoot me in the back.", before taking a long swig as a show of trust.

With the other rangers keeping an eye out for eavesdroppers, Victor leaned in and they began discussing the job. "So, the uh... prisoner is doesn't mind spending time in light, eh. I've only heard rumors of such things, I don't suppose he has any other unusual talents? Have you tested his fear of fire?", Victor asked awaiting his new employer's response.

Kojiro Kakita
2012-08-17, 02:22 AM
As you run towards the other side of the building you see notice that two things: One, this flash drew the attention of others besides yourself and the 4 men in dusters. Second, a man dressed in fashionable European clothes that seem out of place here in the West hawking “Stonemist Serum.” He seems to be successful since his partner was handing out bottles and collecting cash left and right.

When you finally turn the corner you see 4 men in dusters surrounding someone who appears to be a preacher. 3 of the men were rubbing their eyes, but the oldest of the 4 was staring at you as you approach.

Robert O
2012-08-17, 02:37 AM
As Robert races towards the bright flash, he begins to realize that he has no idea what is on the other side of the building.

This fact far from discouraging actually causes Robert to pick up speed, soon outdistancing other curiosity seekers.

As he rounds the corner he sees four men in dusters surrounding a preacher. Deciding that it would be best to see how this plays out he leans against the wall and openly watches to see how his new found companions will proceed.

Victor V.
2012-08-17, 02:38 AM
Victor made eye contact with Captain Dale for a brief moment before buttoning up his duster and turning to evaluate the new arrivals, they didn't appear to be with the rangers. "Good afternoon, gentleman (and lady, is yip here?), how can I help you?", his body once more obscured by the voluptuous garment.

2012-08-17, 02:41 AM
Mei Hua and O'Malley lingered more towards the back of the small group of curious observers that had gathered. While their primary interest was in the man who had eavesdropped in on their conversation--whom Mei Hua now also recalled had been on the train with them--the men in dusters and the preacher also intrigued them, especially due to the, ahem, fact that the men in dusters appeared to be surrounding the man of God...

2012-08-17, 02:50 AM
Tatham rounded the corner, not the first, but not the last of the spectators. He noticed the men in dusters, as well as their priestly 'companion.' His right hand was at his side, near, but not on, his revolver, as he clandestinely surveyed the area for magic. He could tell there was magic about, but not the specific source nor the type, although he was willing to bet it had something to do with the men before him.

He was also reasonably sure he had managed to hide his rather secretive sweep, and had also managed to hear just the last snippet of the conversation between the men and their companion, although it hadn't illuminated anything he didn't already know.

Kojiro Kakita
2012-08-17, 02:54 AM
The old man of the group tips his hat to the group gathered in front of him and asked in a Texas drawl, "Laddies, Lady, what can I do for you all? As you can see," he then pauses for a second and says with a quick laugh, "my preacher friend and I were just having a little chat about using his services."

2012-08-17, 02:57 AM
James tipped his own hat in response, acknowledging that he had been seen. He didn't really have anything to say in response though, since he was here more or less to see what was going on. He was wondering if, perhaps, someone else would speak.

2012-08-17, 01:47 PM
Mei Hua didn't feel particularly inclined to respond to the old man in the duster immediately. Rather, she wanted to wait and see what the others would say and take a more secondary role for the moment.

O'Malley, however, encouraged by the prodigious amounts of alcohol he had consumed, felt no need for temerity and caution. He stepped forward and blurted out: "Yes, sir, ya know anything about the flashes of light we saw? 'Cause I swear they came from here."

Kojiro Kakita
2012-08-17, 09:08 PM
"Oh so you saw the light too. As you can see," as he pointed to his companions, "it shocked us too. The preacher and I were just lucky that we had our eyes closed at the time."

2012-08-17, 09:45 PM
"Must have been a really great ball of fire or something then!" O'Malley said in an excited tone that almost bordered on downright giddy. "'Lucky?' I'd say you're more than lucky if that light was really that strong!"

2012-08-18, 08:34 AM
James continued to lean impassively against the wall, observing the conversation. The Oriental woman seemed to have the same plan as he, to let the men do the talking and potentially let something slip, but her big oaf of a companion seemed quite eager to play the fool himself. His rather inebriated state and poor conversation skills while under the influence were even less subtle than the woman's striking appearance.

In the meantime, he pulled out a cigar, and prepared to light it. Might as well find a way to pass the time, he figured, and of course it gave him a convenient excuse if anyone else came by and wondered what he was doing on the far side of the building.

2012-08-18, 04:05 PM
Salem loved handling cash, whether he was pulling it in or handing it out, it was always a symphony to his senses. Though given his current circumstances, it was certainly much better to receive than to give, and these yokels had obliged beautifully for some weak vodka with ground-up grass.

"With this we should be able to get some decent food and some more inconspicuous clothes," Salem said cheerily.

"But not too inconspicuous."


Making his way to the nearest tailor, Salem noticed a massive crowd of people gathered together. While he had noticed a flash of light earlier, he had thought little of it at the time, suspecting it was the escape attempt of some well-provisioned petty-thief. But seeing this crowd, well this may be a very interesting day after all.

"That woman," Cristopher poked Salem on the shoulder, and pointed, "the Chinese."

"What about her?"

"I saw her leave the train earlier. At first I wasn't sure, but then I saw her pass by our stand, and now Im sure of it: that's Lin Mei Hua. Baron Franklin's put a bounty on her head, even for just information."

"Really? Hmm, we'll have to look into this matter. Crissy, stay behind, integrate into this crowd, and see what information you can glean. I'll meet you back at the train in twenty minutes."

"Will do, milord."

A smirk glimmered under Salem's honey mustache, just before he turned and left.

Kojiro Kakita
2012-08-22, 02:44 AM
"Well if that is all folks, then pardon me and my posse, but we need to get a move on, the train leaves in a half." With that the old man tips his hat at the folks who came to see what caused the flash, and led his men to the other end of the building, the side of the building containing the stable and jail.

2012-08-23, 01:51 AM
Well, so much for trying to find out what that was all about. Mei Hua knew from the information she had gathered thus far that something was amiss here, but she didn't really feel like stepping out and making herself more known than she was already. On the other hand, her pal O'Malley had done quite the brilliant job of just that already. Though she was somewhat annoyed at her erstwhile and drunk companion, she did her best to put on a straight face as she talked to him:

"Hey, let's go back to Mr. Eastman. I'm sure he will need your help in loading up the provisions he's procured."

"Sure *hic* got it miss. I'm on it," O'Malley said, his face red and a broad grin pasted across it. He then ambled off--or rather staggered--towards their boss, with Mei Hua following him and hoping that the Irishman didn't cause anymore problems.

2012-08-24, 01:37 PM
Tatham tipped his hat politely as he strode off. He could tell the man was lying. But it was clear there was little more to gain here, so he headed back to the train.

Victor V.
2012-08-24, 04:24 PM
Victor watched as their audience departed (except perhaps the man with heavily beaten knuckles (not sure if Robert decided to leave)). He turned to the Captain with a small grin "Now, how about that drink? It will be a good chance to talk business." before he turned and walked towards the bar with the rangers following behind him, still rubbing their eyes.

Robert O
2012-08-25, 03:42 AM
Robert watched them walk away sitting down on his heels wondering if he should follow them. Thinking that life would be interesting if he tested the waters.

He called out "Hey Preacher do you have the time for a quick Sermon, it's been awhile since I heard the lords prayer." Robert watched them anxiously to see how the men in dusters would react to his call. The flash of light meant something and this may prove to be entertaining.

ooc) Presence

Victor V.
2012-08-26, 10:38 PM
OOC: Ill give the sermon regardless of Roberts presence roll to speed things up.

Victor paused as the former boxer asked for a sermon, while he was never much of a preacher, he could not deny the man his request, he was a man of god after all, however he was in a hurry, so Victor read the man a quick passage from Revelations, "Now go in peace my son."

Victor then turned back to the rangers, "Looks we will only have time for one drink, but we can talk about your little problem there before boarding the train."

OOC: just send me the info about the prisoner and the job over FB, and I suppose whoever is here can try to eavesdrop

Robert O
2012-08-27, 12:51 AM
Satisfied with the sermon Robert contemplated what the priest had said as he walked back to the train.

He took his seat in the train car he had first boarded and leaned back slowly watching as some of his fellow travelers began to stream in.

2012-08-27, 02:48 PM
Salem returned to the train, wearing the new outfit he had acquired at the town's tailor. If you didn't know better, you might have guessed he was some local rail baron or landlord. Only when he opened his mouth to talk would he betray his foreign origins.

Where is Crissy, he wondered. He should be back by now.

Needless to say, it would be problematic if Crissy didn't return to the train before it departed, information or no.

Kojiro Kakita
2012-08-28, 02:02 AM
As everyone gets back on the train, the conductor begins to do a head count of each car. As he finishes doing a head count of your car, he turns so that he is facing you. Clearing his voice, and with beads of sweat rolling down his head, he makes a small gulp before saying, "Gentlemen and ladies, I beg your pardon but I have orders from the government saying that from now and until the train leaves the station, I am forced to lock you all in your cars. I apologize for this inconvenience."

Robert O
2012-08-29, 11:03 PM
Deciding to wait for excitement to come to him Robert reclined back and decided to take a nap in his seat. If anything was going to happen he would probably hear it coming.

Victor V.
2012-08-30, 01:04 AM
Victor stares at the clearly nervous man before turning to Captain Dale with a slight gesturing motion, prompting the grizzled Texas Ranger to approach the conductor, flashing his badge. "What seems to be the problem?".

2012-08-30, 05:30 AM
Tatham's eyes narrowed slightly in suspicion. He'd been riding trains almost daily for the better part of a decade, and he'd never heard of anything like this. The government, demanding that the doors be locked? He suspected there was a measure of unconstitutionality involved in it. But he was no judge, nor was he a lawman of these parts, and he suspected whoever had made the demand was not the sort to respond to reasoned arguments.

He'd had his trunk brought up to prepare for his night's sleep, and his rifle was in it. It was a bit comforting to know it was there, but he didn't draw it, lest the situation escalate needlessly. He glanced out the window but couldn't make anything out in the darkness.

He watched the ranger walk up to the conductor. Unlike Tatham, the ranger had law enforcement power in the area, and he seemed just as unwitting as the rest of the passengers. He'd let the ranger speak for now, but his revolver was ready, and his rifle only seconds away in his trunk.

2012-08-31, 05:46 PM
The rattle of bars and the sounds of teeth--really, teeth?--chomping on iron and wood like the sound of a locomotive piston as it shoots back and forth...Mei Hua was at a loss trying to figure out what was in that moving cell. The information she had gotten from her previous intelligence gathering mission at the restaurant had already make her aware that the rangers were bringing some sort of thing that they had captured onto the train, and this strange specimen was probably it. What it actually was though Mei Hua still had no idea, though it undoubtedly was very strong if the guards were exercising so many precautions while transporting it.

Regardless, Mei Hua knew--partly from firsthand experience--when not to ask questions, and this was one of those times, so she quietly sat in her seat and waited as her companions went on the alert, weapons ready to be taken out in a moment's notice.

2012-09-08, 12:50 AM
Salem wasn't too bothered by this development. He had everything he needed for the next town. Except for Crissy.

Merde. He's still not here.

"My good man," he said to the conductor, "my associate has yet to return to his seat. Should he return before the train leaves the station, would you be so kind as to let him back on?"