View Full Version : For doom and corruption

2012-08-14, 02:51 PM
Playgrounders!, long time no see!

First of all, link to the previous post:

Now, like my friend said.

Old DM, New setting. 3.5 edition.
DM: "Would you people like to use Devils from Monster Manual & Fiendish codex to doom a city forever and their inhabitants?"
...and here we are.

Our task:
DOOM a city, turn their NG inhabitants into LE, turn happytown into gotham city. Our job is to obtain all the souls we can as free lancer devils.

The team:
The sexy succubus (previous post)
The harvester devil
The Imp

Our tools:
Almost every dam book of 3.0 and 3.5 (no psionics, no incarnum, no ToB)
Max CR 12
ECL 12 money for each of us
http://www.d20srd.org/srd/improvingMonsters.htm#advancedMonsterChallengeRati ng


Im going for the Imp.
My first idea was to make him the perfect assassin and also a secondary caster the build is already done looking something like spellthief/assassin/unseen seer (master spellthief)

After talking to the dm and the other players we decided to try a diferent aproach, we dont need to be combat monsters, so i got some new ideas.

To be a bad-ass ilusionist would be a perfect way to make people do what i want, and it will be their fault, no need for enchantments at all.

Make a cancer mage or a vermin lord, force the city fight for survival and give the right people the "miracle cure" (V for Vendeta plot)

So...im asking for advise, and i ask you:
which would you choose? and which lvls would you go with???

2012-08-16, 08:40 AM
we start this weekend, im still hoping you can give me some ideas :smalltongue:

Dusk Eclipse
2012-08-16, 09:21 AM
Just to be clear, you are using the Devil's CR instead of the ECL right? Does that means you can abuse the system and give your Devils far more class levels than normal?

In any case I suggest beguiler levels with perhaps some Nightmare Spinner thrown in. Or heck if you can wing it, use the Racial adaptation so you can enter Shadow Craft Mage with an imp and just go Focused Illusionist (dropping Evocation... Abjuration and Necromancy) into Shadow Craftmage and use illusions more real than reality itself.

2012-08-16, 10:43 AM
Yes, monster CR instead of ECL

Nightmar spinner sounds tasty, i dont think the dm would allow race adaptation for shadowcraft mage.

in the case i go with the ilusionist route, what do you think about our last member? wich features would you fit into the harvester devil to finish this evil trio.

Dusk Eclipse
2012-08-16, 11:05 AM
I don't recall what kind of monster is the harvester devil; but it seems you are missing some sort of frontliner, I would suggest barbarian levels and/or dungeoncrasher fighter.

2012-08-16, 11:21 AM
Its not combat oriented unless we really mess up and get a lot of paladin atention. its more like playing world of darkness using dnd books

Dusk Eclipse
2012-08-16, 11:26 AM
Then Urban Ranger will get you both stealth and some interaction skills (dipping rogue or bard might not be a bad option) while keeping high bab for if/when you piss off Paladins.