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Maugan Ra
2012-08-15, 10:05 AM
Act One: Farholde

It has been a long and bloody year. The fair nation of Talingarde, beacon of goodness and light, is under assault. A mighty horde of Bugbears, ogres and other assorted monsters has invaded from the frigid North, united under the leadership of Sakkarot Fire-Axe. The villages of Ambryl and Tarrington Fields lie sacked, and the fortress of Lorrinsgate lies in ruins. Even now, bands of roving monsters scour the land, bringing misery and death to all they find. Talingarde has been caught utterly unprepared, their defences found woefully lacking.

For generations, the northern Watch Wall has held back the scourge of the wild, its garrison forts manned by the very cream of the Talirean soldiery and watched over by Paladins and clerics of the Sun God, Mitra. It would have held them back for generations more, had it not been betrayed from within. The fortress of Balentyne, lynchpin of the Wall, was infiltrated and subverted by agents of the devil god, Asmodeus, acting under orders from the renegade Cardinal Adrastus Thorn. In other words, by you.

You infiltrated Balyntine, murdered its commander, demoralised the garrison and threw open the gates to the Bugbear horde outside. The soldiers within never stood a chance, and even as the watch-fort burned behind you, you disappeared into the shadows, ready for your next task.

It seems that task shall soon be delivered to you. Tiadora, a proud and cold woman subordinate only to Thorn himself, has regrouped with you aboard "The Folly", a fat-bottomed river barge that plys the waterways of Talingarde, currently bound for a frontier town named Farholde. The dozen or so crew take no notice of you as they move about their duties - indeed, they look right past you without seeing you at all, their senses evidently clouded by some spell.

Tiadora emerges onto the deck of the ship, her dark red dress rippling in the morning breeze, and gestures to the cabin behind her. "The master is here, and he commands that you attend him." she says grimly.

2012-08-15, 10:28 AM
Lord Kydrak is a strange person, a half-elf with an undyeing hatred for all things elven. He loves to change his shape for the better and he enjoys murder (especially elves) and dresses and thinks of himslef as a noble. In the infiltation he liked to pretend to be guards and captains and killed people with the longsword that he keeps in a scabbard by his side. He has a signet ring on his hand that doubles up as a ring of protection it has a strange elven symbol on which is the only thing that he keeps from his past and of his father.

Upon hearing that he was called for from his master, he smiles ready for his next mission. "Destiny awaits" he mutters then walks into the cabin ready for his next orders.

Morbis Meh
2012-08-15, 11:25 AM
Whistling an merry tune, rather poorly, in an off key Schtein sits complacently playing with his dolls, voodoo dolls actually. He had taken great pleasure in demoralizing the fort garrison, who would have thought soldiers wouldn't like the corpses of their wives and children putting on a play? He thought it was a splendid idea himself until the children grew restless and started gnawing on the brains of the soldiers.

C'est la vie! Looking over at the puffed up half elf, Schtein rolls his eye, for someone who hates his elven heritage he sure has a taste for the dramatic... Unlike 'Lord' Kydell, Schtein embrassed his heritage with fervor and believes he was better for doing it. One cannot fight with himself and win Though it was good fun to remind him of his pointy ears every now and again. Upon arrival of the especially dour protege of Thorn, Schtein put away his dolls, happy with the obvious misery he envoked with the poor victims. He stood up in his dazzling robe of hot pink and canary yellow, though he himself didn't know what colours they were, only that they were of a slightly lighter colour than his standard black attire.

Walking over casually over to the gloomy woman, Schtein gives an elaborate bow (one her perfected over the last 100 years) and gives a willing smile "As master Thorn commands, will there be tea for I am rather parched and tea would be simply marvelous. I must say mistress Tiadora that you look striking in that dress, nay ravishing!"

Maugan Ra
2012-08-15, 12:19 PM
Tiadora smiles at the necromancer, reaching out to place one pale finger on his chest, directly over his heart. Her voice becomes sultry and playful, completely out of place on the deck of a ship.

"Flattery, dearest, will get you everywhere. Now don't worry, I'm sure we can find a way to satisfy your...desires. Hurry along, you know the Master doesn't like to be kept waiting."

There is a hungry look in her eyes. The last time Schtein saw an expression like that, it was on the face of one of his creations. Shortly before it devoured a man alive.

2012-08-15, 12:53 PM
Quint was crouched by one of the doors on the ship, very carefully unscrewing the handle mechanism. As he worked, he hummed merrily to himself. The job in Balyntine had been great fun, crafting new illusions to terrify and confound with was always satisfying.

The handle came off of the door at last, Quint examined it briefly to make sure it was the type he thought it was, excellent. Since joining the cult he'd had plenty of oppertunities to exercise his imagination, trying new and inventive methods on the common folk.

Carefully, he began to reassemble the door handle, taking care to keep it entirely operational. He was curious as to what they would be doing next though, especially as they'd been assembled on this dreadfully dull barge.

He checked that the doorhandle was moving again. Content that he'd achieved his goal, he briefly considered the wizards he was working with as he smoothed his clothes down. A few were a bit too serious for his tastes, but it made making fun of them all the easier. He knew they wouldn't retaliate thanks to the contract they'd all signed.

Stepping away from the door now, he returned to the main deck of the ship to watch his handiwork, a grin already on his face at the thought of what was to come. He greatly appreciated the fact that they'd been masked from the crew, it made things much easier when people weren't staring at his tattoo's.

One of the crew approached the door he'd been tinkering with, perhaps looking to head to the lower deck? He didn't much care. Quint watched with growing amusement as the crewman tried to turn the handle down to open the door with growing frustration, the handle, of course, didn't budge. After a minute or so, the crewman finally turned the handle up instead and found the door now opened.

Laughing at the scene, he mentally thanked whoever had decided to cast the spell. It made it so much easier when they simply ignored you. Tiadora's demand for attention interrupted his merriment. Sighing, he turned to walk to the cabin, it seemed it was time to get back to business. As he walked he idly picked up a towel somebody had left lying on the ship rail and "accidentally" let it fall off the side of the ship.

He arrived in the cabin to see Schtein and his Lordship already there. Smirking to himself, he used his Iron Circlet to change his ears to be the same as an Elf's. "Good Afternoon my friends," His gaze lingers a moment on Kydrak, amusement clear in his eyes, "I trust you are well?

Spells for today!

Level 0 - Prestidigitation, Ghost Sound, Dancing Lights, Ray of Frost
Level 1 - 2x Windy Escape, 1x Vanish, 1x Colour Spray, 1x Silent Image
Level 2 - 1x Mirror Image, 2x Minor Image, 1x Hypnotic Pattern
Level 3 - 1x Displacement, 1x Lightning Bolt, 1x Wind Wall

Morbis Meh
2012-08-15, 01:43 PM
Schtein greets her look of enthusiasm with one of his own though what he was intending as provactive and seductive more than likely looked horrifying to a normal person considering his pale features and bloodless lips gave him the appearance of a corpse "Oh I do know that mistress, and I shall hold you to your offer..." Before heading to below deck he stops and watches a baffled crewman attempting to open a door. After many attempts and several grunts of frustration the door opened accompanied by a familiar laugh. A slight smile formed at the corner of Schtein's mouth Well at least someone is lively around here, this boat was as about as lively as a wake... well not one I would be attending

Following the crewman down he notices the whacky fey and his choice of appearence. Schtein couldn't supress his throaty laugh at the sight "Well good day indeed, Quint, did you get a haircut? Or is there something about your head that seems more pronounced..? Bah I can't get, maybe you could help Kyd?"

Spells for the day!
Level 0: Detect Magic, Read magic, Ghost Sound, Illusion
Level 1: Ray of Enfeeblement, Ray of Sickening, Colour Spray, Silent image, Mage Armor, Protection from Good
Level 2: False Life, Invisibility, Defending Bone, Acid Arrow
Level 3: Ray of Exhaustion, Animate Dead (Lesser), Fly

All are subject to change if I kill something since I can swap out spells via necrothurge...

2012-08-15, 02:56 PM
Victor is sitting on a bench against the side rail, with a notepad and pen, calmly sketching a schematic of some kind. He takes another moment to finish a few lines, blows to dry his ink, then sharply snaps it shut and stands up. He looks at Tiadora for the first time, and smirks. "Thank you, dear," he says in his thick Chelaxian accent. "Happy to attend." As he walks into the cabin he takes the opportunity to check her out, but says nothing.

An appalled expression crosses his face when he notices Quint's outfit.

2012-08-15, 03:42 PM
Much like Victor, Xannek is by himself casually leaning against the guardrailing of the decking. He's spent most of the trip aboard The Folly by himself, in fact. The operation at Balentyne gave him an idea of what to expect from his fellow "comrades" but without knowing more of their aspirations and personalities he believes letting them know any more about himself than they already do would be foolish.

For a group that has commited treason and is no doubt being hunted by every authority in Talingarde some of these people seem to be taking things awfully lightly he thinks to himself. As Tiadora emerges from the cabin to tell everyone that Master Thorn wishes an audience Xannek simply walks past her and any other stragglers without a word and enters the cabin.

Maugan Ra
2012-08-15, 04:25 PM
Adrastus Thorn awaits you within the cabin, seated behind an ornate wooden desk. He is a bald human of what appears to be late middle age, and true to the title he has claimed, wears robes of a religious bent. Unlike a true Cardinal of Mitra, however, his are red and burgundy in hue, and the silver icon around his neck is the Asmodean pentacle, rather than the Mitran sunburst. He smiles warmly at you as you come in.

"Ah, my loyal Nessian knot. It is good to see you once more. You have served me faithfully, and I have rewarded you in treasure and vengeance. But our work is not yet done, and while the Fire-Axe's hordes shall be our sword to wield against Talingarde, so too must we ready the poison dagger to slip into it's heart. The acquisition of that weapon is your next task.

Tomorrow, this boat docks at Farholde, the northernmost settlement in the realm. It is, to be frank, a worthless backwater. However, it does border the Caer Byr, the largest forest in Talingarde, and it is there that I am sending you. Hidden within is the Horn of Abaddon, the fortress temple of a death cult called the Sons of the Pale Horseman. Eighty years ago, King Markadian the Victorious put the cult to the sword, banished the daemon prince that led them, and placed a holy seal on the place so that none might summon him again.

I have learned that the King took such a thorough step not out of piety, but out of fear. The daemon prince, Vetra-Kali Eats-the-Eyes, had just completed work on a plague so virulent that it could bring the country to it's knees. It was called the Tears of Achlys, and I want it.

You, my ninth knot, are going to find the Horn, break the seal, summon Vetra-Kali back to the mortal plane, and from him claim the Tears of Achlys.

Any questions?" he finishes, looking quite content.

Morbis Meh
2012-08-15, 04:46 PM
Schtein raises his hand high in the air with a look of childish impatience and excitment. When the cult leader finally acknowledge the supposed Elder of the group with a pained look, Schtein began to speak in a rapid giddy tone "What are the effects of this marvelous plague and by any chance would I be able to subvert so that it causes it's victims to rise up from the dead and thus spread the disease further while we gain not only a dagger but another sword to slice open the tender throat of Talingarde??? Or maybe make them explode upon death that would be so delightful it would be like an orchestrial fireworks display! The joyful sound and suffering and fear that rises to climax in a spray of crimson!" Losing himself for a moment he looks around and coughs "Also... what other measures did this King take to prevent entry into this temple and what does the seal particularily ward against?

Maugan Ra
2012-08-15, 05:09 PM
Thorn merely raises an eyebrow at his servant's exuberance.

"I do not recommend attempting to modify the plague. It is, after all, the work of an arch lord of pestilence. You might infect yourself. Worse, you might ruin a limited resource.

As for the seal, the Mitran records on it are deliberately vague. It is a powerful artifact of their faith, consecrated and thrice blessed, but I am confident you will succeed.

I doubt the Victor left any conventional defended behind, but the Temple might still be somewhat dangerous. The Caer Byr has an ominous reputation as a lair of monsters and fey things, and the Horn itself was the centre of a death cult for some time. I originally sent another team to accomplish this task, under the elven ranger Aiden Kel, but he has not reported back."

2012-08-15, 05:15 PM
"We're certain the Daemon will be willing to hand the vial over? Or is there a specific person we should be pretending to be?"

The thought of attempting to fool a Daemon thrilled Quint, playing games with the common folk was one thing, but to outwit a being from another plane was a tantalising thought.

Apparently Schtein shared Quint's enthusiasm for this particular mission, though for very different reasons.

"I'm sure it'll be a plague of exquisite beauty if a Daemon Prince would spend so long crafting it."

2012-08-15, 05:17 PM
Xannek listens attentively as Master Thorn relays the next mission they are to undertake and quickly nods in agreement as he answers the necromancers questions.

"Indeed, trying to mess around with this 'Tears of Achlys' might be more trouble than it is worth. If what Master Thorn has said is true it doesn't need to be any more virulent" Xannek says to Schtein all the while peering at him with his unblinking stare.

Turning back to Thorn he says "do you have a map to this temple? If the Caer Byr is indeed the largest forest here, how will we find this place? I am somewhat adept at wilderness travel but this island is fairly new to me."

Maugan Ra
2012-08-15, 06:36 PM
"The daemon is still an outsider, one presently barred from entering the world. It should be greatful to be released, and if not it should be possible to bind it upon arrival. And remember - it is a plague daemon. It will want the disease released.

I have no maps, but Kel did report that he had located it before he went silent. It should not be impossible to retrace his steps."

2012-08-15, 11:21 PM
Victor stroked his goatee as he thought out loud, "What about the fortress itself, the Horn of Abbadon, what is known about it? Is it a castle, a ziggaraut, a temple, a dungeon? Do we have any idea how old the structure is? How about the interior, is anything known about the layout? Would we possibly need explosives to get in? Forgive the questions, my lord."

He then looks to his colleagues, "Are we equipped to summon and bind this daemon?"

2012-08-16, 02:16 AM
When Quint and Schtein start to mock Kydrak, he just grits his teeth and ignores them. But upon hearing this mission his grin is so wide his face seems to have cracked in half. A temple of a daemon where we can take a plague so deadly it can kill millions. Everyone else is thinking of petty reason for this, but Kydrak knew the true reason we are getting this plague. We can rule the entire world with the threat of this plague. Kydrak wouldn't mind taking a sample of it over to the elven homelands. Then he'll be able to show those lesser beings who's the true king. But first he has to acquire this plague.

"So, once we've summoned the daemon, could we hire it to help our cause? A being for another world would be a very powerful ally, and I've always wanted to ride a feind into battle. Or is it too dangerous and we'll have to kill it, or maybe just set it upon this town of Farholde, just as a reminder of who's in charge. He then turns to the rest of his party. I look forward to doing this, even in your company. We shall once again bring terror upon the people of Talingarde, let's summon this daemon! Realizing that he's being uncharacteristically friendly and excited, he then tries to go back to normal, but still not being able to conceal his smile.

2012-08-16, 03:47 AM
Aridun has so far been silent, treating his colleagues with disdain. "Petty men, with petty evil in their hearts."
The elf shook out his long white hair with black and charred hands, knowing that he was their superior.

"I am not like them, this is but the means to an end."

The task seemed simple enough, and Aridun had little patience for the childish questions and unnecessary melodrama of his companions. He simply bowed before the master, and waited for the signal to depart.

My prepped spells are on my sheet, I'll delete them as I use them

2012-08-16, 09:52 AM
Prepared spells

1st Level
Mage Armor
Burning Hands
Abundant Ammunition

2nd Level
Cat's Grace
Scorching Ray
Gust of Wind

Maugan Ra
2012-08-17, 01:55 AM
"I shall leave the precise details up to yourselves to discover, though I do not imagine gaining entry will be entirely difficult. The Victor and his men managed it, and I doubt they were considerate enough to patch the holes up again before departing. Given the potential danger, I shall not be sending you alone.

Firstly, the Knot Hibernal is scheduled to arrive a day or two after you. Elise Zadaria proved her team's capabilities while you infiltrated Balentyne. They will remain in Farholde and buy you the time you need to summon the daemon and obtain the disease.

Secondly, there was once a thriving cult of Asmodeus in Farholde, under the leadership of Baron Arkov Vandermir. Though he abandoned his worship and denied all knowledge of it to escape the Purges some twenty years ago, he knows me by name and reputation. Knows enough to fear me. See if you can't lean on him, extract a degree of cooperation.

In any case, that will be all. We arrive in Farholde tomorrow - best get some rest."
The Cardinal waves you away and returns to studying an array of charts and books. It is clear that you have been dismissed.

2012-08-17, 11:51 AM
Victor decisively turns on his heel and walks out. When the others join him (assuming the do), "I think we should start with this Vandermir fellow. Let's see what information or resources he has. Perhaps we can commandeer his home as a base of operations an see what secrets his library holds. I'm sure we can "inspire" him to our cause." he says with a smug smile.

2012-08-17, 04:54 PM
Quint follows Victor out of the cabin fairly quickly, stretching his arms as he did so. He didn't really like being inside for longer than he needed to, the freedom of an open sky was exhilirating to him.

Once outside, he moved to lean against one of the rails at the edge of the deck. As he listened to Victor's proposal, he muttered "Soilse Rince." and four lights winked into existence above his open palm. Smiling slightly to himself, he sent them spiralling high into the sky before sending them chasing one another around the boat at high speed. He didn't know if the crew could see the lights, the thought of superstitious sailors worrying over their appearance amused him enough that he didn't much care if they saw them.

"I agree with you that we should contact Vandemir first," he flashed Victor a grin, "I'm certain I can find a method or two to persuade him to help us. After all, I'm sure there's at least one person he must care about."

For those who speak Auran/For the DM
Solise Rince = Dancing Lights :smalltongue:

Quint is casting Dancing Lights then just racing the lights around the ship, using the wisp form for the lights. I have no idea if the sailors can see the lights or not.

Morbis Meh
2012-08-17, 06:33 PM
Schtein bows deeply and gracefully then in one fluid motion spins around and walks back up the stairs. He raised an eyebrow at the sight of the 4 wispy lights rising from the sylph, a slow grin begins to form as he begins to chant softly while wiggling his long slender fingers. As the lights move upward a low moan emits out from the lights as they circle around the barge. "Ahh much better, now onto business... would anyone know if this Baron has a family, or a beloved child? Children always make such wonderful leverage!

Maugan Ra
2012-08-18, 12:24 AM
The next day, as predicted, the boat docks in Farholde. The city is a ramshackle affair of wooden houses pacers tightly onto nine hills, between which flow the various tributaries of the river. It's citizens, mostly humans and elves of one variety or another, make their way between the buildings with a sense of constant haste. You draw more than one assessing look from the locals as you disembark, but no one seems intent on causing trouble.

"I have arranged for you to attend a dinner tonight with the good Baron." Tiadora says as she leads you off the ship. "He will be expecting you, so I'd advise getting some nice clothes. The master bade me give you this amulet - if you have something to report, break it and he will send an agent to you. Try not to waste his time." she hands you a small clay amulet. Then, in the blink of an eye, she vanishes.

Right, you're in Farholde. Please post away and let me know what you're doing - shopping, listening to rumours, that sort of thing.

2012-08-18, 11:08 AM
Nice clothes aren't a problem for someone with a noble title like me. I want to meet this Baron to see what we're working with. Although a child would be nice, he wouldn't want to see his own offspring being eaten in front of him, would he? I'm going to ask around for anything to do with this baron. Kydrak uses his iron circlet to turn himself into a more friendly looking human. Then leaves the group searching for any information he can get on the baron or this town.
Knowledge local [roll0]
Nobility [roll1]
Gather Information rollv]1d20+4[/rollv]

2012-08-18, 11:09 AM
Gather Information again [roll0]

Morbis Meh
2012-08-18, 12:27 PM
Schtein already was in his noble attire but he really didn't care for it, it was some ghastly outfit with some dull colours. As for Kydrak and his 'title' he could care less, he was technically a Baron himself though he would have definitely have trouble staking a claim to it due to his age. He will look for shadier company for information so he can use more brutal methods of persuasion...

perception to see if I can find thugs so I can intimidate them

2012-08-18, 12:48 PM
Quint emerged from his sleeping quarters feeling fully renewed. There was nothing like the promise of some fun later in the day to help you get out of bed. Rather than taking the plank down onto the dock, and having to wait for everyone else to disembark in the process, Quint simply steps off the side of the ship. A breeze quickly picks up around him and slows his descent so that he lands on the shore without harm.

He listens to Tiadora's instructions with an almost bored look on his face. "You've taken half the fun out of it you know, you've told him we're coming," he sighs to himself, "I suppose I shall simply have to amuse myself until we meet with him then."

As he wanders away from the docks, he uses his circlet to change his appearance into that of an older man, masking his tattoo's as he did so. As much has he liked them, he had to admit that they did make him stand out and right now he did not want to be remembered.

Slowly, he made his way towards the town library. He searched for any books which could give him a clue to the Daemon Lord's motivation, or even anything recent about the Baron's family. He also picked up a few other popular looking books.

Starting with the more popular books, he went through them each individually to page 83 and, as quietly as he could and when he was certain nobody was watching, tore out the following page. After pocketing each page he'd removed, he returned the books to their shelves before getting on with the more serious research.

If I need to roll something specific to try and find the right books, let me know and I'll make the roll.

Prepared Spells:
Level 0 - Dancing Lights, Ghost Sound, Detect Magic, Prestidigitation
Level 1 - Disguise Self x2, Silent Image x1, Ventriloquism x1, Windy Escape x1
Level 2 - Invisibility x1, Minor Image x1, Mirror Image x1, Detect Thoughts x1
Level 3 - Displacement x1, Invisbility Sphere x1, Lightning Bolt x1

2012-08-18, 07:22 PM
Victor wants to discover more about Caer Byr and the local geography to figure out where the Horn is located. He also goes to the library, but is specifically focusing on books about geography or local history, or maps.

Rolling perception to see if he notices Quint ripping out the pages (ooc- what the...?)
Sorry, butchered that roll, see OOC thread for new roll.
Spells today

1st Level
Mage Armor
Burning Hands
Abundant Ammunition

2nd Level
Scorching Ray
Gust of Wind

Maugan Ra
2012-08-19, 12:13 AM
Kydrak discovers that the Baron is fairly well regarded throughout Farholde. With the local lord away in the fight against the Fire-Axe, he's actually the highest ranking nobleman left in town. The Baron himself has no immediate family, though he does fund and maintain a local orphanage. The orphans, however, almost appear to form a street gang of their own.

Schtein finds the lowlife areas easily enough, in those districts most prone to flooding. Several gangs of thugs observe him with a predatory interest as he walks around.

Quint finds nothing on Vetra-Kali save some vague references in local mythology and ghost stories. No one notices his vandalism. Yet.

Victor discovers that the Horn is popularly believed to lie somewhere within the Karst, a string of hills in the northern reaches of the Caer Byr, less than a day's ride from Farholde. In terms if finding it, he picks up some mention of an elf who was also looking for the place a few weeks back. Apparently he was staying in an Inn called the Wandering Friar.

2012-08-19, 12:03 PM
Victor looks around town for the Wandering Friar inn.

He walks in and asks to arrange one room for him and his companions (assuming we won't even end up staying here).

Assuming nothing goes weird in the first part...
After making the mundane arrangements, "There should have been an elf passing through here ahead of me a few weeks ago, fellow by the name of Aiden Kel. Do you remember seeing him?

Maugan Ra
2012-08-20, 02:42 AM
"You his friend, then?" the innkeeper replies. "Yeah, there was an elf here. Still got his room booked, though he owes 25 gold in unpaid rent. Probably dead in the Caer Byr somewhere. Pay the outstanding balance and the room is yours."

Maugan Ra
2012-08-20, 08:15 AM
(Sorry, post is being stubborn and not appearing)

"You his friend, then?" the innkeeper replies. "Yeah, there was an elf here. Still got his room booked, though he owes 25 gold in unpaid rent. Probably dead in the Caer Byr somewhere. Pay the outstanding balance and the room is yours."

Morbis Meh
2012-08-20, 08:22 AM
Schtein approaches the group of shady indivduals and smiles broadly "Good day sirs, I am looking for the strongest among you for a job of the more seedy nature. In my hand I have 50 gold" He lifts his tiny purse "Whoever accepts will get this now and when the job is done they will receive triple of what is in here for a total of 200 gold. Now as I said before I am only looking for one, strong candidate so if you would be so kind and come forward so we can discuss business in private."

Bluffing is so fun! [roll0]

Maugan Ra
2012-08-20, 09:09 AM
The group look at each other, then start grinning. They move forwards, spreading out to surround you in a loose pattern, hands drifting to the clubs dangling from their belts.

"I've got a better idea." One of them says, smiling in a way that exposes his yellowed teeth. "How about you hand over all your money, and in exchange, we don't break your legs."

2012-08-20, 09:33 AM
This was a waste of time...

Feeling a little disgruntled, Quint closed the books he had in front of him and returned them to random shelves. Leaving the library, he began to aimlessly wander the streets in the hopes of bumping into another of the wizards he'd found himself allied with. As he walked he shed the disguise he'd briefly held, appearing once again as the figure he truly was, tattoo's and all.

"Must be getting close to our meeting now..." He muttered to himself.

As he walked he took the various pages he'd removed and scrunched them into balls, tossing them into the gutter one at a time.

2012-08-20, 10:20 AM
Kydrak, happy with what he has learned of the Baron tries to seek out the orphanage he heard about. It seems to be in quite a shady part of town for a friendly orphanage. Whilst crossing through to the orphanage he sees Schtein being surrounded by a load of the orphans. He stands not far away from them and tries to defend his so called ally. Ok, the first of you thugs who lays a hand on my good friend Schtein, volunteers to be used as a persuasion for your master. And you probably won't like my idea of persuasion. Kydrak grins at the idea of torturing these weak cretures. He then draws his sword ready.

Maugan Ra
2012-08-20, 10:27 AM
The group of thugs seem to weigh up Kydrak for a long moment, their eyes drifting between his sword and his eyes as they try to determine how serious he is. Evidently, they reach the correct conclusion, as after a few moments they back off.

"You're going to go see the Baron? We won't stop you then. But your friend might want to be careful where he waves money around in future. Might get hurt."

2012-08-20, 10:52 AM
"You his friend, then?" the innkeeper replies. "Yeah, there was an elf here. Still got his room booked, though he owes 25 gold in unpaid rent. Probably dead in the Caer Byr somewhere. Pay the outstanding balance and the room is yours."

"Oh dear. He was supposed to wait for us, but we were delayed horribly, and he must have gotten impatient. How long ago did he leave? Did he leave any belonging here?"

Bluff roll (I assume this is pretty believable...)

2012-08-20, 10:56 AM
I still need one of you to torture or the baron won't do what we say. I suppose w could use one of Quints images but I was going to enjoy cutting you up. Anyway, I won't hurt you guys yet but that means you guys have to respect me and possibly work for me in less than pleasant situations. I'm Lord Kydrak by the way. He then turns himself into the most intimidating shape he can think of using his iron circlet.

Maugan Ra
2012-08-20, 11:11 AM
"Oh dear. He was supposed to wait for us, but we were delayed horribly, and he must have gotten impatient. How long ago did he leave? Did he leave any belonging here?"

Bluff roll (I assume this is pretty believable...)

"You just going to clear the room out, then? Sure, go on up. Here's the key." The innkeeper passes you a small key on a wooden ring.

(Assuming you check the room...)

Aiden Kael's room seems mostly empty. There's an old bed that has clearly not been slept in for some time, and a wooden desk in the corner. Stretched out over the desk is a map of the local area, including the nearest regions of the Caer Byr. The map is covered in annotations, detailing the ranger's successive scouting trips into the forests. And one of those annotations is centered around a particular hill.

The Horn of Abaddon

Kydrak and Schtein

The thugs, already made wary by the brandished sword and the evident sadism Kydrak was displaying when he mentioned torture, snap completely at the evident illusion magic.

"Screw this! Run for it lads!" one of them hollers, and the band sprints away from you, scattering into different side streets. Looking around, everyone else on the street has also vanished. The two wizards are left apparently alone.

2012-08-20, 11:14 AM
Well that's one way of ending a fight. Although I didn't get us anyone to work with, I still saved your dignity and purse.

Morbis Meh
2012-08-20, 11:20 AM
Schteins normal pleasent demeanor shifts and his pale face stares directly at the half blood before him "If you ever interfere with my affairs again i will slit your throat while you sleep and use your corpse myself. If I needed any help I would have asked for it myself, no bugger off before I take out my foul mood on you. I have some thugs to find before we head off and if you so as much look at me the wrong way I swear on the Dark Lord himself that you will regret it." He turns away not waiting for the fool to speak and goes off in search of one of the cowardly bandits.

Let me know what I need to roll but I would prefer taking 20 on it so I can get at least one of them...

Maugan Ra
2012-08-20, 11:40 AM
It takes a while, but eventually Schtein manages to track down one of the thugs who fled. Unfortunately, said thug is in the company of half a dozen soldiers, each resplendent in the red and black livery of House Vandermeir. They are wearing steel breastplates and have crossbows slung over their backs, but seeing you they reach instead for the long swords sheathed at their waists.

"So. You must be one of the visitors the Baron was expecting. I hope for your sake you are, or they'll find your corpse floating in the river. The Baron doesn't appreciate anyone being mean to the poor darling children. " Their leader says as he advances on you. His subordinates are spreading out behind him, avoiding anything like a tight formation, and you get the sudden impression that they've fought magic users before.

Morbis Meh
2012-08-20, 11:49 AM
Schtein gives a small smile "Indeed I am a guest of the Baron, as for threatening this child I did no such thing, in fact I was offering employment and some sadistic beast came along spewing threats of torture in the middle of our negotiations. Isn't that correct lad?"

Maugan Ra
2012-08-20, 12:11 PM
"Ah, well, since you're the victim of an unfortunate misunderstanding, we'll just escort you to the manor, I think. The Baron has been expecting you."

Some time later
(This assumes that everyone has regrouped and turned up at the manor for the meeting. Slight bit of DM-fiat, but there you go. If anyone has anything they particularly wanted to get done beforehand, tell me in the OOC thread)

One by one, you all regroup and make your way to the Baron's manor, ready in your own ways for the meeting. The Vandermir manor turns out to be perhaps the nicest property in the richest section of town, a three story stone affair sealed behind wrought iron fences and inhabited by scores of scurrying servants. They escort you into the dining room with polite smiles and offers of quality wine, though it does not escape notice that there are at least two guard watching each of you at any one time.

Baron Ankov Vandermir turns out to be a dark haired half-elf in fine clothes of burgundy and white silk. His green eyes are hard and unyielding as he studies you all from his position at the head of the dining table. There are six guards in the room, stationed around the perimeter with their hands on the hilts of their swords, and the servants have all been dismissed.

"You come to me as beggars." The Baron begins once everyone has arrived. "You will promise me much, I have no doubt, but all I am likely to gain from this is a spot on the inquisitor's pyre. Tell me, why should I help the likes of you?"

Morbis Meh
2012-08-20, 01:31 PM
Schtein swirls the wine in the glass and brings it to his nose so he can inhale the fine odour eminating from the glass. Smiling at its pleasent scent he takes a small sip of the wine, though he didn't need it for sustenance nor could he taste all the much, he though it was a polite gesture and at the very least it would wet his lips. Putting the glass down he looks up at the Baron "Beggars? Why I prefer on living a more humble existence, I am a firm believer that decadence makes on weak. As for helping well that is entirely up to you good sir for I will not try persuade you one way or another; however, you should know this little tiny fact, though the flames of an inquisitor's fire may burn for a short while the flames of hellfire from a vengful deity will be much worse. This is not a threat of any kind, I am just letting you know the Dark Lord does not look kindly upon those who would throw away his service at the mere sight of danger. Personally I think in would be a bad deal in general to renounce Asmodeus once you already signed the pact but that is merely my opinion. All that I can offer you is a piece of advice: You would do well think on your immortal soul and not of your mortal flesh, if you wish to come back and serve our Lord then I am sure he will forgive you if you serve him well. Or you can just pray to one of those goody goody gods for forgiveness and hope that they try to claim your soul before Asmodeus. My this wine in delectible, where did you acquire it if I may be so bold to ask?"

Maugan Ra
2012-08-20, 02:26 PM
The Baron regards you over steepled fingers. "Your concern for my eventual fate is truly touching. Tell me... what gave you the impression that I ever abandoned the faith? I am discrete in my religious observances, but I am pious as ever."

"And the wine is from Ghastenhall, a little vineyard I own out there. I shall pass the compliments along to the staff."

2012-08-20, 02:56 PM
"Excellent, then you should be glad to know that we are here on our mutual Lord's work. We are not here to challenge your domain in this town, nor to reveal your secrets. We are heading out into the Caer Byr to carry out a sensitive mission. We may need mundane assistance as we see it through, supplies, a warm bed, your library, things like that. Your support will let the rest of our Lord's disciples know that you are still the man you were, without jeopardizing your rule here. When it's done, we go away. Simple as that." During this Victor strolls casually around the room, looking each guard in the eye, keeping his hands out wide for them to see, ending facing front again to the Baron.

Maugan Ra
2012-08-20, 04:18 PM
"And why should I assist you in such a manner? Why should I commit resources and support to this mysterious task of yours, when there is no benefit to me involved? The risk of being known as an associate of yours far outweighs any benefit I could gain, I think, seeing as I am reasonably sure the authorities all have death sentences waiting for you all. It would be much safer for me to simply run you out of town, or even make sure you quietly vanish."

Morbis Meh
2012-08-20, 04:30 PM
Schtein grins maliciously "Tell me Baron, what is your main income for your lands? What if I were able to tell you that becoming invested in the medicine trade or better yet granting you and your lands complete immunity to what will happen. For even if you do not help us what is to come will most assuredly affect you and your people... As for why you should help, if you truly are a pious individual shouldn't helping us who are trying to bring about the ruling of our dark lord be enough? Though I suppose one could simply feign loyalty and devotion to a cause to avoid backlash... for a short while anyways."

Maugan Ra
2012-08-20, 05:32 PM
"You advise medicine, mention wide reaching consequences, and are going into the Caer Byr. Interesting." Vandermir says slowly, a calculating look in his eye. "And while some might consider a holy cause sufficient justification to contribute to a mission, I am not one of them. As it stands, I am comfortably well off, the locals view me with great favor, and if the good lord of Farholde perishes in the war I can expect to be elevated to the governing nobility of this region. What could you possibly offer me that would justify putting all that at risk?"

2012-08-20, 06:57 PM
Kydrak listens to Schtein's way of persuading the baron and isn't very impressed if you want him on your team you can just threaten him until he gives in. But he knows that Schtein would attempt to kill him if he messes up, and the others might side with Schtein which would meen killing his allies and disobeying Asmodeus's will. So he tries to keep it friendly. But first he casts eagle's spleandour on Schtein so that the most persuasive one of them is particularly appealing.

So barron, you say you are a pious Asmodean, so surely you know the full extent of his wrath, a wrath that could be chanelld through high preist Adrastus Thorn, I trust you know him?

Maugan Ra
2012-08-21, 05:22 AM
"I am aware of...him, yes." The baron replies, and you get the oddest impression he has about to refer to Thorn as 'it'. "It is mostly due to his reputation that I agreed toa meeting in the first place."

There is no disguising the faint nervousness in the Baron's eyes now.

2012-08-21, 06:34 AM
Quint claps his hands together, an expression of happiness on his face. "Ah! You do know him, excellent!"

He picks up a piece of food from his plate, examining it critically. "I suppose you should know that we're here at his request then. I am sure your co-operation will be looked upon favourably, and I for one will put in a good word for you."

Tentatively, he puts the food in his mouth, chewing thoughtfully. Slightly muffled by the food he was eating, he continued, "I know at least one Lord who would be pleased you were helping us as well. I'm sure his gratitude would aid your standing greatly."

He swallows his mouthful and gives the plate in front of him another look, "This could use some more seasoning by the way, perhaps a bit of Thyme."

Maugan Ra
2012-08-21, 06:56 AM
"Oh, I highly doubt that monster requested anything. Still, I can well believe that he is at least partially responsible for Talingarde's recent troubles." Vandermir goes silent for a long moment, contemplating the issue. When he looks back up at you, his eyes are filled with a cold and furious hatred.

"I want to know something. This... task of yours, whatever it is. Will it hurt the country? Will it bring misery to those pious, self-aggrandising traitors that call themselves our royalty?"

2012-08-21, 08:19 AM
Kydrak speaks with obvious malice now. "They are going to feel the power of the infernal prince. All of them will be killed and only the true Asmodeans will survive. I trust that you want to be in that number.

Morbis Meh
2012-08-21, 08:27 AM
Schtein notices the change in mood and rests his head and one of his pale hands whilst swirling his galsss, his eyes suddenly roll when Kydrak opens his mouth "...Ignore him, he tends to be far too overdramatic and usually doesn't tell much of anything. If it's misery you want, well let me paint a more descriptive picture for you: imagine your body being in complete and utter agony, sores appearing and popping all along your body. During this time you can feel the same sors inside of you rotting you away from the inside making it hard to eat, sleep or breath. Now imagine in the midst of this agony you see everyone you loved, your friends your family and your subject going through the exact same pain when you know deep down in the farthest reaches of your soul that you lack the power to anything. That is what my companions will be delivering to this country, whether or not you want to be apart of it is entirely up to you. I will not make idle threats our lie blatantly because honestly that is rude and overly redundant."

Maugan Ra
2012-08-21, 10:57 AM
The Baron carefully listens to Schteins descriptions, then looks down at his food. With a sigh he sets the cutlery down and pushes the plate away. "Charming. Still, I can't deny the idea holds a certain appeal. And you certainly have an ambitious enough goal in mind, that much is clear. Very well, I will support you."

"There is a passage leading between this manor and a Safehouse near the edge of town, which I will allow you to use. If you have need of resources and contacts within town I can likely provide them, within reason. Likewise, my influence should be enough to prevent you from being investigated or harassed too much by the local watch, but there are limits.

In exchange, I shall be content with your word that no harm shall come to my household through your actions, and perhaps a favorable situation if you do somehow succeed in your master's grand plan."

Morbis Meh
2012-08-21, 11:12 AM
Schtein hoists his glass in the air "Then may I so bold to call a toast to this favorable agreement? To the Dark Lord and may all that stand in his path be eradicated in the most sinister manner possible!' Schtein sips gingerly from his wine glass then clears his throat "I do have one request and it isn't out of your reach, I request a bodyguard, one of your stronger guardsmen would do just fine. If you could have him meet me in my quarters I would be very appreciative."

Maugan Ra
2012-08-21, 11:27 AM
"I am afraid I need my guardsmen here. However, I shall have a suitable individual hired for you tonight. It is a sensible enough precaution for heading into the Caer Byr." Vandermir says, having finished his own toast.

Morbis Meh
2012-08-21, 11:36 AM
Schtein bows his head in gratitude "Thank you sir, it is much appreciated, now if you will excuse me I have preparations of my own to make. Please forgive me for my rudeness but I do not have much of an appetite anymore at this age."

Maugan Ra
2012-08-21, 02:38 PM

The dinner concludes, and the Baron sends you on your way with the promises of his assistance. The wizards take care of their various other plans for the evening and the next day, you set off into the Caer Byr, in search of your destination.

The Byr, as it turns out, is not so much as forest as it is a jungle. The air is uncomfortably hot and humid, filled with a clashing melange of scents that constantly forces itself into your awareness. The trees are tightly packed and huge, often close to a hundred foot high with trunks twenty foot across, and are usually covered in numerous varieties of brightly colored moss. The cries of animal and bird fill the air, and everywhere you look you see small gleaming eyes watching you from the security of the thick undergrowth.

Still, the map left by Aiden Kel is a good one, directing you to the clearest paths and avoiding the most serious threats and pitfalls the area has to offer. You occasionally have to backtrack a bit when you realize the topography has changed slightly from the depicted terrain, or when a colony of snakes has decided to make its new home in the middle of the advised route, but you eventually find your way to your destination. You crest a shallow rise, and the thick plant growth momentarily parts, giving you a fine view over the surrounding area.

The Karst hills dominate the skyline, great up thrust spires of overgrown rock that reach hundreds of feet into the sky. There are dozens of them, but looking at the map you think you can deduce which one is your destination.

The Horn of Abaddon stands slightly apart from its fellow hills, as though shunning their company. It is completely covered in thick greenery, but looking closely you think you can see a trio of openings at various points on its steep slopes, along with a gaping maw near the base that presumably leads to some kind of cave system. The whole thing looks disturbingly like a glowering skull, even with its features obscured by the plant life, and as you look at it the stifling heat seems to momentarily give way to a worrying chill.

(For ideas of what the hills look like, follow this helpful link (http://www.flickr.com/photos/c-s-n/5391410362/lightbox/).)

Maugan Ra
2012-08-21, 03:52 PM
Approximately 60ft away from you, one of the trees suddenly begins to move. With a great creaking noise, it turns towards you, and in its gnarled bark and hanging leaves you think you can see the suggestion of a face.

"You have happened upon the Horn of Abaddon," it says, in a low and rumbling voice, "A cursed place once of great corruption. I am Jurak the Elder, and it is my sacred charge to watch over this place and see that evil never again takes root here. You should turn back."

Morbis Meh
2012-08-21, 04:03 PM
Schtein giggles "But good tree, walking backwards is rather hard to do! The ground here is rather treacherous and if I cannot see where I am going I just may fall over! Though we are here on a most holy quest, one that would ensure that you would no longer worry about your duty any longer, you can think of us as replacements! So please Jurak, let us through for we are here to do only good!"

Lying with half truths! yay for bluff

2012-08-21, 04:07 PM
Quint was not happy. The heat of the dense jungle would be somewhat tolerable if it weren't so humid at the same time. Small breezes gusted around him periodically, but even they weren't helping to dispel the oppresive heat.

He swatted at a few flies that had been bothering him for the past half hour.

"It's like there's no air down here at all..."

All of a sudden, the oppressive tangle gave way to open sky. Though the heat had yet to leave, Quint took a moment to revel in the open sky. Grinning, he surveyed the scene before him. The sight of the horn caused an uncomfortable pang in his stomach.

Pausing to recover his nerve a little, he turned to his companions to make a comment just as a tree began to speak to them.

That caused another pause, though a much shorter one. It didn't take long for him to come up with a plan to bypass this annoyance.

"Of course, my apologies to you noble guardian. My friends and I must have taken a wrong turn," At this point he glances back at his companions and gives them a long look, hoping they'd understand he had a plan, "We'll return the way we came."

Promptly turning around, he starts walking back to a point where he is confident the Tree Guardian cannot see him.

Spells, spells, spells:

Level 0 - Dancing Lights, Ghost Sound, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost

Level 1 - Windy Escape x1, Silent Image x1 (One converted into a Detect Secret Doors spell), Vanish x1, Colour Spray x1

Level 2 - Minor Image x1, Mirror Image x1, Gust of Wind x1, Hypnotic Pattern x1

Level 3 - Invisibility Sphere x1, Lightning Bolt x1 (Converted to Clairvoyance), Displacement x1

Maugan Ra
2012-08-21, 05:30 PM
Tree bark does not led itself well to complex expressions, but you'd guess that Jurak looks somewhat nonplussed at Schtein's exuberant behavior. "What good could you do here that your predecessors had not already done? Best to listed to your companion and leave."

The apparently sentient tree watches you back away, unmoving.

2012-08-21, 05:44 PM
Victor follows Quint, curious what the trickster had in mind, and rather worried that it would end with all of them dressed foolishly.

Prepared Spells
1st Level
Mage Armor
Burning Hands (gun)
Abundant Ammunition

2nd Level
Scorching Ray (gun)
Cat's Grace

2012-08-21, 07:36 PM
Kydrak thinks he understands Quint's and follows him back to where the tree can't see him. But if it is some stupid plan that will get them killed he's willing to burn this tree along with any other things in the way.

2012-08-22, 08:17 AM
Once everyone had followed him back, Quint began to talk in hushed tones to the other three.

"Now, as you know, I specialise in misdirection."

He glances around conspiratorially before plucking a small fern from the ground.

"Now here's what we know, there are clearly watchers surrounding the Horn trying to prevent people like us from getting in. There are likely other guardians and defences located inside as well."

He pauses to uproot a few more small plants.

"So my reasoning is this. The fighting out here we can avoid, the potential fighting in there we probably will have a harder time circumventing. So allow me to get us past these Sentries so you less subtle types can have fun when we're in there."

He begins handing out the various plants to the wizards and Schtein's minions, pausing in front of each and saying "Spraoi beaga". Each person he moved on from was left holding a small plant and with a green face.

"Now, you may be wondering why I've given you the plants and the make over. You have to understand that this will help make my illusion all the more convincing. We will appear to be nothing more than simple undergrowth to the sentries eyes, allowing us to slip by entirely undetected."

He gives his greenfaced companions a very serious look now, "You must stay close to me as we move otherwise you will be seen for what you truly are. Now, gather close everyone, and we shall start moving as soon as the spell is cast."

As soon as everyone is close by, he incants "Sféar Dofheicthe"

For the GM:
Quint is using Prestidigitation to turn everybody elses face green (can be used to colour a 1 ft. square for one hour) and is then casting Invisibility Sphere once everyone is close enough (lasts 1 min./level as invisibility)

He will then lead them back past the Tree Guardian thing to take them down to the Horn.

Maugan Ra
2012-08-22, 10:02 AM
Shielded by the invisibility spell, the group manages to make it's way to the base of the Horn without any further difficulties. Close up, the true height of the mount becomes truly apparent - it is closer to a mountain than a hill. Likewise, from this closer vantage point, you can make out the distinct traces of humanoid construction on its slopes, the old stonework long since overgrown with thick greenery. There appear to be three conventional ways inside.

The first, and most obvious, is the gaping entrance to the cave system at its base. Festooned with stalactites and stalagmites, the cave looks disturbingly like a great maw, and the terrain within appears to have degenerated into a swampy morass over time.

Secondly, there is a broad flight of stairs that makes its way up the front of the Horn and vanishes into an opening about a hundred foot up. That appears to be the lowest point of the temple proper, judging by what you can see of the stonework.

Thirdly, there is a small and winding staircase that seems to hug the side of the hill, rising to an entrance approximately two hundred foot up the Horn. The path up is narrow and switchbacks often, but it should be possible to make your way up there without too much trouble so long as you are careful.

There are also two further openings that you can see. One is a large balcony situated approximately two hundred and fifty feet up the slope, and which seems to only be accessable via clambering up the rough rockface from the smaller staircase beneath it. Or, of course, flying.

Finally, there is a very small opening near the very peak of the Horn, which appears to only be accessible via flight - certainly the rock face around it is far too sheer to be climbed.

(Everyone gains 600xp for having made it to the Horn. Now, chose your preferred point of entry)

2012-08-22, 10:02 AM
Victor shrugs and sighs, and follows along, trying to be as "plantlike" as he can be. However, his gun is loaded and in his hand.

Morbis Meh
2012-08-22, 10:11 AM
Schtein is perplexed he knew that they were made invisible but as far as the other spell he really couldn't tell what difference was made.... people were slightly coloured darker but not much though his bodyguards were grey instead of black which was rather amusing. Looking up at the horn he debated which entrance would suit their need best. No doubt each was warned to some degree.. but would the massive slope be protected as well as the main entrance? Now there was an interesting question indeed!

2012-08-22, 10:27 AM
So we've got past the guard but what about when we own the horn, are we going to just leave him there? Surely he'll find out we're in here and come to kill us. But first, I say we go down this more obvious path, just because it's more obvious.

Morbis Meh
2012-08-22, 10:51 AM
Schtein sighs "We can worry about Jurak later, at the moment we need to concentrate at the task at hand, as for heading donw the more obvious route... I say we just verify what kind of wards are in place, unless you're volunteering to walk in first with your head down?"

Schtein will cast detect magic and focus on the main entrance for 3 rounds

Maugan Ra
2012-08-22, 11:02 AM
The entire Horn is saturated with magic, mostly abjuration effects as far as you can tell. Or to be more specific, an abjuration effect, singular. It appears to be emanating from near the top of the spire, somewhere past that highest entrance that you saw. Presumably, this is the aura of the warding spell designed to keep Vetra-Kali from returning - it's certainly powerful enough, to the point where it is drowning out any other magical auras you might otherwise sense in the surrounding area.

That said, there doesn't appear to be anything of real magical significance near the Maw.

Morbis Meh
2012-08-22, 11:15 AM
Schtein relays his discovery to the rest of the group and adds that they might as well walk through the front door.

Maugan Ra
2012-08-22, 12:33 PM
Cautiously, you make your way in through the Maw, entering the Horn of Abaddon. The ground around the entrance area has grown thick and muddy, and it sucks at your feet as you carefully make your way inside. After about forty feet or so, the mud gives way to solid rock once more, and the footing becomes much more stable.

There are three natural passageways off of this antechamber-like cavern, two to your right and a single one to your left. There is little to distinguish between them, but as you reach the solid rock once more, a pair of vaguely humanoid shapes emerge from behind one of the rock formations and sprint away into the second passage on the right. They look rather like overgrown frogs, and in their flabby hands they wield crude spears hewn from trees and loose rocks. You can't get a good look given the speed with which they are fleeing, but it appears they are wearing some kind of crude leather armour.

It would appear that sometime in the last eighty years, a group of boggards have chosen to make these caves their home.

2012-08-22, 01:27 PM
Victor casts Shield on himself from his wand, and then Mage Armor in preparation.

Victor has his gun ready in one hand, and his other is empty.

Current stats
HP 29/29
BAB +3
AC 21
Touch 13
Flat-Footed 18
Initiative +5
Fort +4
Ref +6
Will +5

Memorized Spells

1st Level
Mage Armor
Burning Hands (gun)
Abundant Ammunition

2nd Level
Scorching Ray (gun)
Cat's Grace

Morbis Meh
2012-08-22, 01:38 PM
Schtein mutters something in abyssal to his body guards, who nod in response and proceed to form around him protectively while he chants thus forming an etheral barrier around himself followed by a green light that seems to eminate from him. Lastly, from the very ground bones rush up and form a shield that floats around him. His chanting stops and Schtein smiles "Shall we continue?"

So Mage Armor, False life, and Defending bone have been used, they all will last 5 hours
temp HP [roll0]

2012-08-22, 03:41 PM

Quint watched the frogmen move away with a degree of curiosity. It was interesting to him that these creatures had chosen to make their home here. Were they drawn to the malevolent fell of the place, or did they rely on it to keep foes at bay? These questions were ones that he felt deserved answers.

"I think we are likely safe in following those Boggards. If they have made their home here, and indeed travel the cavern often, then there is unlikely to be any active traps along their route's."

Thinking on it a bit more, he continued "Well, I suppose there could be magical traps keyed to them. But I doubt we could find those easily if what you said about the aura strength is true."

He grins to the group as a whole, "Well then, lead on!"

Maugan Ra
2012-08-22, 04:10 PM
Following the boggards through the narrow passageway, you emerge into a wider cave within about twenty foot. The cave is filled with stalagmites, and most of the floor has been softened into mud by the constant flow of water from somewhere higher up in the Horn, with the exception of a stone walkway straight through the centre.

You are halfway across the cavern when you catch sight of movement around the bases of the stalagmites. Realizing that they've been spotted, the ambushing Boggards let out a series of deafening croaks that echo loudly in the caverns, before racing towards you in a bounding charge.

There are five of the amphibians, and while most carry spears, the one in the lead is carrying a gleaming great-sword. He lunges at the first of Schtein's silent bodyguards, smashing a mighty blow into its torso (dealing [roll0] damage) that powers straight through into the second of the necromancer's followers (Cleave, but follow up attack missed).

Of the other four boggards, two reach your group this turn, lunging for Victor ([roll1], if hit then [roll2] damage) and Quint ([roll3] for [roll4] damage). The other two are hanging back for the moment.

I like to make the rolls for potentially important NPCs secretly, so as to avoid any meta gaming and guessing of their stats. The standard boggards get rolled for publicly, because they don't matter nearly so much.

Anyway, your turn now. Remember the applications of the five foot step, for getting away from the angry forgmen before casting, and otherwise act in whichever order you happen to post.

2012-08-22, 04:24 PM
The cacophany of noise caught Quint completely unprepared. The strange way the sound echoed off of the cavernous walls just amplified the headache this was rapidly giving him. Such was the distraction that it was causing him that he noticed ever so slightly too late that one of the blasted creatures was jabbing a spear at him. The spear tip drew blood before Quint instinctively caused his flesh to mimic the very air around him, letting the weapon pass through the rest of him without harm.

Taking advantage of his brief insubstantiability, he backed away a short distance and incanted "Díláithriú!"

His form flickered and appeared a short distance away from him, both his own form and the illusory copy appearing to flicker slightly from time to time. As he began planning what to do next, he kept a close eye on the Boggard that had just tried to skewer him, prepared to evade it should the need arise.

Will Saves:

Shaken for [roll2] rounds (assuming I fail one)

Fleeing for [roll3] rounds (assuming I fail both, which would suck)

Alrighty, casting Windy Escape as an immediate action to reduce the Boggards damage against me to 1. Then taking a 5 ft. step away from it so as to avoid an attack of oppertunity before casting Displacement (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/d/displacement).

Quint will then make sure he's ready to Dodge against the Boggard that just stabbed him.

Morbis Meh
2012-08-22, 05:14 PM
Schtein sneers at the feeble attempt to kill one of his body guards and begins to cast a spell in abyssal directed at the leader. Two of the three skeletons enraged by this act take a 5ft step and all three unleash a flurry of blows at the living entity that dared to harm one of their brethren.

Well dead leader is going to be very dead... Schtein casts Ray of exhaustion Fort save of 20 to avoid exhaustion but still causes fatigue on a successful save and all three skeletons attack twice.
Skeleton 1 Hp: 23/51 AC:24 DR 10/ Good and Bludg
Attack one [roll0]
damage [roll1]
strength damage [roll2]

Attack two [roll3]
damage [roll4]
strength damage [roll5]

Skeleton 2 38/38 AC:24 DR 10/ Good and Bludg
Attack one [roll6]
damage [roll7]
strength damage [roll8]

Attack two [roll9]
damage [roll10]
strength damage [roll11]

Skeleton 3 46/46 AC:24 DR 10/ Good and Bludg
Attack one [roll12]
damage [roll13]
strength damage [roll14]

Attack two [roll15]
damage [roll16]
strength damage [roll17]

Morbis Meh
2012-08-22, 05:20 PM
Crit confirm on Skeleton 3's attacks
confirmation 1 [roll0]
damage [roll1]
strength damage [roll2]

confirmation 2 [roll3]
damage [roll4]
strength damage [roll5]

Maugan Ra
2012-08-22, 05:25 PM
Schtein needs to make a ranged touch attack to hit with the ray of Exhaustion. In any case, rolling save on the assumption of a hit...

The boggard snarls as the numerous shortswords hammer into its rubbery flesh, but remains standing.

Morbis Meh
2012-08-22, 05:33 PM
whoops my bad I forgot about the ranged touch
to hit [roll0] as for standing strong... I doubt it is standing strong with the massive strength damage it just took

btw my shaken rolls
will 1 [roll1]
will 2 [roll2]

2012-08-22, 05:51 PM
Victor staggers from the attack and dances away diagonally to create some space. He steadies himself, takes aim, and fires. His pistol explodes with sound and fire as the shot blasts the frog-man at point blank range.

Rolling Will save for Shaken

Versus Touch AC
Spend 1 Grit and swift action for Engineering is Power +4 dmg
Point Blank Shot +1/+1
Deadly Aim -1/+2

2012-08-22, 05:53 PM
Victor staggers from the attack and dances away diagonally to create some space. He steadies himself, takes aim, and fires. His pistol explodes with sound and fire as the shot blasts the frog-man at point blank range.

Rolling Will save for Shaken

Versus Touch AC
Spend 1 Grit and swift action for Engineering is Power +4 dmg
Point Blank Shot +1/+1
Deadly Aim -1/+2

2012-08-22, 06:00 PM
Reposting rolls

Will saves

Attack vs touch AC

2012-08-22, 06:03 PM
Current stats
HP 22/29
BAB +3
AC 21
Touch 13
Flat-Footed 18
Initiative +5
Fort +4
Ref +6
Will +5
Grit 3/4

Memorized Spells

1st Level
Mage Armor
Burning Hands (gun)
Abundant Ammunition

2nd Level
Scorching Ray (gun)
Cat's Grace

Maugan Ra
2012-08-22, 06:14 PM
Victor's target flinches backwards, howling in pain as the shot slams into its torso. Quint's opponent, meanwhile, looks confused, it's protruding eyes rolling madly as it tries to work out why he can suddenly see too enemies where there had been only one.

Maugan Ra
2012-08-22, 06:30 PM
(Summon post...)

2012-08-23, 10:07 AM
Kydrak casts mage armour on himself. He draws his sword and waits for one of them to come at him.

Maugan Ra
2012-08-23, 10:37 AM
The boggard chieftain backs away from the attacking undead, retreating some twenty foot as it hefts the great-sword in arms that suddenly feel strangely weaker. Snarling out a command in the odd language of its kind, it jabs a finger at Schtein.

The two boggards who had been delayed in their arrival obey their chief, bounding forwards to attack the Necromancer while he is temporarily bereft of his bodyguards.

[roll0] for [roll1] damage
[roll2] for [roll3] damage

The chieftain watches, a calculating look in his eyes as he tries to work out where the skeletons are going to go.

Meanwhile, the boggard attacking Quint pursues the illusionist as best it can, trying to determine which of the visible images is its prey. [roll4] for [roll5] damage, needs above 50 on [roll6] to hit.

Victor also finds himself under assault from his wounded opponent. [roll7] for [roll8] damage.

Morbis Meh
2012-08-23, 11:18 AM
The strike that connects slams into the bone shield but only succeeds in diming the light surrounding Schtein. Annoyed he moves 5 ft out of the way of both of the Boggards and casts another spell directed at their leader, a line of darkness erupts forth from the necromancer's hands, seeking it's target. When Schtein moves, one of his body guards moves with him thus blocking the boggards from getting towards him and two unleash their attacks on the one that hit their master.

So this is what I think the situation looks like now...
So Schtein is casting ray of enfeeblement on the leader touch attack!
strength damage [roll1]

Skeleton 1
Attack one [roll2]
damage [roll3]
strength damage [roll4]

Attack two [roll5]
damage [roll6]
strength damage [roll7]

Skeleton 2
Attack one [roll8]
damage [roll9]
strength damage [roll10]

Attack two [roll11]
damage [roll12]
strength damage [roll13]

Skeleton 3
Attack one [roll14]
damage [roll15]
strength damage [roll16]

Attack two [roll17]
damage [roll18]
strength damage [roll19]

2012-08-23, 12:09 PM
Victor's shield of force deflects the attack high enough for Victor duck and spin away, his coat whirling out around him. He stands up from his spin and takes aim not that the boggard attacking him... but at the Chieftain. He calls out words of fiery power, his left hand tracing a runic symbol in the air, which he then grabs, and smack onto his gun, the rune wrapping itself around the gun barrels, and he pulls the trigger. A tongue of flame blasts from the barrel and lances towards the Chieftain.

Casting Scorching Ray through my Arcane Gun
No reload necessary since using a spell
Point Blank Shot +1/+1
Deadly Aim -1/+2
Versus Touch AC

Current Stats
HP 22/29
BAB +3
AC 21
Touch 13
Flat-Footed 18
Initiative +5
Fort +4
Ref +6
Will +5
Grit 3/4

Memorized Spells
1st Level
Mage Armor
Burning Hands (gun)
Abundant Ammunition

2nd Level
Scorching Ray (gun)
Cat's Grace

Maugan Ra
2012-08-23, 12:40 PM
The chieftain staggers under the force of the blow, and there is a dull clang as the great-sword drops from his fingers onto the stone floor. The other boggards, even the ones fighting for their lives, pause and look over at the sound.

The chieftain clambers back to his feet with sluggish movements and tugs on the hilt of the sword, but he is still suffering under the crippling effects of the spell barrage and draining energy around Schtein's minions. He cannot even seem to lift the sword, and croaks feebly at you. His followers seem to hesitate, their confidence clearly shaken at the sight.

Morbis Meh
2012-08-23, 01:11 PM
Schtein looks at the remaining Boggards and points out at them with a finger and says in a booming voice "SUBMIT TO ME OR SHARE THE SAME FATE AS YOUR LEADER."

intimidate [roll0]
please oh please be good...

2012-08-23, 01:21 PM
Victor quickly reloads and point his gun at the boggard that had been attacking him and glares imperiously down the barrel. "You heard the man. Submit, you pathetic pustule."


2012-08-23, 01:32 PM
Kydrak puts his sword to the cheif boggatfs neck and stares at all the surrounding boggards.

Maugan Ra
2012-08-23, 01:41 PM
The boggards look at each other for a moment, then virtually as one they fall to one knee, spears held flat against the ground and heads bowed. The chieftain, seeing this, snarls in anger and reaches up with weak hands in an attempt to choke Kydrak, but his grip is little more than that of a young child's.

Maugan Ra
2012-08-23, 01:47 PM
The boggards look at each other for a moment, then virtually as one they fall to one knee, spears held flat against the ground and heads bowed. The chieftain, seeing this, snarls in anger and reaches up with weak hands in an attempt to choke Kydrak, but his grip is little more than that of a young child's.

Morbis Meh
2012-08-23, 01:47 PM
Schtein smiles "That's more like it! See how easy that was? Now to make the transition official and reduce conflicting loyalties..." He pulls out his fine crafted ivory dagger and walks over to the helpless chieftein and slits his throat ingoring his pathetic protests.

Let me know if this isn't viable, I am just assuming that with a strength score of 1 the chieftein is considered helpless especially with him being over a heavy load.

Maugan Ra
2012-08-23, 02:01 PM
The chieftain gasps, bleeds and dies on the mucky floor of the cavern. The other boggards seem entirely unfazed by this. One of them croaks out in a strangely accented voice,

"What... is your will, lords?"

Morbis Meh
2012-08-23, 03:04 PM
Schtein looks down at the pitiful creatures and smiles "Well for starters I think it would be in everyone's best interest if we got acquainted with the remainder of your tribe for we are in need of answers and possibly a guide or two." He looks to the others "If that is alright with the rest of you of course?

Maugan Ra
2012-08-23, 03:29 PM
The boggard nods in agreement, and without another word they rise and lead you deeper into the cave system. You pass through a large, echoing chamber half filled with a bubbling mud pit, before turning aside and entering a third chamber.

The cavern is by far the largest yet, perhaps a full hundred foot across at it's widest point, and illuminated by rows of flickering yellow torches that have been hammered into the rock face. There are half a dozen or so crude huts dotting the cavern, each formed out of mud and thatch and arrayed around a large, central fire pit. From the shadowy interiors of these huts emerge the rest of the boggard tribe, a full dozen of them, all clutching their crude weapons and gazing at you with obvious malevolence... but, seeing the absence of their leader, they make no hostile move towards you. Instead, they turn their gazes back towards the central fire pit.

Sitting by that pit in a cross legged stance is an elderly boggard dressed in furs. Simple talismans of bone and feathers hang from his clothes, and a gnarled old staff rests on the ground besides him. The boggard's skin has been covered with elaborate tattoos made from a strange, luminescent ink, and they seem to shift and twitch under your gaze. The boggard looks up at you.

"I am called Zikomo Hears-the-Father, shaman of the Bane Wogs tribe." it says in a harsh, creaking voice. "And you are the children of Thorns. I have seen you in my visions. You are here to restore this temple to glory, and bring the Father back from the Void."

2012-08-23, 04:02 PM
Quint examined the injury he'd sustained. It seemed pretty superficial, the blood flow was already all but quenched. If he hadn't acted as quickly as he did, he was fairly sure he'd be in a lot more pain right now.

"Yes, I believe seeing who else is here would indeed be helpful."

Following the frog-men back to their settlement, he notices the tattoo's on the Shaman. It takes him a moment, but he soon recognises them. A broad smile crosses his face as he realised what this meant. He couldn't, however, explain it in front of his allies. The deluded Boggards could be left to retain their belief's a while longer.

2012-08-23, 10:52 PM
Victor begins investigating the caverns, notebook in hand, sketching things out roughly. He's looking for offshoot, instabilities, things that seem like they'd lead elsewhere, intrusions of man-made structure (foundations, etc), generally getting a feel for the structure. He is generally uninterested in the disgusting Frog-men.

Also, I'm not clear where this cavern is supposed to be in relation to the Horn. Underneath it?

Morbis Meh
2012-08-23, 11:06 PM
Schtein appraises the wizened boggard and smirks over the markings "Why yes we are on a holy mission of the greatest importance and any assistance you and your people can provide would be greatly appreciated. Now can you tell us about this place, specifically the layout and possible dangers?"

2012-08-24, 12:26 AM
Kydrak is clearly disgusted by this hole and looks around with no joy on his face. He sheaths his sword and approaches the toughest looking boggard. How would you like to be the bodyguard of a holy prophet? I will make sure you are respected ongst the tribe and if you serve me well then you will become my second in command. Or you can have same fate as your previous leader.

Maugan Ra
2012-08-24, 07:57 AM
The boggard merely stares silently at Kydrak, occasionally blinking.

"They do not understand your tongue, wizard." Zikomo calls over. "Few here do, save for the occasional word. As for assistance..."

The shaman gestures to a nearby boggard, who scurries over and deposits a pile of tanned skins on the floor. Sketched onto each is a crude map of the cave system and it's environs, as well as a somewhat sketchier map of the temple above.

Then, Zikomo draws a small leather pouch from among the various other fetishes adorning his person. He casts it into the fire pit, muttering a phrase in a strange language that none of you recognize. The flames turn a brilliant blue color and rise hungrily... As do all the torches set around the perimeter of the cavern. In the central pit an image takes shape, a lean and cadaverous skull face with three eyes. A powerful voice rolls around the chamber, the foul language of the pit making the walls shiver.

(In Abyssal)
"Seek the cave of blue slime, lest ye fail your master's charge. Sing the Dirges and claim the vigilant eye, and all shall tremble at thy feet."

Morbis Meh
2012-08-24, 09:12 AM
Schtein grins "Oh a riddle, I must say I am rather fond of those! Zikomo, we shall take these maps and go ahead, but i ask that the four that brought us here come with us and act as guides. We may have a map but I imagine that they know these caves much better than we do.

Maugan Ra
2012-08-24, 09:23 AM
"Of course."

The Shaman barks orders to the four boggards, who look rather unhappy about their assigned tasks. Still, in the wake of the magical demonstration Zikomo just put on, they're not going to disobey, and fall in around you without protest.

2012-08-24, 01:58 PM
Quint idly listened to what the frog man's conjuration had to say. He didn't understand a word of it, just something he'd have to ask a more linguistically inclined ally. Schtein's reaction to it was intriguing though. Unravelling word play almost always revealed something of use.

He walked over to Victor, examining the map over his shoulder. He pointed at something that caught his attention.

"Holding pens for what?"

He examines the map for a little longer.

"And I don't suppose anybody knows where we need to head to exactly to carry out our sacred duty?"

2012-08-25, 01:39 AM
"I think we should investigate this temple," he says to Quint over his shoulder, pointing to the spot on the map. "I can't tell from this map what leads upwards into the higher levels of the temple, but I'm sure that our new friends can take us there."

He stands up and walks over to the group by the Boggards. "How do WEEEE get up THHHEEEEERRRRE?" He says in a condescendingly slow affectation, gesturing broadly around to his companions, then pointing upwards.

Maugan Ra
2012-08-25, 11:11 AM
"Stairs." one of them grunts, pointing towards where the maw leads out of the cave system. Presumably, it is referring to the outside way up to the various openings. If there is a way up into the temple from within the caves themselves, the boggards clearly don't know about it.

2012-08-25, 01:28 PM
"Well, in that case, I say we make a quick tour of their caves down here, and then explore the various entry points outside."

Maugan Ra
2012-08-25, 04:23 PM
The boggards, compliant enough once they've worked out what you want, lead you on a brief tour of the cave systems.

Zikomo's temple is the second largest cave in the complex, and it has been converted entirely into the Shaman's dwelling place. Mad scribbles in luminescent oils cover the walls, and broken bones litter the floor in artistically arranged patterns. A crude alter sits in the middle of it all, stained with the blood of hundreds.

The bone pit appears to be where the boggards dump the remains of all their victims and sacrifices. There are literally hundreds of skeletons in there, jumbled madly together and left to rot.

The acid pool is a natural depression where bubbling clear liquid has pooled after flowing down from the Horn above. There is close to a hundred liters of potent acid there, and at a guess it is not so much natural as it is corrupted rainwater twisted by its passage through the unholy rock.

The mud pits fill up a third of the chamber adjacent to the village, and they boil with geothermal heat. Sections of the chamber have clearly been worked by mortal architects, for no reason discernible at first glance.

The cavern of blue slime takes it's name from a strange luminescent algi that has grown to cover the south wall. There is a small opening near the centre of that wall, no more than a few inches across, that appears to form a natural passage to somewhere deeper within the rock.

The section marked 'diamonds' appears to be a small, narrow antechamber covered in glistening ice and sparkling gemstones of a multitude of colors. The boggards give it a wide berth, though they barely seem conscious of it.

Would you like to investigate any of these areas more closely?

2012-08-25, 05:08 PM
The little scientist in Victor "squees" at the sight of a pool of acid! "Imagine a hooked chain attached to a winch up there, coming down to controls down here!" He said excitedly to his companions, pointing up to the ceiling, then over to a point on the wall, then down to the ground away from the pool. "You could hang someone by their hands and lower down to the acid as part of an interrogation. You can dangle them just close enough that their toes sizzle, and they writhe and wriggle to stay up in the air. But eventually they get tired, and then ssszzzzz! They'll tell you want you want to know when the their feet start burning."

Then he got another fabulous idea. "Oh, I need flasks. This stuff is expensive, not to mention handy! Makes a wonderful thrown weapon, and if you have a precision applicator you can just burn a lock open instead of picking it." He stands there for another moment, stroking his goatee and nodding. "I like this room!"

Morbis Meh
2012-08-25, 09:56 PM
Schtein rolls his eyes "Not now, we have work to do and torture methods is the last thing we need to concern ourselves with. Besides I have much quicker and peaceful methods for interrogation... the dead don;t lie."

2012-08-26, 01:33 PM
Victor looks at Schtein with disgust. "Of course not now, what do you take me for, an idiot? But neither is an animated corpse the answer to everything, you vulture. It was just an idea." He moves away to continue down the passageway on the tour.

Maugan Ra
2012-08-26, 09:41 PM
The pool of acid holds 100 liters, as mentioned. It also refreshes at a rate of 1 liter a day. With care, this acid could be used to enhance and create all manner of other traps. Or, as noted, torture devices.

Are there any further areas you wish to explore in the caves, or do you want to move out and then up to one of the other entrances?

Morbis Meh
2012-08-26, 10:07 PM
Schtein shakes his head and continues up and out of the cave, not wishing to waste anymore time.

Maugan Ra
2012-08-26, 10:31 PM
You emerge once more onto the outside of the Horn. There are now two easily accessible ways in - the first level of the temple, which is reached by a wide staircase up the front of the Horn, and the second level, which requires a climb up a winding and narrow staircase along the sides.

There is also the third entrance, which requires you to literally climb over the rocky face of the horn from the second entrance, or the small balcony visible at the very top of the Horn, which would almost certainly require flight to access from out here.

2012-08-27, 01:31 AM
Victor peers up at the third entrace and balconey. "Can anyone fly up there an scout out those higher areas?"

2012-08-27, 02:28 AM
Quint squints up at the third level. "I could try to climb up, but I'm not sure I'd be comfortable doing so."

He stretches his arms a little, enjoying the fresher air outside, "If somebody was planning on flying up there, I'd have to reccomend letting me go instead. I'm a lot better at acting unobserved after all."

That said...

Quint traced a small window in the air in front of him, "Perspicacity"

Quint is casting Clairvoyance as a full round action, losing Lightning Bolt to do so. He's taking a look at the balcony.

Maugan Ra
2012-08-27, 04:00 AM
(And yes, by DM fiat everyone sees this in the scrying spell.)

The air in front of your group flickers and warps, and with a faint tearing sound a projected image forms hovering in space, showing you the view from the upmost balcony.

The balcony leads into a chamber just inside the peak of the Horn, a large dome some eighty feet across at it's widest point. The entire inner surface of the chamber is sheathed in a strange copper like material, every inch of which has been carefully worked into images of suffering mortals and spreading pestilence, interspaced with the jagged script of daemons.

Sitting in the centre of the room is an altar, a large slab of green stone stained black with the lifeblood of uncounted hundreds of victims. At the base of the slab is a small basin of oddly colored water, and looming over it is what you can only assume is a statue of Vetra-Kali itself.

The daemon lord takes the form of a six-armed humanoid figure with the tattered wings of a raven. It's skull is equine in form, hideously elongated, and three empty sockets gape from where a trio of eyes should clearly sit. In three of its hands, the statue holds wicked looking daggers, while in the other three it cradles a vial of some kind. The statue is inanimate, but you get the strangest feeling that it is staring at you with its eyeless gaze none the less.

Chained to the front of that altar is something completely out of place in the unholy fane - a large, glittering seal of purest silver, engraved with the sun and light symbols of the god Mitra. It's purity almost hurts to look upon, and the clash between the seal and the surrounding room could hardly be more distinct.

The air in the chamber seems to constantly writhe and crackle with the interplay of deific energies in such utter opposition to each other. Given the crackles of static electricity that you can make out through the scrying, you'd guess there's at least one storm elemental in there, though how many and how large is impossible to tell.

There is also, near the entrance to the balcony, what appears to be a spiral staircase set into the floor, leading from the sanctum down into the lower levels of the temple. It can evidently be accessed on foot from somewhere within.

2012-08-27, 12:48 PM
As the scrying vision disappears, Victor looks to his companions pensively, "Well, gentlemen... we have an idea of what's in store for us up there, but it would be rather difficult to get us all up there. I propose we take a peak through the first entrance there. Any objections? I suspect we likely won't want to tangle with that top floor until we've had a chance to restore our spells, but no harm in looking around, eh?"

Morbis Meh
2012-08-27, 01:34 PM
Schtein nods "A pre-emptive soujourn into the temple could be valuable we do have a place to rest if need be, so I concur but let us make haste lest we be caught unaware and out in the open by some other threat."

Maugan Ra
2012-08-27, 02:38 PM
You proceed up the long flight of stairs to the first, and lowest, entrance to the temple proper. The landing you arrive on is not particularly adorned or ornamented, and at a guess you would imagine this floor was reserved for the less senior members of the cult.

The landing at the top of the stairs was clearly meant to be guarded, as a guardroom on each side covers the entire approach by means of half a dozen arrow slits apiece. Now, though, they are empty and abandoned, as is most of the level. As you make your way inside, it becomes progressively more obvious that hard fighting took place here. Old blood stains, chipped sections of masonry and the distinctive blast patterns of arcane spells are everywhere... though there are no bodies or leftover equipment.

Exploring the level yields no encounters with sentient life, and is quickly resolved. This floor of the temple appears to have been mostly devoted to secular activities and low-ranking accomodation. There are eight different bunk halls, each with half a dozen or more old beds that have mostly fallen into disrepair and rot. There is a smithy here, and a reasonably sized tavern. Beyond that, there are four things of note.

The first is an old fountain in the centre of the main hall, wrought in the likeness of the skeletal boatman Charon. Water flows like blood from between it's ribs and collects in the hull of its morbid barge. Despite the years of neglect, the water appears perfectly fresh and untainted.

The second is a storeroom, where the cult evidently kept their provisions. The food and drink are gone now, but there is still one thing here - the corpse of a Minotaur, pinned to the floor by an ornate spear that someone rammed through its chest with incredible force a long time ago. Despite the passage of years, the corpse is perfectly fresh, preserved by whatever enchantments the Sons of the Pale Horsemen used on their supplies.

The third is some kind of throne room that adjourns the barracks. The walls in here are adorned with scenes of daemonic victory over a horde of broken angels, and the throne itself has a small inscription on its base - the abyssal word 'yah'.

The fourth is an alchemical workshop of some description. Most of the delicate supplies are gone, and the books of instructions are jumbled up and disorganized, but on a workbench in the centre of the chamber is what appears to be a golem of some description. The gangling bronze humanoid figure has clearly been the victim of some violence, but you can tell at a glance it is probably not beyond the realms of repair, provided you could find the right tools. The Sons evidently thought so too - chips of bone and sprays of old blood around the room explain why they didn't manage to complete the repair works.

Finally, there is what was obviously some kind of trophy room. A dozen display cases and stands have been broken open and looted around the room, leaving only the accompanying inscriptions to tell what might have once been held here.

The inscriptions:

Laedrissa the beautiful, who believed she need not honor her promise to us.

Markan the Golden, draconic protector of Losswyn. He slept then and now sleeps forever.

Kallister feign, an illusionist too clever to keep his head.

Lazarus M. Who mourns for you now?

King Croc, 23ft from snout to tail, delicious on a spit.

Iris of Ghastenhall, dead of a broken heart and a poison dagger.

The great serpent of Korokunga, slain for its venom.

Lord Halifax the Just, hid in his castle and hoped we had forgotten. We hadn't.

Snorri Five-axe, died on a sixth.

The ears of Lord Kallerrian. If only he had sense enough to listen.

King Gorgon Sakkathet, unbeatable in battle, careless in choosing his cup-bearer.

Ergun Nygma, the third scion of the House of Hyral, the second greatest swordsman in the land, the first to die.

There is a staircase leading on upwards near the rear of this floor. You cannot hear anything coming from the floors above, but that might not necessarily make them safe.

2012-08-27, 03:22 PM
Upon finding the golem room, Victor crows, "Oh, yes, yes yes YES! This is excellent! This will take some time to organize, but this... this will be magnificent!"

Morbis Meh
2012-08-27, 04:00 PM
Schtein looks at the Golem and shrugs "May be of some use, though we don't have the time to fix it, as for it being 'perfect', you forget brother that we are on assignment and though this may be a lovely location for a laboratory we do not have the permission nor the time to spend in this place. I imagine once we are done this assignment we will be shipped off somewhere else while someone else within our fold will lay claim to this area, truly a pity though."

2012-08-28, 11:33 AM
Victor sighs, "Well, we'll see. But you're certainly right about having more important things to do right now. Let's press on."

We finish the sweep of the level as was already described on continue on. I'm testing for traps regularly at appropriate locations, but not scouring for secret doors (there are spells for that sort of thing!), which we can do later.

Morbis Meh
2012-08-28, 01:25 PM
"There, there, cheer up, we have an entire tribe of Boggards to do as we please with once we are done. You can let off some steam then! Now if you wish to look at the golem I do believe that would be a very helpful tool for the future."

2012-08-28, 02:18 PM
Kydrak looks admiringly at the golem. But is dismissive of what Schtein says about not having enough time. This is everything he wanted, first a group of weak-minded warriors and now a potential bodyguard. "Schtein, I do beleive that you are wrong. Do not be so dismissive of servants, the only servants you seem to like are the recently deceased. I for one, preffer something that has a mind and isn't loosing it's limbs. This is a golem of the highest value and we should fix it and use it to it's full potential. We may have enough time. He then looks to Victor "I have the same opinions as you on this fine piece of craftmanship. I would be honoured to assist in the recronstruction of this masterpeice. We may be able to keep it and use it to full potential."

Maugan Ra
2012-08-28, 02:22 PM
The Horn of Abaddon, having once been the central base of an infernal death cult, has clearly been designed with security in mind. You cannot find any way up from the first level to the second that does not involve exiting the entire temple and taking an entirely different root up the side of the mountain.

The second floor is clearly designed for superior defense relative to the first one. The approach staircase is winding and narrow, and the narrow entry hall stretches for forty foot between a pair of guard rooms that cover it every inch of the way with overlapping fire arcs. There is also a pit trap midway along the hall, now jammed open by the passage of time and bridged by a crude set of logs (it appears to drop intruders somewhere on the first floor), and there is a half-wall at the end to provide a superior position for defending troops. When you enter the floor proper, you see why.

This whole floor is evidently designed to meet the needs of the true priests of the death cult. Blasphemous murals cover the walls, showing numerous scenes from the cult's history and the various profane rituals they have performed. Interestingly, some of the murals are so detailed and intricate you wager you could likely duplicate some of those summoning rituals yourselves, though it would take some time.

The centre point of this level is a proper temple-shrine chamber in the east wing. Six stately pillars rise into the air, surrounded by carvings of carrion birds and plague daemons, forming a processional that leads right up to the foot of another throne much like the one on the floor below. This one is inscribed with the abyssal symbol 'Rah'. Interestingly, it appears that the pillars match up with similar (though less ornate) constructions on the floor below. Structural supports, perhaps.

The west wing of the floor appears mostly given over to acolyte quarters. They are mostly empty, save for one which holds a single statue of truly exquisite craftsmanship. It depicts what must have been a member of the cult, standing in the centre of the room with a spiked flail brandished menacingly.

From one of the other chambers, you think you can hear the sounds of movement.

A quick search of the floor yields no way up to the third level. There must be one, since it seems doubtful the priests would have willingly gone rock climbing across the face of the Horn every time they wanted to go up there, but it has evidently been hidden. The closest you have to a passage up is a holding cell which seems to connect to a pit trap on the floor above, currently sealed.

Morbis Meh
2012-08-28, 03:14 PM
Kydrak looks admiringly at the golem. But is dismissive of what Schtein says about not having enough time. This is everything he wanted, first a group of weak-minded warriors and now a potential bodyguard. "Schtein, I do beleive that you are wrong. Do not be so dismissive of servants, the only servants you seem to like are the recently deceased. I for one, preffer something that has a mind and isn't loosing it's limbs. This is a golem of the highest value and we should fix it and use it to it's full potential. We may have enough time. He then looks to Victor "I have the same opinions as you on this fine piece of craftmanship. I would be honoured to assist in the recronstruction of this masterpeice. We may be able to keep it and use it to full potential."

Schtein raises an eyebrow "There you go not listening again i told him he can look at it since it would be valuable and here I thought those big ears of yours helped you listen. I guess I am incorrect in my assumption. Though I suppose we could all work together to fix it up to speed up the process."

2012-08-28, 08:19 PM
"There HAS to be some way to the upper floor." Victor grumbled, looking around. "Alright, gentlemen, we are going to turn this place upside down. Stay nearby to help me move furniture. We're going to scour every inch of this place!"

Victor proceeds to search very thoroughly for secret passages, not hesitating to move furniture out of the way.
(ooc) I would argue that my Engineering skill should provide synergy in this sort of endeavor. Just sayin'! :smallbiggrin:

Maugan Ra
2012-08-28, 08:43 PM
Looking around the second floor, Victor discovers a few things of note in his intensive search (as does anyone else who gets involved).

Firstly, the statue in the acolytes quarters is not actually a statue. Close examination, and your own wizardly expertise, reveals that it is actually a cultist transformed at some point into stone, presumably via a petrifaction spell (there are not enough like him to account for something like a marauding Medusa).

Secondly, there is an old scrap of paper in one of the guard rooms, partially singed and with several of the words obscured. The rest is in Abyssal.
Have to get out... stairs a death trap... get to throne room... Yah...

Thirdly, one of the pillars in the central shrine is hollow. There appears to be no way inside up here, but Victor's engineering and architectural knowledge suggests that there might be something on the floor below. Failing that, it also overlaps with the odd section of man-wrought stone in the caverns below, specifically the mud pit chamber.

Finally, your methodical search brings you closer to the room in the acolytes wing which you heard the movement coming from. You can definitely hear it now - an odd sort of liquid sound, perhaps from an ooze of some description, coming from the chamber in the very north-west of the floor.

This all takes you something approaching two hours, assuming the four of you divide up the area equally and search at the same time.

2012-08-29, 04:10 AM
Kydrak is cautious of this potential ooze, not wanting to loose his weapon, he sheathes his longsword and readies a fireball spell for the first group of oozes he sees.

2012-08-29, 04:15 AM
Quint helps Victor search the room manually, searching for any sign of concealed tricks or traps. After finding all they could in a mundane manner, he changed his tactics a little. Focussing his energies inwards, Quint traced the Tattoo's lining his face, making them glow faintly for a few seconds after he'd traced them.

"Braith Doirse Rúnda"

With that, the entirety of his eyes changed colour to be a bright blue. With his new vision, Quint swept the room a second time, much faster this time around, taking pause in front of any doors he found so that he could discern how they functioned.

Quint is converting one of his prepared Silent Image spells into a Detect Secret Doors spell then sweeping the room with it. He'll alert the rest of the party as to where they are and how they open.

His search complete, Quint pulled out one of his two wands, ready to aid how he could against the Ooze's in the next room.

Quint will then draw his Wand of Magic Missiles so as to be ready for the upcoming fight.

Maugan Ra
2012-08-29, 04:22 AM
A thorough check informs Quint that there is only a single secret door on this entire floor, one that links one of the guardrooms to the entrance hall. It isn't especially useful beyond as a quick way for guards to move and engage any opposition they haven't shot to death.

As you gather for your assault, the oozes detect your presence and begin sliding through the acolyte halls towards you. There are two of them, and they are an off sort of green in colour. Fortunately, since you were prepared, you get the drop on them - the team has first turn.

2012-08-29, 04:37 AM
Seeing the Oozes edging closer, Quint swung the wand out forwards towards the nearest Ooze. The tattoo's flashed in a wave down his arm as he channeled his energy into his wand, activating the wand itself and launching a bolt of force with unerring accuracy.

Knowledge Arcana Roll (if appropriate) to try and learn a bit more about our gelatinous friends [roll0]

And damage roll for the wand (49 charges remaining) [roll1]

Morbis Meh
2012-08-29, 08:27 AM
Schtein wrinkles his nose at the foul things he mutters a few words and directs a green ray at one of them while ordering his bodyguards to for a wall in front of him.

ray of sickening attack roll [roll0] DC is 19 to avoid sicken if it hits.

Maugan Ra
2012-08-29, 09:39 AM
The first ooze shudders and ripples slightly under the effect of the magical barrage from Quint's wand. The second turns a different shade of green and makes a slight moaning noise as Schtein's ray strikes it, just before his skeletal bodyguards form a solid wall between him and the oozes.

You'd think oozes would be immune to sickened or something, but nope.

2012-08-29, 01:49 PM
Shooting an ooze!

Versus Touch AC
Spend 1 Grit and swift action for Engineering is Power +4 dmg
Point Blank Shot +1/+1
Deadly Aim -1/+2

Current Stats
HP 22/29
BAB +3
AC 17
Touch 13
Flat-Footed 18
Initiative +5
Fort +4
Ref +6
Will +5
Grit 2/4

2012-08-30, 06:22 AM
Did my readied firball shoot at it? Or did I suddenly remember that they're immune to fire?

Maugan Ra
2012-08-30, 08:39 AM
Up to you, but I'll assume you remembered that these things were immune to fire. Or that Quint told you. Something like that.

Maugan Ra
2012-08-30, 12:48 PM
As noted in the OoC thread, I'm skipping the rest of this fight, as it will take too long and the outcome isn't in any real doubt. Quint looses eight charges on his wand of magic missile, and two of the skeletons are reduced to half health before they manage to immobilize and beat the oozes to death with local rubble. On the upside, everyone gets 1,000xp for killing them and exploring the first two levels.

With the oozes neutralized, it becomes apparent that the outer wall of the acolyte barracks area has collapsed some time in the last few years. There is now a hole in the side of the Horn, which could possibly be exploited as a way inside, bypassing the designed defenses.

In any case, the first two levels of the Horn appear to have been swept and secured. You still have no way up to the third level without climbing over the front of the mountain, but you do know that at least one of the pillars in here is hollow, and likely runs through at least the floor below.

What do you do?

2012-08-30, 01:21 PM
Kydrak is slightly embarrased at his uselessnes in the fight against the oozes. The fight took suprisingly long for someone of his strength and ability. He examines the golem with a smile and takes note of all of it's ablities.

Know Engineering: [roll0]

2012-08-30, 01:43 PM
Victor sketches out the 2nd floor in his notebook, and compares it with the map from the 1st floor

"Gentlemen, I've a hunch that our way up to the third floor has something to do with this column here, but not from this level. I'm going back down below to investigate."

As he's heading back out he notices Kydrak examining the golem. "Beautiful, isn't it? We'll spend some time on him soon enough!"

Morbis Meh
2012-08-30, 01:46 PM
Schtein sighs "Well that was an unpleasent bit of business, wasn't it? We should get this golem operational, it will likely be more sturdy than my minions and at the very least it can protect those who cannot protect themselves in certain situations... like this past one. I would hate to think what would have become of us without Reginald, Archibald and Juggs here alas, i suppose next time we should be better prepared. I say we work of the golem for now then retire below for the remainder of the evening, would that be acceptable to the rest of you?"

Maugan Ra
2012-08-30, 02:09 PM
The golem looks quite badly damaged, but between your own knowledge and the few pieces of research left over in the laboratory, you think you can work out what it would need in order to be made operational again.

Firstly, it's crystal eyes have been shattered, rendering it blind. A Make Whole spell would likely suffice to correct that, as would commissioning a replacement lense to the exacting specifications required.

Secondly, it needs refueling. The golem is an Alchemical golem, deriving both it's power and it's primary offensive abilities from a volatile chemical reaction within its crystal and glass innards. The required reagents for this are
- Ten doses of the Reagent of Fire, likely Alchemist's fire
- Ten doses of the Reagent of Ice, likely Alchemist's ice.
- Ten doses of a potent acid - the pool in the caves would suffice, if you could find a way to transport it to its destination.
- Ten doses of the Reagent of Lightning. This one is tricky, but the blood of an Air elemental should do it. A storm elemental would be ideal, naturally.

Finally, the Golem needs a brain. This brain needs to come from a human, elf or half-elf - no other species will fit the delicate interfaces. The original owner of the brain must also not have been dead for more than twenty four hours before activation.

Now, where specifically was Victor intending to investigate?

2012-08-30, 02:16 PM
By comparing my maps of the second floor and the first floor, I should be able to recognize the hollow column down in the caves. That's what I want to investigate.

2012-08-30, 02:16 PM
Quint critically examines his wand briefly, trying to get an idea of how much arcane power remained within it. Content that he hadn't expended too much of its strength, he pockets the wand again. He takes a moment to examine the room the Oozes had occupied, taking a mental note of the size of the breach.

Having satisfied his curiosity, he jogged back down the stairs after his fellow wizards. Along the journey, he takes time to scan the walls for any hidden passages with his magically enhanced vision. Hearing Schtein's plan, he commented "Not a bad idea, I can still sweep for any hidden passages we may have missed before we turn in for the night though." He glances at Kydrax and Victor, "I'd appreciate protection whilst I do so, last thing I want is to be jumped by something nasty without a way to fight back."

Maugan Ra
2012-08-30, 02:50 PM
Working together, Quint and Victor easily locate the section of the caves that corresponds to the pillars overhead. It's one of the walls in the cavern with the mud pit, and with Quint's magically-enhanced vision, it's easy to locate the hidden button grafted onto the rockface.

A section of the rock slides open in complete silence, revealing a winding spiral staircase that ascends high into the mountain above. The entire length is illuminated with flickering green light from what you'd guess are Everburning torches.

Do you wish to climb the staircase, or would you prefer to wait for a time and perhaps prepare new spells?

2012-08-30, 03:09 PM
"Well, that's clever. I'll bet that the masters using the upper areas didn't even want their subordinates knowing how to get to the upper level. I think it would be prudent to let us rest and renew our investigations tomorrow."

Morbis Meh
2012-08-30, 04:27 PM
Schtein nods "Very well, might I suggest we take the time to grab some of that acid to start the repairs? If any of you have any of the other ingredients that would be lovely, oh Kydrak by the way, I think we should let you deal with the brain since we could definitely use an elfs brain and your disdain for your heritage is rather well known. Now about that acid, does anyone have a few glass vials, Acid does not corrode glass unless that is if it Hydrofluoric acid but I think it will be fine."

2012-08-30, 04:34 PM
Kydrak looks resentfully at Schtein.For the Ice and Fire, we should be able to acquire those through our newfound friend in Farholde. The Lightning should easy enough considering there's most likely a few lightning elementals in the top of this horn. As for the acid, like master Schtein said, a few vials from the pit below should suffice. I'm still fresh with spells so I'm prepared to go on, but if everyone else would wish to make rest, I could do with a small sleep, what with all this adventuring. Does anyone happen to have a spell of make whole that I could copy?

Morbis Meh
2012-08-30, 05:01 PM
Schtein laughs "If they had a scroll they would copy it themselves besides I doubt any of us would trust anyone here with each other's spellbooks and if they had the spell there is no reason for them to teach it to you since they could cast it themself. "

Maugan Ra
2012-08-30, 06:05 PM
Right, you've rested for the night, presumably within the Horn itself or the Boggard village. Zikomo has used his abilities to heal any hit point damage that you've taken, and I'll ask you to append your lists of newly prepared spells to your next IC posts.

The next day, refreshed and as prepared as it is possible to be, you return to the secret door and begin your ascent. The climb is arduous, up a winding staircase some two hundred foot high, but you persevere, and eventually emerge in a chamber at the very top.

Two guards evidently once stood watch here, clad in rune-inscribed suits of full plate and wielding great two-handed swords of black iron. Their bodies have been cast against the far wall, ruined by the strikes of some great weapon and left to rot over the following eighty years. Their makeshift tomb is certainly an impressive one, however, as the entire chamber is covered with grisly depictions of the nightmare realm of Abaddon. At the centre of the room is another spiral staircase, winding even further up into the Horn, presumably to the sanctum that you scryed at its very peak. A low half-wall blocks direct access to the base from this side.

However, the two humanoids with the swords were clearly not the only defenders of this waypoint. As the last member of the group emerges from the first stairwell, there is a faint popping sound, and suddenly there are two more figures in the room with you.

The creatures are immense things covered in shaggy black fur, like cave bears that have decided to stand on their hind legs. Curling horns jutt out from just above eyes that glitter with a malevolent sentience, and their limbs end in gleaming talons like those of predatory birds. Each of them wears a medallion around their necks, great slabs of dull metal inscribed with infernal runes that shine with a green flame.

"Welcome to the Horn of Abaddon, honored guests. I am called Hexor." says the first, in a low and rumbling voice that sounds surprisingly polite.

"And I am Vexor." completes the other. "We are terribly sorry, but unfortunately we have to disembowel you now.

That said, the two daemons (for they can surely be little else) begin to stalk towards you, their eyes gleaming with predatory intent and their wicked claws held ready to strike.

Gentlemen, you have precisely one chance to say or possibly do something that might dissuade them. Otherwise, we go into initiative. Chose your words very carefully.

Morbis Meh
2012-08-30, 11:55 PM
Schtein coughs then proceeds to speak in Abyssal
"Good day gentlemen, it truly is unfortunate that you feel the need to disembowel the people who came here to remove the seal placed upon this truly wondrous site of worship. My companions and I are tasked with bringing back the master of this temple and we will not be dissuaded, I do hope that you change your mind and aid us in this noble quest. If not we will simply have to deal with you and carry on and that would be a travisty sirs!"

diplomacy I guess.. unless you want to treat this as a threat for intimidate...
[roll0] if you count it as intimidate add 8 to the roll... too bad I can't use bluff with my spiffy +11

0- Ghost Sound, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Prestidigitation
1- Ray of Enfeeblement, Ray of Sickening, Mage Armor, Colour Spray, Silent Image, Protection from Good
2- Defending Bone, False Life, Invisibility, Acid Arrow
3-Haste, Fly, Ray of Exhaustion

2012-08-31, 12:52 AM
Victor waits to see how the demons respond to Schtein but he pulls back the hammer on his gun in a show of support, and he readies his wand of Shield.

Memorized Spells
Victor casts Mage Armor and False Life before heading up the secret stairway
1st Level
Mage Armor (Already cast)
Ray of Sickening (gun) x2

2nd Level
Scorching Ray (gun)
Cat's Grace
False Life (Already cast)

False life extra HP [roll0]

Updated Stats

BAB +3
HP 29+8=37
AC 17
Touch 13
Flat-Footed 10
Initiative +5
Fort +4
Ref +6
Will +5

2012-08-31, 12:56 AM
False Life HP [roll0]

2012-08-31, 02:30 AM
Quint was sitting crosslegged with his spellbook in front of him, calmly turning pages as he mentally prepared himself for the coming day. Generally he preffered to go through this step with an open sky above him, having a ceiling instead was grating to say the least. Once he'd finished his preperations he rose to his feet and stretched a little, the staircase had looked like it was going to be annoyingly long.

The appearance of the Daemons was a little unexpected, he hadn't thought that there were any of Asmodeus' allies left in the stronghold. Not only that, it would seem that these particular Daemons weren't interested in having their master freed. While Schtein spoke to them in their tongue, hopefully to tell them they were not enemies, Quint prepared himself for a fight.

He circled his arms around himself before bringing them to his chest, as he did so he incanted "Íomhá scáthán".

Several duplicate images of himself sprang into existence a short distance from him, each mirroring his every movement.

Ok, so, Quint is casting Mirror Image (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/m/mirror-image) to create [roll0] illusory duplicates of himself.

And I suppose you'll be wanting a spell list or something too?

Well, if you insist.

Level 0 - Dancing Lights, Ghost Sound, Ray of Frost, Read Magic

Level 1 - Burning Hands x2, Colour Spray x1, Windy Escape x2

Level 2 - Invisibility x1, Hypnotic Pattern x1, Mirror Image x1, Detect Thoughts x1

Level 3 - Lightning Bolt x2, Displacement x1

2012-08-31, 02:42 AM
Kydrak steps forwards towards them and here's what Schtein says and carries on with his general gist.

In abbysal "We are servants of the master of this temple and wish to free him so that we can bring back his plague and stop any Mitran worhsipping scum from sending him away again. If you would be willing to help us in freeing our master, then you would be welcome to join us."

Spell list:
1: Magic missile (2)
Mage armor
Magic Weapon
+ Stone Fist

2: Create Pit
Summon Monster
Fire Breath
+ Bull's Strength

3: Fireball
+ Beast Shape

Maugan Ra
2012-08-31, 10:18 AM
The daemons pause, and slowly lower their claws.

"You wish to return Vetra-Kali to this plane?" one rumbles slowly, glancing at its twin in consideration. Then they both smile, though it looks quite unnatural on their faces, and return their gazes to you.

"Then you are welcome here! For close to a century we have waited for those capable of such a thing to arrive." the other continues. "The foul magic of the sun god prevents us from entering the sanctum, and the terms of our binding keep us within the Horn, but we should be glad to assist you in whatever way we can."

That said, the two guardian daemons stand aside, clearing your way to the next staircase. They also look quite helpful and willing to answer questions... for giant bear-things, anyway.

2012-08-31, 10:39 AM
Pleased with how the encounter with the Daemons turned out, Quint turns to his allies, his many duplicates turning with him. As he speaks to them, his voice echoes slightly as the copies speak ever so slightly out of step with him.

"I'm glad we could resolve this situation without injury, perhaps you should allow me to attempt the same with our voltaic friend through there. If I'm going to do this, I'll need to enter alone though. I'm afraid your presence in there would disrupt the delicate balance I am going to attempt to achieve."

He pauses a moment, a thought occuring to him, "If I could ask to borrow a few vials as well, I think I may be able to get that golem of yours one of its components."

Maugan Ra
2012-08-31, 11:21 AM
Assuming Quint goes ahead and climbs the second staircase.

The second set of spiral stairs rise for another hundred foot or so straight up, until they come out at the Sanctum. It is exactly like you remember from the earlier scrying - the statue, the silver seal, the intricate engravings covering every section of the wall... and, of course, the storm elemental.

There is, as it turns out, only one of the things up here, but it is huge. A spontaneous, rolling stormcloud orbits around the unholy statue, absorbing the energy coming from the diabolic shrine and the holy artifact alike, small showers of static electricity raining down over the floor every few minutes. It looks down at you with eyes formed of ball lightning, and seems almost... curious.

The Landing below

The daemons watch as Quint ascends to the sanctum, then they turn their attention back to the rest of you.

"So... are you with the Knot of Thorns, like that last group?" one of them... Hexor, you think... asks, tilting it's head curiously.

Maugan Ra
2012-08-31, 11:26 AM
The Sanctum
(posting on behalf of Commissar, who is running out of allocated time on his Internet)

Quint strode confidently into the temple sanctum, hands empty as a gesture of peace. Pausing to bow upon seeing the elemental before him, he said "Beannachtaí mo chara cumhachtacha. Mo compánach agus mé ag teacht chun faoiseamh duit de do dhualgas anseo. Is grúpa de Sylphs fhoghlaim, i measc a bhfuil mé ach foghlaimeoir, a bhí de chúram a bhaint de na taint na Asmodeus as an áit seo. Mo compánach ag ligean a scíth faoi láthair leibhéil cúpla thíos dúinn agus d'iarr go gcuireann mé an teachtaireacht seo a thabhairt duit.

Tá do gcrích do dhualgas a bhí den scoth, agus chun na ba mhaith linn moladh a thabhairt duit. Tá muid, áfach, in ann leanúint ar aghaidh do vigil i do ionad ach tú ar ais chuig an eitleán sa bhaile. Ní ba mhaith liom riamh a iarraidh ar tú a thréigean do chúram ar ndóigh, agus chun na críche sin tá mé a proposition.

Tá mé in ann réitigh a seal a ligeann ár n-úscraí an-a bheith nasctha. Chun é sin a dhéanamh, ní mór dúinn a mheascadh le méid beag de ár fola. Ón bpointe sin ar aghaidh, beidh mé in ann a ghlaonn tú le cosaint an áit seo ba chóir a bheith ag teastáil riamh ag an am céanna beidh tú a bheith saor filleadh abhaile agus leanúint ar aghaidh le do shaol.

Má ba chóir duit glacadh leis an togra seo, eiliminteach mór agus uasal, ba mhaith liom a iarraidh go mb'fhéidir go mbeadh mé sampla a thógáil de do chuid fola."

For those that can speak Auran
"Greetings my powerful friend. My companions and I have come to relieve you of your duty here. We are a group of learned Sylphs, amongst whom I am but a learner, who have been tasked with removing the taint of Asmodeus from this place. My companions are currently resting a few levels below us and requested that I pass this message to you.

Your execution of your duty has been exemplary, and for that we wish to commend you. We are, however, capable of continuing your vigil in your stead whilst you return to the home plane. I would not dream of asking you to abandon your task of course, and to that end I have a proposition.

I am capable of casting a spell which allows our very essences to be linked. To do so, we must mix a small amount of our blood. From that point on, I will be able to call you to the defence of this place should it ever be needed whilst you will be free to return home and continue with your life.

If you should accept this proposal, great and noble elemental, I would request that I might take a sample of your blood."

His message delivered, and with head still bowed, he slowly drew his knife and proferred it to the Elemental before him.

The Elemental's reply

"Duty? What duty?"

(Technically, you lot have no way of knowing about this, but I figured I'd post it up anyway because it's quite impressive)

2012-08-31, 02:26 PM
Holstering his gun, Victor nods at the fiend, "We are indeed. What, praytell, became of them?"

Morbis Meh
2012-08-31, 02:31 PM
Schtein smiles, happy to see that he was successful in preventing the death of these fine creatures. It was refreshing to be in polite company "Indeed, we were sent out because they are assumed for dead. Though I must say that we are much more competant good sirs so unlike our predecessors we will accomplish our assigned task. Since you have been around as guardians for a while could you tell us any specifics on the wardings placed by the foolish follower of Mitra? Any useful information would allow us to get our work done quicker and thus allow this temple to get back to the way it once was. "

Maugan Ra
2012-08-31, 02:55 PM
"Oh, they ran into the high priest, who was less than pleased at their intrusion. Except for the elf... he ran into us, and didn't think to let us know what he was doing here." Hexor says, before reaching up and picking something out from between his teeth with one razor-sharp claw.

"You may wish to speak with the priest yourself, actually. He's more likely to know about the sun-God's magic than us, and he'd be quite pleased to have the temple restored. He's around here somewhere if you'd like to go speak with him." Vexor finishes.

2012-08-31, 03:31 PM
"High Priest?" Victor asks, looking sideways at his companions. "You're the first intelligent beings we've met, aside from the Boggards in the basement. Where is he?"

Maugan Ra
2012-08-31, 03:36 PM
"Hmm? Ah, of course. My sincere apologies. He's on the third floor, just beyond these walls, but I forget that you can't access that region easily." Vexor says after a moment's thought. "The thrones... You've seen them, I take it? The thrones work as teleporters. Sit on them, say the correct key word, and you get transported to the relevant section of the fortress. I think the one for the third floor is 'Nen'."

Morbis Meh
2012-08-31, 09:10 PM
Schtein raises an eyebrow "You think? How long have you been here again? Do you know the word for the second floor and could you give me a short description of the room one would be teleported into at the correct location?"

Maugan Ra
2012-09-01, 04:15 AM
"The other thrones have their keywords inscribed onto them. They should be easy to find. And the third floor one comes out in the meditation chamber." Vexor growls out, then pauses for a moment. "I don't especially recommend using that chamber yourself though. It seems to turn anyone who isn't a servant of Abaddon into a homicidal psychotic. More so, in any case."

2012-09-01, 04:18 AM
Edit: I posted something up but you answered it wile I was posting.

2012-09-01, 05:16 AM
Quint lifted his head slightly, a frown forming upon his face. A slight note of confusion in his voice, he continued "Gur ghlac mé tugadh tú anseo mar chaomhnóir? Más rud é nach raibh tú, a d'fhéadfadh ansin mé a bheith chomh trom mar a iarraidh ar cén fáth a roghnaíonn tú chun fanacht anseo in áit ag filleadh ar an eitleán sa bhaile?"

For those that understand Auran:
"I had assumed you were brought here as a guardian? If you were not, then might I be so bold as to ask why you choose to remain here rather than returning to the home plane?"

Maugan Ra
2012-09-01, 05:28 AM
"Power." The elemental replies, doing a quick circuit of the chamber as a demonstration. "This place is full of lightning, two artifacts scraping off each other, making sparks. I devour, and grow."

2012-09-01, 05:49 AM
Quint cursed inwardly. If the elemental was feeding off the interplay of energies between the artifacts then it was unlikely it would be willing to abandon its adopted home. Slowly, he pieced together a plan to try to persuade it to work with him.

"Feicim ... Éilíonn an tasc atá againn anseo ar ár gcumas a bhaint ceann de na artifacts as an áit go buan, cé go mbeidh sin á dhéanamh a ghlacadh is dócha dúinn roinnt ama. Tuigim go mbeadh tú a bheith drogallach chun ligean dúinn é sin a dhéanamh, agus ní mór dúinn nach mian chun bhfeidhm le troid leat.

Bheadh ​​ár deity, ceann atá ar son táimid ag déanamh seo, gur dóigh sásta chun luach saothair tú ba chóir duit cabhrú linn. Bheadh ​​a leithéid de luach saothair a thabhairt duit cumhachta i bhfad níos mó ná sin a mbeidh an Déantán fuinnimh a thabhairt duit. Ní bheadh ​​tú a bheith faoi cheangal i leith a sheirbhíse, a bheadh ​​an bronntanas a bheith go díreach, le bronntanas.

Más mian leat a bheith sásta aontú le socrú den sórt sin, is féidir liom a bhaint as an seal céanna a thoghairm a luaigh mé a ghlaonn tú nuair a bhfuil ár tasc críochnaithe. Beidh muid dócha anseo ar feadh tamaill le teacht chomh maith, mar sin má bhraith tú nach raibh a bheith againn fíor chun ár focal, is féidir leat a sheiceáil ar ár gcumas a chinntiú go bhfuilimid fós fíor."

For those who speak Auran:
"I see... Our task here requires us to remove one of the artifacts from this place permanently, though doing so will likely take us some time. I understand that you would be reluctant to allow us to do so, and we have no desire to force a fight with you.

Our deity, one who's behalf we are doing this, would likely be willing to reward you should you assist us. Such a reward would bring you far greater power than that which the artifact's energy will bring you. Neither would you be bound to his service, the gift would be just that, a gift.

If you would be willing to agree to such an arrangement, I could use the same summoning spell that I mentioned to call you once our task is complete. We will likely be here for a while to come as well, so if you felt we were not being true to our word, you could check on us to ensure we are remaining true."

Quint mentally prepared himself for the possibility of an agressive response.

Maugan Ra
2012-09-01, 05:57 AM
"You would remove the artifact? Deny me my power, for naught more than a promise of deific reward?" The elemental rumbles in anger. "I have no need of such pathetic gifts. Begone, little Slyph, before I see fit to blast you to atoms for your impertinence!"

2012-09-01, 06:14 AM
Wincing, Quint remained where he was, moving solely to bow his head once more. "Mé leithscéal a ghabháil Tiarna na stoirmeacha, ach tá mé eagla nach féidir linn a fhágáil. Ní raibh sé ar mo intinn a thabharfadh le tuiscint gur chóir duit a thuilleadh a bheathú ar an bhfuinneamh atá anseo. Ba mhaith liom a thuar go mbeadh deireadh a chur le ceann amháin de na artifacts scaoileadh cumhachta i bhfad níos mó ná tá tú chothú ar go dtí seo. Creidim go mbeadh comparáid a fheistiú a bheith an chumhacht féideartha atá laistigh de na scamaill i gcomparáid leis an bolt lightning a leanas. Má bhí tú a ghabháil cumhacht den sórt sin, rachadh sé chun tairbhe leat mhór.

D'iarr mé ach tú a chur ar saoire shealadach ar an áit ionas gur féidir linn oibriú níos tapúla. D'fhéadfadh muid a acheive fós ár sprioc le do láthair, agus go mbeadh tú bhaint as na sochair a leanúint go fóill, ach bheadh ​​sé níos faide dúinn é sin a dhéanamh."

For those that understand Auran:
"I apologise lord of the storms, but I am afraid we cannot leave. It was not my intent to suggest that you should cease feeding upon the energies contained here. I would predict that the removal of one of the artifacts would release significantly more power than you have fed upon to date. I believe a fitting comparison would be the potential power contained within the clouds as compared to the lightning bolt that follows. If you were to capture such power, it would benefit you immensely.

I merely requested you take temporary leave of this place so as we could work more quickly. We could still acheive our goal with your presence, and you would still reap the benefits to follow, but it would take longer for us to do so."

Maugan Ra
2012-09-01, 06:29 AM
The elemental pauses and settles slightly. It is not calm, for a being comprised of the storm itself cannot be calm, but you get the impression that it is less likely to attack you outright.

"An interesting idea. Very well, then. I shall return when called, or in three moon's time should you stay silent. I have longed to travel the skies for some time now."

With a sharp gesture, the storm elemental passes one of its gaseous limbs through the knife. The substance that emerges from the wound is closer to stationary lightning than actual blood, floating motionless in the air. Then, with a triumphant roar, the elemental soars out of the sanctum via the balcony and swoops off across the skies of the Caer Byr.

And Quint, for defeating the Elemental via Roleplaying on his own, gains the full 3,000xp for doing so.

2012-09-01, 06:43 AM
Heart racing, Quint took a few moments to calm himself. Once he felt a little more relaxed, he stood up and placed the elemental's blood in the vials he'd brought up with him. Slowly, he made his way back down the stairs to rejoin his peers.

Once they were in sight again, he smiled broadly and held up the vial, "I think you're going to be very pleased with this," the smile turned into a grimace, "But now comes the less pleasent part. I need somebody to hold the vial to catch my blood."

Passing off the vial to the first person to offer to hold it, he drew his dagger again and drew it across his arm quickly, wincing as he did so. He let enough blood flow from the wound to provide for the golem before clamping his hand over the cut to staunch it.

Dagger damage then, Quint will be slashing it across the top of his left arm. [roll0]

Maugan Ra
2012-09-01, 07:27 AM
You notice that both of the great, bear-like daemons are staring at the dripping blood with what seems to be an unhealthy level of interest. Still, they make no hostile moves beyond that.

OK, so, Quint has managed to clear out the Sanctum for you, and the daemons have told you how to access the third floor. Do you want to go meet this High Priest and explore that level, or would you rather have a proper look at the Silver Seal first and consider how to destroy it?

Oh, and everyone gains 800xp for having made it to the Sanctum as a group.

2012-09-01, 08:53 AM
To Hexor and Vexor - "So tell me, gentlemen, what is your relationship with this High Priest? Oh yes, by the way Quint, there's a High Priest, still here, from the old cult."

Maugan Ra
2012-09-01, 09:03 AM
"As a general rule, we prefer to avoid him. His name is Ezra the Thrice-Damned, and he's not so much a survivor as a revenent shade" Hexor explains.

Vexor indicates the heavy amulet around his neck. "We are bound to this world by our terms of service, and were dragged back into existence. Ezra managed to do the same with little more than hatred and spite."

It's hard to be sure, but you think they're impressed. Or possibly afraid. Then again, the two are hardly different feelings for members of the daemonic legions.

2012-09-01, 01:26 PM
Kydrak offers to hold the vial and even offers to cut him himself, but cannot garuntee he'll keep his arm.

Morbis Meh
2012-09-01, 01:31 PM
Schtein nods "I shall place a visit with this head priest, if he is a shade then if worst comes to worst I could always control him. If anyone would like to tag along then fine but I feel it would be beneficial in discovering the origins of the seal and possible methods of destroying the artifact."

Oh great DM, could you possibly have a running total of the amount of XP we each receive on the first page of OoC?

2012-09-01, 02:11 PM
"I would come along with you, incase he needs any... persuasion."

2012-09-01, 02:13 PM
"We should all go. I get the impression he is formidable, and I would not take him lightly."

Maugan Ra
2012-09-01, 03:25 PM
"Excellent. And we'll save you from walking all the way back down to the caves as well." Hexor says with what you think is meant to be a smile. There is a soft hissing noise, the world seems to stretch, and suddenly you are all standing in another room.

This one, presumably somewhere on the third floor given that you've never seen it before, is far plainer than any of the rest of the temple that you've seen so far. The walls are bare stone, the door is simple wood, and the only ostentation is a ring of beaten copper set into the floor and an inscription on the wall.

In Abyssal:
Receive the wisdom of Abaddon.

Hexor and Vexor look around for a moment, then look back to you.

"He should be around here somewhere. Best of luck."

And with that, they vanish in twin cracks of displaced air.

Maugan Ra
2012-09-02, 03:03 PM
From somewhere outside, you hear a faint hissing voice, as though at a great distance.

"Who dares profane this holy place with their heathen presence? Your souls shall burn for this blasphemy..."

2012-09-02, 03:10 PM
Kydrak listens to this and smiles at this man who shall try to stop them. He enters the room, his sword drawn and raises his hand. "I do. But we are not being blasphemous, we are spreading a holy cause which you should bow down to, but if your some Mitran preist, you can die or I can torture you. Your choice." Kydrak then approaches this high preist and stares him in the eye leveling him up. Minion, enemy, or tonights entertainment. He hasn't tortured anyone in weeks and could really feel that pleasure more often.

Maugan Ra
2012-09-02, 03:18 PM
Stepping out into the corridor outside, Kydrak comes almost face-to-face with what can only be the high priest. He looks something like this (http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20060730182226/lotr/images/d/dd/Kingofthedead.jpg).

"Petty little Asmodean" the wraith intones with a malicious chuckle. "Your infernal god will not save you here."

2012-09-02, 03:41 PM
Kydrak realises he's in the face of a wraith king and steps back a bit. "I won't need my lord when it come to a petty wraith like you. I have fought more formidable enemies then you and they ened up as dead as you already are. If you think you can defeat me then your weak lord has told you wrong and the full wrath of Asmodeous will come down on you." Kydrak then casts mage armour on himself and then readies himslef for a combat.

Spell list:
1: Magic missile (2)
Mage armor
Magic Weapon
Charm person
+ Stone Fist

2: Create Pit
Summon Monster
Fire Breath
+ Bull's Strength

3: Fireball
+ Beast Shape

Maugan Ra
2012-09-02, 04:54 PM
The wraith, a hovering specter of pale green light wrapped in what appear to have once been ceremonial robes, throws back it's head and laughs. The sound, foul and bubbling, echoes throughout the corridor... and is answered.

Through either side of the corridor, more ghostly presences emerge, fading straight through the stonework to surround the defiant wizard. Their faces are twisted open in silent, never-ending screams, and you easily recognize the ornate headbands they are wearing as Iron Circlets similar to your own. It would appear you have confirmed what happened to the remaining three members of the fourth knot.

"This is my temple, little puppet of the devil god. And you dare to threaten me, to invoke the name of a rival god, to insult my liege?" The ghost continues, a cold fury in its other-worldly voice. "Have you grown so tired of life?."

Morbis Meh
2012-09-02, 05:20 PM
Schtein shakes his head and lets out a massive sigh and begins speaking in Infernal "Please good priest ignore this idiot, he talks big but he is relatively harmless. I apologize for his ignorance and we come here only as humble devotees of a cause, it is true that we worship other gods but our purpose remains as one: to bring back the Demon Lord Vitral Kali and though this is your temple I think it is sage to assume that you do not have the means to break the seal. That is where we can be of help, though we worship Asmodeus we are here to free your Lord, come now let us set aside our differences and work together. As for being tired of life: life and death are two faces of the same coin I myself am a mixture of both."

Maugan Ra
2012-09-02, 06:12 PM
The wraith-priest pauses, and studies Schtein with its dead gaze. "You would seek to free Vetra-Kali? Why? For what purpose could a band of Asmodeans seek to unleash a prince of Abaddon?"

2012-09-03, 02:53 AM
Kydrak, now out of the spotlight cast's bull's strength on himself, then Beast Shape 1 and turns him into a wolf man, then he casts magic weapon on his longsword. "We wish to unleash a plague so strong that it could wipe all Mitrans from the face of the planet. If you wish to assist us then we are open, but I have a felling that you would rather die."

2012-09-03, 10:48 AM
Victor shudders at the sight of the wraiths. While the others talked, he took channeled energy into his gun in expectation of the worst, his weapon glowing a pale blue and suddenly a looking a little less then solid. He also casts Cat's Grace on himself, and then with a flick of his wand, his shield of energy comes into place.

He sacrifices Grease to apply the Ghost Touch enchantment to his gun.

Memorized Spells
1st Level
Mage Armor (Already cast)
Ray of Sickening (gun) x2
Grease (cast)

2nd Level
Scorching Ray (gun)
Cat's Grace (cast)
False Life (Already cast)

Updated Stats

BAB +3
Dex-based attacks +8
HP 29+8=37
AC 23 (4 armor, 5 dex, 4 shield)
Touch 19
Flat-Footed 14
Initiative +7
Fort +4
Ref +8
Will +5

Maugan Ra
2012-09-03, 11:11 AM
The wraith snarls in anger at Kydrak.

"I wish for nothing more than to see Vetra-Kali returned. But I think three Asmodeans will do as well as four, you insolent fool."

The three wraith-spawn surrounding Kydrek reach out and run ethereal fingers down his living flesh, leaving trails of icy cold nothingness behind. The sense of violation is horrific, as Kydrek takes six points of negative energy damage, and six points of constitution damage.

The wraith priest smiles in ugly satisfaction. "Now... would you consider that object lesson enough, or do I have to devour your soul as well?"

Those three attacks there were AoO from the wraith spawn, who were surrounding Kydrek when he cast the beast form and magic weapon spells. Since constitution damage has a knock on effect on hit points, Kydrek is currently hovering on five constitution and four hit points.

2012-09-03, 11:41 AM
Kydrak feels suddenly weakened and falls onto the floor. He raises his sword but does not attack. He just glares into his eye with resent. "You wish to kill someone who aims to free your master. A high preist should be willing to have peopole who work for similar causes help yet you are blind to the fact that we may be your only hope of freeing your master and if you kill me then my friends will make sure you never see it happen. So if you want me dead then I will join your horde, but don't expect it to be easy." He then stabs at the closest wraith spawn with all his might.

Longsword: [roll0]
Crit confirm [roll1]
Damage [roll2]

2012-09-03, 02:26 PM
As Kydrak lashes out, Victor quickly takes aim at one of the wraith spawn and fires off two shots (switching targets if that one dies from his stab or his own first shot).

"Eat some ethereal lead, you dead freaks!"

Full attack
Versus Touch AC, Ghost Touch so full effect on these guys
Rapid Shot (+1 extra attack, -2 to hit - second shot reloads with an alchemical cartridge to make reloading a free action)
Point Blank Shot (+1 to hit, +1 dmg)
Deadly Aim (-1 to hit, +2 dmg)
Engineering Knowledge is Power (swift action, spend 1 grit +4 dmg)

First shot
Hit [roll0] Crit confirm [roll1] Damage [roll2]

Second shot
Hit [roll3] Crit confirm [roll4] Damage [roll5]

EDIT- +1 to hit & dmg on each, I've been forgetting the +1 enhancement on my pistol all along!

Updated Stats

BAB +3
Dex-based attacks +8
HP 29+8=37
AC 23 (4 armor, 5 dex, 4 shield)
Touch 19
Flat-Footed 14
Initiative +7
Fort +4
Ref +8
Will +5
Grit 3/4

Maugan Ra
2012-09-03, 03:17 PM
Kydrak's magically enhanced sword slash misses the wraith spawn, scratching a long slash in the stone wall of the corridor behind it. Victor's first shot is likewise ineffective, though the second one definitely draws some reaction as the spawn hisses and flinches back from the impact.

Ezra Thrice-Damned howls in rage, and then... retreats, backing away up the corridor with gritted teeth. His spawn likewise pull back, one of them leaving a trail of glittering ectoplasmic blood on the floor as it does so. The high priest's voice is torn between unimaginable fury and total despair as he speaks.

"Wait... Wait, damn you." he growls out, almost as though forcing the words through his spectral teeth. "Damn you and your infernal master to the deepest pits of the Abyss, and damn the fates that gave me nothing but you to work with."

His shoulders slump slightly in bitter defeat. "You are right. I cannot free my master from his prison. The wretched Seal placed in his Sanctum by the followers of the Sun God repels me and my kind. I... need your help. And I need you alive."

The Wraith-priest glares at you all, burning hatred in the depths of his gaze, but you can tell you have won. "What... do you want me to do. I am at your service."

2012-09-03, 03:38 PM
"That's more like it. I'm sure that together we will make this happen, and then I'm sure we can happily resume tearing out each others throats. Now, tell us what you know about the seal binding Vetra-Kali. Everything. What have others tried?"

2012-09-03, 04:30 PM
"We can't trust this man! He'd rather see us dead than rule this place. We should kill him and get it over with." Kydrak readies an action to shoot a fireball at all the wraith and spawn if any voilent action is shown to him or his allies.

Maugan Ra
2012-09-03, 04:32 PM
"The seal is a dimensional lock, keyed towards creatures from the lower planes." Ezra grudgingly informs you. "It bars most extra-dimensional travel within the Sanctum, and it's symbolic position chaining my master's statue would automatically bind him should he attempt to return while it remained active."

"However, just as the seal symbolically keeps him away, so do his Eyes give him a way back. When he saw that he was going to be defeated, Vetra-Kali imbued a portion of his own essence into each of his three eyes and tore them from his skull, biding us to conceal them from the vigilance of the Mitrans. This, we managed, even as the attackers slew the last of our number. Through the eyes, Vetra-Kali can communicate to us a way of breaking the seal and bringing him back."

"I have one eye in my possession, stored within the temple's treasury room. There is another on the second floor, and the third is in the caverns somewhere, but I do not know where precisely. The Seal's aura confuses my readings."

Maugan Ra
2012-09-03, 04:42 PM
"We can't trust this man! He'd rather see us dead than rule this place. We should kill him and get it over with." Kydrak readies an action to shoot a fireball at all the wraith and spawn if any voilent action is shown to him or his allies.

"The fool is correct, in his own way, but I have faith. You may be able to summon Vetra-Kali back to this plane, and even extract from him a reward for your efforts... but he is a Prince of Abaddon, and he will rule here, not you." Ezra returns.

The priest might not be entirely correct about that part, but I'll go ahead and give you a hint anyway - don't tell him that. Or he will try to kill you. As might Hexor and Vexor.

Morbis Meh
2012-09-03, 08:24 PM
Schtein rolls his eyes at the stupidity of the half elf "How about you save us some trouble and kill yourself, this is the only being that knows anything about the seal, which is the entire reason for us being here." He moves his gaze back to the spectre "If we gain possession of these eyes how will they bring back Vetra-Kail? Is there any type of spell or ritual that needs to be done?"

Maugan Ra
2012-09-03, 09:51 PM
"I would imagine there would be a ritual to complete. Artifacts are not easily broken, and the Sun God's followers did all they could to keep Vetra-Kali banished forever."

2012-09-04, 02:21 AM
Kydrak stares at Shtein whit disbeleif. "He insulted us and our faith. Have you no pride? You would allow an abomination like this to live... well not live. You should be defending Asmodeous not this creature. He need us, but we don't need him. So get it over with and let him die! If you choose to ignore me once again, then when we are killed behind our backs, I will blame you when we get to hell." With that he sheaths his sword.

Morbis Meh
2012-09-04, 08:38 AM
Schtein chuckles "You definitely share your peoples sense of drama, and Asmodeus wouldn't be insulted by the likes of him, in fact I would think the Dread Lord would find it amusing. Pride is good but something that I will not allow to get in the way of a mission nor let it cloud my vision. Just settle down, have a glass of wine or something. As for blaming me during our trip to hell, go ahead your judgement means nothing to me. This shade needs us alive and well since he himself is unable to carry out what he desires. So for a time we will be just fine." He moves in close to Kydrak and whispers "We just need to worry about him near the end and when that time comes we will deal with him properly. Just smile and nod for the time being and don't get your small clothes in a twist."

Maugan Ra
2012-09-04, 06:26 PM
"Very well. Find the remaining two Eyes, and I shall open the treasure vault for you to obtain the third. The longer you delay, the greater the likelihood that something will go wrong, and I have waited too long to be denied now." The wraith hisses, then turns and starts to retreat.

"For what it is worth, the eyes should radiate conjuration magic." With that, he vanishes through a wall to the north. The spawn do likewise.

So, two eyes to find. One apparently near or in the caves, and one on the second floor. Where do you start looking, or do you have some other plan in mind?

2012-09-05, 12:50 AM
Victor pauses for a moment before turning to his companions, "Have I ever told you that I hate ghosts?" To Schtein, "Your minions, they're just gross, but these damn things, they creep me out." He affects a shudder, then proceeds to investigate the room, since he had been pre-occupied with the angry ghost when he first entered. While searching, "I suppose we should look for these eyes? I think we should start on the second floor, before heading back down to the caves below."

Maugan Ra
2012-09-05, 01:19 AM
Assuming you're getting a quick look over the third floor as a whole. Mostly so I can detail it and otherwise get on with the story.

The third floor of the temple, it appears, was reserved for the highest members of the cult. And, like all such cultists, they did everything they could to live in absolute luxury while plotting the end of the world. The hallway you are presently in seems to serve both as a central passageway and as a historical record, as the walls are carved with elaborate murals depicting the history of Vetra-Kali and his cult. The whole place is lit by Everburning torches that cast flickering green light over everything.

There are chambers for the high priest (though Ezra is nowhere to be seen) and numerous other secondary leaders of the cult, all of which carry extensive battle-scars. The high priests, it seems, chose to make their stand here when the servants of Mitra stormed their fortress-home. The scars of powerful magical duels are everywhere, as are the blasted and long decayed remains of the guards who got caught in the crossfire. Appended to the high priest's chambers is a large library room, which evidently once held the collected wisdom and dark knowledge of the cult. Judging by the piles of ash and splintered wood, the Mitrans burned the entire place on makeshift pyres.

Along the west side of the floor are what can only be sacrificial holding chambers, where the unfortunate victims of the cult were prepared for their final fates. To the south is the balcony entrance that looks out over the Caer Byr - from this vantage point, it looks like the other mountains in the local range are bowing towards the Horn. The area also matches up with where you know there should be a pit trap leading to a capture cell below, so you are careful not to wander too freely.

At least one of the rooms up here was, at one point, very clearly a brothel of some description. Evidently the Sons of the Pale Horseman did not require vows of chastity from its priests. Most of the settings and equipment are long gone and presumably destroyed, but there are disturbing hints in what remains that not everything which made use of the facilities was human. Or even humanoid.

Finally, to the northern end of the floor is a large, ornate temple chamber, where the high priests conducted their rites. There are four shrines along the northern wall - a white one that depicts humanoid figures wasting away and mourning at the sides of great pits, a red one engraved with stylized warriors and coated in old blood, a black one covered in representations of skeletally thing humans and rotting food, and a pale green one that depicts a skeletal horseman on a fiendish horse. In the centre of them all is a large brass statue of the six-armed and three-eyed Vetra-Kali Eats-the-Eyes, paying homage to the four other shrines. Still, there is no disguising the fact that this place was primarily built to honour the daemon prince.

The entire fane radiates magical power in a way that is immediately apparent, even without dedicated scrying. It washes over your skin like waves of cold ice, and you think you can hear faint screams and demented laughter at the very edges of your senses. A magical feedback of this strength, even after so many years abandoned, could only have been caused by one thing. People have died here, in pain and fear. A great many people.

Morbis Meh
2012-09-06, 08:14 AM
Schteins smirks "My what a quaint little room! It invokes that warm fuzzy feeling inside doesn't it? Alas I could have ressurected someone if I would have prepared the spell but alas!" He looks around non chalauntly for anything of interest and his eyes gaze towards the shrine.

perception [roll0]
spellcraft on shrine [roll1]

Maugan Ra
2012-09-06, 08:45 AM
The shrine seems to loom in an intimidating fashion far beyond it's physical appearance. You'd judge that it's actually been magically enchanted to evoke a fear effect if particular conditions are met, but it is currently dormant.

There is also, curiously, a strong conjuration aura coming from the entirely blank and unadorned eastern wall.

Morbis Meh
2012-09-06, 09:30 AM
Schtein pauses at sensing of conjuration, the wraith mentioned the stone would radiate with conjuration magic... Walking over to the eastern wall, Schtein takes his time looking at the eastern wall closely.

If you will allow me to take 20 here then i will do so, otherwise I think using detect magic and focusing for 3 rounds would be enough to pinpoint the location of the conjuration aura

Maugan Ra
2012-09-06, 10:33 AM
Studying the aura carefully, Schtein determines that it's actually only a section of the wall that is radiating the aura. A door-shaped section, coincidently, presumably with specific trigger to open the portal.

Morbis Meh
2012-09-06, 10:35 AM
Schtein reflects on what the trigger may be whilst starring blankly at the section of the wall.

Knowledge Arcane [roll0]
Spellcraft [roll1]

2012-09-06, 11:42 AM
Victor walks up next to Schtein looking at the blank wall. Folding his arms, he leans over and says quietly, all without taking his eyes off the wall, "Whatcha got here?"

Sadly, Victor can't Detect Magic at will, since he can't do cantrips. :frown:

2012-09-06, 12:23 PM
Kydrak also studies this aura using detect magic. Then speaks to Victor "Their is a strange aura of conjuration coming from a door shaped area to the eastern wall.
Do I lose all my spells I cast for a battle? That was a bit of a waste. :smallannoyed:

Maugan Ra
2012-09-06, 12:39 PM
Schtein guesses the opening command would be verbal, most likely, since there doesn't appear to be anything distinctive for a physical lock. Given the people who likely built this place, the pass phrase being in Abyssal also seems likely.

Morbis Meh
2012-09-06, 02:30 PM
Schtein looks at the gathering of mages now forming around him and says casually "The portal is verbally triggered to an Abyssal words, anyone care to pay a visit to Hexor and Vexor, unless Kydrak wants to pay the high priest another visit" He smirks at the last statement.

Maugan Ra
2012-09-06, 02:44 PM
"You called?"

With a faint popping noise, the two daemons are standing behind you again, smiling nastily to themselves.

"The High Priest is absolutely furious. It has been ages since he got so angry. We're amazed you aren't dead." says Hexor.

Vexor nods at the wall. "Ah, you found the treasure vault. That did not take long."

Morbis Meh
2012-09-06, 02:57 PM
Schtein smiles "My how convienent, you two are most definitly handy. As for the high priest.... it's good to show some 'spirit' from time to time lest ones mood becomes 'transparent'!" Schtein giggles at his terrible puns then coughs "Though we were wondering what the trigger word for the door, we have permission from Ezra to enter to obtain a certain relic need for the release of Vetra-Kali. Would you be so kind in aiding us in this task?"

Maugan Ra
2012-09-06, 03:36 PM
"That seems quite reasonable." Hexor says, and steps forwards to lay a taloned hand on the wall. "Ia, Vetra-Kali."

There is a pause, and then with a faint shimmering motion the section of the wall dissolves away, revealing the vault beyond. It is an impressive sight - the room is approximately a hundred and fifty foot square, and just about every inch of the floor is covered in a solid layer of gold and silver.

The vault is illuminated from seemingly nowhere by an ambient green light, which sets the horde glittering enticingly. Coins, plates, display pieces, solid ingots of precious metals... There is, quite literally, tons of it in here. 3,000lbs or more, to be precise. According to a small inventory list attached to the nearest wall, you are presently looking at somewhere in the region of forty five thousand gold pieces worth of assorted treasure.

And in the middle of it all, held securely in a small metal container shaped to look like a grasping claw, is one of the most flawless looking emeralds you have ever seen. It is about the size of an orc's fist, and if you had to guess, it can only be worth something in the region of twenty thousand gold pieces. The gem practically pulses with magical energy, swamping the room in a feeling of pure hatred and wrath.

"Would you believe that the Paladins never even looked for this?" Vexor chuckles to himself behind you.

Morbis Meh
2012-09-06, 03:43 PM
Schtein laughed softly "I even doubt they would have the capability to have higher thinking beyond 'kill da evil guyz' now would you know if there are any adverse effects to handling the eye? We wouldn't want any unfortunate events to occur now would we?"

Maugan Ra
2012-09-06, 04:11 PM
"Unfortunately, we cannot say. The last time we saw them, they were in our master's skull. There was never any need to lay talons on them."

2012-09-06, 04:36 PM
"I would recommend we assume that no contact is best."

Maugan Ra
2012-09-06, 09:31 PM
"Might we offer a suggestion, sirs?" Hexor says after a few moment's thought. "If you do not wish to directly touch the artifacts, well, menial labour and test subjects can usually be obtained easily enough. I do believe there was a tribe of Boggards living near the base of the Horn when last I checked."

2012-09-06, 10:40 PM
Victor pauses for a moment, stunned by the obviousness of the suggestion. "Hexor, I like you. We're definitely keeping you."

He proceeds to investigate the riches they just discovered.

2012-09-08, 05:45 PM
"I think perhaps we should go try out the teleportation thrones. Except for the one labeled Nen, since the meditation apparently turns you into a murderous loon."

Anyone have any other ideas?"

2012-09-09, 02:56 PM
Victor proceeds to sit in the first throne, speak the command word, and see where it takes him.

Maugan Ra
2012-09-09, 03:02 PM
Speaking the word inscribed on the throne while seated in it takes you nowhere. You have to speak the word inscribed over your preferred destination.

Nen - Takes you to the meditation throne on the third floor
Rah - Takes you to the throne on the second floor
Yah - Takes you to the throne on the first floor.

2012-09-09, 06:51 PM
(OOC) Sorry, I guess I misunderstood the whole throne thing.

Victor sits down on the throne on the second flooor, and speaks the word "Yah".

Maugan Ra
2012-09-09, 06:58 PM
There is a faint crack noise, and you find yourself in the throne room on the first floor, as expected.

2012-09-09, 07:02 PM
Having confirmed for himself how the thrones worked, Victor looks for one of his companions that can Detect Magic (all of them...) and takes them with him to investigate the statue/fountain of Charon more closely.

"There's no way this thing is still running so purely without some magic involved. Perhaps there's an eye hidden with it?"

Morbis Meh
2012-09-10, 08:37 AM
Schtein thinks for a moment "The eyes do give off conjuration magic which is the school that powers rift magic so it is possible but we were told the next eye is in the caverns with the boggards. For the time being I suggest we leave these thrones as they are, we may have need of their abilities at a later time." He looks at the eye then at the assembled wealth before him and selects a ring which he places upon his finger. "I think it is time we pay a visit to our friend the boggard shaman, I believe he may have information regarding the relic we seek or at the very least we will have guides down there who may have encountered it. We should either seal up the door or take these coins with us, anyone have any thoughts on the matter?"

2012-09-10, 08:41 AM
"Seal up the door," Victor says. "We know how to get in, no one else does, and it's probably the most secure vault we could ask for right now. There's one eye here, and one in the bottom caves, but wasn't there supposed to be one on the second floor? I'm fine visiting our boggard friends again, if you'd prefer to start there."

2012-09-10, 09:38 AM
"I would like to visit the boggards again. Last time I couldn't quite get a bodyguard but I've been researching thier language and I would quite like to take full control of them. If other people want Hexor and Vexor. Also if they might know something about the eyes then we should ask."

Morbis Meh
2012-09-10, 09:45 AM
Schtein chuckles at his collegues plan "Knowing their language is far from having the ability to fully control the entire tribe. You would have to either become their chief, which by general rules of savage succession, is myself or their spiritual leader... You my dear wizard are not spiritual and if unless you can convince them you are a god then your efforts will be in vain. I do recommend not killing their shaman since that will most likely put the entire tribe in a frenzy and that is the last thing we need, so I will ask you to refrain from doing some silly rash action that you are accustomed to doing."

2012-09-10, 10:06 AM
"Or I could kill an illusiory image of you in front of them which would be like succession but you wouldn't have to die. Anyway who's to say I can't be a god. I can just make myself look godly using my circlet."

Morbis Meh
2012-09-10, 10:11 AM
Schtein sighs "That's only if we let you do something, killing an image of myself is silly because I will be going down as well and I refuse to skulk around to bend to your base desires. Any of us can appear godly if we so choose. Also tell me again why would we all want you to take control of a tribe when we as a group already have control? Don't give me any of that superiority bullocks because all of us here are equals in the eyes of our master and even you aren't even foolish enough to say you are better than he."

2012-09-10, 10:16 AM
"I think I could run the boggards because I know how to control lesser people and know how to send fear through their brains, I have absolutely no emotional connecton to them and once they understand me they will stand in line. I am alos giving up the chance to have control over my won daemon. I know how to rule. I am rightfully a king you know."

Morbis Meh
2012-09-10, 10:50 AM
Schtein laughs "You seem to forget that is was also myself who was responsible for pascifying the daemons, you have a short memory. As for controlling people you, in my opinion, have very little idea and your pumped up ego only blinds you. As for your station you in regard to birth I am equal to you; so unless you can tell me why we should endanger our current relationship with the boggards in order to inflate your already bloated ego then I say forget it, we have more important matters to attend to. However, if by some off chance you actually have a feasible plan and an actual reason I am all ears, heck I just may lend a hand but if you're planning to go in and run that fool mouth of yours and kill at random then I will put a stop to it immediately."

2012-09-10, 12:34 PM
"I do have a paln, you see many weak-minded creatures are blinded by their religion. They will listen to anything that their religous leader says, so I cast charm person on it for today, to keep it in our favour, then tomorrow I'll cast suggestion, so that he will do whatever we ask it. Then my friends, we have complete control over our own boggard tribe."

Morbis Meh
2012-09-10, 12:56 PM
Schtein moves the suggestion around in his mind and says bluntly "Unless the Shaman negates your spells effects and effectively turns a cooperative ally into a hostile religious figure with a cave full of fanatics... Don't underestimate someone based on their race and your clouded perceptions of their race."