View Full Version : Crazy Arcane Build Help [3.5]

Element Zero
2012-08-16, 01:45 AM
Okay, so another of my games has fallen apart. As such, my gaming fix can only currently be had by joining my friend's level 17 party.

So, I have a week to prepare. I would like some suggestions for something crazy. And good. Crazy good arcane caster. I've come up with a few ideas of my own, but I'd like to see what you guys have whirling around in your heads. Perhaps I can gain some inspiration.

2012-08-16, 02:15 AM
I played a Killer Gnome Build Shadowcraft Mage, mine was Wizard 5/Shadowcraft Mage 5/Incantatrix 10, but I only got to level 10. It was gloriously insane. Very fun and very effective as a general utility Wizard.

2012-08-16, 02:19 AM
If you do end up using Theurgy...

Snowcasting + Elemental Theurgy: Cold +Domain Wizard, if your DM won't allow it, Elemental Theurgy: Fire plus some fiery spells (Combine Snowcasting and Elemental Theurgy ftw).

Specialist Wizard + Theurgic Specialist.

2 Great ways to get a CL boost. :smalltongue:

Someone might might have a better way of getting CL, or something to actually DO with it.

2012-08-16, 08:21 AM
The one I want to play the most is

Beguiler 1 / Specialist Conjurer 1 / Human Paragon 3 (advancing wizard) / Ultimate Magus 10 / Abjurant Champion 5

2012-08-16, 09:35 AM
- Jade Phoenix Wu Jen
- Paragnostic Malconvoker
- Unseen Spellwarp Trickster
- Rainbow Warsnake
- Sublime Virtuoso

You've got lots of options at that level

2012-08-16, 10:20 AM
When you say good, are you talking about alignment, or power level? If good isn't a requirement here on alignment, I had a TON of fun playing a necropolitan sorc/incantrix who arcane thesis'd Enervation. I forget the exact numbers and don't have the build on this computer, but as I recall he could crap out something like 98 or 114 negative levels per round many many times per day.

If it's living, it's not anymore.

If it has spell turning, no harm no foul.

If it's undead, I'm about to rack up a rediculouls number of temporary hitpoints...

2012-08-16, 11:27 AM
I'm always partial to War Weavers. It's one of those classes that manages to lose a caster level and still be absurdly powerful; have the whole party running around every battle with buffs that should take several rounds and spell slots to add on apiece, and do it without interfering with your own combat casting actions.

Not many other classes specifically synergize with it (Uncanny Trickster and Legacy Champion do, but in an abusive way), but toss it onto a Master Abjurer or Spellguard of the Silverymoon to share personal-range buffs, or onto an Incantatrix, Escalation Mage, Anima Mage or Recaster to just cast its bufs absurdly well.

2012-08-16, 04:47 PM
Anything with Initiate of the Sevenfold Veil is always really strong.

Wizard 1 (precocious apprentice)/Shadowcaster 3/Noctumancer 10/Mystic Theurge 6, for loads and loads of spells. (but you miss out on 9th level spells until level 20).

Master of Counterspelling: Grey Elf Abjurer 5/Master Specialist 10/Archmage 5

(The last 4 levels can be any full caster or full casting PrC)

Take an ACF from complete champion that lets you swap out a bonus feat for a cleric domain power, and pick up the Inquisition domain. That's +4 to dispel, and +5 from Master Specialist, and another +2 from the Elven Spell Lore feat (see if you can get your DM to let that go to all dispeling spells like Reaving Dispel and Chain dispelling, not just dispel magic and greater dispel magic). Also take Reactive Counterspell (from the same book as Incantatrix) and Mastery of Counterspelling from archmage. Oh, and use Spell Theft (from complete scoundrel) and Reaving Dispel against enemies with buffs active.

And then there's always Grey Elf Elven Generalist domain wizard.

2012-08-16, 09:22 PM
Wizard 5 (Spontaneous Divination ACF, CC)/ Knight of the Weave 1/ Ultimate Magus 10/ Incantatrix 4

If flaws are available, VoP Easy Bake Wizard
Gray Elf-Elf Generalist-Domain-Eidetic Spellcaster-Wizard with the feat Collegiate Wizard

Hellfire Ur-Lock
Warlock 4/ Binder 1/ Ur-Priest 2/ Eldritch Disciple 2/ Hellfire Warlock 3/ Eldritch Disciple 8