View Full Version : Making the BBEG with pre-existing flavor. Help Request.

2012-08-16, 01:11 PM
I'm currently running a dual-campaign. There are two parties each consisting of four party members. One party (alignment wise) is Good-Neutral, and the other is Neutral-Evil. The campaign is set in a home-brewed campaign I have ran for awhile now. Steampunk mixed up with Armageddon. The material plane is only only attached to the Nine Planes of Hell. There is no divine magic (Clerics, paladins, etc) - though Druids to exist as they get the power from a different source - nature. This does not mean there are no gods - just not in the traditional sense. There are immortals, something similar to the Greek half-Gods.
Multiple are rumored to exist, although only one (for whatever reason) has publicly shown his face, and he runs a small but powerful city-state ran by a Circle of Mages. These immortals are called Seraphs.

The evil guys (for multiple reasons) wish to slay the Seraphs, in hopes of gaining powers, bringing past loved ones back to life, etc. The good guys will naturally be on there trail and trying to avoid such assignations (well..perhaps).

Point being, this guy that runs the Circle of Magi, the guy that runs the small City-State, and is the only one that shows himself, is legendery in my campaign world. The caliber of Elumunster (spelling). The campaign is epic, starting at level 15.

For levels 21-30 I'm using a one class for all sort of thing for progression, it's flexible enough to be friendly to everyone. It uses 3.5 BAB, casting, and Save progression. No epic spells.

We are mainly pathfinder, but all splatbooks from 3.5 and PF are allowed.

This uber NPC has to live up to his hype.

The back story is he was previously ex-lovers with a leader of a powerful faction, who hunts down mages, and specializes in it (naturally his city-state being one of the few safe havens for mages). His ex-lover is an elf, he is human. He is also known to combine arcane magic and sword play to a deadly precision. He is also a 'good guy' one of the few (Lawful Good).

With that said here are the requirements, I believe, flavor wise, and what info I leaked to the players, about him:

1 Spelltheif/5 (Combat Variant) Wizard/9-10 Swiftblade/4-5 Class X/Epic Homebrewed Prestige class 10.

I was thinking Class X could be Abjurant Champ or Eldritch Knight (depending on how I need feats).

And that's the problem. I have a total of 13 feats to play with. I am for sure picking up (already accounted for): Quicken Spell, Extend Spell, Improved Initiative, Dodge, Mobility, Multi Spell, Automatic Quicken Spell.

He will have high dexterity, and intelligence. I would like for him to be proficient in either the Elf Curveblade (pathfinder) or the Elven Light Blade (Races of Wild). This along with his level in spelltheif reflects his history with his ex-lover and reputation with the sword.

Using PF and 3.5, I am, however, not too sure how to go about making something good with either of these two weapons. The two parties I DM are min/maxers, with a few spells I've banned.

Does anyone have any suggestions (thanks for reading it all though).