View Full Version : [PF] Boosting a familiar's UMD

2012-08-16, 02:00 PM
I'm building an optimized wizard for a high power game, and it would really help to have a familiar with enough Use Magic Device to reliably use a bunch of scrolls when necessary. So, how can I boost a familiar's Use Magic Device check as high as possible?

What I've got so far:
11 ranks (the character is level 11)
Improved Familiar for a Faerie Dragon (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/dragons/dragon-faerie), giving +3 class skill bonus and +3 from charisma
Evolved Familiar (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/general-feats/evolved-familiar), choosing Skilled (UMD) as the evolution for +8
A masterwork tool +2
Circlet of Persuasion for +3

That's a total of 11+3+3+8+2+3 = 30, enough to use a caster level 11 scroll even on a natural 1.

That is enough to suit my purposes, but it's a bit expensive, especially in the feats department - I'd really like to use those feats for something else, and missing out on the +4 initiative for a Compsognathus familiar is also annoying.

Are there any boosts I'm missing that could reduce the feat cost or, especially, allow using a non-Improved familiar while still getting a bonus near this high? The ability to take 10 would help a lot too, if there's a way to get it. This is for a Pathfinder-only game, so no 3.5 content is allowed.

2012-08-16, 02:14 PM
Greater Heroism and Eagle's Splendor will both help, giving an additional +6.

Assuming you drop Improved Familiar and take a Compsognathus, this will give:

11 ranks (+11)
5 Cha + 4 from Eagle's Splendor = 9 Cha (-1)
Circlet of Persuasion (+3)
Greater Heroism (+4)
Evolved Familiar (+8)
Masterwork Tool (+2)

Total: +27

2012-08-16, 02:48 PM
At the moment I am uncertain whether buff spells are a workable option for this. Even if they are, high level ones would be stretching my spell slot budget. Better than spending a feat, perhaps, but 6th level spells still aren't cheap.

They're reasonable suggestions, but always-on options are preferable if possible.

2012-08-16, 02:50 PM
Assuming you drop Improved Familiar and take a Compsognathus, this will give:

Do they have access to UMD? I was under the impression that only Improved familiars were able to use it.

2012-08-16, 02:57 PM
All familiars can use the master's skill ranks for all skills, they just don't usually have UMD as a class skill or high charisma.

I just got a ruling that means buff spells are mostly not viable. I need the familiar at least able to handle caster level 7 (spell level 4) scrolls for what I'm planning, and it will need to do so on short enough notice that there is only one round to buff - and the master will be occupied doing other things in that round. So, buffs are limited to what the un-buffed familiar can do in one round. Eagle's Splendor is possible, Greater Heroism not so much.