View Full Version : Simple charger mechanics explanation

2012-08-16, 04:57 PM
I'm trying to wrap my head around the mechanics involved in a charger build so I get everything right during our next session so I was wondering if someone could kind of dumb it down for me so I don't mess anything up in figuring our damage/to hit/AC/etc.

Lets assume I have power attack, pounce, leap attack, and shock trooper and a base attack of +6 and my starting AC is 20.

When I make a pounce, headless charge, leaping, full power, attack what exactly happens to all the stats listed above in regards to each action?

2012-08-16, 05:40 PM
BAB 6 means you can remove 6 points from your attack bonus to add to damage. For each point you get one point of extra damage with a weapon used in one hand or two points for a weapon used with two hands. Those are the basics.

Leap attack doubles the adds +100% extra damage from power attack on a leaping charge. So you get a maximum of +12/+24 (with one-handed/two-handed weapons) at BAB 6. The rules are unclear whether this bonus applies to all attacks of the pouncing charge or only the first.

Heedless Charge allows you to reduce your AC instead of your attack bonus (with the usual restriction) on a charge.

Pounce gives you a full attack on the charge.

So the final numbers should be:
AC 20 -2 (charge) -6 (Heedless Charge)= 12

Attack: 6 (AB) +2 (charge) -0 (Heedless Charge) +other Bonuses (STR, Weapon focus etc.)

Damage first attack:
Onehanded:weapon damage+STR+6+6
Two-handed: weapon damage+1.5*STR+12+12

Damage second attack:
Onehanded:weapon damage+STR+6(+6)
Two-handed: weapon damage+1.5*STR+12(+12)

As I wrote above, it is unclear whether the extra damage from leap attack applies to all attacks for a character with pounce.

2012-08-16, 06:44 PM
That was perfect! Thank you Andezzar. :smallsmile: