View Full Version : throwing halfling help

2012-08-16, 06:31 PM
A friend in my soon-to-start dnd game is thinking of running a halfling rogue/scout, specializing in throwing and the like. We know how powerful these builds can be, but no one in the group has ever run one before.

I put this to the playground: How do we build this?

2012-08-16, 06:40 PM
Search for the Shredder, it's a very well-done build.

2012-08-16, 07:52 PM
Here's the build the playground helped me come up with up to level 7. Bonus, its even built around a halfling. :smallbiggrin:


2012-08-16, 09:36 PM
One build I've used previously:
Strongheart Halfling
1. Rogue - Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Craven, Far Shot, 2x Flaws
2. Swashbuckler - B: Weapon Finesse
3. Rogue - Two Weapon Fighting
4. Rogue - Penetrating Strike ACF(DS)
5. Swashbuckler
6. Swordsage - B: Weapon Focus: Shadow Hand weapons, Shadowblade
7. Swashbuckler
8. Fighter - Hit-and-Run Tactics ACF (DotU - if your DM is lenient), Targeteer ACF (DragMag 310)- Vital Aim
9. Fighter - Targeteer ACF - Rapid Shot, Improved Two Weapon Fighting
10. Swordsage
11. Master Thrower - B: Quick Draw
12. Master Thrower - Dead Eye (DragMag 304)
13. Master Thrower
14. Master Thrower - B: Snatch Arrows
15. Master Thrower - B: Improved Critical, Greater Two Weapon Fighting
16. Invisible Blade
17. Invisible Blade
18. Invisible Blade - Improved Precise Shot
19. Invisible Blade
20. Invisible Blade

Some ideas for getting infinite daggers to throw:
Glove of Endless Javelins - ask the DM if you can change the javelin part to daggers if you also reduce the damage from 1d6+1 to 1d4+1
Quiver of Anariel - ask the DM if you can change the "Quiver" to "Bandoleer" and arrow(s) to dagger(s).
Quiver of Anariel

Quiver of Anariel:Quivers of Anariel appear to be typical arrow containers capable of holding a score of arrows. However, the quivers automatically replenish themselves with standard or magical arrows, such that they are always full. Some quivers also create arrows made of special materials, such as adamantine, cold iron, or alchemical silver.

Once an arrow it taken from the quiver, it must be used within 1 round or it vanishes.

Moderate conjuration; CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, magic weapon, minor creation; Price 28,000 gp (standard arrows), 29,000 gp (masterwork arrows), 32,000 gp (+1 arrows), 44,000 gp (+2 arrows), 64,000 gp (+3 arrows), 92,000 gp (+4 arrows), 128,000 gp (+5 arrows); Add an additional +6,000 gp for adamantine arrows, +4,005 gp for cold iron arrows, or +200 gp for alchemical silver arrows; Weight 1 lb.
Thankfully someone saved this article here (http://crpp0001.uqtr.ca/w4/campagne/Downloads/Downloads_WotC/The Lone Drow Companions of the Hall.htm) since WOTC decided to delete the original posting.

Other items to consider:
Rogue's Vest (MIC)
Collar of Umbral Metamorphosis (ToM)
Bracers of the Hunter (SoX)

2012-08-17, 02:12 AM
I am dissappointed that this wasn't a thread looking for help on throwing a halfing

2012-08-17, 06:30 AM
I am dissappointed that this wasn't a thread looking for help on throwing a halfing

King of Pong (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=5897646) can help with that.

2012-08-17, 10:31 AM
Invisible Blade is a trap, and most of its (crappy) benefits are melee only.

Do a combo of rogue, Master Thrower, and possibly some levels in the Whisperknife from Races of the Wild.

Dipping Swordsage for 2 levels around character level 8 or 9 would also be helpful. Also gives you weapon focus, if your DM allows retraining (Master Thrower requires it; but you can enter MT before level 9-10). Otherwise, consider dipping your 1st level in Swordsage at ECL 5, going into MT, and then dipping the 2nd level at ECL 8.

Dipping Hit and Run Fighter from Drow of the Underdark might also be worthwhile to look into.

I would not do the build with scout. Eventually ring of blinking means a rogue can get his sneak attack on every attack, the skirmish is less damage and much harder to do a full attack with. And full attacking is like...the whole point of knife throwing... Rapid Shot + TWF feat chain, baby!

2012-08-17, 01:31 PM
Penetrating Strike does nothing for this build as it specifies it only working on Flanked targets.

How is that build denying the target their dex from range for full attack actions?

2012-08-17, 02:01 PM
Penetrating Strike is still useful as a back up plan for foes immune to SA or when you can't obtain ranged SA. It's not like it costs much to obtain.

Ranged sneak attack is basically win initiative, use a ring of blinking, or beyond that, rely on the party spellcaster to make you greater invisible or put grease under the enemy's feet. You could do either of these yourself with use magic device, but the set up time (grease) or cost (greater invis) usually makes it not worth it.

EDIT: The swordsage dip also gives you cloak of deception once/encounter (and you can recover it, though it'll take a round), to gain greater invisibility on one full round's worth of attacks.

2012-08-17, 03:02 PM
Not sure what level the OP was planning on but, these builds are so highly feat, PrC, and gear dependent that they really dont do much of anything until pretty high level.

2012-08-17, 04:16 PM
Not sure what level the OP was planning on but, these builds are so highly feat, PrC, and gear dependent that they really dont do much of anything until pretty high level.

That's one of the reasons I like the one I posted. Its viable pretty early on, doesn't require a lot of feats, and really the gauntlet of infinite blades can be substituted for just carrying a lot of daggers instead. It doesn't even use flaws and if you chose to it'd be even more viable. The one thing it doesn't do well is have a lot of SA damage but after 7th level you can alternate levels of rogue with the levels of master thrower and whisper knife to finish out the next 13 levels.

2012-08-17, 08:39 PM
Throwing the halfling is a very valid tactic, and should be used whenever possible. Oh, that's not what this thread is about? Nevermind, then.