View Full Version : Programming ressources - help

Glass Mouse
2012-08-17, 04:27 PM
I'm looking for programming ressources, and since I've seen some programmers here, I thought I'd go to the friendly playground.

I'm looking for tutorials, documentation, etc. (preferably online) for a link collection to offer students of all levels but mostly beginner and midlevel.

I especially need ressources for:

Going from basic Processing to JAVA.
JAVA itself.

But anything would be awesome. Hit me with your favorites! :smallsmile:

2012-08-17, 06:39 PM
Java is strongly object orientated.
Do you understand OOP ?

2012-08-17, 09:42 PM
Well for java its pretty easy there is for example this:


then there is this site for html, css, php, javascript


for any none basic questions/answers I can highly recommend


2012-08-17, 09:51 PM
Not sure how to help with tutorials, but this (http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/) has literally everything you'd need to know about using java. It's the api. It has documentation on every class in java 7. Most of it might be too complicated for beginning programmers, but it's still a great resource when you learn to use it

Glass Mouse
2012-08-18, 04:21 AM
Thanks a lot, Emmerask and Elimu! That's exactly the kind of things I'm looking for :smallsmile:

Java is strongly object orientated.
Do you understand OOP ?

I know the basics. These resources aren't for me, though - they're for a link collection I'm doing for my school for students who have difficulties 1) learning HTML/CSS/PHP from scratch and 2) going from Processing to JAVA. I want to find anything that can make these things easier.
Resources for other languages are fine, though - they can only make other students happy.

Keep 'em coming :smallbiggrin: