View Full Version : 3.5/PF: War Hulk 8/9/10

2012-08-18, 12:23 AM
For those particular levels of Warhulk, you gain Toughness as a bonus feat. Since in PF, you can only take it once, but it works as Improved Toughness from 3.5, would you use it as the regular Toughness from 3.5 (+3 HP/level) or replace it with something else?


Said character Barbarian 11/Warhulk 9 has Toughness from PF, which grants 3 HP, and then +1 HP for every HD past 3rd. If he gains Toughness twice more, but from a 3.5 sourcebook, would he just get an extra 6 HP?

Lonely Tylenol
2012-08-18, 05:43 AM
Technically, said Barbarian 11/War Hulk 9 should only be receiving the benefit of three normal Toughness feats, because the stated intention and purpose of the War Hulk was that it receive the Toughness feat, and not some analogue for 1 HP/level (Improved Toughness did not exist at the time, but "gain 1 hit point for every Hit Dice you have" would have been easy enough to write). So this War Hulk should have gained 6 hit points (from two 3.5 Toughness equivalents), not 23 (from one PF equivalent and one 3.5 equivalent).

As far as a PF conversion, I would simply remove any two and then use the Pathfinder version for the third (which is a power increase, but not significantly), or convert the Pathfinder version back into the 3.5 version since 3.5 ready has a version like Pathfinder's, called Improved Toughness), and then let Improved Toughness be interchangeable with Toughness for the purpose of meeting prereqs, and then give it three instances of 3.5 Toughness.

Are both versions house rules or modifications? Yes. But so is 3.5P, and this seems like an arbitrary place to draw *that* line.

2012-08-18, 10:12 AM
Well, the end result is +9 HP, which is only about half of Toughness(PF).

Here's some ideas:

War Hulk level 1: War Hulk becomes a Favored Class for you, you can only choose the "+1 HP" option.

Change War Hulk HD to d14's*
*either roll a d20, rerolling when needed, or d12+1

War Hulk 8: You gain the Toughness(PF) Feat, if you already have Improved Toughness, you gain [your choice? your choice> Combat only?]

War Hulk 8: You gain Toughness(PF) as a bonus feat, the number of times you can take Toughness(PF) is increased by 1.